Environment (pollution, health protection, saferyl
95105252 Bondlng of trlbutyl phosphate-contalnln polymeric products to epoxy resins for storage of redBoactlvr wastes Yoshinaka, K. et at!, (Assigned to) Doryohuro kkhunenryo; Kbnura
Kahohi Co&d,
JAP. Par JP.O6,200,049, Jul. 1994.
Calculations and measurements of “‘Eu and ‘=Eu 95105253 In ‘fuel-llke’ hot partlcles from Chernobyl fallout Jaraa, P. et al?%J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1995, 26, (1 , 83-97. Calculations of Eu and ‘“Eu activities in the Chcmoby I Unit IV reactor are given, together with a discussion of the uncertainties involved and comparison with results of other authors. The measurement of activities of the Chernobyl-origin ‘fuel-like’ hot particles (fuel fragments) and analysis of the radionuclide fractionation reveal a common behaviour of L”Eu ’ Eu and “‘Ce radioisotopes as regards non-volatility, similar to rsZr and ‘%lb in hot particles.
95105260 Chemical reactlons of fly ash from refuse lnclneratlon Osbom, G. A. and Bott, T. R. Proc. 10th bat. Heat Transfer Co@, Inst. Chem. Eng., Rugby, UK 1994, 357-360. Discusses laboratory studies of the chemical reactions that could occur between fly ash and the flue gases in refuse incineration. Using fIy ash collected from an incinerator and subjecting this to simulated flue gases at different temperatures it is shown that the absorption of chlorine proceeds initially at a faster rate than fly ash absorption of SO,. $llO5T~l
Chernobyl fallout radlonuclldes In Lake Snlardwy,
95105254 Carbon adsorptlon for Indoor alr cleaning Va&sdell, D. W. and Sparks, L. E. ASHRAE J, Feb. 1995, 37, (2).
Robbins. J. A. and Jasinski, A. W. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1995, 26, 2). 157-184. Bollowing the introductino of Chernobyl radionuclides in Ma 1986. to Lake Sniardwy, the largest lake in Poland, sediment cores antKfish were periodically collected through 1989 and anal sed for “‘Cc, “‘Cs and r”Cs. Within four months of the fallout, u4Cs hac! penetrated down to about 10 cm in one sediment core and, in cores wllected from three sites, a year later, had penetrated from 14 to 24 cm.
Discusses how indoor air quality can be improved in several ways including air cleaning.
Carbon dloxlde utlllsatlon
Andrea Smith, IRA Greenhouse Gas Programme, CRE Group Ltd, Stoke Orchard Cheltenham, Glos. GL52 4RZ, UK f13.00. The report focuses on four major aspects, namely the manufacture of
chemicals and pol mers and enhanced oil recovery, as well as two biological methods to re Buce or fur carbon dioxide emissions (direct and indirect fixation). Describes each approach in detail and includes data from studies worth f 180,000, commissroned specifically for the Programme. 95105256 Carbon taxatlon and unexpected swltchlng behavlaur Brennand, G. J. OPEC Review, Spring 1995, 19, (l), 1-12. The bulk of the carbon-saving generally exnected to brought about by a carbon tax is due to increased%icentives to conserve energfl. By focusing upon carbon content, it is intended that the necessary economic si nals will induce additionally a switch away from high carbon content fue Ps to ones with a lower carbon content. This note proposes that there may be examles where this switch may not necessanly occur, and that there may even & cases where the switch will be in the wrong direction.
Chernobyl must close. Comment from Europe Rippon, S. Nuclear News, Jul. 1995, 38, (9& 32. Discusses the plans to close Chernobyl by 2 At least that is the plan that has been agreed by Ukrainian President, as long as western natrons wme up with some $4 billion in assistance.
by 20007
Nuclear Engineering Int., Jul. 1995, 40, (492). p. 15.
Reports that Ukraine has been discussing plans for Chernobyl with the European Union and the G7. A timetable for closure is under discussion but it has conditions. 95105264
Classlflcatlon of house characterlstlcs based on Indoor nltrogen dloxlde concentrations Let, K. et aL, Environment Int., 1995, 21, (3), 277-282. House characteristics determinin indoor nitrogen dioxide levels were extracted from a large scale fiel % study in the Boston area. In this field study, indoor and outdoor NO, levels andhouse characteristics were measured in three seasons: winter, summer, and fall. 95105265
95105257 Changes In roll characterlstlcs around coal-flred power plants
Cllmate change science: Current understandlng and uncertainty Contact Joy Dudine, The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences
& Engineering, FAX (03) 347 8237. The Academy has recently launched a 100 page report intended to wntrlb-
ute to the development of national wnsensus on Australia’s response to the greenhouse question. the polluted sites. The or anic carbon content of the soil increased with increasing pollution load. %hermal power plant emissions have led to significant increases in the soil sulphate sul hur and exchangeable calcium contents, while reducin significantly totaP nitrogen. Reduction in total-N was possibly correlate % with the N-mineralization rate. The changes in total and organic sulphur. exchangeable potassium, and available phosphorus contents of sod were not significant. 95105259 Characterlsatlon and slgnal reconstructlon of an NDIR automotlve emlsslons analyser used for dynamic measurement Chart, S. H. and Cben. X. S. J. Institute of Energy,Jun. 1995, (475), 49-56. Normally the slow-response conventional gaseous-emission analysers based on non-dispersive infra-red measuring techniques are not widely used for measurement of transient engine-exhaust emissions! because the dynamics of these analysers distort emission signals dunng sampling processes. A phenomenological modelling approach is proposed which simulates the behaviour of gas transport through an emission analyser by a series of alternately arranged pipes and surge chambers, such that the distortion of the emission signal can be physrcall explamed and modelled. The characterisation of an emission analyser gy means of two physical modes-viz diffusion and perfect gas-mixing models-is adopted as the basis for analysis, so that physrcrd interpretation can be made to account for the resulting distortion and variation of measured emission signals. 95105259 Characterlzatlon of uranlum contamlnatlon In surface solls Schilk, A. J. et aL, J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1995, 26, (2) 147-156. Traditional means of obtaining radionuclide concentrations in soils over large areas are often time-consuming, cumbersome, expensive, and potentially non-representative. In an attempt to develop improved systems and new methodologies for the rapid and economical characterization of largescale uranium contamination, two disparate monitoring technologies were compared at a contaminated site within the Femald facility near Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts September 1995
CO, capture from the flue gas of conventional fossll-fuel-fired power plants Wolslrv.A. M. et aL. Environ. Proa.. 1994. 13. (3). 214-219. Discus& technologies that can or Gmise to ca’t%. Co, from the flue gases of conventional fossil fuel- Pued power pPants. The technologies mclude chemical solvent, cryogenic membrane, physical absorption. and physical adsorption methods. In general, technologtes for capturing Co, are expensive and energy-intensive. Research to improve the performance and economics of these technologies is discussed. 95105267
Coal gaslflcatlon and sulfur removal process In fluld bed reactors Campbell,W. hf. et aL, (Assigned to M.W. Kellogg Co., EUR. Pat.
EP.634,471, Jan 1994.
95105266 Comparlson of chemical solvents for mltlgatlng CO emlsslons from coal-fired power plants C&z&ma, A et aL, Heat Recovery Sys~ CHP., 1995, 15, (2), 231-240. 95105269
Comprehenslve WaSteleSS teChnOlOQyfor UtlllZatlon of organic fuels In the productlon of electric and thermal energy and other commodltles Akhmedov, R. B. IN. Vyssh Uchebn Zaved Energ. Ob’edin SNG, Energ., 1994, (5). 43-46. Russian) A review of CO, remov s” from power station flue gases for decreased emissions. CO, separation and coal gasification is also discussed. 95105270 Contrlbutlon of uranium to gross alpha radloacthflty In some envlronmental samples In Kuwalt Bou-Rabee, F. et aLt Environment Int., 1995, 21, (3), 293-298. This study was done m connection with the use of uranmm-tipped antitank shells during the Gulf War andpossible contamination of the environment in Kuwait.