Energy (supplies, policy, economics, forecasts)
In energy rector
Thorborg, L. Gas (Netherlands), Feb. 1996, 116, (2), 32-36. (In Flemish) Collective labour agreement negotiations in the Dutch energy sector that started in December 1995, have not yet been completed. The main feature is the companies’ need for a more market-oriented approach, which clashes with the present workforce, both in quantity and in quality. Employment and social security are the keywords. Since 1992 4,000 jobs have got lost. Workers’ unions estimate that another 10,000 jobs are at risk. Negotiations centre on 36-hour working week, influx of young workers and flexible retirement scheme. EnergleNed
Kop, L. Gus (Netherlands), Feb. 1996, 116, (2), 42-45. (In Flemish) EnergieNcd developed a new a preach for joint research by the energy distribution companies. For the Flrst time a coherent programme in outline was designed, the 1996 Long-Term Study and Research Programme. Specific research projects are developed from and checked against this Programme. There is a need for more coherence in research activities, the relationships with research institutions will be made more business-like and they will be widened, perhaps even across the border. Further, Ener$ieNed intends to improve the efficiency of research implementation. Fun&g of the collective research programme in 1996 is at about the same level as in 1995. Energy consumption, real Income and temporal 90/06616 CWlSSllty: Result8 from a multi-COUntr)’ study based On colntegratlon and error-correctlon modelllng technlquee Masih, A. M. and Masih, R. Energy Economics, Jul. 1996, 18, (3),
165-183. -_. --_. Unlike previous studies on the causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth, the paper illustrates how the finding of cointegration (i.e. long-term e uilibrium relationship) between these variables, may be. used in testing 8 ranger causality. Based on the most recent Johansen’s multivariate cointegration tests receded by various unit root or non-stationaritv tests, the authors tested Por cointegration between total energy consuniption and real income of six Asian economies: India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. 96/06617 South Atrlca’r
Energy efflclency Gauteng region
of formal
Mathews, E. H. and Van Wyk, S. L. Energy & Buildings, 1996, 24, (2), 117-123. A large percentage of South Africa’s population is at present housed in low-cost dwellings. Furthermore, more than 2 million new h0use.s must be built over the next 10 years to alleviate the current housing shortage. Unfortunatelv the existink houses are verv cnerpv inefficient and if nothl’na is done now,‘the new hot&s will surely also be-inefficient. It would have i tremendous impact on the inhabitant’s disposable income, health as well as their environment if these. low-cost houses could be made energy efficient. This prompted the authors to investigate retrofit options to improve the energy efficiency of existing houses and to evaluate energy efficiency design concepts for new houses. Energy efficient design of new low-rise resldentlal bulldlngs ANSIIASHRAE, Standard 90.2-1993, 1995, 106 pp.
Sets out the design requirements for new residential dwelling units for human occupancy. 96/06619
Energy In Turkey:
and change8
Grenon, M. et al., Revue de I’Energie, Jul.-Aug. 1996, (479), 353-367. (In French) Having experienced rapid economic development, Turkey will be facing a rapid growth in energy requirements over the years to come, especially in electrical power, which will aggravate the already large dependence on energy supplies. However, with the new geopolitical context, the strategic and geographic importance of Turkey could allow the country to act as an energy trade hub between the Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe. One of the major challenges the energy sector will be facing in Turkey in the coming years will be to cove; the enormous deveiopment financing requirements. This is the main reason for a certain openness of the institutional framework to allow private, national, and international interests to vie for presence in the Turkish energy sector. 96106620
Energy pollcler of Ukraine International Energy Agency, 2 Rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France, FFr440, 200 pp.
The report discusses the recent developments and additional steps need to move Ukraine’s energy sector through the difficult transition process.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
96106621 phlllppln88
and economic
In the
Benscl, T. G. and Harriss, R. C. The J. of Energy & Development, 20, GY, 187-227. The paper review energy policy and energy-economy interactions in the Philippmes since 1973 and presents projectIons of energy development and use to the year 2000. Dependent on imported oil for over 90% of its commercial energy requirements in 1973, the Philippines initiated one of the most aggressive energy development and conservation programmes in the developing world. Energ and oil intensities of the economy were reduced, and domestic coa,r hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass resources were developed to meet nearly half of commercial energy requirements by 1985. Low world oil price and domestic political developments combined to reverse trends in the energy sector after 1985. Imported oil dependence grew again to 70% by 1992, and an electric power crisis became the focus of government energy policy. 96lO6622 lnformatlon
Energ rector 8tlll holdlng back on purchasing techno Yoav Gas (Nethiilands), Sep. 1996,.116, (9), 34-37. (In Flemish)
Vermeer, B. New information technology offers opportumties for better services to customers. It also allows foihigher sp& of operation and improved efficiency. Still energy distribution companies are hesitant about investments in new svstems. Their irresolution is due to the after-effects of mergers and reorgani&tions as well as uncertainty about the open market that & ahead. The choices to be made are far-reaching, tying organisations down for many years. But soon decisions have to be made. That may be the start of large-scale purchases of new technology. 96lO6623
Energy sources and policy - An overvlew and gulde to the llterature Berkovitch. 1. Turuin Distribution Services Ltd.. The British Librarv Section, Bib&horse Road, Letchworth, Herts HG6 IHN, f33.00, 180 pp:
The book is of interest to energy economists, policy analysts, students and researchers in a wide variety of disciplines and environmentalists, and provides a complete overview of energy policy issues from UK, European and international perspectives. Energy storage 96106624 Ravine, P. Solar Progress, Apr.-Jun. 1996, 17, (2), 6-10. In this review of energy storage the author looks at the well known and the less well known areas of energy stora e and observes that the time has come for renewable energy and urges %orward looking commercial interests to look for the many opportunities. EU energy pollcles of the mld-19908 96106625 Lyons, P. EC Inform, Russet House, Red House Lane, Elstead, Surrey GU8 6DR, UK, f245.00, 1996, I50 pp.
96106626 Intraduropean
Extendlng tradltlonal Unlon pro]ects
Diamandis, P. F. and Georgios, P. K The J. of Energy & Development, 20, (I), 59-78. The pa r develops a methodology for appraising projects to be constructe r m common bv more than one country member of the European Union. In the methoddlog developed, particular attention is paid in’estimating the social cost of Hmancing of every alternative financial resource employed by intra-European projects and in estimating the country redistribution effect of the project. Finally, the methodology is applied to the case of the 6GO-megawatt electrical interconnection of ltalv and Greece. The future of energy use 96106627 Hill, R. et al., St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY, USA, $49.95, 1995, 197 PP.
The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the history and use of different forms of energy, their environmental and social impacts, and, in particular, their economic costs and the future of their supply. How to do an energy survey 96106626 Mallalieu, B. Elect. Times, Jul. 1996. Describes how to undertake an energy survey based on electricity, gas and water consumption records. Impact of appliance efflclenc 96106629 and fuel SUbStltUtlOn on residential end-Use energy consumpt Yon In Canada F;e;4yrsal, V. and Fung, A. S. Energy & Buildings, 1996, 24, (2),
In this paper, the effect of appliance efficiency and fuel substitution on residential end-use energy consumption in Canada is studied based on simulation studies conducted on the Expanded STAR Database, which consists of detailed descriptions of 937 houses from different regions of Canada, using an hour-by-hour building energy simulation program. The findings of this study clearly indicate that improving appliance efficiency reduces the overall end-use energy consumption in the residential sector.