Vacuum group meeting on vacuum instrumentation

Vacuum group meeting on vacuum instrumentation

V a c u u m news other enquiries should preferably be made to the appropriate regional representatives but alternatively may be made to the engineeri...

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V a c u u m news

other enquiries should preferably be made to the appropriate regional representatives but alternatively may be made to the engineering and sales staff at Harlow. Superconducting magnet contract Gardner Cryogenics Corporation were awarded a contract for the design and construction of a large high field superconducting magnet system to be used in a full scale magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generating plant. The contract was awarded to Gardner by Kernforschungsanlage (KFA) Jtilich G m b H , West Germany. KFA-Jtilich is engaged in the development of nuclear power generating plants and is instrumental in a programme to convert power generating sources throughrvt that country. Magnetohydrodynamics is a source of power generation, based on transforming thermal energy (such as produced by nuclear power reactors) into electrical potential by circulating an ionized captive gas stream at high speed through a closed channel and between the poles of a high field electromagnet. Among the advantages of M H D power is that the process efficiently utilizes the high temperatures available in nuclear reactors. The high operating efficiency (much higher than is possible with conventional power plants) also increases its popularity and promises to supply power at lower costs. In addition, thermal and air pollution common to other power sources is negligible in the M H D power plant. The favourable predictions, however, are contingent on two inherent characteristics of M H D : (1) the proposed theories can only be tested accurately on full scale operations using large prototype plants and (2) efficiencies are dependent on the incorporation of superconducting magnets wherein the magnet itself consumes only a minor part of the total power output. The closed cycle M H D loop in operation at the Institute of Tech Physics--KFA, designed and built under the direction of Dr T Bohn, is reported to be the largest of its type in the world. The M H D channel itself operates at temperatures in excess of 800°K. The iron core magnet presently in use produces a field of 15,000 gauss over approximately 200 mm of the existing channel. According to J J Drautman, Manager of Applied Products at Gardner's Bethlehem facility, the superconducting magnet system will substantially increase the power output of the channel, producing a field of 40,000 gauss over a 400 mm length. The superconducting magnet for the system operates in liquid helium at 4.2°K ( - 4 5 2 ° F ) . The magnet will be 2.0 metres long, and will operate at 16,000 amperes/ square centimetre, approximately three times the current density which would be possible with a cryogenic magnet. According to F G Pytryga, Sales Manager for Gardner, the system when delivered early in 1969, will represent the first actual application of superconductivity to M H D power generation. It also represents the largest contract for a super524

conducting magnet awarded to a US firm by a foreign establishment. CI Electronics new site CI Electronics Limited have announced the opening of their new offices, factory and laboratory at Brunel Road, Churchfields Industrial Estate, Salisbury. These new premises will permit CI Electronics to increase production and to extend their development facilities. This all-British Company manufactures a wide range of electronic micro-balances, check weighers and accessories, as well as handling the Mecaplex range of Glove Boxes and Clean Air Benches.

Conferences and group activities Institute of Physics and the Physical Society The Vacuum Physics Group Committee has endeavoured at all times to serve the interests of all workers in the field of vacuum; those of the technologist as well as those of the physicist. Having this in mind the committee proposed to the membership that the name of the Group be amended by the deletion of the word Physics. The result of a ballot showed that the membership was in favour, and at a recent meeting of the Council of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society approval was given to the amended name. Henceforward the group will be known as the Vacuum Group of The Institute of Physics and the Physical Society. Those not eligible for professional membership of the Institute and Society may participate in the work of the Group by becoming Group Subscribers. Full

particulars may be obtained from the Registrar, The Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, SWl. Vacuum group meeting on vacuum instrumentation A meeting on Vacuum Instrumentation organised by the Vacuum Group of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society is to be held at Liverpool University on Wednesday, December 18th 1968. It is planned to associate with the programme of scientific papers, a commercial exhibition. Both the technical session and the exhibition will be limited specifically to the subject of Vacuum Instrumentation, including total and partial pressure measurement, film thickness monitoring etc. The organising committee would be grateful if any manufacturer wishing to participate, and who has not yet received an invitation could contact Professor J H Leek, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, The University of Liverpool. Registration forms for applicants wishing to attend this meeting will be available from the Meetings Office, The Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, SWI, in due course. One day meeting on sputtering The Vacuum Group proposes to hold a one day meeting in London on 13 February 1969 on the recent developments in the preparation of thin films by the method of sputtering. Short contributions relating to any aspect of the technique, such as D C and bias sputtering, R F and reactive sputtering, are invited. Intending contributors should send an abstract of not more than 300 words, of the proposed paper to the Group Hon Secretary at the address given below. D J Pacey, Vacuum Physics Dept, Brunel University, London, W.3

Meetings in course of arrangement 1968-1969, Provisional List 1968 Specialist meeting on stress and structure in September 27 Electrodeposited Films. Nottingham University Some aspects of vacuum research at the October 17 Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. Dr N R Daly Imperial College, London Reports on AVS meeting November London Vacuum Instrumentation December 18 Liverpool University with associated exhibition 1969 January 15-16 February 13 March April May

Lubrication in Hostile Environments Institution of Mechanical Engineers London The preparation of thin Films by the method of Sputtering London Annual General Meeting Annual Address and Dinner London Thin Film Conference Optical Properties of Thin Films Summer Visit

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