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A SOFT SPHERICAL “CAP” IN THE FIELD OF A PLANE SOUND WAVE* s. s. VINocRADov Khar’kov (Received 8 December 1977)
THB PROBLEM of the scattering of a plane wave by a soft “cap” is reduced to the solution of an inftite system of linear algebraic equations of Fredhohn type. In the case of Rayleigh scattering an analytic expression is obtained for the complete scattering cross-section, uniform over the aperture angle of the sphere. The perturbing action of a small circular aperture on the spectrum of the oscillations of a spherical cavity with a soft boundary is investigated. Previously we obtained a rigorous solution of the problem of the scattering of a plane sound wave by a rigid sphere with an aperture [ 1] . Its solution was based on the method, developed in [2] , for solving paired summation equations, containing in the general case the associated Legendre polynomials Pnm(cos 13). In this paper the method of [2] is used to obtain a rigorous solution of the problem of the scattering of a plane wave propagating along the axis of symmetry of a spherical “cap”. On the surface of the spherical cap the Dirichlet boundary conditions are satisfied:
1. Statment of the problem The disposition of the spherical cap in space is described in the spherical coordinate system r, 0, cpby r=a, 8=8,,, O=qc%z. The aperture angle of the sphere is denoted by &=n-fjo. The velocity potential of the plane wave propagating in the direction 8 = 0 is represented by the scalar function OD U(O)(r, 0) - exp (Ikr cos 0) -
P(2n+l)j,(kr)P,(cos f:
*Zh. vj&hisl.Mat. mat. Fiz., 18,5,1320-1324,1978.
Short communications
A solution satisfying the Hehnholtz equation, the condition of continuity of the velocity potential on the surface of the sphere (r = a), and also the condition of radiation at infhrity, will be sought in the following form: