A numerical method for solving quasilinear elliptic equations with a small parameter for the highest derivatives
118 satisfying a Lipschitz condition, one must take the different constants L,,...,L. into consideration. Otherwise, even optimal algorithms may perfo...
118 satisfying a Lipschitz condition, one must take the different constants L,,...,L. into consideration. Otherwise, even optimal algorithms may perform badly. Some authors suggest using the substitution z~=L,z,, il, are characterizedby one constant, e.g., (j(r)1 Ilfl/GL). There is some danger that many optimal algorithms constructed for such classes of functions yield inferior resultsinpractice. I wish to thank Yu.L. Levitan for his help with the computation of Table 1. REFERENCES 1. SOBOL I.M., MultidimensionalQuadrature Formulae and Haar Functions, Moscow, Nauka, 1969. 2. NIEDERREITER H., Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for global optimization. Proceedings of the 4th Pannonian Symposium on Mathematical Statistics (Austria, 1983), Budapest, Akad. Kiad;, 251-267, 1986. 3. SUKHAREV A.G., Minimax models in the theory of numerical methods. Doctorate Dissertation, Moscow, Moscow State University, 1983. 4. SOBOL I.N., On functions satisfying a Lipschitz condition in multidimensionalproblems of numerical mathematics. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 293, 6, 1314-1319, 1987. 5. FAURB H., Discrepance de suites associees a une systeme de numeration (en dimension s). Acta Arithmetica, 41, 337-351, 1982. 6. SOBOL I.M., Points Uniformly Filling a MultidimensionalCube, Moscow, Znanie, 1985. 7. SOBOL I.M. and STATNIKOV R.B., Choice of Optimal Parameters in Problems with Multidimensional Criteria, Moscow, Nauka, 1981.
Translated by D.L.
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A method for the numerical solution of quasilinear elliptic equations in which the coefficient of the highest derivatives is a small parameter is constructed. This method provides an error estimate which is uniform with respect to the parameter. A non-linear difference scheme is constructed on the basis of the method of straight lines and the use of exact difference schemes for one-dimensionalproblems. Thecomputation grid is selected in such a way that the grid points crowd together in a special way near the boundary of the domain. An iterative algorithm, uniformly convergent with respect to the small parameter, is proposed for solving the non-linear scheme. In a rectangular domain equation
R=={(X,I/):O-=xtL, ‘O
is the Laplace operator,and F(z,y;.u) where p>O is a small real parameter, A==P/~x'+P/~g' is a sufficiently smooth function whose derivative with respect to IIis strictly positive: F,>m-const>O. Consider the Dirichlet problem
(3) u(r,&I?'0, where I? is the boundary of P. Linear equations of type (1) were considered in /l, 2/. Owing to the presence of the small parameter, the solutions have singularitiesof the boundary-layer type near r. The solution of a problem of type (l)-(3) is involved, for example, in a model describing *Zh.vychisl.Mat.mat.Fiz.,28,4,492-502,1988
the distribution of the potential and charge carriers in semiconductor structures /3/. The difference schemes proposed in /4, 5/ for certain linear singularly perturbed equations of elliptic type converge at a uniform rate of convergence with respect to the small parameter. In this paper a method for the numerical solution is constructed for the quasilinear problem (l)-(3), in which the error estimate is uniform with respect to p. We first construct a non-linear difference scheme, on a special computation grid, which converges at a uniform The construction is based on the straight-line method described in /6/ and the use of rate. exact difference schemes for one-dimensional problems /7/. The computation grid is selected in such a way that the grid points crowd together in a special way in the neighbourhood of the boundary. To this end we use independent estimates of the derivatives of the solution, which are of interest in themselves. An iterative algorithm, converging uniformly in ~1, is proposed for solving the non-linear difference scheme. 1. Estimates for the derivatives of the solutions of problem (l)-(3). The solutions of elliptic equations in domains whose boundaries have corner points (in the case of a rectangular domain RC",O