(pollution, health protection,
and energy policy. Rail shipment of coal Energy Policy, Laze, J. K. and McClain, K. T.
Jun. 1996, 24, (a), 531-540. Policy changes over the last two decades have dramatically changed the coal and electric utilities industries. Many of these changes have led to smndary and environmental impacts which, taken together, affect many communities and individuals but arc rarely considered during policy debates. The author undertook an analysis of fugitive coal dusf emissions during rail transport of coal to illustrate the side effects of public policy and the need for more comprehensive consideratiqn of subjective costs and benefits. The economic and environmental impacts on communities and individuals of one aspects of increased coal usage are measured with nonmarket valuation techniques.
Control of elr toxlcs from coal-flred 06/05460 using FGD technology
power plants
Noblett, J. G. CI al., U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Res. Dev., EPA-MXIIR95-01 SC, Paper No. 60, 1995, 15 pp. The paper reports that the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has ainitiated a programme lo investigate the hazardous air pollutant control capabilities of wet and dry flue gas desulphurization technologies. The first phase of the investigation included a literature review lo identify what is currently known and 10 guide the focus of the field measurement aspects of rhe programme. The High Sulphur Test Center (HSTC) 4 MW pilot wet flue gas desulphurization system was studied with respect 10 mercury removal.
Corroslon of low-carbon test steel In concentrated Q6iQ5490 synthetic groundwater at 60 to 150% Ahn, T. M. and SW, P. Wutc Management, 1995, 15, (7), 471-476. ro rties of American Sociery for Testing and Materials Corrosion (ASTM) AlGrade WCA low-carbon steel were evaluated in concentrated synthetic groundwater a1 80 lo 150°C. The evaluation provides information on the use of the steel as a container material in the proposed Yucca Mountain high-level waste repository. The use of the test results in support of the Yucca Mountain project is discussed.
A crltlque of estimates of the cost of damage bulldlng material due to etmospherlc attack Gregory, K. CI al., Energy Policy, Jul. 1996. 24, (7), 641-649. 06105491
Several estimales of the cost of damage to building materials due to almospheric attack have been produced. Methodologies employed usually fall into two broad categories, rhe simple mechanistic approach and rhe maintenance cycle approach. In the mechanistic approach physical damage is estimated from dose-response functions, and materials are assumed lo be repaired or replaced when a critical damage level has been reached. The maintenance cycle approach also uses dose-response functions to estimate physical damage and considers how these will influence existing maintenance cycles for buildings. Neither approach deals adequately with the fact that atmospheric attack is now the only factor contributing to the need lo repair or replace materials. The paper addresses rhe deficiency and presents auguments. 06105402
In fuels
and ash products
from blofuel
power plants In Sweden Hedvall, R. CI al., J. Environ. Radiwclivity, 1996, 31. (l), 103-117. The activily concentrations of Cs-137 in at, wood chips and ash products from 13 Swedish district heating plants Rave been investigated during the winter seasons of 1986/87. 1988/89, 1989/90 and 1990/91. 3-D modelllng of NO, formatlon In a 275 MW utility 06105403 boiler L’i’gnfl. S. P. and Stanmore, B. R. J. Inst. of Energy, Jun. 1996.69, (479), Computalional modelling of NO, formalion in a 275 MW, utility boiler was investigated. The aim was to explore the use of simplified NO, chemistry when applied to a 3-D utility furnace, and ascertain if the correct exit NO trends and magnitudes could be obtained under a range of furnace operating conditions. The furnace was front-wall-fired wilh 24 burners in six groups of four. Furnace air-staging in the form of overfired air was available in the furnace. Combustion and modelling studies were carried OUI with two coals of different fuel-nitrogen content. A number of NO, control measures were investigated, including: burners out of service, overfired air and excess air.
room air by membrane
absorption -
Hilke, R. et al.,
Kalre, Feb. 1996, 49, (2), 132-134. (In German) Presents the results of dynamic permeation investigations in the systems air/membrane/absorber fluid.
room alr by membrane
Hilke, R. cr al., Kalre, Jan. 1996, 49. (1). 60-64. (In German) Discusses how membrane procedures can represent an alternative to cooling or absorption methods for controlling the moisture content of room air. Describes inves!i anions aimed at producing a preliminary evaluation of .f . room air dehunu lficatlon by membrane absorption.
The design of the 4000MW Drax FGD retrofit oSio5497 Dennis, R. et al., Insr. Gem. Eng. Symp. Ser., 1995, (138), 105-116. Drax Power Station in North Yorkshire, UK, has a capacity of 4000 MW, and is National Power’s largesr and most modern coal !ired station. The paper outlines the main design features, covering the unit plant (FGD absorber modules, gas and slurry systems, elc), and rhe common . serving all units, i.e. limestone slorage, gypsum storage, limestone nu hng, gypsum dewatering, water systems and waslewaler treatment.
The desl n, operation and maintenance atlon systems to mln Bmlse leakage
of refrlger-
Jessop. C. Conference 10 Examine Cost Effeche Solukx~~, Insr. Refrig., 199s. 9 pp. Discusses the Institute of Refrigeration’s publicarion ‘Code of Practice for the minimisalion of refrigeram emissions from refrigerating systems’.
Desulfurization of coal during combustion lzed beds; experimental results
In fluld-
Dragos, L. et al., Insr. Chem. Eng. Symp. Ser., 1995, (138). 205-212. Discusses how rhe Romanian power utilities will have to install and operate SO? reduction systems to comply with Ihe recent environmental regulations. In this regard, fluid&d bed combustion is a viable option for energy production, based on low qualily of coal available, mainly lignite with low healing value and sulphur content. Presents the desulphurization technology adequate for the used coals by adding limestone in the furnace, and the results obtained for reducing SO1 based on experimental facilities burning tests for various coal Iypes.
The determination burning waste oils
of emlsslons
of pollutants
Gulyurtlu. I. et al., Fuel, Jun. 1996, 75. (8), 940-944. As a consequence of the growing awareness of the need IO rotect the environment, a study was undertaken to investigate the impact o P the use of recycled waste oils as an industrial fuel in relatively small industrial units. Combustion tests were carried out in a 240 kW experimental furnace with oils that had been subjected IO pretreatment involving centrifugal separation of solids present. However, the analysis of the combustion gases demonstrated that the levels of principal contaminants such as lead and other heavy metals were still too high to meet the emission levels required by Ihe European Union. This suggests that physical processes are inadequate to remove the conlaminants present in waste oils.
06105501 absorbent
Development of flue gas cleaning prepared from coal fly ash
Ueno, T. and Hauori, H. Petrotcch (Tokyo), 1996, 19. (3), 204-208. (In Japanese) Discusses the global acid rain problem and countermeasures, SO, and NO, removal technologies, and uses of fly ash for flue gas treatment. 96105502
A development
of a global environmental
of new fossil
energy. For the sake
Moritsuka, H. Nippwr Kikai Gokkaishi, 1995. 98, (922), 740-745. (In Japanese) A review, is given on fossil energy deposit, techniques for utilizing fossil energy, global environmental problems and fossil energy, cogeneration. development of new fossil energy ( at and heavy oils), and power generation with hydrogen combustion mr r me. 96105503
technology debate on energy, economics and the Oslo5494 A -_ environment Raaiien. W. Gas INethcrlandr). Aug. 1996. 116. (71. 22-27. fin Flemish) Do economy and ecology go tog&he;or are ;hey && apart? i‘his was th; central question in a debate organized by GAS magazine in order to discuss the triangular relationship between energy, economics and the environment, involving represenratives of various inlerest groups. The discussions concerned subjects such as the CO? reduction options even with economical growth, expclations regarding renewable energies and the question whether money Invested for environmental reasons in Holland might be more effective as a green investment in developing and fastgrowing economies.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
Porteous, A. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Safins Lane, Chichester, Sussex, PO19 IUD, UK, f12.99. Provides explanations and descrip!ions of scientific and technical terminology associated with environmental science.
Dioxin reduction by sulfur component 96105504 Ogawa, H. er al., Chemosphere, 1996, 32, (I), 151-157.
Describes how PCDD and PCDF redudion test by S-component addition was carried out using small scale fluidized bed combustor test system. The S-sources were three different modes, direct feeding and SO:, use of coal containing S, and feeding of coal + S reagent. PCDD and PCDF reduction occurred for each case and coal addition was effective.