The anatomy of the head and neck

The anatomy of the head and neck

BOOK REVIEWS EMERGENCY WAR SURGERY. NATO Handbook. By Brig. Gen. Sam F. Seeley, MC, USA, and the NATO Committee, Washington, D. C., published under ...

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EMERGENCY WAR SURGERY. NATO Handbook. By Brig. Gen. Sam F. Seeley, MC, USA, and the NATO Committee, Washington, D. C., published under authority of The Secretary of Defense by the United States Government Printing Office. Pp. 411, illustrated, indexed. Price $2.25. This excellently prepared volume, representing the broad experience and practical knowledge of surgical consultants of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, is intended to stimulate awareness of the fundamental principles of surgical care of injuries incurred in combat in order that the best possible medical service may be rendered to all members of the Allied fighting forces. The book, containing thirty chapters, is arranged in four parts: “Types of Wounds and Injuries,” “ Response of the Body to Wounding,” “ General Considerations of Wound ?vlanagement,” and “Regional Wounds and Injuries.” It emphasizes the importance of organized teamwork by trained personnel, their ability to adapt themselves to movement of station when required, and the fact that the standards of treatment may be followed, even in an atrnasphere of confusion and disorder, if there has been intelligent planning and training. It limits its presentation to the emergency care of casualties through the first three echelons of handling and evacuation: the battalion aid station, the clearing station, and the field or evacuation hospital. The authors’ discussion of “Mass Casualties” is most informative, including the subject of thermonuclear injuries. Chapters on “Thermal Burns,” “Crush Injury,” “Blast Injury,” “Chemical Injury,” “Radiation Injuries,” “Shock and Resuscitation,” “Infection,” “Shorting of Casualties, ” “Care at Battalion Aid Station,” “Anesthesia and Analgesia,” “Amputations,” and those on regional wounds and injuries : “Soft Tissues,” “Vascular System,” “Bones and Joints,” “Craniocerebral Areas,” “Spinal Cord,” “Maxillofacial,” “Eye,” “Ear,” “Neck,” “Chest,” “Abdomen,” “Genito-Urinary Tract,” and the “Hand” are written in clear, simple, and definite language. This handbook is not only an invaluable guide for the handling of battle casualties, but has equally great application for use by the agencies of Civil Defense in the event of catastrophy following attack involving the employment of nuclear bombs. It should be read and studied not only by members of the medical profession, but by those of the others engaged in the practice of allied phases of the healing arts. Due to its concise expression and lucid style, it may be read with understanding by laymen. It is recommended highly as a reference manual for the very important field it covers. Neal A. Harper, D.D.S., MS., LL.M. Brig. Gen., U.S. Army, Ret. THE ANATOMY OF THE HEAD AND NECK. By B arry J. Anson, Ph.D., Philadelphia, 1956, The W. B. Saunders Company. Pp. 101, illustrated, indexed. Price $6.50. This book represents sections I and II of the book, Alz Atlas of Humm Alzatonty, by the same author, a work resulting from years of laboratory teaching. The drawings were made from new dissections, which are serially prepared, and presents, to some extent, the occurrence of variations. It was the intention of the author to provide an atlas which can be used by the dental practitioner as a substitute for an actual specimen. The book is published in a cloth cover, spiral binding. A high quality smooth paper is employed. The drawings are predominantly black and white with several in color and are well 344

labeled. The author uses the Latin terminology in labeling the illustrations and liberal use of explanatory remarks are found throughout the book. The Anatomy of the Head and Neck offers a well-illustrated and accurate atlas to 1he dental practitioner at a moderate cost. The only criticism to be offered is that some confusion might arise from the use of the Latin terminology. The book has been found to be very useful in projecting the illustrations on the screen for lecture purposes. Orville E. Russell, D.D,S. ORAL SURGERY, ed. 3. By Kurt H. Thoma, D.M.D., Dr. med. dent. h. c. (Zurich), F.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng.), Hon. F.D.S., R.C.S. (Edin.), F.A.C.D., St. Louis, 1958. The C. 1’. llosby Company. Pp. 1607, illustrated, indexed. Price $27.50. Both the first edition, published in 1948, as well as the second edition, published in 1952, were comprised of two volumes in contrast to the third edition which is published as a single volume. The frequency of new editions attests to the rapidly expanding horizons in the field of oral surgery as well as in the ancillary fields of pharmacology, anesthesiology, bacteriology, physiology, pathology, and roentgenology. The author has included the new information in the third edition. The subject matter, presented in twenty-three chapters, includes discussions about the principles of surgery, the general care of the patient, roentgenographic examination of the face and jaws, pharmacology, anesthesiology, exodontia with and without alveoloplasty, periodontal and periapical surgery, the treatment of abnormalities of the edentulous mouth (including subperiosteal denture implants), the removal of impacted and unerupted teeth, surgical eruption. positioning, transplantation and replantation of teeth, the treatment of traumatic diseases of thr, jaws, the treatment of the diseases of the mandibular joint, the treatment of odontogenetic diseases of the maxillary sinus, the treatment of osteomyelitis, osteitis and necrosis of the jaws. the treatment of dentoalveolar abscesses and infections of the face and neck, the treatment of diseases of the salivary and mucous glands, the treatment of diseases of the fifth and seventh cranial nerves, the treatment of cysts of the jaws, the treatment of benign tumors of the mouth and jaws, the treatment of malignant tumors found in the region of the jaws. the treattnent of developmental deformities of the jaws, the treatment of acquired bone defects. and the treatment of oral abnormalities and defects. In general, the author uses simple declarative sentences throughout the book. This makes his thoughts readily understood. Each subject is approached in a logical manner. Diagnostic problems and definitive treatments are often illustrated by detailed case reports. Line drawings, photographs, and reproductions of roentgenograms aid in the lucid presentation of the subject matter. It seems to me that the Third Edition is a valuable contribution to the literature of oral surgery as an encyclopedia. The dentist limiting his practice to oral surgery and the young dental graduate entering oral surgical training will find this volume an excellent reference on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of the common, as well as, the rare conditions affecting the jaws and contiguous structures. The dentist in general practice will find much of interest to him. It should be helpful to him in determining whether he should carry out the indicated definitive therapy or whether he should refer the patient to a dentist in limited practice for this service. Harry D. Spangenberg. Jr., D.D.S., MS. in Dent. Surg.