734. Trace elements in milk

734. Trace elements in milk

756 THE CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT THE CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT 734. Trace elements in milk Grebennikov, E. P., Soroka, V. R. & Sabadash, E. V. (1963). Trace ...

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THE CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT 734. Trace elements in milk Grebennikov, E. P., Soroka, V. R. & Sabadash, E. V. (1963). Trace elements in human and animal milk. Vop. Pitan. 22, 87. The authors have made quantitative determinations of the copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), aluminium (AI) and titanium (Ti) levels in milk from 24 cows, 24 goats, 16 mares, and 28 sheep, and have compared these levels with those in 30 samples of human milk. Emission spectral analysis was used. Mn, Si and A1 levels were higher in the milk of rapidly growing animals in the sequence: sheep > goat > cow > mare > man. Cu levels, on the other hand, were highest in human milk and less in the milk of rapidly growing species. Levels of Ti in the milk of the various species followed no regular pattern. Mares' milk was found to be closest to human milk in its concentrations of trace elements. 735. ~3-Dimethylaminopropylamine: effect on the eye Spaeth, G. L. & Leopold, I. H. (1964). Ocular toxicity of dimethylaminopropylamine. Amer. J. OphthaL 57, 632. This paper reports the occurrence of ocular disturbances in 11 patients exposed to 30 ppm of 3-dimethylaminopropylamine (I) in air. All of the patients suffered blurred vision and in some this was accompanied by headache, nausea and other symptoms. Corneal straining with fluorescein revealed damage to the cornea, including haze and epithelial dewing. All effects cleared up overnight. Experiments with rabbits using instillations of solutions of I repeated the effects even in concentrations of 1 in 100,000. It was also found that a dilute solution produced dilation, and a concentrated solution constriction, of the pupil. In an attempt to explain this action as an autonomic effect, the authors consider the structure of I an analogue of acetylcholine (Ach). It is not, since the N atom of Ach is quaternary and that of I tertiary. Nor would this explain the action anyway since the effect of Ach is to constrict the pupil. If an autonomic explanation is to be sought at all, thert I must be considered an analogue of adrenaline (Ad); it might then simulate Ad in low concentrations (producing dilation) and block Ad in high concentrations (producing constriction). Whichever way it acts, a concentration of 30 ppm I in air is toxic to the eye. /CH3 NHz .CHz .CHz .CHz. N \CH 3 ,,/CH3 CH3.CO0. CHz • N-CH 3 \CH 3 OH OH~CHOH'CHz

/CH3 '~H

3-Dirnethylaminopropylamine (1)





736. Fluoride therapy Geall, M. G. & Berlin, L. J. (1964). Sodium fluoride and optic neuritis. Brit. med. J. ii, 355. Zebrowski, E. J., Suttie, J. W. & Phillips, P. H. (1964). Metabolic studies in fluoride fed rats. Fed. Proc. 23, 184. Hodge, H. C., Downs, W. L., Maynard, E. A., Smith, F. A., Smith, D. W. & Gardner, D. E. (1964). Renal effects of fluoride. IV. Chronic study. Fed. Proc. 23, 297.