01391 A study of chemical dehydration of coals and its effect on coal liquefaction yields

01391 A study of chemical dehydration of coals and its effect on coal liquefaction yields

02 Liquid fuels (derivsd liquid fuels) Modification of iron ore catalysts for lignite hydro%I01360 genation and hydrooraoklng of coaldorlvad liqui...

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(derivsd liquid fuels)

Modification of iron ore catalysts for lignite hydro%I01360 genation and hydrooraoklng of coaldorlvad liquids Sharypov, V. 1. et a&, Fuel, Jan. 1996, 75, (1). 39-42. The activity of haematite, magnetite, pyrite and pyrrhotite containing ore catalysts, modified by treatment in a tensllecner planetary activator mill and by elemental sul hur additions, has been stu% ed in lignite hydrogenation and coalderlv 2. bqmd‘J h drocracking processes. The ap lication of in a sigmficant @y two to Pour times) modified ore catalyst resul increasing of lignite conversion degree and in higher yields of distillate fractions, obtained by hydrocracking of heavy coal-liquids. Mechanical activation of iron ore catalysts in the resence of elemental sulphur increased their surface area and promoted tge formation during hydrogenation process at dispersed pyrrhotite particles with high catalytic activity. 96/01361 New preparation of highly dispersed Iron based catalyst for coal Ilquefactlon Kuriki, Y. et aL, Busshitsu Kogaku Kogyo Gijutsu Kenkyusho Hokoku, 1995, 3, (2), 105-114. (In Japanese)

investigated. 96101362 011 roductlon from algal cells of Dunallello tedolecfa by dlrsct Phsrmochsmlcal llqurfactlon Minowa, T. et aL, Fuel, Dec. 1995. 74, (12), 1735-1738. Algal cells of Dunaliella tertiolecra with a moisture content of 78.4 wtk were converted directly into oil by thermochemical liquefaction at around 3WC and 10 MPa. The oil yield was about 37% on an organic basis. The oil obtained at a reaction tern rature of 340°C and holdin time of 60 min had a viscosity of 150-330 m r as and a calorific value of 3 %kJg.‘, comparable to those of fuel oil. Q6/013% Optlmal condltlons for CANMET coprocesslng of Rhenlsh coal and rsflnsry VB E&I~~D. et aL, Prepr.-Am Chem Sot., Div. Pet Chem., 1995, 40, (4), Rhenish brown coal from Germany and a refinery vacuum tower bottom (VTB) from USA were combined to examine the feed flexibility of the CANMET coprocessing process. Process Kaneko, T. et aL, Pat. JP.O7,207,274,

for coal


(Assigned to) Nippon Aug. 1995.




Coal Liquefaction,


96/013% Process for coal liquefaction wlth partlcls classlflcatlon Mochixuki, M. et al., (Assigned to) Shinnippon Seitetsu KK; Mitsui Sekitan



Pal. 07,207,273,



%I01366 Relative actlvlty and selectlvlty of nanoscale Mo,N, MO& and MoS, catalysts synthesized by laser pyrolysis Ochoa, R. et al., Proc. Mater. Res. Sot. Symp. Synthesis & Properties of Advanced Catalytic Materials, 1995, 368, 27-32. Describes how nanoscale Mo,N, MO&, and MoS, coal liquefaction catalysts, produced by laser pyrolysis exhibited higher activity for heteroatom removal than did MO-promoted sulphated hematite.

%I01369 Role of catalyst and solvent In coal Ilquefactlon M&i, Y. et aL, Busshitsu Kogaku Kogyo Gijutsu Kenkyuho Hokoku, 1995, 3, (2), 95-104. (In Japanese) The authors discuss the role of the catal st and solvent in NEDOL coal liquefaction procass concerning the p roJ uct pattern and composition of distillable fraction by usin Tetralin and 1-methylnaphthalene as a solvent and FeS, as a catalyst. lf e liquefaction was considered to involve two types of reaction: very rapid reaction and rather slower reaction. 96lo1390 Role of Iron In dry coal hydroconverslon Mastral. A. M. et aL. Energy Fuels, 1995, 9, (S), 753-759. Discusses a study of the behaviour of two different catalytic precursors based on iron (PeSO,.7I&O and Fe,03 in direct hydrwonvercuon of two %I01391 A stud of chemical dehydratlon of coala and Its effect on coal llque raction yields Netxel, D. A. et aL, Prepr. Pap.-Am Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem, 1995, 40, (3). 584-589. The liquefaction of six coals (lignite to bituminous) that were chemically dried with 2,2dimethox propane relative to the premoisturixed coals (0% water removed) shows J rying the coals by chemical dehydration, in eneral. increased the conversion yield. Utah Blind Canyon and North D ai ota Beulah coals showed little or no change in the conversion yield. Conversions are generally less for coals dried by thermal methods. The reason for the differences in liquefaction behaviour of the chemically dried and the thermally dried coals appears to be due to the retention of the reaction products and solvents by the chemically dried coals. 96iOl392 Study on supported blnaty sulfide catalysts for secondary hydrogenatlon of coal-derived Ilqulds Shimada. H. ef al.. Busshi&u Konaku Kopvo Giiutsu Kenkvusho H& 1995, 3,-(l), 133-i44. (In Japanese) * ’ Describes how to utilize the high performance of supported catalysts in coal liquefaction processes. One of the promising ways is to apply hydroprocessing sulphide catalyst to the secondary hydrogenation of walderived liauids which have undernone the solid seoaration unit. However. when the iroduct yield from the &t-stage liquefa’ction is maximized, the feedstocks in the secondary hydrogenation contain large amounts of residual fractions with preasphaltenes and metallic components. In this case, the development of a long-life catalyst is essential to establish the two-stage process as a practical one. From this viewpoint, the authors have investigated the deactivation causes of supported Ni-Mo sulphide catalysts through the analysis of the used catalysts in the secondary hydrogenation of coal-derived liquids for long periods. 96lOl393 processes. as solvent hg;&M.

U grading of sugar cane bagasse by thermal using sugar cans bagasae oil 4. 8 oal co-processing and Andrade, R. M. Fuel Sci TecknoL


1995,13. (lo),

Presents a’ study of coal liquefaction with sugar cane ba4asae oil. The bagasse is a waste from ethanol production. The bagasse od comes from the liquefaction of sugar cane bagasse with monoethanolamine. Gives the total conversion and oil production. 96lOl394 U gradlng of sugar cane bagasse by thermal of the oils obtalned from coal coProcesses. 5. t.!haracterlzatlon brocesslng with sugar cane bagasse oil yar~~&M. and Andrade, R. M. Fuel Sci TechnoL Int., 1995,13, (lo), . Descibes the oils obtained from liquefaction of different coals with sugar cane bagasse oil and from liquefaction of coal with monoethanolamine.

96/01367 Research pro ress for studies on coal llquefactlon In National Institute of Ma Ferlals and Chemical Research Yamadaya, S. Busshitsu Kogaku Kogyo Gijutsu Kenkyusho Hokoku, 1995, 3. (2). 85-93. (In Japanese) The obj&ve of this‘stud- is to establish the technology for the efficient production of liquid fuel %om coal by direct liquefaction method. During the warse of the investigation of coal liquefaction for 14 years, fundamental examination was Carried out by some research groups in the fields of chemical engineering, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and catalytic chemistry, and a great number of works have been reported. In this paper the authors outline the results and progress on the work.

Simulated histillation was used to evaluate the quality of the oils obtained from coal liquefaction with sugar cane bagasse oil as the process solvent. The results show that the oils produced with sugar cane bagasse oil were lighter than those obtained by direct liquefaction of coal with monoethanolamine as solvent.

%I01 366 Rheologlcal characteristics of coal-water mlxture fuel and pressure losses In pipe flow Roh, N. S. et aL, Hwahak Kongkak, 1995, 33, (3), 282-291. (In Korean) The rheological characteristics of coal-water mixture fuel, based on the power law mode, were investigated using the Haake rotational viscometer. which produced shear rates 0.1-512 P’. All of the slurries exhibited nonNewtonian properties of shear-thining behaviour, i.e. pseudoplastic or yield-pseudoplastic. The slurries became more viscous as the temperature, the mean particle size, and the amount of anionic surfactant were lowered. Furthermore! the yield stress measured in the case of no additive varied with the sold volume fraction and the coal particle size.

en me8 for the solublllza96/01396 Use of modlfled tlonIllquefactlon of bltumlnous coal 7 n a fluldlzed-bed reactor Kaufman, E. N. el al., Appl. Biochem. BiolechnoL, 1995, 54, (I), 233.248. Hydrogenase and cytochrome c enzymes were modified (especially with dinitrofluorobenxene methoxypolyethylene glywl p-nitrophenyl carbonate) to increase coal solubilities of up to 20 g/L in organic solvents (polarities from dioxane to toluene), resulting in >40% conversion of bituminous coal in 24 h in a fluidixed-bed reactor with H sparking. The conversion process may be in part due to splittng of Me or k t bridges and possible saturation of ring structures. A new class of continuous column-type reactors will be necessary for biocatalyst processes.

94 Fuel and Energy Abstracts

March 1996

96tOl395 U gradlng of sugar cane ba asse by thermal processes. 6. c lmulated dlstlllatlon of oils o% talned from coal co-processing wlth sugar cane bagasse oil p.nz~?~y~M. and Andrade, R. M. Fuel Sci TechnoL fnf, 1995,13, (lo),