Evonik starts up membrane coating facility in Germany
Wilo expands in sewage technology by acquiring GVA
vonik Industries has started operating a thin-film composites plant to coat membranes for use in organic solvent nanofiltration and gas separation at its Marl manufacturing site in Germany. At Evonik’s new thin-film composite plant, thin membrane films are coated with special silicone or other materials. The resulting composite membranes are then turned into solvent-resistant or gas-tight spiral-wound modules in a further production process. The corresponding silicone coating, also manufactured by Evonik, is a key factor for the separation properties of the membrane. “The start-up of the thin-film composite plant is a consistent step in our growth plan for the attractive membrane business,” said Dr Matthias Kottenhahn, head of Evonik’s High Performance Polymers business line. “It gives our customers direct access to an advanced membrane technology for resourceefficient material separation.” The start-up also marked the production launch of the third generation of DuraMem and PuraMem membranes. These membranes will be introduced to the market later this year.
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ump manufacturer Wilo SE has retroactively acquired GVA (Gesellschaft für Verfahren der Abwassertechnik mbH & Co KG), a German company specialising in system technology and components for biological sewage treatment. Founded in 1984, GVA is headquartered in Wülfrath and has a production plant in Sangerhausen. Products include aeration systems and agitators. “By acquiring GVA, Wilo SE has taken an important step towards expanding its activities in the sewage sector. Innovative sewage treatment requires the right experience and economical and environmentally friendly technology, which is particularly important due to climate change, demographic trends and the increasing scarcity of water,” said Carsten Krumm, a member of Wilo’s executive board. Wilo says that the acquisition of GVA, which is retroactive from 1 January 2016, is another important milestone in its development from a component supplier to a full-line system supplier for biological sewage treatment. GVA managing director René Brunßen will continue to manage the business under Wilo ownership.
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