

VACUUM Notes f o r C o n t r i b u t o r s normally requires two or three weeks, but for these reasons may sometimes extend to two or three months. Fo...

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VACUUM Notes f o r C o n t r i b u t o r s normally requires two or three weeks, but for these reasons may sometimes extend to two or three months. Following the referee's report and after the paper has, if necessary, been revised by the authors and accepted for publication, it is carefully scrutinized in the publishing office and then sent tO the printer. The time required after acceptance before proofs are submitted to the authors varies according to the length and nature of the paper, its illustrations and mathematics, a n d is normally a b o u t four weeks. Papers are published (except in special circumstances) in the next possible issue of V A C U U M following the receipt of corrected proofs from the authors. Depending on circumstances, original papers accepted for publication will be published within five months or sooner from date of submission. Preliminary, short communications and Letters to the Editor will be published within three months or less from date of receipt. N o t e : Authors should obtain security, legal and patent clearance before submitting manuscripts. Ownership of manuscripts published is retained by the Publisher. Papers which have been previously published elsewhere should not be submitted ; if a paper has previously h a d a limited circulation, or has appeared in part or in an earlier version, this should be made clear at the time of submission. Any matters of doubt should be agreed with the Publisher beforehand. The contents of papers shall be the sole responsibility of the authors and publication shall not imply the concurrence of Editors or Publisher.

Submission of Original Contributions V A C U U M , the International Journal for Vacuum Science and Technology, publishes articles in English, French and German, a n d will arrange to have papers submitted in any other language translated into English. Papers should be submitted for publication to : The Secretary to the Board of Editors, VACUUM, Pergamon Press, 4 Fitzroy Square London, W.1


44-01 21st Street, Long Island City 1, N.Y.

or to the Co-ordinating Editor, or to the most convenient member of the Board of Editors.

Board o f Editors Co-ordinating Editor : Mr. A. S. D. Barrett, Brook House, 2-16 Torrington Place, L O N D O N W.C.1, England. Mr. A. H. Beck, Engineering Laboratories, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, C A M B R I D G E , England.

Form of Contributions Manuscripts s h o u l d be submitted in duplicate, double-spaced typescript. Contributions should be prepared in the form generally accepted for publication in the national journals. Papers should include an abstract not exceeding 200 words in which the essential contents are recapitulated. On the basis of originality, significance and breadth of interest to an international audience, papers are of the usual form reporting the result of original work. They should be presented concisely and in a form readily understandable by workers in the field ; specialist jargon should be avoided whenever possible. The technical description of the experimental methods used should be given in detail only when such methods are new. V A C U U M offers an author the opportunity of including a longer review of his own published work, particularly if the paper represents the completion of a larger investigation. Preliminary Communications and Letters to the Editor should be submitted in the same way as original p a p e r s ; an immediate decision on the acceptability of such contributions will usually be made by the receiving Editor, so that they will be published without delay.

Mr, B. B. Dayton, Consolidated Vacuum Corp., 1775 Mt. Read Blvd., R O C H E S T E R 3, N.Y., U.S.A Dr. J. M. Dunoyer, Facult6 des Sciences de Nantes, 38 Boulevard Michelet, N A N T E S , France. Mr. P. A. Redhead, National Research Council, Radio and Electrical Engineering Division, O T T A W A , Canada. Professor Dr. E. Thomas, Ecole Royale Militaire, Centre des Sciences Nucl6aires, 30, Avenue de la Renaissance, B R U X E L L E S 4, Belgium. Mr. J. Yarwood, D e p a r t m e n t of Mathematics and Physics, The Polytechnic, 309, Regent Street, L O N D O N W.I, England.

Preparation of Manuscripts Typographical correctness in the printing proofs is better assured by following the suggestions below in regard to mathematical expressions and other formulae. Letters to be set in Greek type should be clearly indicated. This may be done by writing, for instance, the words " G r e e k rho " i n the margin the first time a p is used. Confusion between the letter 1 and the numeral 1 when standing alone can be avoided

All original papers submitted to V A C U U M are sent to at least one independent referee. Papers are often such that detailed thinking by the referee is required, a n d also authors' manuscripts are often in such a form that queries and doubts have to be resolved. The preparation of the referee's report 107


Notes for Contributors

by looping the letter 1 when typewritten. Similar differentiation between the capital letter O (or o) and zero 0 is advisable. Subscripts and superscripts should be clearly indicated. Primes (as p') should be written or identified so that they will not be interpreted as superior figure 1 (pl).

Tables should be so constructed as to be intelligible without reference to the text. Every table and column should be provided with an explanatory heading. Units of measure must always be clearly indicated. The same data should not be reproduced in both tables and figures.

In general, equations and formulae should be clearly and carefully written, taking care to have all figures and symbols, especially in fractions and equations, in the alignment in which they are to be printed. Exponential expressions which are at all complicated (e.g., exponentials with subscripts to superscript letters) should be given in the form " exp ( ) " , except where it would be less clear mathematically. It would be helpful to have a third set of any structural formulae attached.

References should be indicated in the text by consecutive superior numbers, and listed at the end of the paper. Full references should contain the names of all the authors, preceded by initials, title of journal (preferably abbreviated in accordance with current V A C U U M practice), volume number, first page number and year, in the following way :

The solidus can often be used in mathematical expressions and in expressions involving multiple units, in order to avoid the great expense of mechanical setting of built-up fractions in type. However, built-up fractions should be used if the solidus would be ungainly. Authors should also carefully consider the use of parentheses and negative and fractional powers to achieve the utmost clarity, simplicity and economy in printing. Note that : x / y -~- z means (x/y) -:- z. torr l./sec/cm2 should preferably be written torr l.sec-lcm 3. Authors should preferably adhere to the glossaries published for the American Vacuum Society and by the British Standards Institution. The Editor's function in these matters will be advisory in nature. Figures and illustrations should be separate from the typescript of the paper and should be clearly identified on the back by the author's name, the abbreviated title of the paper and the figure number. Legends should also be typed on a separate sheet. Line drawings which require redrawing should include all relevant details and clear instructions for the draughtsman. If figures are already well drawn, it may be possible to reproduce them directly from the originals, or from good photo-prints (preferably twice the size of the final published figure) if these can be provided. It is not possible to reproduce from prints with weak lines. Illustrations for reproduction should normally be about twice the final size required and the lettering and figures on them should be large enough to be clear when so reduced. Photographs should be included only where they are absolutely essential. The following standard symbols should be used on line drawings since they are easily available to the printers : o













1 j. Young, J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 52 (7), July 1962, 753. 2 j. R. Goldsmith, D. L. Craft and O. I. Joensuu, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 7, (1955), 221. 3 S. T. Yoffe and A. N. Nesmeyanov. Handbook o f Magnesium-Organic Compounds, Vol. II, p. 239. Pergamon Press, London (1956). Footnotes should be identified by the usual symbols and inserted at the foot of the appropriate page of the manuscript. Abbreviations are used freely in V A C U U M . For the most part these are not followed by a full stop (period). Among the more commonly used abbreviations, these may be listed : g kg mm cm ml cm ~ sec m i n h but m.p., b.p., 1. (litre) in. (inch) but in 2

25 ° torr

Proofs and Reprints Proofs will be sent to authors for correction when their contribution is first set, but there is rarely time for second proofs to be sent for checking. This may be done, however, where the amount of alteration makes it advisable. Proofs of text, and illustrations which cannot be set in type, may not be received simultaneously. A reprint order form will accompany first proofs. Twentyfive free reprints (with standard covers) of each paper will be provided. Additional copies can be obtained if ordered when proofs are returned. Further copies o f these Notes may be obtained by intending contributors, on application to the Secretary to the Board o f Editors, V A C U U M , at the addresses given overleaf.