US privacy law

US privacy law

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Compilation of State & Federal Privacy Law (1992), Privacy Journal, Loose Leaf, 136 p, (US $29), ISBN 0930072-08-1 According to the 1992 edition of the Privacy Journal's State and Federal privacy laws report, 15 States now permit citizens to inspect computer or manual records about themselves, and all but one State now has laws punishing computer crime. The Rhode Island-based monthly news:~::~:, letter publisher has been producing this report on an annual or bi-annual basis since 1975. This survey of State and Federal laws affecting the confidentiality of personal information is a continuing one and the publishers claim that this is the nation's only single source of information about confidentiality statutes. The publisher does not claim, however, to have found every single State statute affecting confidentiality and invites researchers to notify it of any relevant legislation that has not been incorporated. The aim ii~)i:iii i :ii:i::i:i!:ii:i:i:i:i:i:ii:!:i:i:i:i:i:i::::i:i:i!:ii:il:i:i:ii:i:i:i:iiii:i:i:i:i:i:!:::.!ii:i:i:::!ii'::I::.i ! :i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:ii:i:.i:::ill:ii:ii:iii:i::::ii . ii:i:::i!il:ii:i:":i:iii:::i~i:ii:i:ii::ii. :!:::iii

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is to provide a readable text that will give lawyers and citizens interested in privacy issues, as well as legislators, lobbying and public interest groups, business persons and researchers, an idea of the diverse sorts of privacy protections that exist in the 50 States - from the 'peeping Tom' prohibitions in Louisiana to the wire-tap regulation in Connecticut. The report notes the new laws concerning such matters as AIDS, the confidentiality of library patrons' records, the release of motor vehicle information, restrictions on employer's access to arrest records of employees, and the confidentiality of communications between patients and medical professions. In addition to descriptions of the legislation, the report also contains appendices of texts of representative statutes including some Canadian laws. The compilation is available from Privacy Journal, PO Box 28577, Providence RI 02908, USA.



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ili Liability for Online Bank Services in the European iii Community, Edited by Ulrich Sieber (European Series iiii~: on Information Law, Volume 3), 1992 (Carl Heymanns iiiii Verlag KG, Hardcover), 407 pp, ISBN 3-452-22355-8. iiii::iil This book is the result of a study funded by the European Commission into the transborder lability for online data i bank services within the member states. The liability of such services is of prime interest to the EC in the development of its policy to eradicate legal impediments to the development of the information services market within the EC, ii particularly after the Single Market takes effect in 1993. The development of online data banks creates important :~::ii:i!. issues regarding the legal status of information and liability that might arise, for example in the field of financial

information c~r information capable of causing physical harm if incorrect. The work contains the country reports prepared by the team of experts, together with a summary of the issues raised. The authors conclude that it is important to develop a common legal liability regime to balance the interests of information providers and hosts, thereby inducing a climate of legal certainty for all market participants. Such an approach also takes account of the specifics of liability for intangible information, while seeking equal conditions of competition in different States and the freedom and free flow of information. Available from Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Luxemburger, Strasse 449, 5000 Koln 41, Germany.



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