9Wl496 Dynrmlo, self tostlng and dlwrso McMinn, K. A&WI,Oct.-Nov. 1994. (436). 28-31. The author6iaclls.Whow diversepfotectionsystemsare currentlybeing installed on six UK rcaotors using a novel dcs~ of hardware based prouldc4l logic’ system i?so offers an uXmomically tcction logic. This ‘ viable replacement p” or”relay logic on older reactors worldwide. The economics of nuclur fuel cycle %I01497 OEW Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 177 pp. The book ctudicsthe costof nuclear fuel cycles. Entotohung, rufgrbo und rrbelt de8 bmtechnls9W1499 usochosses chen ?? Sohwarxer, W. KTA-tX-60, Bundesamtfur Strahlenschutz,KTA-GeschaZ?.sstelle, Salzgitter,Gennmy, 206 pp. (In German) A review of the origin and function over the past 20 years of the German Nuclear Safety Standards Commission. Evolutlon of tha two-cut %/014% $~~pussot,J. M. and Chaumont, J. C. Atom, Oct.-Nov. 1994, (436), - . With several new steam generators comfortably installed in operating reactors, the tcchni ues involved in steam generator replacements arc evolving. Discusses how $ ramatomc performed its first steam generator replacement vration in 1990 on the Dampierre 1 pressurized water reactor. The analy91s of the experience feedback from the Dampierre operation led, among other things, to a search to improve some of the procedures. These improvements were implemented for the subsequent replacements pcrformed by Framatomc on Bugcy 5 in 1993 and Gravelines 1 in 1994. %I01490 FRM-II. Gormanv’a new neutron source Boning, K. Nuclear E&g. Zi.: Dee. 1994, 39, (485), 38-39. Reports that on 6 Scpembcr 1994 The Tech&al University of Munich and Sicmcns Power Generation Group signed a cncral contractor agreement in the Bavarian State Capital to construct F& -II. a new neutron source. Why is it needed and whai will it do? GE ?? nnouncoa joint vonturo wlth JNF %I01491 Arum,Oct.-Nov. 1994, (436), p. 10. Rtports that GE Nuclear Energy and Jaoan Nuclear Fuel (JNFl has amccd to form a new joint venture u&ration,-the Joint Convcr&on &rngy, to construct a new dry process chemical conversion facility for the production of nuclear fuel powder, at GE Nuelcar Energy’s headquarters at Wilmington, North Carolina, USA. 95101492 Gravellnos 4 sota clooun hoad changoout standard M&on, P. er al., Nuclear Engnq Znt.,Feb. 1995, 40, (487). 37-39. Faced with the problem of cracks m penetrations, EdF decided to replace all reactor vcssil closure heads. The &lity then needed to strcamlini the whole proccdurc to limit its impact on outages and costs. After completing three r laccmcnts, Framatomc evolved a system for doing the operation over a ?imited-inspection outage period. The fourth changeout at Gravclines 4, which is representative of most of France’s 900 MWc class units, was completed on schedule on 6 April 1994. GT-MHR hollum gas turblm powrr convrrslon aye%I01463 tom do8lgn and dovolopmont McDonald, C. F. et aL, Pruc. Am Power Conf, 1994,56, (l), 518-523. It is projected that shortly after the year 2000 combustion gas turbines will become the dominant prime-mover for electric power generation in the US. These plants will operate with fossil fuels (i.e. natural gas and gasified coal) and have efficiencies of 60%. The gas turbine modular helium reactor in a power plant with a meltdown-proof reactor and a high efficiency prime-mover based on proven technologies. A reactor core with a power r?t@g with 550 MW(t) was selected in ?rdcr to provide margin on de@ pl$ h;o a design goal was cstabhshed to a&eve a growth potential
Gundremmlngen’s new con monltorlng system 95lO1494 Holzer, R. ef aL, Nuclear Engng. Znt, Dec. 1994, 39, (485 , 42-43. The nuclear core monitoring system KSIM KernSIMulator1 was dcvclopcd for the Gundrcmmingcn (Germany) nut I car power station and cornmissioned in June 1994. It replaces the old core monitoring system (Pl) running on the station’s j~roecss computer, and helps the o raters further exploit the operational hmits of the core. In this way KSp” M can make a substantial c&tribution to operational safety and reacior flexibility and, in consequence, provide a tangible financial benefit. lndlan ?? olutlons to channel problems %I01485 Nuclear EnQnQ.Znt..Feb. 1995, 40, (487). 35-36. Discusses thi $oblc& of press&e t& r&ctors, such as channel degradation, or spacer repositioning, which have affected India’s PHWRs as much as those elsewhere. Describes a number of inspection and remcdiation techniques which have been developed in response to the problem.
Nudaarfuals (scl~,
96/014% Lash: Focurlng on rfoty at the DOE NuclearNews, Nov. 1994, 37, (14). 32-35. An intcrvicwwith Terry La&, Duector of the US Department of Energy’s Gfficc of Nuclear Energy. Loamlng thr Iesaona of bguna Verde 1 %I01467 Garcia,C. Nuckar Engng. Int., Feb. 1995.40, (487),12,14. A report on the Laguna Verde 2 which was co&e&d to the Mexican electric grid for the first time on the 11 November 1994. The uoit is expected to go commercial by June 1995 and, baaed on the operational performance of unit 1, together the two unita arc expected to satisfy around 8% of the national electricity demand. %lQ14% Mannod journey to the contra of a reactor Godin,R. ef al., NucleurEngng. Znr.,Dec. 1994,39, (485), 18-20. The alticlc disalssea the pvse of the research at the 305 MWc Choox-A plant which was to gather mformation to improve understanding of the bchaviour of other PWR facilities operated by EdF. Specialists were consulted, both inside and outside the company, who drew up an appraisal programme. %/014%
Mlxod convoctlon hoat tnnohr to sodlum In a vorll-
$!!‘J. D. et al., ExperimentalHear Transfer,Jan.-Mar. 1994,7, (l), Expchmental turbulent mix&convection data arc presented for sodium in a uniformly heated vertical pipe. The bchaviour is found to be opposite to that cstabhshcd for fluids of higher Prandtl number, including mercury, with heat transfer enhanced in upward flow and impaired in downward flow. Velocity and temperature profiles in the sodium have been measured using miniature magnet probes. 95lO1470 NAC dual-purpow cark gets NRC transport COC Nuclear News, Nov. 1994, 37, 14), 5&51. Reports that in October 1994, 6 c US Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a transportation Certificate of Compliance to NAC Scrviccs Inc. for its storage dry spent nuclear fuel transport cask. The dual-purpoac, or multi urposc, cask, called the NAC-STC storable-transport cask), is the first oP*its kind to be approved for use by rl S utilities needing expanded onsitc storage or spent fuel transport capability. Neutron-phyolcal drvolopmont of nfloctors for tha %I01471 pulsed reactor IBR-2 Noack, IL Kcnrcchni&, Nov. 1994.59, (6), 291-297. The pulsed fast reactor IBR-2, Dubna, is at prcsnct the most powerful pulsed neutron source used for condensed m&r rescar&. Thd neutron PUISCS arc generated periodically by rcactivitv modulation, which is jlccomplishca by a roiating tw&refI&tor systein. The net&n physics which has been Involved in the development of various rcfIectors is analysed with respect to the neutron pulse length. Two new reflectors are proposed. %I01 472 A new approach to managlng cablo agolng L&?~witz, S. andBumay,S. Nuclear Engng. Znt.,Dec. 1994,39, (485), Mainienancc of the electrical portion of nuclear plants is usually based on the ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fm it’. However, there is now the possibiity of a new approach using a combination of laboratory-developed life prediction models and in-plant cable condition monitoring. This provides new guiding principle: ‘if you know it ain’t broke, don’t tix it’. %I01 473 Nuclorr onorgy. An Introduction to ths concepts, systrms and rpplkatlona of nuclrar procoeaos. Fourth odltlon Murray. R. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Linacre House, Jordan Hill, O&d 0X2, SOP, UK U9.50, 440 pp. This volume provides nuclear engineers, plant designers and radiation physicists with a corn chcnsivc overview of nuclear energy and its uses, and discusses potent1*a$problems and the outlook for the future.. As well as functioning as a tool to train and educate. funuc professionals, this book is expected to be helpful to scientists and engineers in non-nuclear but related fields. 95/01474 Nuclear matrrlalr. Yaterlals Bclencr snd Tachnology, Volumes 1OA and 100 Frost, B. R. (ed) VCH, Weinheim,Germany,DM450,00, f176.00,557pp and 454 pp. %I01475 Nuclear plant longevity. A call to actlon Joostcn, J. K. Nuclear Engng. Znt.,Dec. 1994, 39. (485), 16-18. Discusses how most commonly accepted projections for world nuclear capacity show it growing at a rate of about 246 *r year throu out the next few decades. However, a new analysis indicates that the cf!hect of mvzlear plant longcvi , siting constraints &d construction lead times on nuclear capacity may $ avc been substantially underestimated. Unless clear actions are taken by government and industry to encourage the longevity of the existing nuclear power plants beyond a 35 year plant lifetime, world nuclear capacity may peak around the year 2000 and decline over the subsquent two decades.
Fuel snd Energy Abstracts March 1999