UNISPACE '82 — Second UN conference on the exploration and peaceful uses of outer space

UNISPACE '82 — Second UN conference on the exploration and peaceful uses of outer space

UJ.~ITED NATIONS ACTIVITIES UNISPACE '82 - Second UN Conferenee on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Spa~ by A.R,IL Srhaeidt~ "'.~,F,~Ce h...

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UNISPACE '82 - Second UN Conferenee on the Exploration

and Peaceful Uses of Outer Spa~ by A.R,IL Srhaeidt~

"'.~,F,~Ce ha:, gtwn ~s a ~,w per~;aceiw or, Ih, :l~nerse, our solar ~ystera and our pi,,~et. Sl~re ;ecknol.

B a d ~ n m m l , lk .lm'atlen aml Pro,peru e f ~ Cet,fa'eaee

The 121q-.LamexalAssembly decided in 1978 to convene the UNISPACE 82 C o n f e ~ e in Viemm and designated the Connittee oa the Peaceful Uses of Outer S~c~ [COPUOS) su lae Pr~a~ory Cc ,mi;~.e~for ~.~ Co:d'cfence and d~c 5.:ie:,ti;'~ md Tedmicd Sub-Committee o" ('OPUOS as A lvisol7 Committee In the long tmqp..ratcff periot ine '~1 I r e s ~p?" tm'natimaal teams of some 200 Sl~ cialira from int, mmioqal scientific or( :,:m E. ?orz ~j ~ke C(mfo~n~e) 8~'dzations ~,~c5 as t~.e IAF Ontemat:~nal Astr~.nautical Fedemim) and l.trod,~tlan (.~*~PAR (Committee on Space ReMm~t tlum c~m.thousand scientists stash) ~.-cparcd a series of backfi~m nem,y one hundred coumries met g, ound papeTSwhid, review the most at "¢ienn., from 9 - 2"! AtIBOSl for u/~-tc-d~te compilslim of technical inbnispace '82 to probe om planet's ~ n a ! , o n t n tlJ aspec~ o 4 " e ~ ac~ev, fror,:im, examine the nnivemal dvities. In ~KkStioe, ove~"50 countries m plicat io~.~of space pn~gntmmes, de- submitted m,fional papers lJscussin8 :~gq plan~ for furar.: im.~.mntional op- d ~ r activities in tuner spate and their .~ra~iopain the cosmos and ~ rok of positions on t,~c varinns issues before 'he UniteJ N~mts. the Coefemnce. "he Cc,n~erenv'efurther ;.n~ended to The UN, inhelpin~~ dcvnloping mcw.~e :Fe awareness )f the general coumries to peepare e'-:msel,,es for publk and policy plat aer~ to space UNISPACE 82 eegl to promote rig xechnolog), and futmc po~,mbi~i~;es in witk~ possible ,,~rticipatien of Mem:be Ome~ World, disc.ss Rs aevem- ber States iq prcpatatLm fer this Ccn"~es for the de,,eloninr. ¢oLntdes es- ference, assi.ued in d~ erpaization of p',:mlly, ~md for our Hue planet, in mgimud and mplcal im~-re.gional ~meqt. seminars and selected s:iea ific and other substantive affairs. Three regional , e m i n ~ were held Ew these potqLA., LL.U.. ~v,Jr.. Me~berInlmlafio- poses wMd~ made ~ncifi© re~3nm~eau ' tmtlU: el" Sl~:e Law (IlSl.), ~A,A & dmiom to the Cenfermce (Addis Abaha, 11 - 19 Marcb 'El; Bttem~ ALees.

o¢,y ~ m~de dr:waqtic p~gress be oar life tt.¢w. It ha~ ~han,wd our concept of , llst~mce, made e~yh ~e,'sem tP,e neis,~bp~r ~f all others and given , ; a new m,:asure of o~rselres h~ e,,l~riom to the co.m~o$. Con we not, tid ourseh*.s of our ohs,)lese~m bins a*d comcep's, and move forvwrd Io ~ r ore equildbln, humane aod co-op2rwive $ociet) l l ~ the image from space

~'ffS-77?X/82P)O00-O00C/$02.75 @ 1982 North-ilolland

7 - 14 . : , .c . ~n~ To'. :oh'e, 21 25 Aprll "8i). COSPAR and I.~e IAF co-sponsot~l a HGO-Fomm m Vien~8, which was a u c . a ~ by m.-arly 150 space sclemiste~ sad e a g i n e ~ ferm all o w r die w~.d to consiC.er dlc concepts contained in the ~kIFound papers of tie Confenmce, legal ~obiems in regard to '.he use of Outer Space. and, inlet olin, IIw mille rlzation of Oete~" Space, and peovio d an apqo-d~ technical I~ckgmu, A for ~he Conference and its p~dcq~u~', pardculm4y those from dmee)opingcoontries. Whik the rml U."4-Coafermce the Explorationand .qeacc~dUses o~ Outm" Space ('qenaa 19."3). did a great deal to iFomolc a',,,~.r.'vessoi" the immense xon~z: of sp',~, UT,IISPACE '82 struck a balmce, in regard to the expleotim .)f outer space. emplmsizing that it is no,v Ume m proceed funlm- and tak~ appropriate measures for ~ wider ,ud fuller utilization o." spa..,'e ~ecb' ".,v. for ~rthboundlxobk-ms, and,* ~ , *, forth pmtec6on of ncacc ;.andsect,by a c mtmlleJ mom*torlnG ~vstem. The groat amo~.t o f . ~.pm'atc,~ documentation s h o w d tha, ms unpccced.aued Srowth in space t,~hnoloEy had token pbce. 1, s h ~ , ~ furthermore, that sh~¢ the first ~.oafeJeace was called, tan us. of ~utdlites for communicatkm. ~ m t e sensing, navilpuJon, mmeomloR' and e,,cn manned spKe fligll~ --.-4 ant only be~:ome romine, bet ~ ~pace applications wo~Id "ncze~sing,ly ~sist the people of

Environmeml #oliw.'and Law, et.( ;S&~).


~-vdop~ : o u ~ m ~a~icu~r, in soc~-:x~niao,ak, "solaoli~ and-olher .-,-~t~ of develepmem mid would ~lmps mmNe e r a . to o v e ~ p lima~ m u uiug e . , u ~ ~twaopmems. Tt.e F t t ' p m ~ . , ~ - g e v e t l ~ aho Ihat sigce the l a u a ~ u g e~ the first atlificid ant~lbe in 1957, devehvmems hav~: been Uemendous. infou'~iou showed dan that an avetMgeof 116 patdlite$ age now I ~ aoutmly; ,h.t c u r a c y tbet~ m m ~ e 4600 tuekable and an estlmated .5000 ua~t'xable sttlfic~d obi,~t~ in Oater space m d that retemt/w© have witnessed ~ flight of ~ e ~rst i~t~311y re-usable bench vel~iel (Space Slutde). was r3ade of the establish,neat and ~tow rouble openttiou of intera~onal and domesde Slpnce eommouicminn sym~m, space in~_dcattiq m~t TV. nm'il~iou aud trY,time ~mmouicatioa and quasi-operatiouuh, emoto sensing system~ and of n glob~! ,,heervati~m s)stem fol meteoroing.v - not to memio't dan sophistic'at. ed surveillance and ether s y . ~ of big powers which are used for emdt:~ ~ and whkh constitute 75~..- of all payloads htun~ned into st,ace. It was indicated that about 150 c o u n t l ~ nOW gS~ ~pa~ co{nliMIiiJfi.lien and more than 220 stations for the direct rece~en of image da:a from mdeomlogieal satellites ere worldwide .t operation. Great benefits flow. space can he derived fluough intansif~l intematiooa' and legioualco-oFemtiou , at her eeca demomemted at t*~. intemafio:ud level by the establislur.em of IN'~.].SAT (106 Member C',~untrie.s), INTERSPUTNIK tl2l, INMARSAT .401, and at the reg~t~nal level by ARABSAT (21L EU2IELSAT ~201. =.SA t i l l and INTERCOSMOS (10). *. key role with t . ~ r d to acdqties in, raters coneexning c~tter space was ~nd b also played t~y the U.ited No:ions system, its specialized aud ~x..cte~eo agencies, divisions and • ~.miue.es tL-N3PUOS. Outer Spate "~,tairsDivision. UNF.P. UNDP. ITU. 7~MO, FAO. UNESCO, IMCO. ZCAO, World Bmk, etc.). This e~tensive involvement by the





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"~_~_~ ~ziz figure shows the aeiimifi© payload and its arren~ments in the EXO~AT $~lellile. intenudioual bodies, so the COnf~m.ce p~annen, c.dled for an essess.q~m of the role oi the United [~atious and mten,allonal orpnizatious in this pO'~ess ard the appro~,riate recomqtendatiou~ regarding the extent of '.heir futu~ involvement aud the cou.ribution they may be able to give to ~he process of enabling all States to Ignefit ~ space technology. It is ohvinus that .~ucha hifb level of space activity and the many diverse ~,yswms eteady require n degree L~f :.~temmlon~l co.-operation, co-ord;.at;on and regulalioa. This hat led to a progressi,,.* developn,ant of the law of ocher space. Five international qreemerits, in particular the Tt~eaw on

Principles C.oveming the Activities of States on tl'e E*tpIoration and Use o,~ Outer Spac~ Including the Moon and miter Celestial Bodies (1972). a Res. cue of Astronauts Agreement (1968). a Liabilzxy Cot ~ntiou (1972), a !~:glstration of Objects Launched into Spa.. Convention (1975l, a Moon TreaW (not yet in force), at well as a Regulation in the field of Radio Regulations (frequencies concerning outer space) by 1TU, have been concluded. I ~ t Coatereace Report The nuun pu,'po~ of UNISP~CE '82 was, however, t,, prepare a from the Draft Reporl IA,(',,nf.lOI/3,

0378-777X/82/OOOO-OOOOb~)2.75 @ 1982 North-Holland


Envlronmsn'.al Policyand L ' ~ &0.q82) smnbl~ ~its thi~y-sevnd* ~ o n dds ~otm,-m, matin 8 the i~omtoendadons contained t h ~ i n of Scial but not binding for Slate~. As it i~ imposs.,bic to dimmu in detail tl~ appmxlnmtely [tO pages Final Report containing about I00 recoam~ndnfiont, o~ly c~ts.n inqpOlrts.t poir~ can be highlighted here. The report mmphnsizes e. ; n ' , ~ of i n ~ i o n a l co-~ ,,,*ion in Spree Scicoce and Torb ,,ogy, Space Ap?~icotieu and the ,,,,e of the UN. Tb; vital role pluye~ oy c o u n t ' s with adv~r.ced spore re, analogy h w o m o f ing it~ u,~ by all ..~Jen~des,is pointed out. The respoe~:hihly orm,ch cour, u'y in the l~'ve.lorlr~nt of its o,un space prowamme to suit its unique "leedsand the benefits and potential of co.opemlion, e~pecially among developing coun~e~, is cited. As a majt,r concern and as a l,~rie~ ~ ~reater co+opm~ion r.nd also as a po'mtial olmtacin to deri,'in;~ greater l,~n,.+fi~ from space mc,inmin~, the ,epon rel~mkd the growing militarb'zlioa of sp~ .'¢ and the rec~t irooduction a.'~d dev'Jopment~ of ~l;gte~siw systems in violation of the +leclm'ed ;~mm peaceful uses of

which scrv~ as a disc~asinn basis ~or d~ C~nimnee), for c o n ; i ~ by !tiP. C..~:ml Assem~y at its IhiTtysewnth ~t~ioa, c(mtaining the observations, con ~inslor~ and tv.~rnmen~a;,ons rcacb+d by .'br Confercoco for ie;~marmnsl action tn sach oftbe J.40 arlick~ r,,ml items contained ~', the conf~w,e agenda. The Cor~.nmce ,ns also expected to amke rec~r,m~mdations that would 8uide ifltera~tionel co-eper~.~on in space aetivide.~ in the cnwing de¢~,*. This extanswe Draft Rep~.l was ;stablished in vm-ious stages. It was imli.d;y
use m l develop space ~..bn(logy; c~mal inf~mmion cenq~s . c d ~ as a danrin~-hnuan for ell mfmma~m subtins to space mclmology; a,q~pdmm *miring connrea at n.g.,~,ul [eve.ls linked to inatJtulinm implem~dag spaco laegrammes; and that ~,e necess~'y fondles should be made. ~tvull~ie mmugh intmmtioaal finmsc~ institutions, The nq~o~ also quotes facts noted by the UN Conformce on Scinnan and 1 .-chnolo~ (UNCST) In 1979, viz.. d~" ,~e industrialized nations continue m ~t - the field of *cieaco and technology to . . . . :.. :..th**ttheyImve .ndemdam nem'ly 9.' % o" afi w~.a~ch nud,t,*vulolxncot mud thtt. c*s the eeher hand, developi~ wmid .ountrks which relmSa~ 70% of the world popuindoa have only about ~ of the world's ~ and dcveloplm nt capncity. " I ~ report, lherer,~re, tu~es the developingmamtd~ ,~ n~'J.e a ~olI~. live offort to help ¢m 1 diner in P.pm~reintedacdvidas end ~com.~ive, inilime and i+.nphenem, imcit~: co-opmmtiva pmllmmmes m'imgst "Kmmdvea on a re41inmd, bilateral or mu~tiinlm'al t:asis as the induslrial satire,s still hold s virtual monopoly of spa~', lechnuloBYThe ~ points ¥~ d~ dasirabilily of internatinmal systems in ..;..++field of mmmo mmsing and oavisatl,m,to m~titutinnatize oll a r+llul~ besis d~ present c o ~ rep~]ing me:corologicld suteJfitcs, and to assure the in~':uidmud commuult, of continuity of data add sc~,icc in these fields The I x ~ of sat+.,_ • ' castlnj for rural ccmmunic~;tior. , the slt mldsfion of ,~velop~¢nt m sp~:ad of educolion ,,as m:+,w.d. iTU - so the report - should examine the f~dbil~ty of changes in th,= r m ~ fn~lUeaC) alincaLons and reJated comtmlinu s,, as to : able the mtin~ up oi llmpler and theapor sutolli,~e4~ed r t ~ ccmmunicatin~ m d ~.eadcastiq sy,,'ems. Growing ,.-outer wa~ e x ~ Icy many commr.. ~ +.vith~.~ard ;o the "m'owdinl" tad ne~r-mlu:alinn levan "cccop~on") of the ~:ostmionmT sst~Jlit~ oPoit (GSO.', in cortaln rodin fmqneacy bands and ~..rtaln axis of the


o~3it,-a~d*he eVohnkm of ~ziteda for ,,~-. ginbel azone o b ~ v l ~ s,,ntem. (See also Eavhenmmtsl. Policy and ~ 1 e~: radio spectrum w-J mmm- Law 8 (2, L~82 p q e 48.) ateudex,. space uotivitiea may hive ~ the onvimomeet, me~Mtoti~ ~ thean tlmmgh ~ v ~ m~i • T ~ .Natl~ m d ~ ~ the tc~m: satellites is ecceauey to obtain Pksr ~ Igavlremmat " ~reematton about pdintion on emdt a~ lqmdly, the report also discussed well as in near.spoon onvironmeat the envimmamtal effect of inoxe~i~ Sneh w o d d - w l monitoring of the. s p g e activities (which will be dealt e a r ' s envirunmont and p__,y:~_.*-yruwith ir Weate~ dendl in a s01mrate n~linl action should be co-ordinated amde), and ¢omse to the conclusion by UNEP which alt~e~ ondedekes, dmt wl~le camion is adled for ond within the framework of its Global p,~hk~m may raise and unacceptable Envirueme~d Monitc~ng System levds ~any be rmuthnd, tk~re ;.s still m) (GEMS), vedoes activities in this imme~iste ,.Imqler - bet ~uxtion and [~.ld. it is recommmuled P'.',t all court. couhn, dng studies me desirable. tfiea shonld promptly provide all ~eleThn inc..age of hath space objecm van( data tequimd for mch moniloril~ era leew.bes cauan, for instsm~, pteb- l n ~ s c s to UNEP (Art. 301 of the Ictus. Tbe fonaer causes an inaranse in gspen). (See also smemem on page Sl~aCe "del~.'s'" (dead antellite~, spent *.3~.) tvcket stages and motors, etc.~, endang ~ p ~ ;ire space objects, which may necessitateappropriatemeamm~s, anch I as ll~ deaiauatino of "disposal off-.its",removing from useful rebUts all ir.astive satellites, minimi.fing space dch~. and accidlental collisions or e ~ n dre operation of scavenging mis| ) m . ~ b) ~,,g,.~ b,.., sions (see figure *'Three .-re,beds of a SateL'ite's R.¢moval from Othit"), to nchleve such ~*m~vels mui the latter through the larger number of launches and bigger rockets m boosters, cause effects by rocket exhnusts **seefigure "poreamd Atmospheric mrecu ;a,,,ed by Rocket Exhaust"), in the ~nvlronment,

For the g:~idanc~ of all States. the tiN - in paaieultt UNEP - should encourage the continuation .rod expansion of on-going studie~ by groups of i~.d~,~endont expexts - so the report. ~ study the deletehons effects of i a t ~ m a l l y ~kased gast..ous or mate,'ial, rotten, effects of rucket leuechea ,ma distotlinns cawed in the outer . nvi "onmeo~.o f Int. earth due to the e ~ •~ ,', aer space. ".'he use o|' Chlorofluonocarbons ::FCs), is thonsht 2o have caused a ,.epl~on of the ozo~ • layer so that the d ~ of such depledon has IcJ UNEP to a decision to start wo,*k on n global iranmwork ~ v e n t i o n for the preteclion of the ozone laye~ and an integrat-

~ , ~ t and onvimuemmal p m a ~ i m m d made ~ o n s wblch Im~.ly wage aecelp~l and which will eventually benefit all. F * o l l o ~ the Ceerefe~:e. it is to be expected thai Ida; It p,~or: of ¢ime iotenullhnlM n ~:lhuusms will be formulated to qtsure that benefits from onler space de~.lopm~nts will be available to all nMi0nn m,J Ihat fen..', are groondieas thnt ".'Ithe !ong run die bonefias from a lerp: nen~Jer of eieae developments, and the |iitere ,,)mme~cialization of Ou,= Spe:~, would chiefly be available ,~ tbo~e who can make the nacresin:' investman,* in space technoingy. ;3aspire: ~ debates concerning pa,.t of i X ,i30-asticle F*aal Draft Re.~ort, 'abere compromises were reached, t-re Conference did achieve so.ae majcr successes. The intematinna t ~ m m l ~ i t y , which fora long time httJ OPl~ec spar. achievements on th: ground that I~emendous sums of w,.~laey were being squander'~l by thc blt p3wer.., for pro'riga space ventures w..ich could have uean better used to ~l.'e probtems on earth, now fe~:l thnl fl,:-,e achi(vemants can be beneficially applied to wo.~ problems and are not just the exl~nsive whims of a few. T,c impommc~: of :.price science and tecanology aml the direct beneficial applications th'ongh cheaper and quicker congannictlions, meteorological infonaation, re,note sensing for tl • delectioo of Itinerals, etc.. safer navigation. dir~t satellite bmatlca.ting for educational purposes, :.nvironmemal, disaster, sod harvest monitoring and r,,an:¢ other applications, are now evident "D~ree m e t h o d s o f 8 ~ t e l l "a'S removlp! from omit. Anotht:r .~,]ccess V*dSthat the Thi, d Wor',d Commas were offered a go~.:t f~vM, UIqI~P~M~Saz - lIN~qround p.per **lmpx4 S~u~t tgtiv;MN ~m It,e Zant* end Spm:e Env4rmmenr" oppc,tmnily to inform themselves ~ L 10t.lbe.4or ~0 Jim. I N t ) which cha ices space technology cout.J offer to them in cooperation wilh reliable partners. Ceadusinm Heatc~ debates were h,.Id on a UNISPACE '82 discussed and topic whi:h was not sebe~uled fc,," evaluated nm only space science and attention: the military use of ouV.r technology but also their relevance m space. Maqy delegates denoun~*,d the man and hi~ environmcot and dis- growing mtii:arixat on of omer .,pace. geminated this infommtion world- the growing tenden . to apply ,pace wide. It focussed on global matters rechnology for aggr~ssi~ c t;~:~.::~',pursuch as economic development, edu. poecs and the uncontrol~i ~.~. bility cation, communication ~ e menu.. of the space powe~ to use sur, ~: ,lance 0378-777X/82/0000-0000/$02.75 @ 1982 North-Hollum~

£nvironmontai Poli~y and Law, $.(1982)


m~l,im for their "~m I m a m s . The '~g i.o ~.'* at the Coufemc~ a¢cepmt .wder g'~ " ~ m m e of *h~ ck~m~mm.ea", that ~m anm-nce in s p ~ ~ s ~Sprd~l by mo~ d e l ~ s ,:b,~agbg w the whol~ of =m~kind .rod '.hit all $1ate~ should work to i ~ e ~ :he taillt~,a~m of ~ spae~ w.d ~m~ p m i ~ to the Outer Tgea~,.,of 1967. R,r~acr, ~ the rel¢':m .IN. Gw.miums ard the UN Commil~.: m* Diannam~ should o~vm~ m ,.oon a: posdble m discuss r,~e~;um f~r , ~ i~venlion of the ~ 1 m y u,e aeA the militmiz~tie~ of (ut~" sI e~e.

An i ~ ~t~tc~ mw~ the role of ~.m~,iom,l oqlnnimlions muM be ~teet~d - l ~ k ' u l ~ i y with respect ~) the Uaiml N ~ . In p~ti~,.l~r, whm a t t ~ n ~ ~ ~ m

delesm from C o l ~ md ~pdn~t the s p ~ ~ w m wbm he qlledt" • u ~ of q ~ * e d m ' . o l f f by a f-.w Sta~ " m e ~ ~ulmral m¢o-colonidism": o~, ~ q ~ ~ke Bquatoda ~

m rq, dm n~e miag ~ivifi~. In *.MsR~qe¢l UNISPAaS '82 ~mwed a per~llel wi~ ~4plrd Io O~ee~dbli~n~nt of the U N Seabed Authodw at me rec~ndy conclud~l I.JN~0S Iii, i~ Omt n ~ t of tl~ I~g pov~'~ md imlm~,d muauim gfmed to vote fee the e.~blishn~tt of a ae~ ~ e e authmity. H m h words were swk ;'y the

~m~t~tiom7 ethlt by ; ~ t t ' m e who have "he ~.lmology to do so "'de-faro eccupatim by the t , ~ 1 nad~". Despi~ ~ li~ de~es wd c o ~ o •,,,~r~ks UNISl)A(~ '52 :.h(.wed that we stand st dr= tW~hold o*" a p h i = wSich will bdn$ the . : o ~ r ~ b l i - , . tim of outer Sl~e md divene applic~tloa of ~pace ~chnology whv:h eoul/l, hopofMly, henelit all. (]

UNCLOS m REVk ,i - Recent Events in the Law of tke Sea ey A.g.H. Sclmeider* Sin¢~ the adoption of d,e 49(, ~:laus~ of the Law of the Sea Com,cntion on April 30 1982 by a r~ogded Vote of + 130, - 4 , - 17, a number of im:'axlmd developme~ have taken plate, which ,'1o doubt will al~o be discussed when UNCLO~ Ill will caav~n: in informal Plenmy ia New York oa Scpleml~r 22 - 24 Io act on the Rcommcndaliom of the Drafting Conm.il~:e. ;e~e.u' ,.¢enl oent.s in the LOS w¢*'e: "1) TAe anno~.'emenl of PrcsMe~t Reo~,.on of July 9 (whi, ~ ~,a~ n~t .vbh mixed .,evicw$ wilhifl me US ~ d ~br~d,, dmt tl~ US w~dd not ~tg~ the UN.r.aw of rh~ Sea C ~ e l i o ~ ~'heduled to be open/or slgnmure m Caraca~ in Dec, tuber 19~'2. Althtmgh the US Pr~dem W im~i d~e bratty for "'thox Cx,lmsiv~ I)1~.~ dealing ,vilh navigation m~dove~fight

and n ~ t oth~ fir.-v, .i,m.~ of the conventi,~f', consisP.m with US-interests and which may v oil ,~'~rvethe intarests of all na~iom, he declined, thin the US can.-,ot ~uppo~ a deep seabed mining ~eg':me~dth m~ct.major problems, and tS.,.t the US .rmdcipadon in nmmining UIqCLC.$IU deliben~iom would be. at ~, "tech~.a! l~wl'" ~ ~,~lricl~l to "lhme ",,o'.'ifiom tha~ ~erw. US-impR ,Ill' "~e naJn drawbacks to ~hc ~ c ~ " s seabed provisic4ts included: - deteneace of fme~ developmem to deep s e ~ l injured ~ouz~s: - a d~c sion-nmking p¢oc~ t l ~ d,~es not f.idy re, ~ US i n ~ : - providom that wo~ld allow amendmeat i to enter imo f.~-e for tl~ US witlttmt its cons~m; - m~x~atorl ~ak af ~ l o ~ the p~adbility of national lil~mlim mowed.ms simdng in bern.Ills; - al~m~-~of assored ~ e ~ f¢¢ P ~ and quMifled deep s ~ miners ~o pt,on:ote tbs de,.~lopmmt of rt~og gcP.&.

0378..'~,'7X/82/0000.0000/$0205 @ 1982 N :rth-Hollend

(2) The pos~ib(lOy hm 4 mdmmol c~umr~s would take ~ Iv an alterm:t;v¢ minl.heaO, ~tsime ~'or deep s~ ibed ..ai~np can ~ili no, be ruled m t - b~a in the meanffme ,ke baited Starts, the U,~:ttd glagdom, F , ~ a~d d~ Federal Republic o.; Oermcay s*~ned on $epz. 2, 19~2 al WashingIt,n, OnAgr~ment ¢OIIL*£FtI~IIk~ ~nt~P:elll A.'ra~me~,:" Rdatin 8 to P,,qvnwtall~r Kgdules of ~ e Deep ~ Bed. (For full : ~ of thiF agrc,'me,c so.: Sdected Doom~nt$ pa:'e I.~¢.} 'rids is. in fact, a Iim;t:d c.:eflict n.'soiufiou agreemem whi¢lJ, on the one side provides merely f,, "~-,con,.'m ~f o ~ d a p l ~

cPaims ~


• .mtho~Jion fee sest'~ mi, .~ Lq~1-a Gons, while, on the o ~ h~-J, itdoes nm go r,o far a~ to p~,vkl~ t'or ~cipmcal tecopition of mine-si|e ~ , ~hieh, in lure, ca-, mean ,a;a the ~.~s of oMainl,W a ~e~'~rt.legal b ~ f ~ mining ou~.d~ d,e t ~ y n~y