Vacuum devices

Vacuum devices

Vacuum News Conferences and group activities 8th International Vacuum Congress 4th International Conference on Solid Surfaces 3rd European Confe...

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8th International Vacuum Congress 4th International Conference on Solid Surfaces 3rd European Conference on Surface Science These three conferences are to be held 22-26 September 1980 at the Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France. Under the auspices of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Techniques and Applications (IUVSTA) and organized by Societe Francaise du Vide (French Vacuum Society), 19, rue du Renard, F 75004 Paris, France.



The Vacuum Group of The Institute of Physics and the E5 Professional Group of the Institution of Electrical Engineers are to hold a joint conference on ‘Vacuum Devices’ at the New Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge from 24-28 March 1980. Accommodation will be available at New Hall. The conference will embrace the electronic design and performance of devices, and also manufacturing problems with special emphasis on the vacuum environment. Such subjects as designs for improved characteristics, novel devices, construction and processing techniques, gettering, electron emission and diagnostic and measuring techniques would come within the scope of the conference. The following devices will be discussed : CRT’s and other vacuum or gaseous display devices; Light sensitive devices : detectors, photomultipliers, image tubes; Power devices : transmitting tubes, microwave tubes including gyratrons, X-ray tubes; Lamps : filament lamps, fluorescent tubes, vapour lamps; Other devices : REED relays, gas adsorption cells, radiation detectors. The conference will be so arranged that participants can attend the part of the conference which is of main interest to them if so desired. The Keynote speaker will be Professor A H Beck of Cambridge University. The following invited speakers have agreed to participate : M J Smith, EMI-Varian : Power microwave devices; A W Woodhead, Philips Research Laboratories; Image tubes; J R Coaten, Thorn Lighting : Lamps; G Haas, NRL-Washington: Thermionic emission; N Nicholls, RSRE : Comparison of vacuum tubes and semiconductors ; D S Hills, Rank Electronic Tubes: New Trends in CRT’s; T A Giorgi, SAES Getters, Milan : Getters. During the conference the annual address of the Vacuum Group will be given by Mr R N Jackson of Philips Research Laboratories on ‘Television : the widening horizon’ Papers are requested on any of the above subjects but others will be considered. Synopses of papers must be submitted before 7 December 1979. Instructions on the preparation of abstracts and further information on the conference can be obtained from The Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London SW1 X 8QX, UK.


‘80 and SSSDT


The 10th European Solid State Device Research Conference incorporating the 5th Symposium on Solid State Device Technology, will be held at the University of York from 15-l 9 September 1980. ESSDERC will run from Monday 15 to Thursday 18 September and SSSDT from Tuesday (midday) 16 to Friday

(midday) available


19 September. Residential accommodation will be from Sunday 14 September in the University Colleges. The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London SWIX 80X. UK.


Ion Beams-2

LEIB-2 is being organized by the Atomic Collisions in Solids Group of The Institute of Physics and will be held at the University of Bath, UK, from 14-l 7 April 1980. The conference is the second in a series. The first conference (LEIB-1) was held at Salford, UK, from 5-8 September 1977, and the papers are now available as a bound volume in The Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 38 (1978). The dates for LEIB-2 have been chosen to be close to another European Conference in 1980-the 4th PSI Conference to be held at Garmisch, West Germany. The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in the fields of ion source development, beam transport, machines, ion beam and plasma-induced surface interactions for systems operating between typically 1 keV and 1 MeV. Papers will be grouped under the following headings : Recent developments in ion source technology; Excitation, ionization and charge transfer; Ion optics and beam transport; High current ion sources and neutral injection ; Recent developments in heavy ion accelerators; Beam detection and measurement; Low energy ion beam systems for surface studies ; Physical and chemical effects on ion bombarded surfaces, including deposition and etching. The Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London SW1 X 80X, UK,



A conference and exhibition was be held 3-6 the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.


1979 at

The invited speakers and topics were: Professor P R Buseck (USA) : Mineralogy; Dr E P Butler: ln situ experiments ; Dr V E Cosslett : Beam sensitive materials ; Professor J M Cowley (USA) : STEM; Dr R F Egerton (Canada) : Electron energy loss; Professor H Hashimoto (Japan) : High resolution; Professor K Heinemann (USA) : Surface studies; Dr A P Janssen : Scanning Auger microscopy; Dr J Kirschner (Germany) : Surfaces and interfaces; Professor J B LePoole (Netherlands) : Instrumentation; Dr M H Loretto: Materials science; Drs D M Maher and D C Joy (USA) : Electron energy loss applications; Dr J W Steeds: Image interpretation; Professor J B Van der Sande (USA) : STEM applications. Meetings Office, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London SWlX 8QX. UK

26th National Symposium Vacuum Society

of the American

The site-formerly known as the Americana Hotel-offers outstanding facilities to meet our expanded program requirements this year : Sheraton Centre, New York City. Further information about the technical program, exhibits, technology courses and local arrangements can be obtained by contacting the following : T. M. Messina, Chairman (local arrangements), Varian Associates Inc, IEG, 25 Commerce Drive, Cranford, NJ 07016, (201) 276-7534. E Greely (Exhibit space), American Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th Street, New York City, NY 10017, (212) 661-9404. 381