A quantitative study of the benthic polychaetous annelids of Catalina Harbour, Santa Catalina Island, California

A quantitative study of the benthic polychaetous annelids of Catalina Harbour, Santa Catalina Island, California

Oceanographic Abstracts 623 layer varied from 30 to 60 m. The value at the salinity minimum varied by 0"08%° along the section; the range in the mix...

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Oceanographic Abstracts


layer varied from 30 to 60 m. The value at the salinity minimum varied by 0"08%° along the section; the range in the mixed layer was 0"06%o. A deeper minimum (about 350 m) was indicated to within 50 km of the coast; this has sometimes been indicated by Nansen bottle casts, and represents the intermediate water of the North Pacific. Considerable detail was found in the temperature measurements also, but most of them were of very small scale and were not continuous from station to station (4 km). One inversion at about 300 m appeared to be continuous in the outer 50 km, and its position suggests that, like the deeper salinity minimum, it is related to the intermediate water. REID W. J. and J. B. WADE, 1963. Surf beats at Taranaki, New Zealand. Int. Ass. HydrauL

Res., Congr., Lond., 1963: 93-100.

Taranaki Harbour is the principal ocean port on the west coast of the north island of New Zealand. During severe, storms overseas ships, moored at the wharves, tend to range and break their moorings. This paper describes the observations made at Taranaki--which showed that the ranging was due to surf beats in the h a r b o u r - - a n d discusses the results of a model investigation at the Hydraulics Research Station in which surf beats were reproduced and various schemes for improving the harbour were tested. It was found possible to reduce the surf beats by 40 per cent by the construction of a new breakwater. REISH D. J., 1964. A quantitative study of the benthic polychaetous annelids of Catalina Harbour, Santa Catalina Island, California. Bull. South. California, Acad. Sci., 63 (2): 86-92. A quantitative study of the subtidal benthic polychaetes at Catalina Harbour, Santa Catalina Island, California revealed forty-three different species of polychaetes. These were compared to similar protected areas in California and Baja California. The polychaetes of Catalina Harbour were more like those of Newport Bay than elsewhere. The relationship of the principal species of polychaetes to sediment particle size was discussed. Other invertebrate species encountered in Catalina Harbour were listed. RENFRO W. C. and H. L. CooK, 1963. Early larval stages of the seabob, Xiphopeneus kroyeri (Heller). U. S. Fish. Wild. Serv., Fish. Bull., 63 (1): 165-177. Five nauplial stages and the first protozoeal stage of the seabob (Xiphopeneus kroyeri) have been described from larvae reared in the laboratory. With each moult the larva increases in length and becomes more advanced in its morphology. Differences in body structures among specimens in the same instar were noted and discussed. REYSSAC J., 1963. Chaetognathes du plateau continental europ6en (de la bale ib6ro-marocalne la Mer celtique). Rev. Tray. Inst. Pdches Mar., 27 (3): 245-299. Nous avons reconnu douze espb,ces de Chaetognathes dans nos collections comprenant 184p~ches 6chelonn6es de la baie ib6ro-marocaine ~t l'entr6e de la Manche. Parmi ces pr61~vements, 118 ont 6t6 effectu6s au-dessus du plateau continental, vingt-quatre au niveau du talus et quarante-deux au large, principalement dans la r6gion ouest ib6rique. Comme la majorit6 de ces r6coltes sont superficielles, nous avons surtout rencontr6 des formes 6piplanctoniques. L'analyse du mat6riel a permis non seulement de dresser l'inventaire des Chaetognathes de l'Atlantique nord-ouest, mais aussi de donner une id6c de leur importance relative dans les divers secteurs prospect6s. En outre, tant sur le plan qualitatif clue quantitatif, des comparaisons ont 6t6 faites,/t maintes reprises, avec du mat6riel d'autre origine : Manche, Atlantique marocain, M6diterran6e. De plus, nous avons tenth de d6gager le caract~re 6cologique dominant (p61agique, subc6tier, c6tier) de chaque esp~ce afin d'appr6cier sa valeur d'indicateur hydrologique et son aptitude plus ou moins grande/L supporter les variations de milieu. Nous avons ainsi distingu6 : a. les indicateurs d'eaux chaudes ou temp6r6es avec des formes c6ti~res (S. friderici), subc6ti~res (S. enflata, S. minima), du large (S. atlantica, P. draco, S. bipunctata);

b. ~es indicateurs d~eaux fr~ides c~mprenant 6ga~ement des f~rmes c6ti~res ( S. set~sa)~ subc6ti~res (S. elegans), du large (S. s. tasmanica); c.

les indicateurs d'eaux profondes dont la pr6sence en surface traduit des courants ascendants

(S. hexaptera, E. hamata, K. subtilis). Notre but 6tait aussi de d6terminer, dans cette r6gion non encore 6tudi6e sur ce plan, l'appartenance de chacune des esp~ces /l une province faunistique d6fmie et de fixer, d~s lors, la limite d'extension vers le nord des formes atlanto-m6diterran6ennes, vers le sud, des formes bor6ales. D'apr~s les variations morphologiques des esp6ces par r a p p o r t / t la forme-type observ6e dans leurs centres de dispersion respectifs, d'apr~s l'importance des populations et leur composition (en jeunes et en adultes), nous avons essay6 de pr6ciser : d'une part la limite extr6me de leur habitat favorable; d'autre parte le p o i n t / t partir duquel leur pr6sence exceptionnelle r6sulte d'un transport. Certaines analogies ou, au contraire, certaines oppositions sur le plan faunistique ont ainsi 6t6 r6v61ges entre les diverses zones de l'aire 6tudi6e. Dans cet ensemble, c'est surtout le golfe de Gascogne qui a retenu notre attention; sa grande diversit6 du point de vue g6ographique, hydrologique et faunistique a 6t6 raise en 6vidence. a. Diversit6 g6ographique et hydrologique. En ce qui concerne le relief sous-marin, et par suite, l'hydrologie, le golfe de Gascogne offre des particularit6s tr~s diff6rentes au nord et au sud.