19th Annual Meeting American College of Chest Physicians

19th Annual Meeting American College of Chest Physicians

19th Annual Meeting American College of Chest Physicians The preliminary scientific program for the 19th Annual Meeting of the College, to be held at ...

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19th Annual Meeting American College of Chest Physicians The preliminary scientific program for the 19th Annual Meeting of the College, to be held at the Hotel New Yorker, New York City , May 28 through 31, 1953, was published in the February issue of Diseases of the Chest. It is planned to publish the final program in the April issue of the journal. Dr . Arthur M. Olsen, Chairman of the Committee on Scientific Program, and the members of his committee have organized an excellent group of subjects for discussion. More emphasis is being given to panel discussions, which will permit greater audience participation. The round table luncheon meetings, which are in great demand at every annual session and are usually sold out in advance, will be repeated this year with many new topics and discussors. New York City is celebrating its 300th Anniversary this year and the New York State Chapter of the College has arranged an excellent social program for the College meeting to commemorate this occasion.


The Board of Regents of the American College of Chest Physicians offers a cash prize award of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00> to be given annually for the best original contribution, preferably by a young investigator, on any phase relating to chest disease. The prize is open to contestants of other countries as well as those residing in the United States. The winning contribution will be selected by a board of impartial judges and the award, together with a certificate of merit, will be made at the forthcoming annual meeting of the College, to be held in New York City, May 28-31, 1953. Second and Third prize certificates will also be awarded. All manuscripts submitted become the property of the American College of Chest Physicians and will be referred to the Editorial Board of the College journal, Diseases of the Chest, for consideration. The College reserves the right to invite the winner to present his contribution at the annual meeting. Contestants are advised to study the format of Diseases of the Chest as to length, form and arrangement of illustrations, to guide them in the preparation of the manuscript. The following conditions must be observed : Five copies of the manuscript, typewritten in English, should be submitted to the executive office, American College of Chest Physicians, 112 East Chestnut Street, Chicago 11, Illinois, not later than April 15, 1953. (2) The only means of identification of the author or authors shall be a motto or other device on the title page, and a sealed envelope bearing the same motto on the outside, enclosing the name of the author or authors.



A group of six seminars on timely subjects will be presented at the Hotel New Yorker, New York City, on Wednesday, May 27. The registration fee is $7.50 for each seminar which is comprised of a series of three lectures. Further information may be obtained by writing to the Executive Offices of the College in Chicago. 341