An E-mail attachment virus checker

An E-mail attachment virus checker

PRODUCT NEWS The firewall wall with the new dual wall has launched the GFX Firewall to combat threat Z ergo of attack to networks from the Internet ...

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The firewall wall with the new dual wall has launched the GFX Firewall to combat threat Z ergo of attack to networks from the Internet and other potentially hostile networks. Originally designed by Global Technology Associates (GTA) in the United States, the firewall enables o r g a n i z a t i o n s to connect their internal systems to the Internet whilst protecting their internal n e t w o r k s from unauthorized access. The GFX is designed as a dedicated security system rather than as a general purpose host running a security software package. It is composed of hardware and software elements which block unwanted traffic, whilst permitting authorized traffic to pass between

"connect their internal systems to the Internet whilst protecting their internal networks from unauthorized access"

networks. It is suitable for all TCP/IP-based networks and the operating system of the product has been specifically hardened for additional security. The firewall has, claim Zergo, a unique double wall construction. It consists of two separate host systems or 'walls' (the Inner and Outer Walls) connected by a private network (the DMZ). If the outer wall is compromised the inner wall will protect and isolate the internal network by shutting down the DMZ. GFX uses a one-time p a s s w o r d s y s t e m for remote Telnet access to internal host systems, so ensuring that even if a password is captured, it cannot be reused.

"a unique double wall construction"

For further information, contact Trevor Bolton, Stuart Broderick or Duncan Reid, Zergo Ltd on: +44 1441 342600.

CAT reduces PC fraud ~S e UK's Blick Time ystems Ltd has released a new product which is claimed

"an auditable 'time stamp' which can log the exact time at which transactions are completed" to reduce the risk of computer fraud. The Computer Automated Time System, or

CAT, is an auditable 'time stamp' which can log the exact time at w h i c h transactions are completed and E-mail messages are sent, t h e r e b y p r o v i d i n g a trail w h i c h s h o u l d act as a deterrent to fraudsters. The p r o d u c t is a m e a n s o f detecting ongoing fraudulent activity. It is accurate to one second in 1 million years as it is synchronized with the MSF Standard Time Signal transmitter. It plugs simply into a serial port at the back of a PC. For f u r t h e r information, contact Brendan Burns, Blick Time Systems Ltd on: +44 1793 692401.

Computer Fraud & Security March1996 © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd