00741 ASHRAE Design Guide for cool thermal storage

00741 ASHRAE Design Guide for cool thermal storage

Space heating and cooling 13 Solution of ablation and combination of ablatlon 95/00727 and Strfan problems by a aourw-and-sink method Akbari, M. and...

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Space heating and cooling


Solution of ablation and combination of ablatlon 95/00727 and Strfan problems by a aourw-and-sink method Akbari, M. and Hsieh, C. K. Numerical Hear Transfer, Parr A, Applications. Jul. 1994. 26. (1). 67-86. A source-and-&k ‘ie&od has been develo ed for the solution of both ablation and combination of ablation and StePan problems for a one-dimensional, subcooled medium imposed with both constant and time variant heat flux conditions. In this method the problem is solved in a fixed domain, so that the original heat flux condition imposed on the moving boundary is taken to be the condition imposed on the solid-vapour or liouid-vaoour interface. This flux condition can then be used tonether with thi iemp6rature at the interface to solve for the interface positioi as well as the condition imposed on the fixed boundary. Finally, these. interface position and boundary conditions are used in the temperature equation to cornplete the solution. 95100728

Two-layer-model prrdictlons of heat tmnrfer lnrldr enhanced tuber Arman, B. and Rabas, T. J. Numerical Hear Transfer, Parr A, Applications, Jun. 1994, 25, (6), 721-741. Turbulent flow in axisymmetric enhanced tubes with repeated transverse rectangular disruptions was simulated using the two-layer turbulence model of Chen and Patel. The predictions were in good agreement with experimental data for friction factors and both local and average Nusselt numbers. The low-Reynolds-number two-equation model of Lam and Bremhorst was considered, and the predicted results were also compared with local heat transfer measurements. This model overestimated the local Nusselt numbers at some locations by about a factor of 2. Results from the two turbulence models were also compared for a sudden pipe-expansion geometry. 95/00729

Synthralr of zeollte abrorbentr and their UH In 95/00734 olf Ilnkr. I. Syntherlo of reolltr absorbent from coal fly arh and Pts phyrlochomloal propertler Watanabe, N. et al., Gifi-ken Hoken Kankyo Kenkyushoho, 1993, 1, 69-72. (In Japanese) Zeolite absorbents were synthesized by alkaline hydrothermal reaction of coal fly ash with NaOH at 95’ and 1 atm pressure followed by impregnating with amino acid-containing pyracetic acid solution. The SiO, content of the synthesized zeolite was lower than that of natural zeolite, however the contents of N%O, CaO, and MgO were higher. The synthesized zeolite was composed of zeolite, mullite, and quartz. The base substitution capacity was 250 meq/lOO g which was about the same as that of natural zeolite. Synthrrlzlng mulllte from beneflclated fly ash 95100735 Hwang, J. Y. et al., JOM, 1994, 46, (5), 36-39. The paper reports that in the United States, approximately 50 million tonnes of fly ash are enerated by electric utilities annually. The current consumption rate for ‘hy ash materials is less than 20% because most fly ash materials do not meet market specficiations and the quality of the ash is inconsistent. Describes the development of a beneficiation process that reduces quality-controlled fly ash components. Discusses the fly ash & neficiation process and mullite synthesis. 95100735 Tltanlum-contalnlng aggregate0 for addltlon to metallurglcal furnaces for extending the rervlce llfe of the refractory Ilnlng, and thelr use Amirzadeh-Asl, D. et al., (Assigned to) Metallgesellschaft A.-G; We Te Ge Prod&ions- und Handekgesellschafi Pat. DE.4,304,724, May 1994.

Wienen und Thiel GmbH, GER.

Valves for power plant life extsnalon

Energy World, Oct. 1994, (222), p. 19.

Arising from the power station building boom that Britain had during the 196Os, there are a number of power stations all in a similar state with regard to their running hours. This means that various items of equipment are coming up for renewal all at the same time, and for things hke main steam isolation valves which they originally supplied, Hopkinsons are having something of a repeat boom. 95lOQ730 The ventllation ryrtem for the Channel Tunnel Gustafsson, K. ABB Review, 1994, (91. 35-38. ABB Flakt companies based in th; &K. and Sweden delivered and installed the ventilation plant for the Channel Tunnel. 100% standby caoacity is provided to meet-the rigorous safety standards and ensureVreliHble ventilation under all possible conditions. The large movements of air and pressure variations induced by the piston effect of the intercity trains and shuttles as they pass through the tunnel had to be taken into account in the ventilation scheme.

12 REFRACTORIES/CERAMICS Properties, Production, Applications 95/00731 Development of a knowledge-based ryrtem for the selection of HVAC eyrtem type8 for 8mall bulldlngr - Part 1. Knowledge acquleltlon. Part 2. Expert eystem shell Maxwell, G. M. et al., ASHRAE Trans. tio.3756 and 3757, 1994, 203-210. 211-218.

The results of ASHRAE research project RP-642, which assembled, developed and verified a knowledge base for the selection of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems for small office buildings (less than 20,000 ft in two climatic regions - cold and hotiumid is presented.

13 SPACE HEATING AND COOLING 95/w737 Alr conditlonlng wlth ammonla for dietrlct cooling Toth, S. J. ASHRAE J., Jul. 1994, 36, (7), 28-36. Discusses the suitability of ammonia for refrigeration and presents comparative refrigerant performance ratings in a table, showing the superiority of ammonia. 95/00735 Air-earth exchanger study In real slte experlmentatlon and slmulatlon Trombe, A. and Serres, L. Energy & Buildings, 1994, 21, (2), 155-162. The aim of this study is to present different possibilities of use offered by an air-earth exchanger. With the help of real site experimentation from which a simplified simulation model has been validated, the efficiency of this system when it is coupled with an individual house is demonstrated. It is shown that this system can be used to save 10% of house energy consumption by preheating fresh air in winter, to avoid freeze risks in a dwelling during winter, to refresh air and to improve comfort conditions in summer. For this case, it keeps house ambient temperature under a value of 27°C without using a conventional air-conditioning system. Finally, actual limits of the study which has only been carried out for the specific case of house and air-earth exchanger are given. 95/w739 The appllcatlon of cooling towerr for free cooling Hensley, J. C. ASHRAE Trans. No.94.7.3, 1994, 100, (l), 817-823. Discusses the amount of energy savings available with free cooling systems which depends mostly on the overall system design and on the selection of equipment for use in the system. Points out that in general the designer must balance higher equipment cost with greater opportunity for energy savings. 95lOO74Q

95100732 HI h-rlllca refractory brlcka for the repair of coke ovens. and theBr manufacture Delclo;, J. M. et al., (Assigned to) Lichtenberg Feuerfesl GmbH; Sollac, GER. Pat. DE.4,301,846,

Jul. 1994.

95100733 Porous ceramlcr and thelr manufacture ygzki, T. (Assigned to) Ehime Prefecture, JAP. Pat. JP.O6,116,057, Apr. Describes a process for the manufacture of ceramics by mixing base materials containing Cu smelting slags and fly ash, or fly ash and clay, with carbonates or basic metal oxides and plastics, slurrying the powdered mixtures, mixing with dispersants and binders, defoaming the slurries, slip castmg the slurries using moulds, drying the forms, then firing at 7001000”. The base materials can be mixed with crushed glass fibre- reinforced plastics.

Applled air condltlonlng

Air Condit. Refrig. News, Sep. 1994, 10, (ll), 31-48.

Contains brief case studies of air conditioning applications in the UK. 95lW741 ASHRAE Derign Gulde for cool thermal rtoragr l$rjr, C. E. and Elleson, J. S. ASHRAE Trans. No.3738, 1994,100, (l), - . An overview of the guide which was commissioned in response to the need for a comprehensive, up-to-date cool storage reference manual. 95100742 The barlc8 of commercial derlccant syatemr Harriman, L. G. Heat. Pip. Air Condit, Jul. 1994, 66, (7), 77-80. Describes a new generation of commercial desiccant dehumidification systems designed either to improve humidity control or to save energy in buildings with high ventilation loads.

Fuel and Energy Abetracts January 1995 43