00441 Reliability and results, but little room to manoeuvre

00441 Reliability and results, but little room to manoeuvre

05 Thr flret ovolutlonary advanced PWR %/00429 Atom, Aug.-Sep. 195’4,(439, 24.25. Reports that ten years after a marathon public inquiry and dcs ite ...

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Thr flret ovolutlonary advanced PWR %/00429 Atom, Aug.-Sep. 195’4,(439, 24.25. Reports that ten years after a marathon public inquiry and dcs ite an UMXpetted final obstacle, Sizewell B is due to be connected to tKe grid early next year. The Sizewell B station staff have set themselves challenging targets, as they aim to make Sizewell one of the top ten nuclear power stations in the world during the first year of operation. France’r first N4 unlt at Chooz B neara rtartup 95/00429 Rippon, S. Nuclear News, Jul. 1994, 37, (9), 42-43, 46. Reports that at the Chooz B site, located on the French side of the border with Belgium, construction work on the first of two 1470~MWe nuclear power plants is complete, and plant commissioning tests are well under way. From lamall to Rottrrdam the trana-European 95/00430 watrrway Bird, W. E. IEE Review, Nov. 1994, 40, (6), 241-243. The author the Vice-Chairman IEE German Centre, exnlains how electricity provided the financial base for a civil-engineer&g iroject whose inspiration dates back to the Dark Ages. 95100431 Hatch plant ?? tudlea slnglr-failure scrama Nuclear News, Sep. 1994. 37, (ll), 31-32. Reports that during a recent instrument calibration at Georgia Power Company’s Edwin I. Hatch nuclear plant in Baxley, Ga., a acking nut from an instrument isolation valve came loose, depressurized tge line! actuated the scram instrumentation, and caused a reactor scram. On a different occasion, a technican set a iece of monitoring equipment on a rack near another instrument line. -!he monitor fell off the rack, hit a valve, depressurized that instrument line, and caused another reactor scram. From 1991 through 1993,7 of 18 reactor scrams at Hatch-l, a 742-MWe (net) General Electric boiling water reactor,and at Hatch-2, a 761~MWe GE BWR, were caused by the failures of a single piece of equi ment. In an effort to reduce plant downtime and identify likely initiators oP.smgle-failure scrams, Hatch management has assembled a Single Point Failure Scram Analysis Team. 95100432 lgnallna RBYK-1500: A source book Almenas, K. et al., Lithuanian Energy Institute, Breslaujos 3, 3035 Kaunas, Lithuania, Free of Charge, 129 pp. The authors are from the Ignalina Safety Analysis Group. The ublication provides an overview of desi n and operational data regarding tKe RBMK1500 nuclear power plants focated at Ignalin in Lithuania. Emphasis is placed on safety-related design data. Engineering features presented Include the accident confinement system, radiation protection features, reactor power control systems, and emergency core cooling and water purification systems. System descriptions include an overview of their evaluated response during design basis accidents. 95tOo433 An Important national mlaslon Nelson, R. Atom, Aug.-Se . 1994, (435), 32-34. Reports that the UKAEA e ovemment Division have been tasked with decommissioning the redundant facilities created by forty years of nuclear development in the UK. 95100434 Llrt of scheduled outagea at US. nuclear power plants Nuclear News, Jul. 1994, 37, (9). 33-37. The list includes refuelling, mid-cycle, and maintenance outages at U.S. nuclear power plants that are scheduled to occur anytime from July 1994 through the end of June 1995. 95/00435 Los Alamos Jolnte Rurslan tranamutatlon efforl Nuclear News, Sep. 1994, 37: (11), p. 103. Reports that Los Alamos National Laboratory will collaborate with Russian physicists to design particle accelerators to transmute weapons-grade lutonium and commercial nuclear waste into stable isotopes, under a grant !rom the Moscow-based International Science and Technology Center. 95100436 Numrrlcal study on the turbulence structuree In closely spaced rod bundle rubchannels Wu, X. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Applications, Jun. 1994, 25, (6), 649-670. Fully developed turbulent tlow through simulated rod bundle subchannels formed by a rod-trapezoidal

duct was numerically


95100437 On line wlth Verna. Common-mode falluree - Part 3 Verna, B. J. Nuclear News, Jul. 1994, 37, (9), p. 31. Common-mode failures were considered synonymous with common-cause failures. This column, the final one in this series, presents the highlights of S. Israel’s report titled ‘Insights from Common-mode Failure Events’. His study looked at 62 common-mode failure events, 50 of which occurred in 1990.

Nuclear fuels (scientific,technical)

On Ilne with Verna. Off Ilna 95/004% Vema, B. J. Nuclear News, Sep. 1994, 37, (ll), 32-34. Bernard J. Vema the author for 19 years and about 110 of ‘On Line with Vema’ columns, re rts that he is pulling the plug on the column. He gives a brief history of tlYe years he has been writing the column. A pan-Aelan model for nuclear cooperation %/go439 Modern Power Svslems, Seo. 1994, 14. (9). 37. 39, 41-42. Discusses the cosi of buildink nuclear &p-&y which is too hi for many countries in southeast Asia. But international cooperation and tf*e mtroduction of modularized plants will allow these nations to more quickly and economically afford the benefits of nuclear energy. The plutonlum story: The joumalo of Professor %/0%40 Glenn T. Seaborg, 19391949 Kathren, R. L. et al., (eds.), Battelle Press, 505 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693, USA, $49.95, 887 pp. The book chronicles on a day-to-day basis Professor Seaborg’s story of the discovery of plutonium and the activities to unlock its secrets and enhance its productivity to the levels necessary for the buildin of an atomic bomb. Provides descriptions of the scientific activities and $ e thought processes of Seaborg and his team throughout the war years. 95/00441 Rellablllty and rrrultr, but little room to manoeuvre Atkinson, I. and Waites, C. Atom, Aug.-Se . 1994, (4351, 37-40. Discusses the phenomenon of control rod 8.rwe mechamsm penetration cracking which has sparked a medley of R&D efforts to produce costeffective and reliable inspection techniques. One such effort IS the result of a partnership between Comex Nucleaire, Westinghouse Electric and AEA Technology. Slmulator testlng of dlgltal control syatems 95/00442 Lord, M. D. Nuclear News, Sep. 1994, 37, (ll), 35-38. Discusses how the term ‘nuclear power’ used to bring to mind images of state-of-the-art technology and futuristic energy sources. Today, however, the increasing obsolescence of nuclear power plant instrumentation and control (I&C) systems threatens to weaken the nuclear industry’s competitive osition with other forms of electric ower generation, which are .P y converting their ageing analog I&E systems to more powerful rapId modem digital systems. 95100443 The Slzewrll B hrrltags Scro, R. Atom, Aug.-Sep. 1994, (435), p. 26. To the operator, Sizewell B is a 21st Century plant. Its Unix-based workstations use high-resolution colour graphics, software driven controls, and on-line self tests. It features extensive use of 32-bit microprocessors, fibre optics, and distributed architecture. 95100444 Superfluld hellum cryogenlca for the large Hadron Collider ProJect at CERN Leburn, P. Cryogenics, ICEC Su plement, 1994, 34, 1-8. The Lame Hadron Collider (LHCP at CERN in Geneva will be the next research-instrument of high&e& physics. rotons at 14 TeV centre-of-mass energy and high luminosity, e the structure of matter down to an unprecedentedly fine scale, thus in the laboratory of henomena ihich occurred in the ve -earli universe. On the technologica P.side, the LHC makes use of high-fie? d superconducting magnets for guidance and focusing of the particle beams around the 26.7 km circumference of the machine, to be installed in the existing LEP tunnel. The nominal bending field of 8.65 T is produced in some 1300 twin-aperture dipoles, wound with small-filament Nb-Ti conductor, and operated below 1.9 K in static baths of pressurized helium II, thus taking advantage of its specific properties as cooling fluid. 95100445 Superphenlx rlres again after four-year shutdown Nuclear News. SeD. 1994. 37. (11‘1.W-91. Reports that t&e SGperphehix &t reactor at Creys-Malville was restarted on 4th August, just one day after the French regulatory authority finally gave its permission for restart and four years and onc month &nce t6e reactor last operated. Telescope alpplng - plnpolntlng Iraklng fuel ::doz’ Deleryd, R. ABB Review, 1994, (9), 19-22. Given the top priority operators of nuclear power plants assign to safety, even the slightest sign of dama to the fuel assemblies has to be carefully monitored and analyzed. The detection of leaking fuel bundles also plays an important role in ensuring good availability and economy for the plants. ABB Atom has developed a new, highly accurate method, called ‘telescope sipping’, for identifying defective fuel assemblies. 95100447 World llrt of nuclear power plants. 0 rable, under constructlon, or on order (30 MWe and over) as op” June 30,1994 Nuclear News, Sep. 1994, 37, (ll), 57-76.

Fuel and Energy Abetracts January 1995