studies, and appendixes where necessary. The book discusses also issues such as product specification, design strategies, unit operation, unit scale-up, process optimisation, and protocol establishment. Unlike some previous books published in this area, this one seeks to actually answer questions such as how do we choose between the alternatives and, beyond that, how do we choose the conditions for each step and optimise recoveries, yields and purity? The material is divided into fifteen chapters of which Chapters 1 and 2 focus on the competitive advantages of process design and its strategies. Here are discussed the strategies behind alternative process designs, including physical bases for separations and rules of thumb for selecting the order of various unit operations. Chapters 3 to 5 deal in adequate length with aspects of protein chemistry, protein analysis and bioreactor operations, to the extent that affect downstream processing. Chapters 6 to 14 concentrate on the various unit operations used in the recovery and purification of proteins on a large scale. Attention has been paid especially to those techniques for which commercial equipment is available. The following are discussed in each of the above chapters, respectively, cell disruption, centrifugation, precipitation and extraction, filtration, general chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction and reversed phase chromatographies, affinity chromatography, and gel filtration chromatography. All material is well balanced and topics are covered in the right length and depth, moreover, they are treated from a practical standpoint. The last chapter provides interesting examples of large-scale processes, including data on recoveries and purities, where available: somatotropin (bovine growth hormone), recombinant human leukocyte interferon, L-leucine dehydrogenase, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), monoclonal antibodies, insulin, protein A, and enterotoxin B. I feel that this technological book, with its 249 pages, 53 figures and 39 tables, should be regarded indeed as a valuable tool for process engineers, technologists, postgraduate students and researchers whose interests focus on protein recovery and production from bioreactor cultures. Y.D. CLONIS
Enzyme Technology Laboratory Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
The Discipline of Curiosity Science in the world. Janny Groen, Eefke Smit and Juurd Eijsvoogel (Eds.) (1990) Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, London, Paris, New York, Tokyo. 156 pp., Paperback, Dfl. 50.00. ISBN 0-444-88861-6 Contents: The volume is a collection of 15 contributions dealing with various
aspects related to science which "is providing todays society with the kind of
348 information that will change the society of the future. Scientists have become leading actors in world history." It is the aim of the editors "to offer a thought provoking diversion" during relaxing times. Short notes on the authors are added at the end of the volume. The following contributions are included: David Halberstam, the observer Hisao Yamada, the scientist in Japan The Haves and Have Nots Breaking the Mould Seun Ogunseitan, the information gatherer Tudor Oltean, the communication analyst An African Dream East-West Mergers Federico Mayor Zaragoza, the diplomat Rudolf Bernhardt, the lawyer Coordination Without Funds We Must Not Lead Alexander King, the activist Roger Penrose, the mathematician The Human Lemmings The Black Hole of Consciousness Erich Bloch, the science policy-maker Kai Siegbahn, the physicist The Government Catalysis The Accelerating Advances Harry Beckers, the industrial scientist Shigeo Minowa, the publisher What Price Research? The Communication Deficit Etienne Davignon, the industrialist John Maddox, the editor Links Without Chains The Public Digestion Robert Solow, the economist International Openness
Biotechnology - Current Progress, Vol. 1
Paul N. Cheremisinoff and L.M. Ferrante (1991) Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., Basel. 357 pp., with figs. and tabs. ISBN 87-762-776-2 Contents: This current volume of Biotechnology - Current Progress is an outgrowth of the three earlier books published by Technomic Publishing in this area, namely: Applications of Biotechnology Essentials of Biotechnology Biotechnology - Applications and Research It was in the latter volume, Biotechnology - Applications and Research that selected subject matter was presented with the cooperation of a large number of specialists in applications and concepts of biotechnology. This current volume brings together contributing specialists, presenting information of value, and of the present state of knowledge, supplying practitioner and student alike with an authoritative reference in the field. The book consists of eighteen chapters providing comprehensive, detailed, up-to-date coverage of applications and research. Reliability in the selected subject matter has been insured by the cooperation of a large number of specialists enlisted as authors for this book. Heartfelt thanks go to these contributors who have given willingly of their valuable time and knowledge. PAUL N. CHEREMISINOFF L.M. FERRANTE