04241 District heating price comparison 1994

04241 District heating price comparison 1994

13 Space heating and cooling (properties, production, applications) Are design ideas competitions hitting the target? 96104230 Comments on the Int...

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heating and cooling (properties,

production, applications)

Are design ideas competitions hitting the target? 96104230 Comments on the International Design Ideas Competition for a resort hotel by the Dead Sea, Israel Meir, I. A. er al., Energy & Buildings, 1996. 23, (3), 299-306. The question of information dissemination among architects on subjects such as energy conservation and bioclimatic design have been dealt with by different professional and governmental groups, but with limited success. One of the tools for the oromotion of new ideas and technoloeies is that of design competitions. i&merous such competitions are held”regularlv both on international and national levels. The paper attempts to assess the-limitations and drawbacks of such competiiions vis-a&is the real impact these have on participants, organizers and the wider professional and student communities. Assessing the embodied energy savings from 96104231 recycling and alternate materials in buildings Treloar, G. Proc. Solar ‘95 Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, ANZSES, Box 124, Caulfield East, Vie. 3145, Australia. Embodied energy savings, for example through recycling of energy intensive materials, can be considered to be an alternate energy source. HOWever, current embodied energy data tends to be either unreliable or inappropriately applied. Discusses how the development of accurate embodied energy analysis methods is therefore necessary. Catering end hospltallty 96104232 Refria. Air Condit.. Jan. 1996. 99. 17-28. Pre;e& three articles on refrigeration equipment hospitality industry in the UK.

and the catering


Climate effect on the evaluation of the heat transfer 96104233 through the perlmetrsl structures of refrlgeratlng stores Fucci, F. and La Fianza, G. Solar EnerRy, Feb. 1996, 56, (2), 133-142. Numerical simulation g&es the possibility?0 evaluate, with the approximation peculiar to the method, the temperature trend and the heat exchange through the outside perimetral structures of the refrigerating stores, under different climatic conditions. Specifically, two types of structural panels used in the refrigerating stores building are analysed. Taking into account the climatic sectors under which Italy could be divided, the authors evaluated the sun and the outside temper&e influence on the structures thermal behaviour. Coefflclent of performance for an lrreverslble com96104234 blned refrlgeratlon cycle Goktun, S. Energy, Jul.-Aug. 1996, 21, (7), 721-724. The effects of thermal resistances and internal irreversibilities on the oerformance of a combined (cascade) refrigerator are investigated. ‘An improved equation is obtained for the coefficient of performance of an irreversible, combined refrigerator. Control and monltorlna 96104235 Smith, J. et al., Refiig. Air Condit., De:. 1995, 98. Presents six short articles dealing with the application .. control to refrigeration.

of monitoring



Day-llghtlng of underground spaces: deslgn rules Bouchet, B. and Fontoynont, M. Energy & Buildings, 1996, 23, (3). 293-298. The paper proposes rules to size light wells in order to provide the desired quantities of natural light in underground spaces. These rules have been determined by processing the results of optical computations using the raytracking light simulation program GENELUX.

Displacement ventilation and chilled ceilings 96104240 Office space application Alamdari, F. and Eagles, N. BSRIA Technical Note TN.2196, BSRIA, Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire RGl2 7AH, UK, f2O.(members) f30.(non-members), 28 pp. In recent vears the aoolication of disolacement ventilation svstems and chilled ceilings in the’dffice environmint has gained popularit); in the UK and is increasingly replacing the traditional mixed flow ventilation and cooling strategies..The report describes a programme of work undertaken by BSRIA to investigate whether it is feasible to combined displacement ventilation systems and chilled ceiling devices while still maintaming adequate levels of thermal comfort and a predominant upward air movement. District heating price comparison 1994 96104241 Euroheat & Pwr. Fern. Internat., Oct. 1995, 24, (IO), Ruppert, K. 558-586. (In German) The paper presents a price comparison of district heating in Germany in

1nnr Iy7*

The effect of data processing techniques on cslcu96104242 latlons of the coefflclent of performsnce for solar powered solld adsorptlon solar refrlgeratlon systems Barton, R. D. and Hu, E. J. Proc. Solar ‘95 Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, ANZSES, Box 124, Caulfield East, Vie. 3145, Auswalia. There have been a number of studies researching the improvement of the coefficient of performance of solid adsorption -refrigeration systems by selecting the most appropriate carbons. In particular studies into the physical parameters of different carbons for use in the solar collector have been made, utilising data processing techniques on experimental results to identify specific parameters. The objective of the authors was to explore the chfferent data processing techniques and observe the effects on the carbon parameter, which will then determine the coefficient of performance of the systems calculated for a given set of conditions. Effects of houslng layout factors on thermal per96104243 formance of aoartment bulldlnas Kim, .I. T. et ‘al., Proc. Solar-‘95 Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, ANZSES, Box 124. Caulfield Easr, Vie. 3145, Australia. The paper aims to assess.the impact of housing layout design factors on the thermal performance of passive solar apartment buildings. 96104244

Efflclent humidlflcation In buildlnas Bennett, K. M. BSRIA Application Guide AG.iOl94, BSRIA, Old Bracknell Lane West. Bracknell. Berkshire RG12 7AH. UK. f25.lmembersJ f40.(nowmembers) i995, 51 pp. The guide identifies the factors relevant to humidification for a broad range of humidification applications and sets out a procedure for the selection of humidifiers. 96104245 Embodled energy - A case __ and offlce bulldlngs study Oppenheim, D. and Treloar, G. Proc. Solar ‘95 Conference, Hobart, T&mania, ANZSES, Box 124, Caulfield East, Vie. 3145,Australia. The paper discusses how in both Australia and overseas, it appears that the field of embodied energy analysis is generally still only of academic interest. There is little interest in the market place for the undertaking of these calculations and the design changes that would follow from the results produced. Additionally, no country has yet embodied energy regulations. 96104246

96104237 Demand-controlled ventllstlon In multi-zone offlce bulldlng Emmerich. S. J. et al.. Indoor Environ., Nov.-Dec. 1994, 3. (6). 331-340. Describes g study applying indoor air quality modelling to &&gate the potential advantages and drawbacks of demand-controlled ventilation as an indoor air quality control strategy. The deslgn, layout and maintenance of ventllstlon 96104236 and alr condltlonlng on the basis of hyglene reqlrements In standards Finke, U. and Fitzner, K. Ki Lufr Kalrerech., Nov. 1995, 31, (ll), 526-530. (In German) 96104239

Development of a method to predict the heat island potential using remote sensing and GIS data Iino, A. and Hoyano, A. Energy & Buildings, 1996, 23, (3), 199-205. Most studies directed to urban climate simulation have been carried out under the assumption that an urban canopy layer is a sublayer comprised of various roughnesses, and as a consequence, difficulties have arisen in obtaining a suitable heat balance for such a laver. The oaoer. therefore. focuses & investigating the surface temperature distributio& of all urban surfaces via a new index based on sensible heat flux, named the heat island potential, which can be employed in urban development planning to evaluate the urban thermal environment.


Fuel and Energy




Energy consumption lndlcator for office bulldlngs Netherlands Insrilute for Study & Stimulation of Research, ISSO Publicarion No.37, ISBN 90,5044,048.7, 1995, 43 pp. (In Flemish) The publication can be used as a guide for design decisions on the energy consumption of HVAC installations by revealing their impact at the preliminary design phase. Provides three different stages of the design process with examples. 96104247 Energy efficient HVAC systems In offlcs bulldlngs Jagemar, L. CADDETAnalyses Series No.15, ISBN 90,72647,20,3, 1995, 247 pp. A guide to the complexities of ventilation systems for commercial buildings, with special emphasis on the need to achieve energy efficiency. 96104240

Energy lndlces and performance targets for hous. ing design Yannas, S. Energy & Buildings, 1996, 23, (3), 237-249. The Energy Index was developed as a means of comparative assessment for new and existing residential buildings in the UK. It provides a basis for identifying energy savings from different design measures and a yardstick for setting performance targets. The paper describes the derivation of the Index calculation method, its use in comparing built schemes or design options, and the tabulated energy indices and performance targets against which results can be assessed.