The Neurochemistry of Nucleotides and Amino Acids. Edited by Roscoe O. Brady and Donald B. Tower. John Wiley & Sons, 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y., 1960. xii + 292 pp. 14.5 × 23 cm. Price $10

The Neurochemistry of Nucleotides and Amino Acids. Edited by Roscoe O. Brady and Donald B. Tower. John Wiley & Sons, 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y., 1960. xii + 292 pp. 14.5 × 23 cm. Price $10

Book Notices The Neurochemistry cf Nucleotides and A m i m Acads. Edited by ROSCOE0. BRADYand DONALDB. TOWER. John Wiley & Sons, 440 Fourth Ave., New ...

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Book Notices The Neurochemistry cf Nucleotides and A m i m Acads. Edited by ROSCOE0. BRADYand DONALDB. TOWER. John Wiley & Sons, 440 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N. Y., 1960. xii 292 pp. 14.5 X 23 cm. Price $10. This book covers the symposium of the Section on Neurochemistry of the American Academy of Neurology held -4pril 24-25, 1958. Papers are followed by discussions, with a general summary discussion. Author and subject indexes are appended.

Advances i n Pest Control Research. Vol. 3 . Edited by R. L. METCALP. Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N. Y., 1960. vii 448 pp. 15.5 X 23 cm. Price $14.50. This third volume of the series continues the excellent reporting in this special field. Volumes I and I1 were reviewed, respectively, in THISJOURNAL,47,230( 1958), and 48,258( 1959).

Staining Procedures. 2nd ed. Revised by H. J. CONN,MARYA. DARROW, and VICTORM. EMMEL. The Williams & Wilkins Co., 428 East Preston St., Baltimore 2, Md., 1960. xii 289 pp. 15 X 23 cm. Paperbound. Price $5. This is an authoritative compilation of staining procedures used by the Biological Stain Commission, University of Rochester Medical Center. The procedures are not intended t o be considered as standard or official but they are presented in a standardized style for the convenience of users. A given procedure is frequently one of a number of ways of obtaining good staining results. However, one can rely on the tested methods dFscribed. A bibliography and subject index are appended.

The Search for New Antibiotics. By G. F. GAUSE. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn., 1960. x 97 pp. 14 X 21.5 cm. Price $4.75. This second volume in the Trends in Science program is based on a lecture in December 1959 by G. F. Gause, Director of the Institute of Antibiotics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, U. S. S. R. Principles which are known and represent the scientific basis of the search for new antibiotics are given by Gause as: A general microbiological approach to the geography and ecology of microorganisms producing antibiotics; Early classification of microorganisms in the screening program; and Development of new test organisms for rapid detection of specific selective inhibition of some biochemical mechanisms, as illustrated by the search for potential anticancer products.



Nucleoproteins. Edited by R. STOOPS.Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N. Y., 1960. 364 pp. 16 X 24.5 cm. Price $10.50. This book records the proceedings of the eleventh Solvay conference on chemistry held June 14.1959, at Brussels, Belgium. Paper titles are: Le r d e biologique des acides nucleiques, Molecular structure of deoxyribonucleoproteins, Constitution of histones, Les propri6t6s physiques de l’acide d6soxyribonucl6ique en solution, Heterogeneity of nucleic acids and effects of chemical and physical agents, Nucleic acids of microorganisms, Biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid, Formation of helical polynucleotide complexes, Structure of RNA containing viruses, and Chemical synthesis of polynucleotides. Each paper is discussed and a general discussion is included. No index.



British National Formulary 1960. Alternative Edition. The British Medical Association and the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. The Pharmaceutical Press, London, England, 1960. Obtainable in the U. S. from The Rittenhouse Bookstore, 1706 Rittenhouse Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. 292 pp. 10.5 X 16.5 cm. Price $1.75, interleaved $2.25. This “alternative” edition of the B. N. F. 1960 contains much of the same information as does the standard edition; but the arrangement of the drug section in this edition is based on a pharmacological classification. These books are intended as guides in prescribing.

A n Introduction to Pharmac~logy. By J. J. LEWIS. E. and S. Livingstone Ltd., Edinburgh and LonRadioactivity for Pharmaceutical and Allied Research EDELMANN. don, 1960. Exclusive U. S. agents, The Williams Laboratories. Edited by ABRAHAM & Wilkins Co., 428 East Preston St., Baltimore 2, Academic Press, Inc., 111Fifth Ave., New York3, Md. xii 826 pp. 14 X 21.5 cm. Price $11. N. Y., 1960. xii 171 pp. 13 X 20.5 cm. Price $6. This book stresses the site, mode, and type of This little book includes the papers presented a t a action of drugs, with attention to chemical structure symposium sponsored by Nuclear Science and En- and action relationships. It indicates the lack of gineering Corporation. Subjects discussed include : knowledge of modes of action of some of the most Effects and utilization of ionizing radiation; Princi- widely used drugs and develops the text material to ples, methods, and areas of usefulness of radio- inspire further research. This is to be expected activity in the pharmaceutical and allied sciences : from an author who is still actively engaged in reassays, product development, drug absorption, and search in this field. The text material is presented excretion ; and Radiobiochemistry in the pharma- in a n interesting manner, omitting details available ceutical industry. The isotope development pro- in more comprehensive publications. I t is a good gram of the Atomic Energy Commission is reviewed. review and reference book.

