An Unique Salivary Calculus

An Unique Salivary Calculus

(tltnica( Brticle£'. AN U NI QUE SALI VA RY CALC U L US. By H . P . LEW IS, M.R.C.V.S., Chelmsf ord. T HE subj ect of this extrao rd ina ry calculus ...

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(tltnica( Brticle£'. AN U NI QUE SALI VA RY CALC U L US. By H . P . LEW IS, M.R.C.V.S., Chelmsf ord.

T HE subj ect of this extrao rd ina ry calculus was a dark brown pony , about 16 years old a nd 11- ha nds hi gh. T he pony was brought t o to me for ad vice about the" lump" on it s ja w. I ad vised its removal, wh ich met with the owner's consent . The pony was cast , and an incision abo ut 6 in. long made into the sac containin g the calculus, which was removed without diffi culty . An e xa mination of the sac

showed that this was form ed by the distended sa livary duct, which was supported on its lower border by fi brous tissue, a bout an inch in thickness. The wound healed in three weeks, and the pony worked for eighteen months in this district, w hen he was sold, and I lost sig ht of him . My chief reason for putting this case on record is , that I believe it to be the largest sa li va ry calculus in existen ce : its dimensions are :- Iength 4i in., diameter 2t in., circumference 8! in. , weight 1 lb. 8t oz . on removal.