The surgical treatment of facial injuries

The surgical treatment of facial injuries

REVIEWS . . . OF THE . . . . LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . BOOK REVIEWS Endodontic Practice. Louis I. Grossma...

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Practice. Louis I. Grossman, D.D.S., Dr. med. dent., Professor Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Pennsylvania. Fifth edition. delphia, 1960, Lea & Febiger. 402 pages, 327 illustrations. Price, $7.50.


Oral Phila-

Formerly entitled Root Canal Therapy, this is the fifth edition of a book first published in 1940. The chapters have been rearranged somewhat from the previous edition. Most chapters have changes in material content which reflect recent additions to our knowledge of various aspects of endodontic practice (for example, effects of high-speed instrumentation on the pulp, changes in instruments, special handling of root canal filling materials and new filling materials, evaluation of successes and failures, new antibiotics, etc.). Approximately eighty new references are cited, principally in the chapters on “Diseases of the Dental Pulp, ” (I Sterilization of the Root Canal-Antibiotics, ” and (‘Filling of the Root Canal,” while a few references have been dropped. The illustrations, with a few additions and deletions, are essentially the same as in the fourth edition. This book is almost a classic and is recommended for student and practitioner alike.

Edward N. Green. Oral


Harry Sicher, M.D., D.Sc., Professor of Anat,omy University School of Dentistry, Chicago College of Dental Louis, 1960, The C. V. Mosby Company. Price, $13.50.

and Histology, Loyola Surgery, Chicago. St.

This is the third edition of a book which was well received when it made its initial appearance in 1949. The author, who is known for his investigative ability, has accumulated new information on the growth of the skull and the anatomy and function of the temporomandibular articulation. This volume presents the personal experiences of the author, an authority in the field. It is recommended to the student and the practitioner. There are 314 text illustrations, many in color.

Thomas J. Cook. The Surgical


F.A.C.S., D.Sc.(Hon.), Wilkins Company.

of Facial

Injuries. V. H. Kazanjian, C.M.G., D.M.D., M.D., and J. M. Converse, M.D., F.A.C.S. Baltimore, 1959, Williams & 1110 pages, 1115 illustrations. Price, $22.00.

This second edition of a well-received book contains six new chapters: “Introduction to Fractures of the Facial Bones, ” (‘Fractures of the Fronto-Ethmoidal Region and Traumatic Cerebrospinal Rhinorrhea, ’ ’ ( ‘ Facial Injuries in Children, ’ ’ ‘ I Roentgen Examination ( ‘ The Transplantation of Tissues, ’ ’ and L‘S+ars of the Face. ” of the Facial Bones,” Over 400 new illustrations have been added.


Dr. Kazanjian is well known to the dental profession because of his vast experience and writings relative to facial injuries of World War 1. A very full discussion is given to fractures of the maxilla and mandible. Both Good results are most consistently closed methods and operative methods are presented. realized by the surgeon who is the master of both methods. This volume presents the personal experiences of the authors. It is recommended particularly to the young oral surgeon who has hospital emergency department rcsponsibilities. He will not turn in vain to this book for help. Tit omas J Crtok.


Books received are acknowledged in this department, and such must be regarded as a sufficient return for the courtesy of the sender. be made for review in the interests of our readers and as space permits.


der Kiefer-

und Gesichta-Chirurgie



in Mandibular



and Facial

Director SUrgeIY, a Yearbook). Volume V. Edited by Prof. Dr. Karl Schuchardt, of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dental-Oral and Mandibular Diseases, Nordwestdeutsche Kieferklinik, des Universitats-Krankenhauses Eppendorf (Northwest German Mandibular Clinic of the Eppendorf University Hospital). Georg Thieme, Stuttgart. Intercontinental Medical Book Company, New York. 182 illustrations. Price, $28.10. Prevention and treatment of pain in the mandibular and facial regions, observations and therapeutic methods in cases of lip, mandibular, and palatine clefts, new methods of treating fractures of the mandibular and facial regions. Articles have been cont~ributetl by numerous well-known specialists.


Errors and Omissions in Experimental Trials. Philip R. N. Sutton, D.D.Sc. (Melb.), L.O.S. (Vie.), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Oral Medicine and New York, Cambridge University Surgery, Dental School, University of Melbourne. Press. Price, $1.75.


for Students of Dental Surgery. R. B. Lucas, M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.H ., Professor of Oral Pathology, University of London, Pathologist, Royal Dental Hospital of London, and Ivor R. H. Kramer, M.D.S., L.D.S.R.C.S., Reader in Oral Pathology, University of London, Head of Department of Pathology, Institute of Second Edition, with frontispiece Dental Surgery and Eastman Dental Hospital. in color and 58 text illustrations. Boston, Little, Brown & Company. Price, $6.0~~.


Medicine in Dental Practice. Leon H. Collins, Jr., A.B., M.D., F.A.C.P., F.(:.C.l’., Associate in Medicine, School of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Pennsylvania. and Martin P. Crane, B.S., M.l)., 8c.l). (Hon.), Chief Physician, The Misericordia Hospital, Philadelphia. Fifth edit ion. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger. Price, $8.50.


for Students of Dentistry. James Henderson Scott, D.Sc., M.D., L.D.S., Reader in Anatomy for Dental Students, The Queen’s University of Belfast, and ~4ntlr~w Derart Dixon, M.D.S., B.Sc., Ph.D., Lecturer in Anatomy for Dental Students, The University of Manchester, Visiting Associate Professor of Anatomy, State 1~niversii.y of Iowa. Edinburgh and London, 1959, E. & S. I,ivingstone, Ltd. Price, $11.00.