> m 5% > > : pi 20 m
if i r 20 if population stucks for 20 epochs and pim 20 o 30% if population evolved 20 epochs and pim 20 4 5% otherwise:
3.2. Immigration techniques where posallele is the position of the node allele, possplitter1 is the position of the first splitter after posallele, possplitter2 is the first splitter after posswap. We consider this mutation operator very general because it covers several specific cases:
if the length of the two sequences is 1, then we have a classical
and simple swap of two nodes belonging to two different subroutes; if the length of one sequence is zero, then we simply move the other sequence to another subroute; if the length of the two sequences differs, then we have the general case when a sequence of n nodes of a subroute is swapped with other m nodes from another subroute.
For instance, applying the mutation operator for the individual ð0 1 2 3 4 5 0 6 7 8 9 0Þ, with posallele ¼ 3, endSeq1 ¼ 5, posswap ¼ 8 and endSeq2 ¼ 9, will result into the following new individual: ð0 1 6 7 5 0 2 3 4 8 9Þ:
3.1.5. Selection Selection is the stage of a GA in which individuals are chosen from a population for later breeding (crossover or mutation). The selection process is deterministic. In our algorithm we have used a (μ þ λ þ λim ) selection procedure, where μ individuals generate an intermediary population of λ offspring, besides which λim individuals are created using the immigration technique described in Section 3.2.
3.1.6. Genetic parameters The genetic parameters are very important for the success of a GA, equally important as the other aspects, such as the representation of the individuals, the initial population and the genetic operators. Based on preliminary computational experiments, we set the following genetic parameters: the population size μ has been set to the five times the number of customers, the size of the intermediary population λ ¼ 5 μ. Regarding the mutation rate, we have adapted the Rechenbergs 1/5 success rule: “The ratio ϕ of successful mutations to all mutations should be 1/5. Increase the variance of the mutation operator if ϕ is greater than 1/5, otherwise decrease it” [13] to the specific needs of our problem. The initial mutation probability pm has been set to 5% and plays an important role in avoiding the local optima. A higher value “throws” the new generation too far from their parents; a smaller probability would be of no evolutionary value. However, every time the population gets stuck into a local optimum for 20 epochs, the mutation probability increases with 5%, until it reaches 30%. If this upper value is reached, the algorithm stops. If the population gets out of the local optimum, which is equivalent with pim o 30%, the probability decreases with 5% and it goes down by 5% every 20 generations while the population evolves, but not below the initial 5%.
It is well known that GAs get stuck in local optima very often. One efficient way of avoiding this problem is maintaining the diversification in population [20]. Among other methods, infusion and migration seem to offer good solutions. Infusion techniques insert new random individuals every generation, as proposed by Grefenstette in [7]. Koza [8] introduced decimation, where a substantial percentage of a population has been replaced by random individuals at regular intervals. Instead of inserting random individuals, Rahnamayan et al. [17] recently proposed the concept of opposition, inserting opposite individuals for diversity maintenance. Parallel GAs preserve diversity by exchanging individuals between sub-populations. Migrants can replace less fit individuals, randomly chosen individuals or the most similar individuals. None of the above-mentioned techniques make use of evolved individuals generated using other methods than GAs. The former one – infusion – uses random individuals, which introduce diversity but, in the same time, draw back the population somehow to the initial state (initial population). The latter one – migration – uses parallel GAs, which means that the subpopulations risk to get trapped in (different) local optima and migrating individuals do not bring enough diversity. Nevertheless, we agree that immigrants bring progress to any population and, moreover, the more different the immigrants are, the more progress and knowledge is brought. That is why we propose an immigration technique in which the immigrants are not random, but rather generated using some heuristics every generation. This way, the level of evolution of the immigrants increases along with the evolution of the population of our proposed GA. The idea of the proposed immigration technique is to bring new individuals (called “immigrants”) to the population each generation. The immigrants are created after applying the recombination and mutation by re-inserting the depots using the same strategy used for generating the initial population. Several questions arise regarding the immigrants:
How much the evolution of the immigrants influence the evolution of the host population?
What is the size of the immigrant population so that the progress is maximal and yet controllable? Fig. 3 gives two snapshots of the evolution of the population in two cases: using a simple GA – the blue line and using immigration techniques – the red line. In Fig. 3, the number of immigrants used is equal with the intermediary population of offspring, i.e. λ ¼ λim . Analyzing the figure, it is obvious that using immigrants improves the evolution significantly. In order to see the effect of the number of immigrants on the evolution of the global population independent trials have been conducted. For the experiments, we considered four instances that are going to be described in the Experimental results section. The obtained results are described in Table 1 for various percentages of immigrants from the total population. The same comparison is depicted in Fig. 4.
O. Matei et al. / Neurocomputing 150 (2015) 58–66
Fig. 3. A snapshot of the evolution of the population in two cases: a regular GA (blue line), respectively with immigrants (red line). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this paper.)
3.3. Local improvement procedure Classical GAs are not aggressive enough for some combinatorial optimization problems. A possibility to obtain more competitive heuristics is to combine the GAs with local search procedures. For each solution belonging to the current generation we use a local improvement procedure that runs several local search heuristics sequentially. Once an improvement move is found, it is immediately executed. In our algorithm, we used 6 local search heuristics divided into two classes depending on the following aspect: do they operate on a single route or do they consider more than one route simultaneously. The local search heuristics from the first class are obtained by moving one or more customers from one position in the route to another position in the same route and are called intra-route neighborhoods. We considered in our algorithm three such neighborhoods: Two-opt neighborhood, Three-opt neighborhood and Or-opt neighborhood. The moves defined within the intra-route neighborhoods are used in order to reduce the overall distance. The other class, called inter-route neighborhoods work with two routes. They are used in order to reduce the overall distance and in some cases they can reduce as well the number of vehicles. We considered in our algorithm three such neighborhoods: 1–0 Exchange neighborhood, 1–1 Exchange neighborhood and the Relocate neighborhood. 3.3.1. Two-opt neighborhood The Two-opt algorithm was first introduced in the case of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and it was later extended to other related network optimization problems. In the case of the HFFVRP, in a Two-opt neighborhood two arcs belonging to a single route are replaced by two other arcs in order to improve the total cost of the route. The size of the Two-opt neighborhood is quadratic (w.r.t. the number of customers) and there is only one proper move type. Fig. 5 illustrates this process. 3.3.2. Three-opt neighborhood The Three-opt neighborhood was also introduced in the case of the TSP. The Three-opt neighborhood extends the Two-opt neighborhood and involves deleting three arcs in a route and reconnecting the three remaining paths in all other possible ways. Each of
Table 1 The influence of the number of immigrants on the evolution of the global population. Instance
13 15 18 20
3283.48 3164.46 3788.32 4975.44
3102.34 3102.67 3743.58 4893.4
3185.09 3068.53 3752.03 4834.17
3196.12 3066.86 3784.49 4910.37
3201.44 3122.37 3874.44 5035.74
3374.47 3097.45 3901.38 5083.55
Fig. 4. The influence of the number of immigrants on the evolution of the global population.
the reconnecting methods is then evaluated in order to find the optimum one. The size of the Three-opt neighborhood is cubic and there are three proper move types. Fig. 6 illustrates this process and contains an example of a proper move. 3.3.3. Or-opt neighborhood Designed for TSP, the Or-opt heuristic attempts to improve the current tour by first moving a chain of one, two or three consecutive customers in a different location (and possibly reversing it) until no further improvement can be obtained. The size of the Or-opt neighborhood is quadratic with the condition that the length of the sequence is bounded. Fig. 7 illustrates this process with an example of a proper move. 3.3.4. 1–0 Exchange neighborhood Given a pair of routes corresponding to a current solution of the HFFVRP, the 1–0 exchange neighborhood simply moves a vertex
O. Matei et al. / Neurocomputing 150 (2015) 58–66
from one route to the other, by replacing three arcs. Fig. 8 illustrates the 1–0 exchange neighborhood method. 3.3.5. 1–1 Exchange neighborhood Given a pair of routes corresponding to a current solution of the HFFVRP, the 1–1 exchange neighborhood swaps the positions of a vertex pair belonging to two different routes, by removing four arcs and creating four new ones. Fig. 9 illustrates this process. 3.3.6. Relocate neighborhood Given a pair of routes corresponding to a current solution of the HFFVRP, the relocate neighborhood simply moves a sequence of 2, 3 or 4 global arcs from one route to another one. Fig. 10 illustrates this process. 3.3.7. Proposed local improvement procedure Our improvement local search procedure is a Variable Neighborhood Descent (VND) algorithm, which systematically changes all the described neighborhoods in the following order: 1–0 exchange neighborhood, 1–1 exchange neighborhood, relocate neighborhood, two-opt neighborhood, Or-opt neighborhood and three-opt neighborhood. We observe that the neighborhoods are applied in an increasing order of their sizes. We point out three important aspects concerning our local improvement procedure:
1. Within our algorithm the infeasible solutions that are arising by applying inter-route neighborhood structures are handled as follows: the route that exceeds the vehicle capacity is split at the node (customer) that causes the violation of capacity restrictions and the rest of customers in that route are distributed among the other routes at random as long as all restrictions are met. 2. Applying the local search procedure to all the individuals of a current population will lead to highly time consuming procedure. Therefore, a subset of individuals is selected in each generation with a specified probability (in our case 10%) and then the VND procedure is applied to each of them separately. In the case that better individuals are found they are introduced in the current population. 3. The procedure is applied only once even for the identical solutions carried over to the next generation(s). Otherwise, it would be a waste of resources and an increase of the computation time.
4. Computational experiments and results In order to assess the performance of the proposed memetic algorithm for solving the HFFVRP, we conducted experiments on two well-known sets of instances: one reported by Taillard [22] and the second one introduced by Li et al. [11].
Fig. 5. Example showing a two-opt exchange move.
Fig. 6. Example showing a three-opt exchange move.
Fig. 7. Example showing a Or-opt exchange move.
O. Matei et al. / Neurocomputing 150 (2015) 58–66
Fig. 8. Example showing a 1–0 Exchange move.
Fig. 9. Example showing a 1–1 Exchange move.
Fig. 10. Example showing a Relocate move.
For the computational experiments, we performed 30 independent runs of the proposed memetic algorithm for each problem instance. Results are analyzed based on the best and average solutions obtained over the 30 runs. The machine used for our experiments is equipped with processor Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz and 2GB RAM. The algorithm was developed in Java, JDK 1.6. The first set of instances introduced by Taillard [22] contains 8 problems labeled as 13, 14,…, 20. In total, there are six types of vehicles and the number of customers range from 50 to 100, all randomly located over a square in the Euclidean plane. These instances have fixed fleet, capacity restrictions, no route length constraints and no service times at the nodes. Table 2 reports the experimental results obtained with the proposed memetic algorithm in the four cases considered for the route splitters. The first column in the table provides the name of the problem, the second column gives the number of customers and in the next columns we report the best solutions obtained using the described techniques for route splitters (described in Section 3.1.1) and the corresponding computational time out of 30 runs. Analyzing the results presented in Table 2, we can observe that the best results were obtained using the technique 2 (see Section 3.1.1) for introducing the route splitters. Therefore, in our improved immigration memetic based heuristic algorithm we considered the deterministic insertion of the splitters. Table 3 presents the results obtained using the proposed memetic algorithm in comparison to the best-found solutions by the heuristic column generation method (HCG) [22], the backtracking adaptive threshold accepting metaheuristic (BATA) [23], the record-to-record travel algorithm (HRTR) [11] and the multistart adaptive memory programming (MAMP) [12]. Table 3 gives the following information:
the name of the problem, the number of the customers, the best solution and the corresponding computational time obtained by the each of the compared methods (i.e. HCG [22], BATA [23], HRTR [11], MAMP [12] and our immigration memetic algorithm in the last column). The results written in bold represent cases for which the solution found is equal to the best known solution. Analyzing the results presented in Table 3, we observe that the solutions provided by the proposed algorithm are comparable from a quality perspective with the best solutions existing in the literature, namely our immigration memetic algorithm was able to find all the best known solutions except one for problem 15. Regarding the computational times, it is difficult to make a fair comparison between algorithms, because they have been evaluated on different computers and they are implemented in different languages. The running time of our algorithm is proportional with the number of generations. Our proposed heuristic algorithm seems to be slower than MAPN, comparable with HRTR and faster than HCG and BATA. Table 4 presents some more information about the performance of our immigration memetic algorithm: the average solutions and standard deviations (best solutions and the CPU time are the same given in Table 3). These additional data were not reported in the previous table because the other authors used different ways to present their results and in addition they did not provided them, reporting only the best solutions. As shown in Table 4, the proposed immigration memetic algorithm is able to trigger good solutions in each of the 30 runs considered, leading to average solutions which are close to the best solutions obtained. This result is also supported by the low standard deviations value reported in Table 3. The second set of instances used in our computational experiments was introduced by Li et al. [11] and consists of 5 problems
O. Matei et al. / Neurocomputing 150 (2015) 58–66
Table 2 The experimental results for choosing the population generation approach. n
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Technique 1
50 50 50 50 75 75 100 100
Technique 2
Technique 3
Technique 4
Best solution
Best solution
Best solution
Best solution
3199.96 10 112.51 3067.94 3345.52 2111.67 3776.35 10 425.64 4858.56
321 346 372 473 445 903 783 890
3185.09 10 107.53 3066.86 3278.96 2076.96 3743.58 10 417.51 4834.17
246 377 301 224 412 498 518 634
3197.14 10 111.39 3065.29 3354.05 2111.79 3782.13 10 420.34 4834.17
288 310 329 324 436 486 692 706
3199.96 10 111.20 3067.94 3348.19 2111.01 3782.13 10 423.83 4856.35
285 404 350 287 422 515 676 709
Table 3 The experimental results obtained using our improved immigration memetic algorithm in comparison to best-found solutions of different algorithms. Pb.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
50 50 50 50 75 75 100 100
3198.05 10 115.64 3066.86 3354.05 2111.79 3800.16 10 417.51 4859.77
473 575 335 350 2245 2876 5833 3402
3199.96 10 111.39 3065.29 3345.52 2111.01 3776.35 10 423.83 4856.35
843 387 368 341 363 971 428 1156
3197.14 10 107.53 3065.29 3344.94 2076.96 3743.58 10 420.34 4834.17
358 141 166 188 216 366 404 447
3185.09 10 107.53 3065.29 3278.96 2076.96 3743.58 10 420.34 4834.17
110 34 46 99 148 119 287 200
3185.09 10 107.53 3066.86 3278.96 2076.96 3743.58 10 417.51 4834.17
246 377 301 224 412 498 518 634
labeled as Hi, i ¼ 1; 2; …; 5. These instances were generated for HFFVRP through an adaptation of the existing five large-scale VRPs with customers ranging from 200 to 360 provided by Golden et al. [6]. Each instance has a geometric symmetry and the customers are located in concentric circles around the depot. The fleet is composed of six vehicle types and the demand of each customer node may take only two different values. Table 5 summarizes the comparative results between the proposed immigration memetic algorithm, the tabu search algorithm (TS) described by Brandao [2] and the record-to-record travel algorithm provided by Li et al. [11]. To conduct their respective experiments, Brandao [2] used first a Pentium II at 400 MHz, 128 MB of RAM and then for the TSA Intel Pentium M at 1.4 GHz, 512 MB of RAM while Li et al. [11] used an Athlon at 1 GHz, 256 MB of RAM. In order to compare the speeds of the different computers measured in millions of floating-point operations per second (Mflop/s), we used the Dongarras [4] tables and we have obtained: Pentium II¼80 Mflop/s, Athlon¼450 Mflop/s and Pentium M¼250 Mflop/s. The speed of the computer used in our experiments is 1408 Mflop/s. The results provided in Table 5 show that our hybrid algorithm was able to find three best known solutions out of five existing instances. The solutions reported for instances H1, H3 and H4 correspond to the best known HFFVRP solutions while the solution obtained for instance H2 is indeed very close to the best solution (10 210.34 reported by the proposed algorithm vs. 10 208.32 best known solution). Regarding instance H5, we suspect – as Brandao did in [2] – that the variable cost per unit of distance traveled for each type of vehicle is not the value written by Li et al. [11] but the same as the corresponding one for H4. The motivation for this statement is that we obtained the same solution as Brandao's best solution (i.e. 23 166.56) for instance H5. We can observe that the computing times of our hybrid algorithm are better than those of the TSA, but higher than those of Li et al. algorithm. Furthermore, the average solutions over 30 runs reported by the proposed memetic algorithm are very close to the best solutions obtained, which supports a stable efficient performance of the introduced method. This result is further endorsed by the values of standard deviations reported in Table 5.
Table 4 Performance of our improved immigration memetic algorithm. Problem n
Immigration memetic algorithm Best solution
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
50 3185.09 50 10 107.53 50 3066.86 50 3278.96 75 2076.96 75 3743.58 100 10 417.51 100 4834.17
Average solution
Standard deviation
Mean CPU
3201.45 10 112.36 3072.53 3352.27 2103.54 3764.82 10 420.77 4852.26
16.36 4.83 2.83 36.65 13.29 10.62 1.63 18.09
246 377 301 224 412 498 518 634
Overall, the proposed immigration memetic algorithm found ten best known solutions out of thirteen instances. The obtained results are within 0.9% of the best known solutions on average, proving that our hybrid algorithm is competitive to all of the known heuristics published to date.
5. Conclusions and future work In this paper, we developed an improved immigration memetic algorithm for solving the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem (HFFVRP). The proposed hybrid heuristic integrates a number of original features: we combine a genetic algorithm with a powerful local search procedure and an immigration approach, the initial population of the GA is constructed using four different approaches and the search is further guided by generalized mutation operator. We used an efficient way of avoiding getting trapped in local optima by maintaining the diversification of the population using an immigration technique. Our local search procedure consists of six local search heuristics, their diversity and power being an important factor for solving successfully the HFFVRP.
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Table 5 The experimental results obtained using our improved immigration memetic algorithm in comparison to Brandao' algorithm, TS and Li et al. algorithm. Instance
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
200 240 280 320 360
Li et al.
Best sol.
Best sol.
Best sol.
Best sol.
Avg. sol.
Std. dev.
12 050.08 10 208.32 16 223.39 17 458.65 23 166.56
12 067.65 10 234.40 16 231.80 17 576.10 21 850.40
688 995 1438 2256 3277
12 050.08 10 226.17 16 230.21 17 458.65 23 220.72
1395 3650 2822 8734 13 321
12 050.08 10 210.34 16 223.39 17 458.65 23 166.56
12 073.4 10 212.42 16 228.31 17 463.2 23 230.76
9.31305 0.57729 1.81254 0.45976 26.38
1372 2038 1637 3263 8493
The experimental results show that our algorithm is robust and is comparable with all known heuristic approaches to the problem in terms of solution quality. The use of immigrant individuals to ensure diversification coupled with the use of local improvement methods to intensify search is a powerful approach able to lead to competitive results. Future work focuses on the investigation of different immigration strategies integrated with local search procedures and their mutual influences. In the future, we also plan to assess the generality and scalability of the proposed hybrid heuristic by testing it on more instances in extensive computational experiments.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PNII-RU-TE-2011-3-0113. The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for reading the manuscript very carefully and providing constructive comments which helped to improve substantially the paper. References [1] M. Ball, T. Magnanti, C. Monma, G. Nemhauser, Network Routing, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol. 8, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995. [2] J. Brandao, A tabu search algorithm for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem, Comput. Oper. Res. 38 (2011) 140–151. [3] B. Crevier, J.-F. Cordeau, G. Laporte, The multi-depot vehicle routing problem with inter-depot routes, Eur. J. Oper. Res. 176 (2) (2007) 756–773. [4] J. Dongarra, Performance of Various Computers using Standard Linear Equations Software, Report CS-89-85, University of Tennessee, 2006. [5] G. Ghiani, G. Improta, An efficient transformation of the generalized vehicle routing problem, Eur. J. Oper. Res. 122 (1) (2000) 11–17. [6] B. Golden, E. Wasil, J. Kelly, I.-M. Chao, The impact of metaheuristics on solving the vehicle routing problem: algorithms, problem sets, and computational results, in: T. Crainic, G. Laporte (Eds.), Fleet Management and Logistics, Kluwer, Boston, MA, 1998, pp. 33–56. [7] J.J. Grefenstette, Genetic algorithms for changing environments, in: Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992, pp. 137–144. [8] J.R. Koza, Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992. [9] G. Laporte, What you should know about the vehicle routing problem, Nav. Res. Logist. 54 (2007) 811–819. [10] G. Laporte, I. Osman, Routing problems: a bibliography, Ann. Oper. Res. 61 (1995) 227–262. [11] F. Li, B. Golden, E. Wasil, A record-to-record travel algorithm for solving the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem, Comput. Oper. Res. 34 (2007) 2734–2742. [12] X. Li, P. Tian, Y. Aneja, An adaptive memory programming metaheuristic for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem, Transp. Res. Part E: Logist. Transp. Rev. 46 (2010) 1111–1127. [13] Z. Michalewicz, Genetic Algorithms þ Data Structures¼ Evolution Programs, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1996. [14] P. Moscato, On Evolution, Search, Optimization, Genetic Algorithms and Martial Arts: Towards Memetic Algorithms, Caltech Concurrent Computation Program Report, 826, 1989. [15] P.C. Pop, O. Matei, C. Pop Sitar, An improved hybrid algorithm for solving the generalized vehicle routing problem, Neurocomputing 109 (2013) 76–83. [16] C. Prins, Efficient heuristics for the heterogeneous fleet multi-trip vrp with application to a large-scale real case, J. Math. Modell. Algorithms 1 (2002) 135–150.
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Oliviu Matei obtained his Ph.D. in the field of practical applications of evolutionary computing in solving combinatorial optimization problems from Technical University Cluj-Napoca. Before that, he studied Artificial Intelligence at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Currently, he is a member of the Department of Electrical Engineering at North University Center of Baia Mare, Technical University of ClujNapoca, Romania. His research interests focus on evolutionary and natural computing methods and their application to real-world optimization problems.
Petrică C. Pop is a professor within the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at North University Center of Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He published more than 80 scientific papers, majority of them being published in Theoretical Computer Science, Neurocomputing, Applied Mathematical Modelling, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. His scientific contributions have a very good visibility with more than 155 citations in ISI journals and international journals. He is a member of the Editorial Board of 5 international journals. His research interests include metaheuristics, nature-inspired computing and combinatorial optimization problems.
Jozsef Laszlo Sas received B.S. degree in computer engineering from the North University Center at Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Romania. Currently, he is a Master student in Informatics and Software Engineering at the same university and a junior software developer in Baia Mare.
Camelia Chira received the M.Sc. (2002) and Ph.D. (2005) degrees from Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland, in the area of agent-based systems for distributed collaborative design environments. From 2006 to 2013, Camelia was a researcher at Babes-Bolyai University, Romania, working on several research projects both as a member and principal investigator. She is now with Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Computer Science, Romania. Her main research interests include nature-inspired computing, complex systems and networks, multi-agent systems and bioinformatics. She published more than 70 papers in international conferences and ISI journals.