of ageing
and davhpment Mechanisms
of Ageing
and Development
87 (1996) 155
morphological changes in the hippocampus two mouse strains
Abstract The granule cell number (nGR) in the dentate gyms (DG) has been reported to vaq proof of some geneticall) considerably among inbred strains of mice, thus providing associated components to this variation. Furthermore, several authors have described age-related morphological changes in the DG in both humans and animals. but there is no general agreement in the literature about the occurrence of such changes. The purpose of this study was to investigate for strain differences in hippocampal structure changes in old C57BLj6J (B) and DBA/2J (D) mice as compared with younger ones. The nGR in the DG. as well as other structural parameters of the hippocampus. were determined in female B and D mice of 4 and 24 months. The two-way analysis of variance indicated a significant interaction between ‘strain’ and ‘age’ for the nGR. suggesting that this parameter changes differently with age in B and D mice. This finding indicates that these strains could present a differential susceptibility in granule cell aging raising the possibility that age effects on the granule cell population in the DG could be influenced by some hereditary factors. K~~~orr/.s: Aging; Granule
cells; Hippocampus;
I. Introduction Many brains
histopathological in old age and
changes in some
in human diseases
of aging.
animal These
*Corresponding author: Laboratoire de Genttique mokculaire de la Neurotransmission et des Processus NeurodCgtnPratifs (LGN). UMR 9923 CNRS. Bat. CERVI Hbpital de la Piti SalpPtriPre. 83 Bd de I’HGpital. 75013 Paris. France. Fa: + 33 I 42177533. 0047.6374’90/%15.00 P/I
(C 1996 Elsccier
Ltd. All rights
age-dependent alterations of the brain tissue include selective cell loss [l-7], decreased dendritic or synaptic density [&lO]. and the occurrence of specific histological brain lesions such as senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and granulovacuolar degenerations [l 1~ 131. When affecting the hippocampal formation, these age-related changes are considered to be involved in the memory disturbances common to old age. Indeed, an accumulating body of evidence shows that the hippocampus is critical to learning and memory in many mammalian species including humans [ 14 - 161. Furthermore, the cognitive changes generally occurring with age are similar to those observed after hippocampal damage [17719]. The cognitive capacity, however, of aged humans or animals varies markedly as some aged individuals present a severe age-related impairment while others fail to exhibit any memory disturbance [20,21]. Distinct neuroanatomical parameters in the hippocampus, supposed to be related to memory performance, might therefore be differentially affected by the aging process. Also, in animals the aging process exhibits a large strain dependency [22-251. In particular, it seems that differences exist between rodent strains as to whether, or how, some particular parameters of brain structure change with age [26,27]. Such individual or strain differences in aging would emphasize the possible role of genetic factors in the neurobehavioral sensitivity to aging. A comparative study of age-related hippocampal changes carried out in different inbred mouse strains therefore constitutes an experimental approach to examine the genetic basis which underlies individual differences in the neurobehavioral response to aging. Many authors have described age-related changes in the morphology of the dentate gyrus (DG) both in humans and animals. However, there is no general agreement in the literature about the extent of such age-related changes. Indeed, a number of morphological changes have been described: granule cell loss [2,6,28,29] or stability [30-321 accompanied by dendritic or synaptic growth [33,34] regression [31l36] or stability [2&37] in the molecular layer. Methodological artifacts (tissue processing, counting techniques, etc.) are often evoked to explain the uncertainties highlighted by these studies [38,39], but individual, species, or strain-related differences in aging could further explain these discrepancies. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to attempt to evaluate in the mouse the strain influence on possible age-related changes in some structural parameters of the hippocampus. To this end, we have investigated the number of dentate granule cells and other neuroanatomical parameters in the hippocampus of young and old mice from the C57BL/6J and DBA/U inbred strains. The dentate granule neurons are of particular interest because of their likely involvement in memory and especially in the processing of spatial information [40P421.
2. Materials
and methods
2.1. Anirnuls Twenty-two
female C57BLj6J
and DBA/2J
mice purchased
(France) were used in this study. Animals were maintained in our animal house 22 + of the (12:‘12 h light-dark cycle, temperature _ 2°C) until the beginning experimentation (about 2 weeks after receipt). Half of the animals, considered to be ‘young’, were 4 months old (5 C57BL;6J, 6 DBA/2J); the other half, 24 months of age. were classified as ‘old’ (6 C56BL;6J, 5 DBA/2J).
Animals were anaethetized with an i.p. injection of pentobarbital and perfused transcardially with a first PBS solution followed by a second PBS solution containing 0.2% paraformaldehyde. Brains were then quickly removed and frozen in cooled isopentane. Serial 10 jlrn thick horizontal brain sections were cut on a motorized cryostat at the mid-septotemporal level of the hippocampus and thawed on uncoated slides. The sections were then placed for 10 min in a post-fixative PBS solution containing 3.7% paraformaldehyde. At the end of the post-fixation, the sections were washed and stained with a 0.01% aqueous solution of toluidine blue containing 0.01% di-sodium tetraborate and adjusted to pH 9 [43]. Finally, the sections were gradually dehydrated in ethanol and xylene, and mounted with Eukit under glass coverslips.
2.3. Morpllomrtry
Three horizontal sections from the left hippocampus were selected per animal and examined by quantitative image analysis (SAMBA image analyzer, Alcatel TITN). The sections were 40 pm apart, the first one corresponding to the horizontal plane located at 400 pm under the septal pole. Eight morphometrical parameters were determined in the hippocampus with the image analyzer connected via a TV camera to the microscope (Zeiss). The areas of the whole hippocampus (HPC) (hippocampus proper plus DC), the molecular and granular layers of the DG (respectively MOL and CR), the hilus of the fascia dentata (CA4) and the stratum pyramidale (SP), were delimited at x 78 magnification (Fig. 1A). The means of the relative areas, expressed as percentages of the whole hippocampus area to correct for unequal absolute sizes [44], were calculated for each animal. The dentate granule cells were counted at a final magnification of x 625. The cell density estimates (dGR) were obtained directly by counting the neuronal nuclei in three well-defined areas of the stratum granulosum. The final granule cell number (nGR) was then estimated by averaging the three estimates of density and multiplying the result by the granule cell layer area. The hilar cells were counted in the entire CA4 area at a x 625 magnification (nCA4).
2.4. Statistical nnalysis The results were analysed by a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the main factors being ‘strain’ (C57BL/6J, DBA/2J) and ‘age’ (young, aged). Partial analyses were performed by means of the Student’s t-test.
Fig. 1. (A) Diagram of a cross-section of the mouse hippocampus (MOL. CR, granular layer of the DG; CA4, hilus of the fascia dentata: SP, stratum cross-section from the mid-septotemporal level of the mouse hippocampus
molecular layer of the DC;; pyramidale). (B) Horizontal stained with toluidine blue.
Table I Mean k SEM OFhippocampal variables measured in young and DBAZJ mace, and results of the statistical analysis Variable
young 1,) = 5)
1878 73 5.6 5.x 7.5 47 964 91x3
Aged (II = 6)
* 5x * 1.2 F 0. I * 0.4 & 0.3 + 4 * 53 * 191
young (I/ = 6)
Strain x Age
P<0.0001 ns
ns ns ns
Aged (n = 5)
1591 f 21 23.4 _+ 0.4 5 f 0.3 9.1* 0.3 7.6 & 0.3 35 f 2
1677i 22.7 _+ 5.6 f 9.4 * 6.7 f 40 *
55 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.6 2
1437 * 2Y 23 * 0.9 5.8 + 0.4 8.7 kO.4 6.4 & 0.2 30* I
684 f 26 859Y + 338
808 * 49 5512 * 240
741*23 8989 _t 540
ns ns
HPC. whole hippocampus cell density: t&R, granular ns. non-significant results. HPC. dGR IS expressed in
3. Experimental
and aged (24 months)
Strain C57BL:6J
(4 months)
ns ns ns P
nr 11s ns P
area; MOL. stratum moleculare; CR. stratum granulosum: dGR, granular cell number; CA4. hilus; nCA4. hilar cell number: SP. stratum pyramidale: HPC is expressed in x IO’ Atm’. The other values presented are relatives to number of cells:mm’.
The mean values of the different morphometrical parameters, their standard errors of the mean, and the ANOVA results are summarized in Table 1. The area of the HPC was significantly larger in strain C57BL/6J as compared with strain DBA/2J. None of the other areas (MOL, GR, CA4, SP) significantly differed between strains. Furthermore, the hilar cell number (nCA4) was significantly higher in strain C57BL/6J, while no global strain effect was noticeable for the dentate nGR or dGR. A significant age effect was found for the HPC area as well as for the nCA4 and nGR when comparing aged versus young of both species. The mean values of these neuroanatomical parameters were always reduced with age. In contrast, no significant age-related difference was found either for the dGR or the relative sizes of the measured areas. Interestingly. a significant interaction between strain and age appeared for the dentate nGR. This interaction was highlighted by partial analyses showing an agerelated cell number decrease in the C57BLj6J strain (T= 5.04; ddl = 9: P < 0.001). without significative difference between age groups in the DBA;2J strain.
M. Barkars
rt al. I/)Mechanisms
of’ Age&
and Decelopmmi
87 (19%)
155. 164
4. Discussion Many studies have focused on age-related morphological changes in the rodent hippocampus. For several reasons, including methodological artifacts and individual or strain differences, these studies have often led to contradictory results. In this study, age-related histological changes have been examined in the hippocampus using two different mouse strains in order to test for possible strain-differences in hippocampal aging. 4.1. Strain dij+rences Our results indicate substantial strain differences in the size of HPC with it being larger in the strain C57BLj6J than in the strain DBA:‘2J. This finding is in agreement with several previous studies concerning the hippocampal regio irzftrior [45,46]. These differences could be compared to the marked differences in the learning performance exhibited by the two inbred strains (C57BLj6J showing better performances) [47,48]. Furthermore, strain differences in the dentate nGR profiles were observed in the young animals. Our finding of strain variability in nGR agrees with previous studies reporting a genetically-related strain variability in the dentate nGR in several inbred mouse strains [49,50]. For Wimer and Wimer [50]. 80 to 90% of the observed variation could be attributed to genetic factors (genes located upon autosomes). the remaining variation depending on ‘environmental’ sources. Similarly, strain differences were observed for the nCA4 but, to our knowledge. no experimental result is available for comparison. As with nGR, the strain-related variability of nCA4 could possess some genetically associated components. 4.2. Age-related
Global age-related changes in the HPC were further demonstrated by the two-way analysis of variance, this area being affected by age in both strains. Our results also indicate a global age-related decrease in the nGR at the mid-septotemporal level of the hippocampus without global reduction in the nerve cell density (dGR). Our findings of an age-dependent decline of granule cell profiles in the mouse hippocampus are in agreement with other studies showing a loss of this cell type in aged Sprague-Dawley rats [6,7,51]. In contrast, other studies indicate no loss of granule cells [32] or change of the granule cell volume with aging in the DG of F344 rats [52]. The reasons for these discrepancies may be related to a variety of different factors such as differences in counting techniques and tissue preparation, or in the strain of the animals used [53]. Our results argue for the latter hypothesis as the age-dependent decline in the nGR was not the same in the two strains used in this study. This remarkable difference in the effects of age between the two strains was demonstrated by the occurrence of a significant nGR reduction with age in the C57BL/6J mice, whereas this age-related decrease did not reach significance in the DBA/2J mice.
This analysis raises the possibility of a differential susceptibility to age-related cell death in the DG of the two strains. However, these results must be viewed with caution. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that some histological methods can lead to differential shrinkage of young or old brains [5]. However, our results indicate no significant interaction between strain and age for either the whole HPC surface area. or the GR area which seems to exclude strain differences in shrinkage in this study. The age-related decrease in the nGR could be related to the reduction with age of the mossy fiber synaptic fields observed in rats [54,55] and in inbred mice (Bertholet et al., unpublished data). Hypoplasia of the granule cell soma is also known to involve the regression of the mossy fiber innervation in the CA3 area [41,56]. Our present results can therefore be related to previously observed strain differences in C57BL/6J and DBAi2J aging for the size of the intra- and infrapyramidal mossy fiber (iipMF) synaptic fields in CA3 (dentate granule cell projections) (unpublished data). On the other hand, Boss et al., [.57]. demonstrated the occurrence of strain-differences in the effects of age on the total nGR in the Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rat strains. According to these authors, strain differences may be observed not only in the initial number of postnatally generated granule cells, but also in the generation and/or the survival of these cells during the first year of life. Finally, our present study also revealed a subtantial loss of neurons in the hilus of the gyrus dentatus. This result is in agreement with data presented by West which provided evidence for an age-related decline in the total number of neurons in the hilus of human DG [39]. According to West, the reduction in the number of these neurons might reduce the associative capacity of the dentate granule cells and compromise the processing of information within the hippocampal formation. The present observed age-related loss of neurons in the hippocampus could result in deficits in performance in various memory tasks. Further studies will be helpful to evaluate the correlations between these specific parameters in the hippocampus and performance in memory tasks. A major interest of this study is the demonstration of a differential sensibility to aging of the dentate granule cells in the C57BL;‘6J and DBA/2J mouse strains. The mechanisms underlying this strain-related differential susceptibility to aging have yet to be elucidated. These different patterns of granule cells aging may be influenced by genetic factors and/or environmental ones. With respect to the free radical theory of aging [58], a differential hippocampal aging could be related to possible interstrain differences in the effects of age on the protective systems against the free radicals toxicity. Such differences have already been described in mouse strains for age-related changes of catalase activity which appear to be dependent upon genotype [59]. Such variations in antioxidant levels or activities could have repercussions for the mossy fiber system (including the dentate granule cells) which seems to be particularly vulnerable to free radical-mediated oxidative damage [60.61]. This hypothesis could be tested by further genetical correlative analyses between antioxidant levels and hippocampal morphometry in different inbred mouse strains with aging.
The authors thank Mrs Catherine Marchaland and Mr. Fernando Perez-Diaz for their expert contribution to the statistical analysis. This research was supported by CNRS and Universitk Paris V.
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