33 487. Structure
of Ar and Ne thin polycrystallinc
Structure of Ar and NC thin polycrystalline means of a transmission electron diffraction centred and hexagonal close-packed lattices lattice defects is determined.
S I Kovalenko and N N Bagrov, 2724-2731 (in Rrusiatr). 488. Continuous and Cd vapours
films is investigated by in vacuum. Cubic facearc found. The density of
Fiz TIW~
I1 (IO).
33 in Zn
generation of coherent radiation by discharge obtained by cathode sputtering. (USSR)
Cathode sputtering is used for producing vapours of elements having a low vapour pressure. A discharge tube with a hollow cathode filled by helium at a pressure of I to 4 torr, is used. Continuous generation of coherent radiation in Zn and Cd vapours is observed. E K Karabut et al, Z/I Tekh Fiz. 39 (IO), Oci 196Y, lY23-1924 (in
Russian). 489. Sputtering (USSR)
of (101)
of InSb
by Ar
33 ions.
The angular distribution of sputtering products from the (101) face of InSb single crystals, sputtcrcd by 70 keV argon ions, is experimentally investigated. Using activation analysis, it is shown that angular distribution of sputtering differs for In and Sb. On the basis of the experimental sputtering data, the structure of the InSb surface layer is analyzed. 0 I Kapusta and S Ya Lebedev, Fiz Tverd Tela, 11 (I’), Dee lY69, 3460-3462 (in Russian). 33
Effect of crystal structure on the angular of ions scattered by a single crystal. (USSR) 490.
and energy
The scattering of 0.5 to 5 keV K+ and Rb+ ions. bombarding molybdenum single crystal faces, is investigated. Angular and energy distributions of the scattered ions are determined. An explanation of the experimental results is given in terms of the one-dimensional chain model. U A Arifov and A A Aliev, Z/I Eksper Teor Fiz, 57 (6), Dee 1969, 18771883 (in Russion). 33
energy-. losses of electrons
491. Characteristic
in Y, Zr,
Nb and MO.
(USSR) The characteristic energy losses of electrons on electron bombardment of Y, Zr, Nb and MO in ultrahigh vacuum are measured bv means of ai electron spectrometer. It is found that the position of thk first loss peak does not depend on the angle of scattering. The relation between the characteristic energy losses and the surface and bulk plasma oscillations in the target is discussed. V V Zashkvara et al, Fiz Tverd Telu, 11 (12), Dee 1969, 3667-3669
(in Russion). 33 492. Light ion channelling in germanium. (USSR) The Angular dependence of the induced conductivity Ge, and the secondary emission due to hydrogen, ion bombardment are investigated for ion energies I A Abroyan et al, Fiz Tverd Teh, 11 (I I), Nov
in single crystal helium and lithium of several keV. 1969, 3376-3379 (in
Russian). 33
Investigation of betero-junctions and p-n junctions in the AIAsGaAs system with the aid of a scanning electron microscope-microanalyzer. (USSR) 493.
Hetero-junctions and investigated in vacuum scope-microanalyzer. of the junctions was number of reflected induced in the junctions micron diameter beam, discussed in terms of
junctions in the AIAs-GaAs system were with the aid of a scanning electron microUsing a micro X-ray analysis, the composition determined. Cathode-luminescence and the electrons were also measured. The currents by electron beam bombardment with a 1 were recorded. The experimental results are band theory. et al, Fiz Teklr Poluprovod, 3 (IO), Ocr 1969, 1470-1477
Zh I Alferov (in Russion).
Method of determining the reliability or heating filament of an electronic valve.
494. A
of a directly-heated
(USSR) of the directly-heated
or filaments of electronic valves by applying single pulses of diminishing Icngth and measuring the energy of the pulses as a function of their length is proposed. The valve to bc tcstcd is conncctcd to a voltage source through an anode rcsistancc. and the cathode or filament to a source of single pulses, adjuslable in Icngth and cncrgy. The resultant signal (reprcscnting the emission current) is taken from the anode load and displayed on a low-frcqucncy oscillograph. The amplitude of the initial pulse is taken such that the working point 01 the cathode lies at the beginning of the working charactcrislic. The same principles may bc applied to electric light bulbs, cxccpt thaw in this case the light flux is measured instead of the emission current.
M M Nekrasov and V V Platonov, Dee 1967. P~/Dlrl IO//I Jwte 1969.
No 236660.
33 495. An ion source. (USSR) In order to improve the etficiency of conventional ion sources and prevent destruction of the electron source by the ions, a new construction with an anode and electron collector on one side of the cathode and an ion-optical system on the other is proposed. A highdensity electron beam from a hollow-cathode clcctron gun ionizes the sample, and the positive ions so formed are drawn into the electron beam, partly neutralizing its space charge. After drifting towards the cathode the ions are formed into a beam by the ionoptical system. The maximum ion current corresponds to that required to neutral& the space charge of the electron beam completely.
R N Gall and L N Gall, USSR 1964, Ptrbld 241/r Jo/r 1960.
No 226928,
33 496. Device for fixing an object holder. (USSR) A device for fixing the object holder on the object table in an rlectron microscope is described. Instead of the conventional heavy bolts, this device comprises a system of light clamps situated at various points around the fixing plate. The clamps are of the spring-loaded U-shaped type and press evenly on the fixing plate situated on the object table: they may be moved by operating a simple lever system. The system ensures firm fixing of the object even when the table is tilted; it also allows easy access to the object for intermediate processing in situ. G Fritz and S Gessner, USSR Pareni No 22228 I, rlppl3lsr ./I& 1964, Publd 14th Ocr 1968. 33 497. An electron-flus analyzer. (USSR) An improved form of electron-flux analyzer is described. This instrument differs from conventional types in that, in order to reduce the evacuated space and simplify the mechanism, the collector electrode is scanned instead of the beam itself. Scanning of the electrode is effected by means of a complex lever mechanism facilitating axial and rotational motion. The analyzer incorporates an electronic recording mechanism (cathode-ray tube) for recording the motion of the collector over the beam, and also a special drive used to select particular regions of the latter for detaileh examination. E V Rudnev, USSR Patetlr No 213935, Appl 24th Nov 1962, PubId 12//f Jlrrre 1968. 33
Method of degassing ionic apparatus. (USSR)
the electrodes
and fittings
of electronic
: 22
An improved method of degassing the glass bulbs of electronic apparatus is described. After initially evacuating the bulb to 5 :. lo-$ torr the bulb is filled with an inert gas such as argon at a pressure of a few torr and a glow discharge is initiated, the pressure gradually falling until the glow is extinguished. The current used is IO-30 mA. Degassing takes-place as a r&t of interaction between the plasma and the glass surface. The active gases desorbed from the glass and fittings contaminate the gas used for filling; the operation may accordingly have to be repeated. The whole process takes IO min as against 1 hour by conventional techniques. In some cases efficiency may be improved by the incorporation of a sorption pump.
A G Denisov et al, USSR Publd 21~1 May 1969. 34. HIGH
No 234527,
30th Muy
A high-vacuum, 449.
cathode cathodes
Appl 71/r
34 : 20 number