01878 Vertical apparatus for coal pyrolysis

01878 Vertical apparatus for coal pyrolysis

10 Engines (power generation and propulsion, electric vehicles) 96/01877 Utillaatlon of petroleum coke and patroloum coka/coal blanda as a maana of ...

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10 Engines (power generation

and propulsion, electric vehicles)

96/01877 Utillaatlon of petroleum coke and patroloum coka/coal blanda as a maana of ataam mlalng Bryers. R. W. Fuel Process. Tech&, 1995,44, (1). 121-141. Discusses the combustion chamctcristics of petroleum cokes and blends with coal used for steam raising and the fueade behaviour of the mineral matter they contain. se/o1678 Vartlcrl Konishi, T. et aL, JP.O7,18&677,



for coal pyrolyala Nippon Kokan KK,




96lO1%6 Glvlng now Ma to aging cogonoratlon l ystama Steiner, s. ConsuL Spec$ Engr., Sep. 1995, 18, (3), 44-46. Reports that cogeneration systems installed throughout the USA in the last 15 years are et an age where property owners have to decide wbetber to replace or retrofit them. A case study is described of an installation in an 840,000 ft*, office building in Manhattan.



The apparatus consists of a pyrolysis section which is divided into several zones based on the temperature gradient from top to bottom to produce gas components, and rewvering the gas components from each zone.

96/01%7 Heat-mater davalopmanta for CHP-DH natworka Babus’Haq, R. F. et aL, Applied Energy, 1996,53, (l), 193-207. Combined heat and cr with districl (i.e. community) beating (CHPDH) has had, or will gcrw avc, a significant and increasing role in dictatin the energy strategies for most European countries. It has been, and still is, the

10 ENGINES Power Generation and Propulsion, Vehicles

anv other countrv. has for lonn been concerne rent investigations the perfo&ke of a selection of heat m&s are comparzzdaddition, methods of preventing fouling in different flow units are


The closed Brayton cycle - A fuel neutral gas tur%I01 679 blna to mast energy usar’s naada In the Paclflc Rlm natlons g2D;;yd, C. F. and Et& K. T. Proc. Am Power Conj, 1995,57, (l), EmphasLes the fuel neutral nature of the closed Brayton cycle as an attractive candidate for the Pacific Rim nations because the power conversion system can utilize a wide range of fuels, including oil, gas, coal and biomass. %I01 880 Confsranca report. Instltuta of Energy Conference on Qaa Turblna Power Qanaratlon, Confaranca Forum, London, 4 May 1995 Watson, J. Energy Policy, Oct. 1995, 23, (lo), 919-920. A report on the above conference. %I01661 Electric truck haulage system for mlnas Mansson, S. et aL, MB Review, 1995, (10). 16-22. Inclined ore and waste haulage systems with electric four-wheel drive trucks are being operated with success in mines around the world. Describes o eratm experience of an ABB SO-tonne electric truck haulage system in tt:e 21*llf gruvan mine in Sweden which underscores the high availability and economy of the new inclined haulage system. 96/01%2 Energy complex as a part of a mlnl power plant for generation of heat and motor fuel for l acondary heat and alactrlc unlta Nekrason, V. G. Prom Energy, 1995, (l), 43-45. (In Russian) Discusses the conceot of small coal gasification combined cvcle Dower plant. The lant has ‘an ou ut of 2.5 h;iw electricity and 4 G&l/h hkat. It consists o P 3 gas turbine % locks, and a block for CaS,_ production for energy storage; The avolutlon of the coganaratlon market In Texas J. and Reilley, B. Energy Policy, Jan. 1996, 24, (l), 67-79. Texas, the nation’s leading state in electricity consumption and generation, has been among the most successful states in encouraging industrial cogeneration, in which one process produces both electricity and either useful steam or thermal energy. With roughly 8000 MW of ca acity, Texas leads the nation in thermal cogeneration actwity. Of this tota, about 3200 is under contract to provide ‘firm capacity’ to the state’s utilities. Roughly 10% of the electricity sold by the state’s utilities in recent years was generated by qualifying facility cogenerators. While the state’s ‘corn titive negotiation’ and ‘mandatory wheeling’ rules have proven genera r y successful in elicitink an economical non-utility generation source new challenges are emerging. 96lO1 a03 Zarnikau,


96101664 Faaalblll of ualn an Integrated small-scale CHP unit plus daslccant wx eel In a Balaura complex Babus’Haq, R. F. et al., Ap lied Energv, 1996, 53, (l), 179-192. By employing a natural-gas- 4lred combined heat-and-power (CHP) system in a leisure complex, the waste heat from the CHP units can be used to regenerate a desiccant wheel. The latter is employed to provide dehumidification for the indoor swimming pools in a leisure complex. A payback period of approximately 4 years has been predicted for this system, assummg zero amortised value for the CHP units had to be replaced. Any resaleable value for the removed units would lead lo an even shorter payback period. 96/01%5 Gas turblna davalopmanta Maude, C. W. and Kirchner, A. T. IEACRl84, House, IO-18 Putney Hill, London tries) f300.00 (member countries)

IEA Coal Research, SW15 &4A, f900.00 (non-member Sep.1995.

Gemini coun-

The report identifies gas turbine features which may influence the design and performance of emerging coal-based combined cycle systems for power generation.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts



96/01%5 History of CHP developmanta and currant trends Brown, K. and Mine& S. Applied Energy, 1996, 53, (I), 11-22. The UK Government’s perspective on the desirable role of CHP with respect to Britain’s energy supplies, what the Government is doing to encourage greater market penetration of CHP, and the prospects for the future growth of the national CHP industry are discussed. 96lOl669 The Influanca of fuel properties on the heat ralaasa in DI-dlaasl anglnaa Breuer. C. Fuel, Dec. 1995, 74, (12), 1767-1771. The description of the heat release of DI-diesel engines by means of the double-Vibe-moldel leads to a strong analogy with only su free parameters. Thus, a calculation method has been worked out according to a Vibe’s proposal of the ‘logarithmic anamorphosis’ for simple V&e-functions. This method allows, contrary to conventional methods, the determination of all six ammeters from experimental data independently of an assumptions ma8e before. It also shows shorter calculation times. The rer lability of the process has been verified by using the data of 54 test NIIS of a DI-diesel engine using gas oil and rape-oil as well as rape methyl ester. A dependency between fuel properties and V&e-parameters has been proved. Bolling characteristic, fuel viscosity and also the cetane number control the premixed and the diffusion combustion phase. 96lOl690 An Integrated CHP and daaallnatlon plant Johansen, J. ef aL, Applied Energy, 19%. 53, (1). 157-178. The rapid growth in the world’s population, the hi& demands-per-capita modern way of life in the industrmhsed countries, poor resource management and increasing pollution have led to problems associated with water supplies. ‘Fresh’ potable ground-water is being consumed faster than it is bemg replenished naturally and there is a fre uent lack of adequate provision of pure water for domestic, industrial an8 agricultural purposes, especially in arid areas. Desalination seems to be the only viable answer to freshwater shortages in some parts of the world. However, saline-water processing can be expensive and energy intensive. Thus, an inte $9 combined-cycle heat-and-power as well as seawater desalination p ant 1s proposed and its performance assessed. 96lOI691 Power plant sarvlca - A nrw concept for faster ratroflttlng of turbogenerators Schoninger, J. ABE Review, 1995, (lo), 23-30. Tie is a key factor in wer plant service. For utilities to remain competitive, the service metho r ology and systems engineering have to be geared to keeping downtime short. The replacement of the complete generator stator -designed as a module - is a good example of how an ‘as new’ unit can be obtained in a relatively short time and at a considerable saving wm with a new machine. The development and realization of this ‘pat r’! ge called for an entirely new approach to service. 96lOi692 A almulatlon analvsls of a Dl dlaaal anolna fuel InJectIon system flttad with a &natant pressure valvaRakopoulos, C. D. and Hountalas, D. T. Energy Convers. Mgmt., Feb. 1996, 37. (2), 135.150. In the present work, a theoretical and computational investigation is wnducted to examine the performance of a fuel injection system fitted with a wnstant pressure valve, used to power a high speed direct injection @I) diesel engine.