Ultrasonics and water structure in urea solutions

Ultrasonics and water structure in urea solutions

ticity modulus, for various stresses, were determined; these correspond to various loading steps, to concretes with an elastic or plastic behaviour, t...

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ticity modulus, for various stresses, were determined; these correspond to various loading steps, to concretes with an elastic or plastic behaviour, to concrete made of crushed stones or with river aggregates. (1463)

Ultrasonic relaxation of water-dioxane system Arawaba, K., Taker&a, N. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Vol 42, No 1 (January 1969) pp 5-9 (In English) (1469)

Intermolecular potential parameters from A more rapid and convenient system for the velocity of sound data measurement of ultrasonic attenuation by the pulse method Aziz, R. A. Green, R. E., Jr., Miller, L. T. IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics, Vol SW-16, No 1 (January 1969) p 24 The Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol 40, (1470) No 1 (January 1969) p 165-166 This paper describes a logarithmic converter Interpretation of ultrasonic attenuation and suitable for use in a system which measures velocity data in KTaOs ultrasonic attenuation by a pulse method. The Barrett, H. H. logarithmic converter is placed in the system IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics, just before the oscilloscope display. The advantages of this system over one described I Vol SU-16, No 1 (January 1969) p 28 (1471) by Yabe and Roberts (Journal of Scientific Ultrasonics and water structure in urea Instruments Vol 39,No 1,p 138-139) are solutions considered. The system is particularly useBeauregard, D. V., Barrett, R. E. ful in that it allows more rapid acquisition Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol 49, No 12 data. A circuit diagram of the logarithmic (1968) pp 5241-5243 (1472) converter is given. (1464) (Measurement of the electronic contribution IJItrasonic pulse-echo attenuation comparator to) Ultrasonic attenuation in normal and Remphill, R. B. superconducting iridium The Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol 40, Bliss E. S., Rayne, J. A. No 1 (January 1969) p 175-6 Physical Review, Vol 177, No 2 (10 January The author describes a pulse-echo attenuation 1969) pp 673-687 (1473) comparator for the measurement of ultrasonlc attenuation by comparing the amplitudes The elastic constants of metallic lithium of an echo signal with the amplitude of other Boffey, T. B. echoes. A block diagram of the apparatus is Journal of Physics C, Proceedings of the given. An attenuator is switched in for a Physical Society (Solid State Physics) (GB), period by diode switches and adjusted so that Series 2, Vol 1, No 5 (October 1968) pp 1332an echo, n, is the same amplitude as some 1336 (1474) later echo when the attenuator is switched out. An improved signal to noise ratio is Low-temperature elastic constants and attained by use of a display scanner (sampling specific heats of FCC nickel-iron alloys integrator) and a lock-in amplifier. (1465) Bower, D. I., Claridge, E., Tsong, I. S. T. Physics Status Solidi, Vol 29, No 2 (1968) Different methods for measuring the velocity pp 617-625 (1475) of propagation of uRrasound Ultrasonic wave attenuation in aluminlmn Seluimi, G. as a function of strain and temperature Comptes Rendus des Seances de L’Acadamie Bratina, W. J., Rosinger, H. E., McGrath, J. T. des Sciences, Series B, No 10 (10 March 1969) IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics, pp ‘716-719 Vol SU-16, No 1 (January 1969) p 28 (1476) The paper describes a relatively simple method of measuring the velocity of ultraViscoelastic properties of heterogeneous sound in solids or liquids which it is claimed media has the high precision necessary to measure Christensen, R. M. small changes in velocity. A variation on a Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of pulse-echo technique, it is notable for the Solids, Vol 17, No 1 (February 1969) p 23 frequency division of the input signal to the (1477) emitter (initially 1OOkHzand divided by 20) Absorption of ultrasound ln an acetone-water and the addition of the receiver output to the mixture inital signal. This added signal is then comDavenport, J. M., Dill, J. F., Solov’er, V. A. pared with the frequency divided input and Fritsch, K. by moving either emitter or receiver the Soviet Physics-Acoustics, Vol 14, No 2, velocity can be quickly calculated. (1466) (October-December 1968) on 236-239 (1476) Amplification of Rayleigh Waves in cadmium Mechanical properties of ceramic materials aulphlde crystals Davidge, R. W. Vikorov, I. A. Contemporary Physics, Vol 10, No 2 (March Soviet Physics-Acoustics, Vol 14,No 3 1969) pp 105-124 (1479) (January-March 1969) pp 392-394 Results for the attenuation of Rayleigh waves (Experimental determination of) Ultrasonic are extended to analyse the amplification of attenuation of shear waves in superconductRayleigh waves in cadmium sulphide crysing lead tals. Formulae for the relative variation Deaton, B. C. Physical Review, Vol 177, No 2 (10 January At/co of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and 1969) pp 688-693 (1466) the amplification factor y are presented. Graphs show how y varies with the drift field Amplification of hypersonic acoustic transintensity (Eo). It is noted that the curves for verse (In CdS crystals at 350 MHz) Rayleigh waves and transverse waves are Dieulesaint, E., Schmitt, J., Trotely, J. alike. The theoretical and experimental Comptes Rendue de I’Acadamie des Sciences dependences of y upon E, are approximately No 15 (14 April 1969) pp 997-1000 (1481) the same. Discrepancies are explained in terms of the presence of traps in the crystal, Simple measurement technique for small non-uniformity and difference of electron relative velocity changes of GHz acoustic inability from the theoretically predicted waves at low temperatures value. (1467) Edgerton, R. F. IEEE Transactions on Sonics and UltraSome physical properties of single crystals sonics, Vol SU-18, No 1 (January 1969) p 26 of normal and deuterated rubidium dlhydrogen (1462) arsenate. I. Plezoelectric and elastic proLongitudinal ultrasonic absorption in bperties baM superconductive alloys Adhar, R. S Fal’ko, I. I. British Journal of Applied Physics, Series 2, The Physics of Metals and Metallography Vol 2, No 2 (February 1969) pp 171-175 Vol 24, No 3 (1967) p 182 (1483) (1466)

Theory of ultrasonic attenuation of magnetic surface states in metals Fischbeck H. J., Mertsching J. Physica Status Solidi, Vol 31, No 1 (1969) pp 107-114 (1484) Electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope investigations on plate-shaped CdS single crystals Flogel, P., et al Physics Status Solidi, Vol 29, No 2 (1968) pp 89-90 (1465) Resonant oscillations of ultrasound absorption ln cadmium Galkin, A. A., et al Physica Status Solidi, Vol 32, No 1 (1969) pp K29-K32 (1486) Measuring sound wave propagation velocity and coefficient of absorptionof polymeric fibres by the method of travelllng waves ln a wide temperature range. I. Technique of measuring sound velocity ln polycuproamide fibre Golik, A. Z., Kochenyuk, N. Ya. Ukravin Fuz, Zhurnal, Vol 13, No 10 (1968) pp 1616-1621 In Russian (1467) The measurement of the elastic constants of four alkali halides Hart, S. British Journal of Applied Physics (Journal of Physics D) (GB), Series 2, vol 1, NO 10 (October 1968) p 1277-1283 (1488) Temperature dependence of the elastic compllances of some alkali halides Hart, S. British Journal of Applied Physics (Journal of Physics D) (GB), Series 2, Vol 1, No 10 (October 1968) pp 1285-1289 (1489) Acoustic wave attenuation in insulating zinc oxide Hemphill, R. B., Claiborne, L. T., Einspruch, N. G. IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics, Vol SU-16, No 1 (January 1969) p 27 (1490) Determination of the d,, pieaoelectric coefficient of tellurium Herman, J. P., Quentin, G., Thuillier, J. M. Solid State Communications, Vol 7 (January 1969) pp 181-163 (1491) Acoustic amplification and acoustoelectric effect ln pieaoelectric semiconductors Hervouet, C., Rope, J. P. Onde Electronique, Vol 48, No 496-497 (July 1968) pp 647-655 (In French) (1492) Ultrasonic attenuation in liquid helium above 1°K at 1GHz Imai, J. S., Rudnick, I. JASA, Vol 45, No 1 (January 1969) p 317 (1493) Temperature dependence of the piezomagnetic coefficients of ferrites Kaczkowski, Z. Soviet Physics-Acoustics, Vol 14, No 2 (October-December 1968) pp 183-190 (1494) Ultrasonic attenuation in Zn and Cd in their normal and superconducting states Lea, M. J., Peck, D. R., Dobbs, E. R. IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics, Vol SU-16, No 1 (January 1969) p 27 (I495) Current oscillations in Gaks under acoustic amplification conditions (Theory) Leroux Hugon, P. Physica Status Solidi, Vol 31, No 1 (1969) pp 331-338 (1496)


July 1969