On Saturday, Nov. 20th, (just six weeks permit me publicly to contradict it through from the former operation,) he was again the medium of your Journal. Your obedient brought in with incarcerated inguinal hernia servant, of the right side, when all the usual remeEDWAKD EDWARD RIGBY, M.D. dies were tried, but with no effect, and he 23, New-street, Spring Gardens, was again subjected to the operation, and the Jan. 24, 1842. intestine returned, and he is now quite reEXTEMPORANEOUS PRODUCTION OF MILK. covered from both operations ; the recovery from the latter being rather more tediousi A Russian chemist, Dr. Dichost, suggests than the former, from the debilitated state of the following mode of keeping milk, and of his system. preparing it extemporaneously. Evaporate This case is uncommon and interesting freshly-drawn milk, by a gentle heat, until it from the great age of the patient, as well as becomes perfectly dry; then put it in airfrom his recovery, after having undergone so tight bottles, and it may be kept for any If milk be required for serious an operation on both sides. I am, length of time. immediate use, take a small quantitv of the Sir, your obedient servant, KEATS R. RISK. RISK, powder, and add water to it. The flavour of the milk will be found preserved.- Graefe Assistant-Surgeon R. N. and Walther’s Journal, 184L ’
ONE of these
quasi doctors, who setup a THE following statement, which appears in drug-store some time since, was called on by the Hampshire Telegraph of Jan. 17, shows an old lady to giveher something for nettlethat all the clever girls in England did not rash (urticaria). The doctor examined the with Elizabeth Okey :disappear eruption very carefully, and concluded that " -We were much gratified last evening by cream of tartar was the remedy, and forthwith witnessing some extraordinary experiments prepared the dose. The old lady was loath connected with mesmerism, at Dr. Engle- to take anything internally, and preferred due’s residence. "BVe are in the same posi- some external application; the druggist pertion with all others who have seen the phe- sisted, however, that he had hit on the proper nomena, and are incapable of offering any remedy, and in order to overcome her objecexplanation ; but we are satisfied as to the tions took half the dose himself, declaring not unpleasant to the taste ; so reality of what we saw. A young female that it was introduced to the company. Dr.Engle- his patient swallowed the other half, and then due put her in five minutes into a perfect took a seat, perhaps to ascertain before she mesmeric sleep. Dr. E. requested the com- left the shop that she had not taken poison, Meanpany to give him in any order they pleased or from an indisposition to move. A while, the druggist delighted at his prowess, some articles arranged on the table. biscuit was given to him, which he eat- related other instances of his success. He immediately the mouth of the young female was interrupted, however, by violent sickmoved as if she was eating. When asked ness, which his patient began also to expe.. by Dr. E., she replied she was tasting rience. Great consternation arose, and a ’ bread:’ an apple. an orange, a slass of medical gentleman was sent for, who found water, some bread and butter, were followed that the man had given tartar-emetic instead by the same results. The bread and butter of cream of tartar. This performance is was eaten by Dr. E. at the further end of attested by the respectable medical witness the room, while the numerous persons pre- who was sent for at the time.ńDr. Buckler, sent surrounded the girl ; immediately she of Baltimore. moved her mouth, and when she was asked what she was eating, she said she was eatTO CORRESPONDENTS. ing bread and butter : a pinch of snuff which Philadelphus cannot place much value on the doctor took she disliked, and a cigar she offers a said was something nasty. The de-mes- the authentication of facts, since he contradiction of the letter of Mr. H. without motions soon relieved from her her merising trance.Seeing is believing,’ and what we even sending his name and address in confidence to the Editor. There ought, however, have related above we saw." on such an occasion, to be no objection to answer an avowed correspondent under a UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. real name. Moreover, both Mr. H. and the public have a right to demand a real signa. To the Editor of THE LANCET. ture to the statements. Otherwise they SIR,-It having been reported that I am a might fairly pass them by as waste matter. candidate for the vacant chair of midwifery J. E. (Amwell-street.)-We never comply at the London University College, I beg to with such requests. Advantage would be state that there neither is, nor ever has been, taken of the practice by some anonymous the slightest foundation for such a report, correspondents, who would soon render its and I shall feel much obliged if you willnew variety of quack advertisement.