02068 Feed selection and radiocaesium intake by reindeer, sheep and goats grazing alpine summer habitats in Southern Norway

02068 Feed selection and radiocaesium intake by reindeer, sheep and goats grazing alpine summer habitats in Southern Norway

15 Environment iz%To An enorgy l fficlont mlxsd solvent for the aaprrs- Chakma. A.’ Enerm Convers. Mm. Jun.-Sev. 1995. 36. (6). 427-430. An me& ...

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15 Environment


An enorgy

l fficlont

mlxsd solvent

for the aaprrs-

Chakma. A.’ Enerm Convers. Mm. Jun.-Sev. 1995. 36. (6). 427-430. An me& efficienCy proprietary &x&J solveni for the se ‘ation of CO, from power plant flue gas streams haa been developed. Tr e solvent wmbinesihe higher reaction rate of a more reactive solvent and the lower heat of reaction of a less reactive solvent end achieves mass transfer rates similar to more reactive monoethanolamine (MBA) solvent via a catalytic mechanism. The regeneration energy required is 30% less than conventional MEA. Solvent losses and corrosion rates are 10 and 5 times lower than MEA, respectively.

Ener -prlclng policy and tha l nvlronment In an %m2055 ollaportlng, dsvrayoplng country Adenikiniu. A. F. OPEC Review. Winter 1995. 19. (4). 307-332. Discumes the major outcome of ‘tie Earth Summit ii992 which was affirmation of the organic link between sustainability and economic development. One of the-ptocols signed by world leaders at the convention was the Framework Convention on Climatic Change, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. The Convention called on developed countries, which generate most of the greenhouse gas emissions, to take the lead in combating climate change and its adverse effects.

(jwllution, health protection, safety)

%iO2%1 Envlronmontal management - luura and solutlona Atchia, hf. and Tropp, S. John Wiley Publishers, Chichester, Uk: 241 pp. The book contains pa rs from a number of seminars on environmental management organi *scr by the United Nations Environmental Pmgmuu.ue. %/02%2 Envlronmental pollution managsmmt for Tsnzsnla: Towsrdr pollutlon prevrntlon Yhdego, hf. J. C&aner Prod, 1995, 3, (3). 143-151. Tanxama is currently promoting the development of industry and exploitahon of natural resources ut an attempt to reprove its economic stabiity. Regrettably, this development process is inevuably accompanied by environmental llution. A survey of water, air and noise pollution is presented. r anxania lacks the economic base and trained menpower casential for the im lementation of a regulatory and corrective strategy using costly and sopLs’ ttcated pollution control technology. %/02%2 Envlronmsntal risk aaas88mant of a coal-flrsd ower lant by public health risk svaluatlon msthod than& t et aL, Fushe Fan&, 1995, 15, (2). 111-115. (In Chinese) Based on the ublic health risk evaluation method, the health risks due to the gaseous c I uents containing chemicals and radionuclides from a ty ical coal-fued power plant are evaluated. The results indicate that the he Byth risks from chemical effluents are much more severe than that of radionuclides.

%m2055 Englnssrlng.sconomlc svvaluatlon of SCR NO, control l yatem8 for coal-tlrsd power plants Frey, H. C. Proc. Am. Power Conf, 1995, 57, (2), 1583-1588. ‘Ibe paper discusses the St-combustion removal of NO, from flue gas of coal-fired power plants r y using the selective catalytic reduction process.

Environmental values In Amsrlcan culture %I02054 Kempton, W. et aL, The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, USA, and Lo&n, UK, $39.9S, 32 pp. The book discusses environmental wncems which play an important role in the formation of energy policy in the USA.

95l02051 Enhancsmsnt of NO. rdaorptlon capaclty and rate of char by mlcrowavra Cha. C. Y. and Konn, Y. Curbon, 1995.33. IS), 1141-1146. The~NO, were ad&bed into a char bed and~then reduced by the microwaves to nitrogen and carbon oxides. High removal rates of NO, near 98%, were observed in laboratory tests. A series of experiments were conducted to fiid the effect that microwave-induced regeneration of Nt+ saturated char had on the NO= adsorption capacity of char and the resultmg adso tion rate. During the g-cycle adso tion and reduction experiments, xc adsorption capacity of char increas3 from 10 to 30 g NO, per 100 g char.

95102055 Evaluatlna thr potrntlal Impact8 of mlno warts8 on ground and surface witerrHerxon. D. J. Min Ena. (Littleton Cola.). 1995. 47. (3). 254-256. Disc&s the evaluation‘bf‘the potential for surface water ‘ahd groundwater pollution by mine wastes, including the characterization of solid and liquid mine wastes, characterization of groundwater systems, unsaturated zone chsracterixation, soil attenuation studies, development of monitoring plans where no potential for impact has been determined, and development of a mitigation plant where there exists a potential for impact on groundwater or surface water.

95/02Q% Entrrpronoura’ bshavlour In water managrmrnt Pals, H. B. et oL, J. CIrancr Prod, 1995, 3. (3), 153-159. Although there are sufficient technical means for preventing waste water from becoming seriously polluted, in practice the unplementation of prcventive measures lags far behind the possibilities. Many reasons can be suggested for this, such as ignorance and economic uncertainties, but very little research, if any, has been carried out into the way in which entrepreneurs’ behavtour can be influenced in ractical situations. In a pilot study in The Netherlands, the Institute for lnf and Water Management and Waste Water Treatment (RIZA) investigated the attitudes within garage firms, the environmental aspects of management in garages regarding the working procedures within the firms, and in what way they are influenced by the social environment.

%lO2%5 Exprrlmrntal study of slmultansoua nmoval rnd concentration of CO, by an Improved prossurs l wlna adsorptlon process - . Diagne, D. er al., Energy Cowers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (6). 431-434. CO, removal and concentration from air-CO, mixtures was carried out by means of a dual refluxed PSA process with intermediate feed inlet position. The effects of the process operating variables such as feed positron stripping reflux ratio RR, and pressure ratio investigated. For an appropriate combination of

95lo2059 Envlronmrntel consoqurncsa of Intrnslva harveatlng Smith, C. T. Biomuss % Bioenergy, 1995, 9, (l), 161-179. Sustainable deployment of bioenergy production systems rquires that we achieve the ability to predict the impact of intensive harvesting on forest site productivity. During the period 1992-94, collaborators in International Energy Agency Biomass Agreement (IEA/BA) Task Ix Activity ‘Environmental consequences of intensive harvesting have refined protocols for conducting field and laboratory research designed to reduce uncertainty associated with predictive models; have published comprehensive reviews of the state of our knowledge related to long-term productivity in intensively managed forests; have sought to improve our understanding of recent research advances on theoretical and empirical levels in the areas of carbon cycling, sustainable forest managemnt,and mana ing site fertility; and direct the mformation to developing acceptable and ek lctent bioenergy production systems.

95/02957 Exporlmonta for dynamic behavior of csrbon dloxIda .-- In .. dean --- r sea --Hirai, S. et aL, Energy Convers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995,36, (6). 471-474. The oaoer descrbes an exoeriment of liauid CO. dvnamics affected bv hydr&clathrate fii obseived in the straiegy of COidisposal in deep se’s ocean. The characteristic behaviour induced by the CO, hydrate is reported, which are CC+ injection from a nozzle, formation of CO, pool and growth and propagauon of hydrate-clathrate film induced by the nucleation. A laser dragnostic technique is demonstrated in the measurement of non-uniform two dimensional pH distribution, which is considered to be an effective tool to elucidate the mechanism of the dynamics of liquid Co,.

90lO2050 Envlronmental lmpllcstlons 1996, 53, (1). 89-117. Hill, R. and Mortimer, N. Applied Energy, Combined heat and power systems often have financial advantages compared with the central generation of electricity and its transmission and distribution to the end user, plus some local source of heat rovision. Because the heat losses in central electricity generation and distn*Iiution are rejected to the atmosphere, it is always more efficient to use rimary fuels in CHP mode than in separate electricity and heat pr OBuction. This increased efficiency in utilisation of primary resources has significant consequences in the reduction of gaseous emissions per unit of us&l energy delivered to the end user. A further reduction in total UK emissions is possible if gas-fired CHP is installed as a replacement for coal-fired central electricity generatin stations. This study of the environmental benefits of CHP has considere % only gas-fired CHP technologies.

96lO2065 Feed srlectlon and radlocasalum Intake b relndeer, rhrrp and goats grating alplne summer habltats In I outham Norway Staaland, H. et al., J. Environ, Radioactivity, 1995, 29, (1). 39-56. Radiocaesium concentrations (‘“Cs) were measured in extrusa from oesophageally fiitulated sheep, goats and reindeer grazing al ine summer vegetatin in Griningsdalen. Southern Norway in the period 19P7-1989. The experiments with sheep and goats were conducted m different sub-alpine areas. The reindeer were, in addition, graxed in three areas in the low alpine zone. 96102069 Flnanclal l valuation of snvlronmrntal Invratments Moilanen, T. and Martin, C. IChemE, Book Sales, 165-189 Railway Terrace,







180 pp.

96lO2070 Flue gas deaulfurlzatlon In brown coal duat flrsd power plant8 Pfeiffer, J. and Ziehe, H. (Assigned to) VEAG Vereinigte Energiewerke AG, GER.





Fuel and Energy Abstract8

March 1996