\'ol. SH, No. 6 June HJ6:J f:opyright ,:g HJG3 by The \rilliams & \Vilkinf-i Co. pl'?·nted
A PORTABLE URETEI-L\L CATHETER SPECfl\IEN COLLECTOR A. ESTIN COMARR From. the Spfoa/ Cord Injury Service, Veterans Administration Hospital. Long Beach and The Department of Urolorm, School of ilieditine, Loma Linda University, J,os Angelc8, C'a/.
In 1961 we described a suspended chain and clamp device to retain a panendo~cope. 1 This device has been satisfactory in female as wc>ll a~
The collector consists of a :3-foot-high standard, an ell1(rn·, and an 8 inch metal tube to which has been anded a 10-inch-long
male patients. It allows the cystoscopist to perform other duties while in the cystoscopy room. Since the panendoscopc can be safely secured without constant observation, we designed a uretcral catheter specimen collector using material:-; found in any ho~pital maintenance department. Accepted for publication December 11, 1962. 1 Comarr, A. E. and Oper, D.: A simple retainer for a cyst.oscope. J. Urol., 85: lOHi, 1961.