Wilo expands in sewage technology by acquiring GVA

Wilo expands in sewage technology by acquiring GVA

NEWS Wilo expands in sewage technology by acquiring GVA W ilo SE has retroactively acquired GVA (Gesellschaft für Verfahren der Abwassertechnik mbH...

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Wilo expands in sewage technology by acquiring GVA


ilo SE has retroactively acquired GVA (Gesellschaft für Verfahren der Abwassertechnik mbH & Co KG), a German company specialising in system technology and components for biological sewage treatment. Founded in 1984, GVA is headquartered in Wülfrath and has a production plant in Sangerhausen. Products include aeration systems and agitators. “By acquiring GVA, Wilo SE has taken an important step towards expanding its activities in the sewage sector. Innovative sewage treatment requires the right experience and economical and environmentally friendly technology, which is particularly important due to climate change, demographic trends and the increasing scarcity of water,” said Carsten Krumm, a member of Wilo’s executive board. Wilo says that the acquisition of GVA, which is retroactive from 1 January 2016, is another important milestone in its development from a component supplier to a fullline system supplier for biological sewage treatment. “The GVA product range complements Wilo’s portfolio perfectly,” said Krumm. “Plant efficiency and economy also depend on optimal service and maintenance, which we also offer in packages tailored for the project.” GVA managing director René Brunßen will continue to manage the business under Wilo ownership. For further information, visit www.wilo.com and www.gva-net.de

ITT forms new holding company


TT Corp has created a holding company, ITT Inc, as its new publicly traded parent company. The company is also implementing an internal reorganisation that separates its operating assets from its legacy liabilities and associated insurance assets. ITT says that this will streamline its entity structure and facili16

Pump Industry Analyst

tate future growth opportunities. There will be no impact to ITT’s consolidated financial position, cash flow or capital structure. The company’s ticker symbol remains ITT. For further information, visit visit www.itt.com

AxFlow makes strategic Swedish acquisition


xFlow AB has extended its product portfolio with the acquisition of Swedish pump distributor Esspump AB. The acquisition of Esspump makes AxFlow one of the largest distributors of positive displacement pumps in Sweden. AxFlow already represents a number of pump manufacturers including Mono, Nash, Waukesha, Hermetic, Blackmer and Maag. With the addition of Esspump, the AxFlow product range is extended to also include equipment from Wilden, Almatec, OBL, Mouvex, System One and Quattroflow. AxFlow says that the addition of Esspump is strategically important. “Both AxFlow and Esspump are known for their products technology and application knowledge. Our expertise and strong customer and supplier relations give us a strong market position in Sweden. The two companies complement each other well. Together we will be able to offer our customers a much wider range of products and more extensive services and technical solutions,” said Fred Lindecrantz, managing director of AxFlow in Sweden. “The synergy of complimentary products, strong technical and application knowledge resulting from this acquisition and the international resources available from AxFlow will bring considerable benefits for our customers and new business prospects,” said Niklas Holmstedt, managing director of Esspump. With 570 employees and sales of €175 million, AxFlow is the largest distributor of industrial fluid handling equipment in Europe and South Africa. Earlier this year, AxFlow expanded beyond Europe by acquiring a majority stake in AQS Liquid Transfer Ltd, an importer and distributor of pumps in South Africa (see Pump Industry Analyst, February 2016).

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For further information, visit www.axflow.com and www.esspump.se

June 2016