Age at menarche and menopause of uterine cancer patients

Age at menarche and menopause of uterine cancer patients

EUROP. J. OBSTET. GYNEC. REPROD. BIOL., 1978,8/4,187-193 @ Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press Age at menarche and menopause of uterine cancer pa...

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EUROP. J. OBSTET. GYNEC. REPROD. BIOL., 1978,8/4,187-193 @ Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press

Age at menarche and menopause of uterine cancer patients J. de Graaff and L.A.M. Stoke Department

of Obstetrics and Gynecology,

Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam,


The Netherlands



DE GRAAFF, J. and STOLTE, L.A.M. (1978): Age at menarche and menopause of uterine cancer patients. Europ. J. Obstet. Gynec. reprod. Biol., 814, 187-193. An investigation was undertaken of the ages at menarche and at menopause of cervical and endometrial cancer patients for the years 1950-55 and 1960-65. Analysis of the ages at menarche in relation to the year of birth did not show a difference between the uterine cancer groups, whereas the age at menopause did show such a difference. The menopause occurred later in the endometrial than in the cervical cancer group. There was an earlier mean age at menarche and a later mean age at menopause per decade. Therefore, the menopause seems a constitutional factor involved in the development of endometrial cancer and perhaps also cervical cancer. epidemiology; cervical cancer; endometrial cancer

Doraiswami (1954) and Boyd and Doll (1964) found no difference between the mean age at menarche of cervical cancer patients and control women, nor did Wynder, Escher and Mantel (1966) or Trotnow and Pauli (1972) lind such a difference between endometrial cancer patients and control women. Lau, Petschalt, Poehls, Pollex, Unger and Zegenhagen (197.5) reported an earlier menarche in endometrial cancer patients compared with women out of the population. The ages at menopause have been occurring steadily later over the past 100 yr (Hauser, Remen, Valaer, Erb, Miiller and Obiri, 1963; Hofman and Soergel, 1972). The mean ages at menopause of cervical and endometrial cancer patients reported by several authors are shown in Table I. Wynder et al. (1966), Hauser, Miiller, Valaer, Erb, Obiri, Remen and Vanaanen (1961), Vahrson (1970) and Lau et al (1975) found a later menopause in endometrial cancer patients compared with control patients, while


In the literature on cervical cancer and endometrial cancer the mean and median ages at menarche and at menopause are reported. However, a comparison between the ages at menarche and at menopause in both types of uterine cancer belonging to the same population is not available. It is well known that the age at menarche has been decreasing steadily over the past 100 yr. The rate of this diminution in age at menarche is calculated to be about 3-4 mth per decade (Van ‘t Land and De Haas, 1957; Hofman and Soergel, 1972;.Dann and Roberts, 1973; Huber, 1973). Contrary to Huber (1973) Dann and Roberts (1973) reported that the menarchhl age seemed to have stopped its downward trend in girls born about 1946 and thereafter. The mean ages at menarche of cervical and endometrial cancer patients reported by several authors are shown in Table I. Wynder, Cornfield, Schroff and 187


J. de Graaff and L.A.M. Stoke: Menarche and menopause in uterine cancer Mean ages at menarche and at menopause of cervical and endometrial cancer patients and control patients









De Bruine (1954) Hauser et al. (1961) Boyd and Doll (1964) Vahrson (1970) Kuipers (1972)

Cervical Cervical Cervical Cervical Cervical

13.9 14.3 14.6


48.4 49.7

13.7 -

48.7 48.9

49.8 -

Hauser et al. (1961) Wynder et al. (1966) Vahrson (1970) Trotnow and Pauli (1972) Lau et al. (1975)

Endometrial Endometrial Endometrial Endometrial Endometrial

13.5 14.3 -

13.1 -

50.9 49.5 50.6 49.6 49.7

49.8 47.9 49.6 48.6

Baanders-van Halewijn (1962) and Trotnow and Pauli (1972) did not find such a difference. Hauser et al. (1961) reported no difference between the ages at menopause of cervical cancer patients and control women. In order to compare the ages at menarche and at menopause between cervical and endometrial cancer patients within the same population, the present study was undertaken. The ages at menarche and at menopause were obtained from the total number of women suffering from cervical and endometrial cancer in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, during two 5yr periods. Material and methods

The collection of the data of cervical and endometrial cancer patients during the periods 1950-55




and 1960-65 is described by De Graaff and Stolte (1976). To obtain the data on menarche and menopause the recollection method was used. Such recall data are notoriously liable to error or bias from a variety of sources, but in a comparison of groups such errors are thought to be acceptable. The total number of cervical and endometrial cancer patients and the number of known dates of menarche and menopause are shown in Table II. The dates of menopause could of course only be obtained in the patients who developed cancer in the postmenopausal period. Statistical difference between two independent random variables was determined by the standard error of the difference; to detect a statistical change in age distribution, Student’s t-test was used, while the differences between sample variances were tested by the variance ratio test.

Number of cervical and endometrial cancer patients, number of patients with known ages at menarche and at menopause, and number of patients who are premenopausal Period


Menarche known

Menopause known

Premenopausal known

Menopause unknown










1950-55 1960-65

371 497

273 404

73.6 81.3

157 242

42.3 48.7

153 207

41.2 41.6

61 48

16.5 9.7


1950-55 1960-65

193 282

108 172

56.0 61.0

109 187

56.5 66.3

28 27

14.5 9.6

56 68

29.0 24.1

J. de Graaff and LAN.


Stolte: Menarche and menopause in uterine cancer

Results In a previous study we reported the data on the age distribution and the mean age of the cervical and endometrial cancer patients (De Graaff and Stolte, 1976). The mean ages at menarche and at menopause of the uterine cancer patients are shown in Table III. In accordance with the literature it is clearly shown that the mean ages at menarche of both uterine cancers in the period 1960-65 are earlier than in the period 1950-55. The diminution for cervical and for endometrial cancer was 2.4 mth per decade. Statistical analysis did not show a significant difference between the mean ages at menarche of the two cervical cancer groups and between the two endometrial cancer groups, nor between the cervical and endometrial cancer groups of either period (P > 0.1). The mean ages at menopause in the period 196065 are later than in the period 1950-55 for the cervical and endometrial cancer groups. The percentage of cancer patients who were already postmeno-


Fig. 2. Mean ages at menopause of cervical and endometrial cancer patients of each 5-yr birth period.

pausal in the period 1960-65 at the onset of cancer was greater than in the period 1950-55, which can be explained by a later mean age in the period 196065. Statistical analysis did not show a significant difference between the mean ages at menopause of the two cervical cancer groups or between the two endometrial cancer groups (P > 0.1) but there is a significant difference between the cervical and endometrial cancer groups of 1950-55 and of 1960-65 (P < 0.01). Since there is a relationship between the year of birth and the age at menarche and menopause, the cancer patients were subdivided into 5-yr birth periods from 1865 to 1935. The number of patients in each birth period, the mean ages at menarche and at menopause and the standard deviations are shown in Table IV. There are no significant differences between the standard deviations at menarche and at menopause of both uterine cancers. Figure 1 shows the mean ages at menarche and Figure 2 the mean

Mean ages at menarche and at menopause of the cervical and endometrial cancer patients Period




Mean age



Mean age



1950-55 1960-65

213 404

14.08 13.88

0.12 0.11

157 242

47.93 48.27

0.35 0.23


1950-5s 1960-65

108 112

14.24 14.03

0.19 0.12

109 187

49.52 49.86

0.41 0.32




Mean age

Cervical cancer




n 2 1

13.50 15.00

Mean age

Endometrial cancer

0.707 -


n 1 7

54.00 47.85

Mean age

Cervical cancer


2.117 1 .ooo

14.00 14.00

34 3

1925-29 1930-34

2.231 1.574

13.79 13.45

89 71

1915-19 1920-24

1.489 2.763 2.419 1.836 2.093 1.922 1.972 1.949

14.72 14.73 14.04 14.30 14.09 14.39 13.74 13.89

11 15 42 46 75 82 100 103

1875-79 1880-84 1885-89 1890-94 1895-99 1900-04 1905-09 1910-14

14.00 14.00

14.42 13.50

7 4 1 1

15.00 14.42 14.08 14.22 13.90 14.45 14.09 13.27

6 19 37 31 51 55 43 22


0.975 1.000

2.52,9 1.387 1.891 2.629 2.872 2.088 1.444 1.279 9 2

12 23 51 56 78 71 60 29 39.66 37.00

47.83 48.78 48.60 48.37 48.42 48.56 48.71 46.41

4.949 2.828

5.951 4.766 4.720 4.803 3.859 3.995 4.178 5.192



46.00 26.00

1 1

47.50 51.00 50.55 50.96 49.16 49.74 50.16 50.00 49.30 49.00

2 2

Mean age

9 26 42 39 61 66 36 10


Endometrial cancer


4.126 3.605 4.005 3.499 4.282 4.634 3.592 6.514

3.535 1.414


Number of cervical and endometrial cancer patients subdivided into S-yr birth periods with the mean ages at menarche and menopause and the standard deviations


1865-69 1870-74

Birth period




1865-69 1870-74 1875-79 1880-84 1885-89 1890-94 1895 -99 1900-04 1905-09 1910-14 1915-19 1920-24 _

Birth period


5 10 15 41 46 69 61 56 26 8 2


13.80 14.80 14.73 14.07 14.30 14.07 14.46 13.34 14.35 11.88 14.50


Mean age

SD _ 1.64 1.55 2.76 2.44 1.84 2.00 2.04 1.96 2.13 1.96 0.71

2 1 6 19 36 29 45 51 30 7 1 1

n 13.50 15.00 15.00 14.42 14.11 14.21 13.47 14.31 14.30 13.29 14.00 14.00

Mean age

SD 0.71 2.53 1.39 1.91 2.69 1.63 2.04 1.32 0.95 _ -

5 10 15 41 46 69 61 56 26 8 2

n 47.80 47.50 47.40 48.56 48.78 4858 48.52 48.59 46.31 39.25 37.00

Mean age

2 1 6 19 36 29 45 51 30 7 1 1

5.25 5.10 4.38 3.89 3.83 4.20 5.45 5.12 2.83


7.19 5.48


50.41 49.17 49.29 46.00 26.00

49.19 49.31 SO.56


47.50 52.00 50.33

Mean age


and menopause


with the mean ages at menarche









Number of cervical and endometrial cancer patients subdivided into 5-yr birth periods, dard deviations, in whom both the ages at menarche and menopause were known

3.90 3.62 7.61 _ _

4.17 3.49 3.81


3.54 _ 5.09


and the stan-

P g 2 E x B f 9 9 (P :: 2 ?

G % $ % (D s


J. de Graaff and L.A.M. Stolte: Menarche and menopause in uterine cancer

ages at menopause of each birth period of the cervical and endometrial cancer patients. It is clearly shown (Fig. 1) that there are no obvious differences in the mean ages at menarche of the cervical and endometrial cancer patients born between 1875 and 1924. The mean ages at menarche of the cervical and endometrial cancer patients born between 1875 and 1924 did not show a significant difference (Student’s t-tests, P > 0.05). The mean ages at menopause of the cervical and endometrial cancer patients born between 1875 and 1914 did, however, show a significant difference (P< 0.001) (Fig. 2). The endometrial cancer patients had a later menopause than the cervical cancer patients.


In this study the mean age at menarche of the cervical and endometrial cancer patients occurred, in accordance with the literature, at an earlier age in the period 1960-65 than in the period 1950-55. There was no significant difference in the mean age at menarche between the cervical cancer groups and between the endometrial cancer groups, or between both cancer groups in the period 1950-55 and between both cancer groups in the period 1960-65. Vahrson (19 70) also found no difference in the mean age between patients developing cervical and endometrial cancer. Analysis of the ages at menarche in relation to the year of birth showed that there is no correlation between the age at menarche and cervical or endometrial cancer. In accordance with the dates reported in the literature, the mean age at menopause occurred later in the period 1960-65 than in the period 1950-55. There was no significant difference between the two cervical cancer groups and between the two endometrial cancer groups, but there was a difference between the cervical and endometrial cancer groups. This was reported by Hauser et al. (1961) and Vahrson (1970) who both also found that a later menopause occurred in patients with endometrial cancer than in patients with cervical cancer. Analysis of the ages at menopause in relation to the year of birth shows a consistent difference between the ages at menopause of the cancer groups. This demonstrates that there is a rela-

tionship between the age at menopause and cervical and/or endometrial cancer. The age at menopause of endometrial cancer patients can be later than normal, and that of cervical cancer patients earlier than normal. There is also the possibility that both are abnormal. Lau et al. (1975) have compared the ages at menarche and menopause of patients with endometrial cancer and a control group of the same age. They found that in these patients with endometrial cancer the menarche occurred significantly earlier than in the control group. Also, they noted that within each 5-yr birth period the menopause occurred significantly later than in the control group. Comparing these patients, in whom both the ages at menarche and menopause were known, with the whole group, the same trends were observed in subgroups in similar birth periods (Table V). This analysis further confirmed that there was no difference between the ages at menarche of both uterine cancer groups but a significant difference between the ages at menopause of both uterine cancer groups. Therefore, it appears that the menarche has no relation to the causation of cervical and endometrial cancer, but that the menopause is involved in the development of cervical and/ or endometrial cancer.

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