Current World Literature
Inorganic crystals
This bibliography is compiled by specialists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between 1 st April 1996 and 31 st March 1997 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue.
Oxide amorphous
Modelling and simulation of amorphous solids
Conductivity techniques
Optical techniques
Solid state NMR
solids (inorganic)
Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest
The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. l71, refers to its number in the annotated references of the corresponding review.
Current Opinion in Solid State 6 Materials
0 Current Chemistry
Contents Amorphous
Fluoride glasses
Metallic glasses
AdamsSt. H&iharan K. Maier J: Inv~sti~aUons on Saver
hQdt l
Charge transfer salts
Related review: Superionic glasses-theories and applications (pp 399-404)
property techniques
and interfaces
lodid* Silver Oxyult Glass Cmmks. Solid State lonics 1896. B&6&503-508. t231 CA XU Y, i!he”a SS. Wdea M: Verf*fiOnS i” the kit-polymer Electrolyte The”w for Floxlbla Solid Electrolytes. Solid State lonics 1996. 66-I 7-28.
t461 Chalfejee S. Benejee S. Mollah S. Cheudhuri BK: Transoorf Propertks of Pb-dopod E%Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox SHnicondwcti~a Glasses and Gl~ss-coramic Superconductors (~0153, Pa 5942.1986). Phys Rev 6. Condens Matter 1996,54:Q657. Cwner C, Funke K, Rolina 8. Saafkemp T, Wimer 0. . Ingram MO, Pradel A Ribes hf. Taillades G: Ionic bnd Polwonk Hopping in Glass Solid State tonics 1996, 66-88:461-486.1371
Solid stage hydrogen bonding and packing analysisllonophores and supramolecular chemistry
Deceeare L, Lukienkewelasek K Rebuff0 I. Welmek K: Cwlfy-fields Approech to * Simple ModJ oi Axial Duadrupolar Glass. Phys Rev 6 1996. 54:156Q2-15906. Fanaaao C, Swndere GA, Wei 2, culrani M, Mendsnici l 0 A_ Piccolo A: Hydrostltk Pressure Effwts on A_c ConductMty of the AaPDa and (AQ&..,(ABP05)~, Superionic GUues. Solid State lonics 1 QB6, 85-883425-430. [271. Hunt A: Correlrtfon Functions for Ionic Motio” from NMR R&&o” and El-1 ConducfMty in the Glassy Fast-ion Conductor (U2SM.56tSiS2XU4z Comnmnt. fhye Rev 8 _ Condens Matter 1995, 51:12000-12002. Kehnt H: lonlc Transport in Glasses. J Non-Cryst Solids . 1996, 203:225-231. t161 Kamitsos El. Chryssikos GO, Patsis AP. Deify JA: Metal .. lo” SItma In Odda Glasses: R&tb” to Gbs Sssklly snd lo” TmnsporL J Non-Cryst Solids 1 BQ6, i96:24a-254. t4rtl Lee JH. Elliott SR: Isotopic-rubswon N&on-dfffncti& Studies Of tAal~O.5~~AaPD3) (0.5) (HM,. Phvs Rev 6 1996.51:12109-12114. Maasa P, Meyer M. &“de A_ Diefehch W: Mkmscopic Explmatton of the Non-arrhanius Conductivity In
Glusv hsf Ionic Conductors. Phvs Rev Len 1 BBS, 77:15i6-1531. Meyer M, Jaeniach V, Maass P, Bunde A: Mixed Alkali ENact I” Crystals of Sota- and BOW-&““i”a Structure bhys Rev Len 1996,76:2333-2341. Noai KL: A Rwiaw of Critkal Exmrinwtbl Facts in 0.’ El-1 R&x&ion and lo& Oitlusion in lonblly Conducting Gbses md Molts. J Non-Cryst Solids 1996. 206:232-246. [311 Roling B. Happa A, Funke K, Ingram MD: Cwrir l. Co”cw~Watio”s and R~axatio” Spactroscopy New l”fo”na60” fronl .sall”g proportia of Conductivity Sputra in lonkaliy Conducting Glasses. Phye Rev Lett 1997,78:2160-2163. I361 Saunders GA, Metcelfe RD. Cufroni M. Federico M. piccolo A: El&k and An&&k F+mpwties, Vibmtial Anfurmo”kHy. md FmcU Bond Connutkity of Supulonk Glasses. Phys Rev B - Condens Matter 1996.535267-5300. Scheidl S: G*uy Vortex Sfate In a two-dimensional Disordered XV Model. Phvs Rev B 1 BBZ 55457~471. Scuquet JL, Jayasinghe GDLK: Ionic and Electronic l Conductlvtty in Oxtde Glasses and 7hetr Appticatkns. I” Solid State lonksz New
Fluoride glasses. Metallic glasses
Developments. Edited by Chowdari EVR. Dirsanayake MAKL, Careem MA Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. 1996. :145-l 69. [171. Svare I, Borsa F. Torgeson DR. Martin SW: Correlation Functions for Ionic Motion from NMR Relaxation and Electrical Conductivity in the Glassv Fast-ion Conductor (LiZS)O.56(SiS%O.44: Reply. Phys Rev E Condens Matter 1995, 51:12003-12004. Svenson J. Bjesson L: Correlation Between Frea Volume .. and Ionic Conductivity in Fast Ion Conducting Glasses. Phys Rev Len 1996, 77:3569-3572. [Zll. T&da K. Aotani N. lwamoto K. Kondo S: Solid State Battery with Oxysulphide Glass. Sohd State lomcs 1996, 86.88~077.682. 1441. T&sum&ago M. Hwai K. Hirata T, Takahashl M: Structure . and Properties of Lithium Ion Conducting Oxysulfide Glasses Prepared by Rapid Quenching. Solid State lonics 1996, 86.68:467-490. [451.
Fluoride glasses Review: (pp 405-411) Acioli LH, Gomes ASL. Dearaujo CB. lronside CN: Infrared-to-blue Frequency Upconversion in a Prl+-doped Silicate Fiber. Phvs Rev B Condens Matter li96. 54:9126-9130. Balda R. Femander 1. Adam JL. Arriandiaga MA: Time-resolved Fluorescence-line Narrowing and Energy-transfer Studies in a Eu3+-doped fluorophosphate Glass. Phvs Rev B 1996. 54:12d76-i2086. Balda R. Femandez 1. Depablos A. Fdernavano JM. Arriandiaga MA: Temperature-dependent Concentrsti~n Ctuenching and Site-dependent Effects of Nd3+ Fluorescence in fluorophosphate Glasses. Phys Rev B Condens Matter i996; 53:5161-5189. Baniel P. Loper A. Gall P, Gamier J: Influence of . Processing Parameters on the Scattering Properties of fluorozirconate Glasses Prepared by the Gas film Levitation Technique. J Non-Crysf SoLds 1996, 203:143-152. C431. Catunda T, Nunes LAO, Flow A Messaddeq Y, Aegerter MA: Spectroscopic Properties and Upconversion Mechanisms in Er3+-doped Fluoroindate Glasses. Phys Rev B Condens Melter 1996, 53:6065-6070. Downmg E. Hasselink L. Ralston J. Macfarlane R: A . Three-color Solid State Three-dimensional Display. Soence 1996, 273:1165- 1 189. C321. Jesse E. Broqwn JE. Lebrasseur E. Fonteneau G, Rimet . R. Jacquier B, Lucas J: Rare-earth-doped Fluoride Waveguides. SPlE Proc 2996 1997:74.85. C491. Yamada M. Kanamori T, Terunuma Y, Olkawa K. Shtmiru M. . Sudo S. Sagawa K: fluoride-based Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier with Inherently flat Gain Spectrum. IEEE Photomc Technol Len 1996. 6:862-664. 1151.
Metallic glasses Review: (pp 412-416) k XC, Jin R. Ge CB. Wang JJ. Zou YH, Zhou XW. Xtao XR: Femtosecond Investigation of Charge Carrier Dynamics in CdSe Nanocluster Films. J Chem Phys 1997, 106:3367-3392. Aklyama E. Kawashima A, Asami K. Hashlmofo K: . The Corrosion Behavior of Sputter-deposited Amorphous AI-Cr-MO Alloys in 1 M HCI. Corms So 1996, 38:279-292. [361. Alekseev PA Kchlopkin MN, Lazukov VN. Odov VG. Sadikov IP, Suck JB. Schmidt H: Magnetic Excitation Sptatre and Thermodynamics of Amorphous PrNi5. Phys Rev B 1996, 54:3684-3694. Barandiamn JM, G&a P, Orue I, Fdezgubieda ML, Fiazaola F: Tensile Stress Dependence of the Curie Temperature and Hyperline Held in Fe-Zr-B-(Cu) Amorphous Alloys. Phys Rev 6 1996, 54:3026-3029. Bernardin FE, Hammack WS: Pressure-induced Disordering of Sodium Potassium Sulfates and Chromates. Phys Rev B - Condens Matter 1996. 54:7026-7033. Busch R. Bakke E. Johnson WL: Solid State .. Amorphization and Metasbble Supercooled Meiting in the Zr-Al-Cu-Ni Bulk Metallic Glass Forming Alloy System Mater Sci Forum 1996, 225-227:141-l 46. t9l. Cbakraborty S. Majumdar AK: Resirtivity Minima in Concentrated Gamma-Cul 00-xMnx Alloys (36-d). Phys Rev 6 1996, 53:6235-6239. Chatterlee S. Baner~ee S. Mollah S. Chaudhuri BK: Transport Properties of Pb-doped Bi4Sr3Ca3CU40x
Semiconducting Glasses and Glass-ceramic Superconductors. Phys Rev 8 - Condens Matter 1996,53:6942-5952. Chen C, Luan KZ. Liu YH. Mei LM, Guo HQ, Shen BG. Zhao JG: Giant Magnetoimpedance Effects in the Soft Fenomagnet Fe73.5CuNb3Sil3.569. Phys Rev B. Condens Matter 1996,54:6092-6094. Couini S. Ronchetti M: Local lcosahedral Structures in Binarv-allov Clusters from Molecular-dvnamics Simula&n. Phys Rev B Condens Matter i 996. 53:12040-l 2049. Dawson AL, Ryan DH. Baxter DV: Spin Fluctuations in en Amorphous Alloy. Phys Rev B 1996, 54:12236-l 2244. Degtyareva VF. Poach F, Ponyatovskii EG, Holzapfel WB: Sbuctural Investigations of the Amorphous Alloy Al300e70 Under High Pressure. Phys Rev 6 Condens Matier 1996.53:8337-8339. Eom J. Neuttiens G, Strunk C, Vanhaesendonck C, qruynseraede Y, Chandrasekhar V: Asymmetric Nonlinear Differential Resistance of Meroscopic AuFe Spin-glass Wires. Phys Rev Left 1996, 77:2276-2279. Frenkel A, Stern EA. Voronel A, Rubshtein A Benerra Y, Fleurov V: Redistribution of La-Al Nearest-neighbor Distances in the Metallic Glass Al0.91l.a0.09. Phys Rev B 1996,54:664-692. Fukunaga T, Sugiura H, Takeichl N. Mirutani U: Experimental Studies of Atomic Structure, Electronic Structure, end the Electronic Transport Mechanism in Amorphous AI-CU-Y and Mg-Cu-Y Ternary Alloys. Phys Rev 6 1996, 54:3200-3210. Garron IL. Posadaamarillas A: Structural and Vibrational Analysis of Amorphous Au-55 Clusters. Phvs Rev 8 1996, 54:11796-l 1602. Geissinger P, Kador L. Haarer D: Importance of Matrix Correlations in Dve-doped Solid Rare Gases: a hole-burning St&t Phys Rev El Condens Matter 1996, 53:4356-4366. Gettman DE%.Webb DJ: Evidence of Spin-glass Ordering in Sputtered Ygl .STb2.6Sil5.5 Metallic Glasses. Phys Rev B 1995, 51:11944-l 1946. Geyer U. Schneider S, aiu Y. Macht MP. Tombrello .a TA. Johnson WL: Beryllium Diffusion in the Supercooled Liquid end Glassy State of the :~~~~T~2~~~~;u:iB~~~.5
Alloy. Mater SC! Forum
Golub A: Tunneling in Two-channel Kondo Superconducting Junctions. Phys Rev B 1996. 54:3640-3644. Gomerpolo C. Holzer D. Multigner M, Navarro E, Agudo c Hemando A, Vazquez M. Sassik H. Grownget R: Giant Magnetic Hardening of a Fe-Zr-B-Cu Amorphous Alloy During the First Stages of Nanocrystallization. Phys Rev 5 1996. 53:3392-3392 Gong WL. Wang LM. Ewing RC. Fei Y: Surface and Grain-boundary Amorphizetion: Thermodynamic Melting of Coesite Below the Glass Transition Temperature. Phys Rev 6 Condens Metier 1996, 53:2155-2156. GonQ WL. Wang LM. Ewng RC. Zhang J: &tron-irridiationaid Ion-beam-induced Amorphiration of Coesite. Phvs Rev B Condens &fatre; 1996, 54:3SOO-3608. Greer AL, Zhong ZC. Jlang XY, Rutherford KL, . Hutchings IM: AI-Y-Ni Nanophase Composites by Devitrification - Microstructure, Hardness end Abrasive Wear Resistance. in Chemistry and Physics of Nanostructures and Related Non-Equilibrium Materials. Edited by Ma E, Fultz B. Shull R. Morral 1. Nash P. Wenendale PA: TMS. 1997, :3-l 2. [291 Hams VG, Kemner KM, Das BN, Koon NC, Ehriich AE. Ktrkland JP. Wacik JC. Cresoo P. Hemando A Escorial AG: Near-neighbor Mixing and Bond Dilation in Mechanically Alloyed Cu-Fe. Phys Rev 8 1996, 54:6929-6940. Hellerqvist MC, Ephron D. Wh!te WR, Beasley MR. Kapitulmk A: Vortex Dynamics in Two-dimensional Amorphous Mo77Ge23 Films. Phys Rev Len 1996. 76:4022-4025. Hellerqwsl MC, Ephron D. While WR. Beasley MR. Kapitulnik A: Vortex Dynamics in Two-dimensional Amorphous Mo77Ge23 Films (vol 76. Pg 4022, 1996). Phys Rev Len 1996, 77:4462. Henderson W, Andre4 0: Higgms MJ. Bhattacharya S: Metastebitity end Glassy Behavior of a Driven Flux-line Lattice. Phys Rev Len 1996.77:2077-2080. Hudgens 11. Martin SW: Mid-IR end Far-IR Investigation of Agl-doped Silver Diborate Glasses. Phys Rev B Condens Matter 1996. 53:534S-5355. Hufnagel TC. Brennan S. Zschack P, Clemens BM: Siructural Anisotropy in Amorphous Fe-Tb Thin Films. Phvs Rev 6 - Condens Matter 1996, 53:12024-l 2630
lnoue A, Kawamura Y, Shibata T, Sasamori K: Viscous Flow . Deformation in Supercooled Liquid State of Bulk Amorphous Zr5,AIl,-,Ni,Cu, Alloy. Maw Trans JIM 1996. 37:1337-1341. 1101. lnoue A, Murakami 4 Zhang T, Takeuchl A: Thermal l * Stability and Magneti; Properties of Bulk Amorphous Fe-Al-Ga-P-C-B-Si Allovs. Mater Trans J/M 1997, 38:189-196. 1171. lnoue A, Nishiyama N. Kimura H: Preparation end Thermal l * Stability of Bulk Amorphous Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 Alloy Cylinder of 72 Mm in Diameter. Mater Trans J/M 1997, 3&l 79.183. 181 lnoue A Zhang T, Takeuchi A: Preparation of Bulk l* Pr-Fe-Al Amorphous Allow and Characterization of Their Hard Magnetic P&perties. Mater Trans JIM 1996, 37:1731-1740. C211. Jarrell M. Pang HE, Cox DL. Luk KH: Two-channel Kondo Lattice: an Incoherent Metal. Phys Rev Left 1996, 77:1612-1616. Jonason K, Mattsson J, Nordblad P: Dynamic Susceptibility of a Reentrant Ferromagnet. Phys Rev 6 1996, 53:6507-6513. Kajiwara S, Ogawa K. Klkuchi T. Matsunaga T, M~yazaki . S: Formation of Nanocrystals with an Identical Orientation in Sputter-deposited Ti-Ni Thin Films. P/II/ Mao Len 1996. 74:395-404. [311. Komon M. Akiyarna E. Habaraki H. Kawashama A, Asami l * K, Hash&to K: NO Decomposition Catalysts Prepared from Amorphous Ni-Ta-Pd Alloys. Appl Catal B-Envrron 1997, 11:243-255. 1451. Lecaer G. Delcroix P, She” TD. M&man B: Mossbauer Investigation of Intermixing During Ball Milling of Fe0.3Cr0.7 and Fe0.5W0.5 Powder Mixtures. Phvs Rev B 1996, 54:12775-l 2766. Liebs M. Fahnle M: Amorphous Iron Revisited: an Ab Abinitio Study. Phys.Rev B Condens Matter 1996, 53:14012-14015. Lin YK, Novet TR, Johnson DC, Valles JM: Magnetotransport Studies of Strongly Disordered Annealed Amorphous Fe&i Multila&s. Phys Rev 6 Condens Matter 1996. 53:4796-4606. Liu W, Johnson WL: Precipitation of Bee Nanocrystals in . Bulk Mg-Cu-Y Amorphous Alloys. J Mater Res 1996, 11:2386-2392. [141. Meyer A, Wunke J. Petry W, Peker A, Bormann R. Coddens G, Kranich L. Rand1 OG. Schober Ii: Harmonic Behavior of Metallic Glasses Up to the Metastable Melt Phys Rev B Condens Miter 1996. 53:12107-12111. Mitw H. Habaraki H. Hashimoto K. Mrowec S: . The Sulfidstion end Oxidation Behavior of Sputter-deposited Amorphous Al-Nb-Si Alloys at High Temperatures. Corms So 1997, 39:9-26. C391. Moustakas AL, Fisher DS: Prospects for Non-Fermi-liquid Behavior of a Two-level Impurity in a Metal. Phys Rev B 1996, 53:4300-4315. Mukherjee S, Ranganathan R. Anilkumar PS. Joy PA: Static and Dynamic Response of Cluster Glass in LaO.5SrO.5CoO3. Phys Rev B Condens Matter 1996, 54:9267-9274. Nordstrom A Ahlgren M, Hedman L, Rapp 0. lnoue A: Magnetoresistance of AlSOYlO and AISOLal 0: Strong Enhancement Due to Small Crystalline Precipitates in AlSOLalO. Phys Rev B 1996. 54:9174-9179. Poole PH. Grande T, Angel1 CA, Mcmlllan PF: Chemical Physics - Polymorphic Phase Transitions in Liquids and Glasses. Scrence 1997. 275:322-323. Posadaamanllas A Garzon IL: Microstructural Analysis of Simulated Liquid and Amorphous Ni. Phys Rev B Condens Matter 1996. 53:6363-6368. Regan MJ. Bienenstock A: Phase Separation in Sputtered Amorphous Metal-germanium Alloys. Phys Rev 6 1995, 51:12170-12166. Reid JS, Kolawa E, Garland CM, Nicolet MA Cardone F, l * Gupta D: Amorphous (MO. Ts. or WI-.%-N Diffusion Barriers for Al Metallirations. J Appl Phys 1996. 79:1109-l 115. C331. Reisfeld G. Jlsrawi NM, Ruckman MW, Strongin M: Hydrogen Absorption by Thin Pd/Nb Films Deposited on Glass. Phys Rev B 1996. 53:4974-4979. Role JM. Hernando A. Elghannaml M. Garc~aescor~al A, Gonraler MA, Garciamartinez R. Ricciarelk L: Observation and Characterization of Ferromagnetic Amorphous Nickel. Phys Rev Len 1996. 76:4633-4636. Sadhukhan M, Modak DK. Chaudhuri qK: Electrical Properties of Semiconducting ~1-~)(90Vf2)0f5)-1OP(2)0f5))+xBsTi0(3) &a& and &ass-cerernics. J Chem Phys 1996, 105:11326-11334. Schneider S. Geyer U. Thtyagarqan P. Busch R. Schulz . R. Samwer K. Johnson WL: Phase Separation and Crystallization in the Bulk Amorphous
Zr&l,uCu,uNi,&~ Alloy. Meter SC; Forum 19%. 225227:5Q-54. t12l Sluchsnko NE, Glushkw W, Demiihev SV, Ssmsrin NA Brszhkin w: Lab StsQss of Phsse Sspsmtion In All-x!& Solid Solutions. Phys Rev B 1995, 53:11304-11305. Smimov AV, Bmtkoveky AM: Random Y%nstk O&r In At-Mn Uqulds. Phys Rev 8 1995,53:5515-5520. Sommer RL, Chien CL: Lon~ltodinsl, Trsnsvsrss, snd M&toattictiv~ &orph&s Alloys. Phys fiev B 1995,53:R5952-R5955. Soreecu M. Knobbe ET: Evldsnce for Phsss selectivtty In Exclmsr-luw-indwsd Amorphizstfon of Therms@ Annulsd Fs66Co15B15Sl GIssSY Fermmsgn& Phye Rev B Condens Matter 1995, 52:15055-15095. Ten&e S, Ternsi K, Hireo K, Sore N: Bnnchlng Retto of Uv snd Blw tJpconvsrslons of Tm3+ Ions In Glsssss. Phys Rev B Condens Matter 1995. 53:5355-5362. Tanimurs M, lnoue Y, Koyema Y: Fsstures of S Eutsctoid Rssctlon in . Ti-40 At% Al Alloy: Evidsncs for .” Amorphowststs Formstion from s Crystsl. Phys Rev t9 1995,52:16239-15243. Tmdehl HJ. Johna HL, Kaiser AB, Subremsniem CK. Ruck EJ. Lynem p: Superwndwttvity In Amorphous TtiQs Multilayers. Phys Rev 6 Cmdens Matter 1995,53:16225-15230. Velarquez 1, Gsmis C. Vszquez M. Hernendo A: Dynsmk M~nebststk lntsmctbn Between Amorphous Furomsgnsttc Wires. Phys Rev B Condens Malter 1995. !w9903-9911. Winters RR, Hsmmeck WS: Pressure-induced Distortions of Pb(N03)2 Isomorphs. Phys Rev B Condens Matter 1995,53:1405Q-14095. Xu Y. Muir WB. Altounien Z, Buyers WJL, Donsberger RL: Consistent Psrtfsl Stw&e Fsctors for Am&hour NiO.33&vHfi-v)O.67 Uslna X-my and Neutron Diffmction. Phjs Rev B 19~5,5i5953-5992. Yang GM. Schmitz G. Fehla S. Krebs HU. Kirchheim R: Hydrogsn in Pd/Nb Mu161sy.n P/rye Rev B 1995, 54:9131-9140. Zsrsnd 0. Vleder K: Low Tsmperstun Dynsmks of .n N-f-flsvor Two Lsvel Systm in . Metsl: EqulvsIen~e with ths N-f-chsnnsl Kondo Modsi to l/N-f(2) Order. Phys Rev Len 1995,76:2133-2135.
Related reviews: Growth of hydrogenated amorphous silicon and its alloys (pp 417-424); Materials aspects of amorphous silicon solar cells (pp 425-429)t Acco S. Williameon M, Stdk PA, Seris MI, Vendenbooaserd MJ. Sinke WC. Venderwea WF; Roorde s: i&lrogen Solubility snd N&o& Stsbility in Amorphous Silicon. Phys Rev B Condens Matter 1995.59:4416-4427. Andenum ‘& Ve@ E: Expsdmentsl.Study of the Energy-bsnd Structure of Porous Silicon. Phys Rev 6. Condens Matter 1995, 53:15543-15552. Brtnkmsnn D. Rossi F, Koch SW, Thomse P: Phonon-Induced Dsohssino of Locsllzed Opticsl Excbtbns. Phys R& B _ C&dens Matter 1 s95, 54:2551-2570. Collins RW, Bumhsm IS. Kim S, Koh 1. Lu Y, Wronski CR: . Insights Into Dspositfon Processes for Amorphous Semiconductor Mstwlsls and Devicss from’ Rssl Tlms Spectroscopk Ellipsomstry. J Non-Clyst Solids 1995, l%-2lllI951-955. wu. Condo JP, Goncelvea M. Bro~ueirs R Schotten V, ‘&I v: photoconductiw Anslysis of Defsct Density of Hydmgsnstsd Amorphous Sllkon DwinQ Room-tsrnpwsturs Ptssms Posthydmwnetion, Lleht Soskint~, end Thormel Annuling. Phys Rev B- CondensMatter 1995,53:1%5-1590. Dslsl V. Ksushsl S. Girvsn R Harisers S. Sioti L: I&&d S&billty In CiCR-dwos&d’A-Si Solsr Cslls. in Confsrsncs Record of the Tbwnty-Fifth IEEE Photovolt& sowislists Confer-lQQ6z 19% Msy 13-17; W;shin@on, DC 1996:1059-1072. mt1 Dubeau J, Hamd LA, Pochet T: Rsdistion Ionization tnrgy In Alphr_SlzH. Phys Rev B - Condens Maftw 1995,53:10740-10750. Dwlsineh HM. Kskslios J: Thsrmopowr and ConductMty Acilvstk%~ fhrgbs HydroQenstsd Amorphous Sllkon. Phvs Rev 8 _ Condens Matter 19%. 5(:7530-?533. Eeeick JM, Nobel 2, Li YM. Bennett MS: Conduction- and Vslencs-bsnd Dffsets et th. Hydrogenstsd Amorphous Silkon-cerbon/crystslline Silicon
Intwfsce Vls Cspe&sncs Tschniquss. Phys Rev B _ Condens Matter 1995.54:4555-4590. Fabian J. Allen PB: Anhsn’nonk Dscsy of Vlbrstbnsl St&es in Amorobous Sllkon. Phvs Rev Len 1995. 71:3539-3842: Filipponi A, Dicicco 4 Nstdi CR: X-my-absorption Sosctroscoov snd N-bodv Dlstributlon Func6ons in &ndmsad~iattw. 1. Thiory. Phya Rev B - Condens Matter 1995.52:15122-15134. Friihe H: In Amorphous SIlkon Technology-1997, l* Mstwisls Resurch Sodsty Symposium ProcssdinQs. 1997, in Prsss. t391l. Fuketo W, Yoshino K. Nekemure K, Foftmenn CM, Shimku . I: Fabrkstlon of High Ctuslity Silicon Rststed Films with Bsnd-%p of 1.5 EV by Chemksl Annulln~. J Non-Cqst Solids 19%. 195-200:1045-1049. C401 Futsko W, Shimizu I: Modulstlon of Growing Surfsce . with Atomic Hydrogen snd Excited Argon to Fsbrfcsts Nsrrow Gsp A-SkIi. in Amorphous Silkon TschnoioQy - 18%. Mstsrisls Rwurch Socisty Symposium Procssdin~s Vol425. EdRed by Hsck M. Schifl EA Wsgner S, Schropp R, M&suds A. Pittsburgh: Metertsls Resesrch Society. 1995:431-435. t411t18+1 Gsnaulv G. lkeda T, Sekets I, Metsuds A: Yodiflsd Trlode -ilisms Conflgursuon AQowlng Prscise control of Ion Enemv for Preosrlna Hiah Mobllttv A-SI:H. In Amorpho;s Silk4 lsc&ol&y - 196& Msterisls Resew& Society Symposium Pmceedings Vd 420. Edited by Heck M. Schiff E4 Wsgnu S. Sdwopp R. M&suds A Pittsburgh: Mstwisls Ruurch Society. 1995:347-352.132x20+1 Gsnaut G. Mstsuda A: Role of tiydmaen Dilution In im&ement of A-S-H Alloys. J Non-Cryst Solids 1995. 1%.20@569-552. [91r10+1.
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Fullerenes Review:
Albertazz E. Zerbetto F: Propensity Rules for the Stability of Odd-numbered Fullwenes: e SemiemDiricai Proposal. J Am Chem Sot 1996. 1 l&2734-2739. Allen KM, Heyes SJ, Rossemsky MJ: Met&-insulator . Transition end Molecular Dynamics In (NH$K$&,. J Mate, Chem 1996, 6:1445-1447. C241. Andreoni W, Curion! a Holczer K. Prassides K. . Keshavarz-K M. Hummelen JC. Wudl F: The Unconventional Bonding of Azafullerenes: