JSID Abstracts
091 PROPHYLACTIC EFFICACY OF TRADITIONAL HERBAL MEDICINES AGAINST RECURRENT HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE ; INFECTION. M.Nakano*‘. M.Kurokawa’. K.Shiraki’. T.N& H.Ohvama2.a ’ and M. ‘I. ‘Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama and ‘Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K., Kanagawa, Japan. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infections are characterized by the development of recurrent infection. Traditional herbal medicines with anti-HSV-2 activity in viva were examined for their prophylactic effects on recurrent HSV-2 infection in vaginally infected guinea pigs. Herbal extracts or water was orally administered to guinea pigs prophylacticaIIy and external genital skin lesions were daily observed. Herbal extracts reduced the incidence and/or severity of recurrent HSV-2 diseases induced by ultraviolet irradiation as compared with the admiiistmtion of water. They also reduced the incidence and/or severity of spontaneous recurrent HSV-2 diseases. This effectiveness was contiied by the cross-over experiments of herbal extracts- and water-administration to latently HSV-2-infected guinea pigs. Thus herbal extracts exhibited prophylactic efficacy against recurrent HSV-2 disease in guinea pigs.
VACCINATION AND KAPOSI’S VARICELLIFORM ERUPTION. K.Kagami* I, M.Murakami’, H.yasuno2, Skisimotoz. ‘Departmennt of Dermatology, Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital, Kyoto Japan. 2Depertmennt of Dermatology, Kyoto Prefectual University of Medicine, Kyoto Japan. Patients with atopic dermatitis are apt to complicate microorganisims because of its specific dry skin condition. It is well known that Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption mainly caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) for last two decades, because of abolishment of vaccination in Japan, and that eczema vaccinatum had been occurred by vaccinia virus. We stadied the difference of clinical characteritics between eczema vaccinatum and eczema herpeticum.
OIFFERWIm OF AillLt-ANTIFUIWL AtiENB ONIlIE INIRACEUULAR CALCIul RFSm 10 IONtWCIN IN lRICIWNKN ItWtW. Y. S&his, I. Inow, and Y. Kit&a. De-t of Daratology. Gifu University School of Medicine, Cifu. Japan Prior studies have indicated that intracellular calciuW*) is t-elated to furgal cell growth. However. it has not been knwn vkether antifuagal~ affect&w functims .sixh assimaltrawiwtion via calciu in fungel cells. Ne wmimd the effects of itraunazole UC), bifmazoleOlF~. ketnxnau, 1elKCI awl lammaamle~L.Cl on the sintenaace to iavmvcin(ILI) in of&f&tiom,esonitoredbyCa*'rew&e IY (1uM) podueea a persigtpnt I%'+ increase justafterits T. tutcm. addition to culture &iu Altlr~& the incubation with LC or BF at 1-5 n&l for 24 h did not affect the reawmse of the pgsistent Ca” increase to 1uY of Iu. of Ca” response to IY fra a persistent to a transient increase This tvce of tr~ient Ca*’ increasrreamnse to IY~ChEWWdalsO
A WOUND HEALINGMODEL IN ORGANOTYPIC CULTURE OF HUMAN SKIN. Y.Suzuki*', K. Harii’ , N. Huh’,and T. Kuroki’. 'Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Facultv of Medicene. Tokvo Universitv. Tokvo. Jaoan. 'Depariment Of Biochemistry, Faculty-if Me&&a; Toyama Medical and .PharmaceuticalU"iversity, Toyama, Japan. 'Deoartment of Cancer Cell Reseach, Institute of Medical Science of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Wound healing is II complex process, in whitch reepithelization occuzs under the control of various growth factors and cell-cell interactions. I" order toex&"e the mechanisms of this process, we have established aninvitro model system for wound healing using an organotypk culture . A rlmmdefect inwidth was made in the center of an organot.ypLc culturetissues,vhitch were further cultivated on another collagen gel. Keratinocytes migrated fromthe wound&e, proliferated and coveredthethe entire surface of the supporting gel by day 3, and the epitheliumras re-established within 7 days. The expression of differentiationmarkers of the new epitheliumras similartothat of the original culture. This process of re-epithelizaio" ves promoted by TGF-a, IL-6, and KGF, and was inhibited by TGF-,91. These results indicate that the present mOde1 system is useful for the mechanistic studies on the process of wound healing.
after the tmbmt with KC or IC even at 11&d. lhe batdim witb the concentration of are th 5Ondd of LC or BF. m mre tbsn 5&d of KC or IC destroyal the *me f&Aims to r& to II, Lpo that M GP incnx9e-respmse was cabserved. lbese findinks swgeat that antifungal
ageatssydiaturbthe& ftmctions such as the Ca” reswase to IY before the cells wre killed in T. rubs Md that BF and LC rewires higher concentrations than KC and IC to affect the Ca” rwpoase to Ill.
Nanjin3 Medical UnivaM
of Dermaloloay,
M. Y.
The Pint AffMalDd HapiM
i . Nanpng 2 10029, P. R. China.