Changes in clay-mineral assemblages during burial diagenesis and incipient metamorphism: general reoiew
Hoffman, J. and Hower, J.. 1979. Clay mineral assemblages as low grade metamorphic geothermometers: application to the thrust faulted disturbed belt of Montana, U.S.A. In: P.A. Scholle and F.R. Schluger (Editors), Aspects of diagenesis. Soc. Econ. Paleonrol. Mineral., Spec. Publ., 26: 55-79. [Mineral assemblages (principally mixed-layer clays and zeolites) indicate low-grade metamorphism at 100"-2OO0C; this heating is ascribed to burial between thrust plates.] Lippmann, F., 1977. Diagenese und beginnende Metamorphose bei Sedimenten. Bull. Acad. Serbe Sci. Arts, CI. Sci. Nat. Math., 56(15): 49-67. Timofeev, P.P., Kossovskaya, A.G., Shutov, V.D., Bogolyubova. L.I. and Drits, V.A., 1974. New aspects of the study of stages of sedimentary rock development. Lirhol. Miner. Resour. (transl. from Litol. Polezn. Iskop.), 9(3): 3 18-336. [Review of diagenesis of clay minerals and of organic matter; very little concerning their correlation.] Experimental and thermodynamical studies and structural transformations of tlarious groups of clqr~minerals (smectite and kaolinite to illite or chlorite)
Lippmann, F., 1979. Stabilitatsbeziehungen der Tonminerale. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Abh., 136(3): 297-309. Velde, B., 1977. Clays and Clay Minerals in Natural and Synthetic Systems. Elsevier. Amsterdam, 218 pp. [Extensive treatment of all major clay-mineral groups and zeolites.] Frank-Kamenetskij. V.A., Kotov, N.V., Gojlo, Eh. A. and Tomashenko. A.N., 1976. Strukturelle und genetische Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Schichtsilikaten (Phyllosilikaten) und einige Problemen der Tonmineralogie. Z . Angew. Geol., 22: 85-92 [Stepwise transformation of kaolinite and montmorillonite in aqueous and other solutions. Discussion of thermodynamical factors, stability-metastability of the phases formed, and controls by the structure of the starting materials.] Kotov, N.V., Frank-Kamenetsky, V.A. and Goilo, E.A., 1975. Crystal chemistry and thermodynamics of structural transformations of some layer silicates under hydrothermal conditions. Mineral. Pol., 6( 10): 3-27. [Experimental transformation of kaolinite and montmorillonite in the presence of Na, K, Ca and Mg chlorides, sulphates and carbonates under hydrothermal conditions. Inheritance of structure of initial minerals and stability range of the mixed-layer clays are discussed. A dehydration-ionic model is preferred.]
The references in this list (completed June 7, 1982, and added in proof) are not inserted in the index of this book.
5 14 Experrmentoi und thermodvnamical studies and structural transformations of dioctahedral three-layer clay minerals
Eberl. D.. 1978. Reaction series for dioctahedral smectites. Clays Clay Miner.. 26: 327-340. [Hydrothermal production of the eight reaction series relating to various dioctahedral clay minerals from beidellite and montmorillonite by making simple changes in interlayer and solution chemistry; significance of assumptions of stability or metastability of the mixed-layer phases for the significance of paragenesis in a reaction series.] Eberl. D.. 1979. Reaction series for dioctahedral smectite: the synthesis of mixed-layer pyrophyllite,’ smectite. In: M.M. Mortland, and V.C. Farmer (Editors), International Clay Conference 1978. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 375-383. [Synthesis from Ca- and Na-saturated montmorillonite in AI3+ solution between 320’ and 400°C.] Eberl, D. and Hower, J., 1976. Kinetics of illite formation. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 87: 1326-1330. [Large activation energies suggest that the alteration of smectite to illite involves breaking of chemical bonds in the 2 : 1 layers. The rate of the formation of illite from smectite on the Ocean floor is very slow.] Eberl. D. and Hower, J., 1977. The hydrothermal transformation of sodium and potassium smectite into mixed-layer clay. Clays Clay Miner., 25: 215-227. [Course of the reactions and the appearance of ordered interlayering in the mixed-layer phases are strongly affected by interlayer chemistry ( K versus Na); the difference in hydration energy may account for the fixation of K rather than Na in illite during burial diagenesis.] , Eberl, D., Whitney, G . and Khoury, H., 1978. Hydrothermal reactivity of srnectite. Am. Mineral., 63: 40 1-409. Robertson. H.E. and Lahann, R.W.. 1981. Smectite to illite conversion rates: effects of solution chemistry. Clays Clay Miner., 29(2): 129-135. [Reaction rate and the rate of ordering of mixed-layers were retarded by the addition of N a + , Ca2+ and M g 2 + . ] Velde, B. and Odin, G.S., 1975. Further information related to the origin of glauconite. Clays Clay Miner., 23(5): 376-381. [There is no mineralogical or chemical continuity between illite and glauconite when the K-content is 6 wt,% or greater. Low-grade metamorphism of illitic and glauconitic mica-smectite mixed-layers produces different mica phases.] at 300°C Velde. B. and Weir, A.H., 1979. Synthetic illite in the chemical system K,O-AI,O,-Si0,-H,O and 2 kb. In: M.M. Mortland and V.C. Farmer (Editors), International Clay Conference 1978. Elsevier. Amsterdam. pp. 395-404. [Limited solid solution in a partially-ordered 1 M rnicaceous mineral; compositions more pyrophylliterich than 80% muscovite contain illite-beidellite interstratification.] Also: -
Velde, 1977, Chap. 4 “Montmorillonites” (ref. p. 513).
.YRD methods for determination of percentage expandables
illite-smectite mixed-layers
Johns. W.D. and Kurzweil. H., 1979. Quantitative estimation of illite-smectite mixed phases formed during burial diagenesis. TMPM Tschermaks Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 26: 203-215. [Modifications to the methods of Reynolds and Hower (1970) and Perry and Hower (1970).] Rettke. R.C.. 1981. Probable burial diagenetic and provenance effects on Dakota Group clay mineralogy. J . Sediment. Petrol.. 51(2): 541-551. [Use of “saddle”/l7 A intensity ratio and of the I/S composite peak position to determine expandability of I/S mixed-layers.] Schultz. L.G.. 1978. Mixed-layer clay in the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks, northern Great Plains region. U.S. Geol. Surv.. Prof. Pap., 1064-A: 28 pp, [Determination of the proportion of illite- and smectite-type layers using the S,,/I,, reflection for glycolated material; distinction between beidellite and montmorillonite using the expanding behaviour after the Li+ -200°C-glycerol treatment.]
5 15 Srodon, J., 1980. Precise identification of illite-smectite interstratifications by X-ray powder diffractlon. Clays Clay Miner., 28(6): 401-411. [Methods that take layer-spacing variability of the EG complex of dioctahedral smectites into account. as well as techniques fob quantifying the degree of layer ordering and minimizing the error due to the influence of domain size on the positions of the reflections.] Burial-diageneiic transformation of smectite to K-illite (including regular mixed-layers)
Blank, P. and Seifert, U.. 1976. Zur Untersuchung diagenetischer Tonmineralbildungen und deren experimentelle Modellierung. Z. Angew. Geol., 22( 12): 560-564. [Profiles in sedimentary sections compared with experimental data: importance of cation concentrations is stressed.] Boles, J.R. and Franks, S.G., 1979. Clay diagenesis in the Wilcox sandstones of southwest Texas: implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone cementation. J . Sedrment. Peirol.. 49: 55-70. [Samples from depths of 975 to 4650 m (representing the temperature range 55°-2100C). Temperatures given for ( I ) disappearance of discrete smectite: (2) disappearance of kaolinite: and ( 3 ) replacement of calcite cement by ankerite. Smectites with high ( F e Mg)/AI ratios appear to resist conversion to illite until temperatures high enough to produce ordering are attained.] Eslinger, E. and Sellars, B., 1981. Evidence for the formation of illite from smectite during burial metamorphism in the Belt Supergroup. Clark Fork. Idaho. J . Sedrment. Petrol., 51( I ) : 203-216. [The ratio K-feldspar/plagioclase decreases, and the illite/quartz ratio inSreases downward in a 8500 m section. K-rich 1Md illite formed from K-poor smectite rather than from direct weathering of feldspar.] Eslinger, E., Highsmith, P.. Albers, D. and DeMayo, B., 1979. Role of iron reduction in the conversion of smectite to illite in bentonites in the Disturbed Belt, Montana. Clqvs Clur Miner.. 27(5): 327-338. [Increase in Fe2+/Fe3+ with increasing percentage of illite layers is tentatively attributed to a redox reaction involving the oxidation of organic matter.] Heling, D., 1974. Diagenetic alteration of smectite in argillaceous sediments of the Rhinegraben (SW Germany). Sedimentologv, 2 1 : 463-472. [Different temperatures of disappearance of smectite in different formations related to differences in permeability, and hence of availability of potassium ions.] Heling, D.. 1978. Diagenesis of illite in argillaceous sediments of the Rhinegraben. Clay Miner.. 13: 21 1 . [Alteration of smectite to illite depends primarily on temperature X time. Potassium is supplied by decomposition of feldspar, rather than from distant sources. Mite diagenesis is affected by the inherited layer charge of the initial smectite.] Jonas, E.C., 1975. Crystal chemistry of diagenesis in 2 : 1 clay minerals. In: S.W. Bailey (Editor). Proceedings of ihe International Clyv Conference 1975. Applied Publishing Ltd.. Wilmette. Ill.. pp. 3-13. Lahann, R.W.. 1980. Smectite diagenesis and sandstone cement: the effect of reaction temperature. J . Sediment. Petrol., 50(3): 755-760. [The temperature at which illitization proceeds may control the spatial distribution zones of cementation through the effect of temperature upon the distance of solution transport of silica. Percentage expandable layers versus T are given for four wells in the Gulf Coast.] Nadeau. P.H. and Reynolds, R.C., 1981. Burial and contact metamorphism in the Mancos Shale. Clays Clay Miner.. 29(4): 249-259. [Correlation of percentage expandable layers in illite-smectite mixed-layer with coal ranks and Laramide tectonic activity. Presence of carbonate inhibits illitization. The use of mixed-layered illite-smectite compositions to infer thermal regimes is misleading unless allowance is made for local chemical controls.] McDowell. S.D. and Elders. W.A., 1980. Authigenic layer silicate minerals in borehole Elmore 1. Salton Sea Geothermal Field, California. U.S.A. Contrrh. Mineral. Petrol.. 74: 293-3 10. [Decrease in percentage expandable layers in illite-smectite mixed-layer phase decreases from 10- 15% at 185'C (41 1.5 m depth) to 6% at 210' (494 m); no expandable layers below 725 m. The recrystallized white mica below 850m depth tends to a progressively more muscovitic composition.]
5 16 Rettke, R.C., 1981. Probable burial diagenetic and provenance effects on Dakota Group clay mineralogy. J. Sediment. Petrol., 51(2): 541-551. [Ordered illite-smectites are attributed to provenance differences, which gave lower-expandability illite-smectite a “head start” of diagenetic trends.] Schultz, L.G., 1978. Mixed-layer clay in the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks, northern Great Plains region. U.S. Geol. Surv., Pro6 Pap., 1064-A: 28 pp. [Beidellite- and montmorillonite-type layers are distinguished; generally 20-60% illite layers. In the Montana disturbed belt much of the clay has been altered to regularly interlayered IS-ordered mixed layer with 60-85% illite layers.] Thorez, J. and Pirlet, H., 1979. Petrology of K-bentonite beds in the carbonate series of the Visean and Tournaisian stages of Belgium. In: M.M. Mortland and V.C. Farmer (Editors), International Clay Conference 1978. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 323-332. [Mainly illite-smectite and illite-vermiculite mixed-layers; volcanic origin.] Yeh, H.-W., 1980. D/H ratios and late-stage dehydration of shales during burial. Geochim. Cosmochirn. A d a , 44 (2): 341-352. [Significant D/H fractionation between residual and expelled pore waters. The montmorillonite to illite transformation during burial diagenesis is considered to be the most important mechanism of late-stage dehydration.] Also: -
Aoyagi and Kazama, 1980 (ref. p. 529).
- Foscolos and Powell, 1979 (ref. p. 516). - Hoffman and Hower, 1976 (ref. p. 513). -
Kubler, 1980 (ref. p. 517).
- Powell et al., 1978 (ref. p. 517). - Velde, 1977, Chap. 5, “Illite, montmorillonite and mixed layered minerals in sequences of buried rocks ( P - T space)” (ref. p. 513). Kaolinite-group minerals: polyrypism and transformation to illite
Heling, D., 1980. Tonmineraldiagenese und Palaotemperaturen im gebleichten mittleren Buntsandstein am Westrand des Rheingrabens. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Monatsh., 1980(1): 1- 10. [Near the western fault of the Rhinegraben the “Bunter” is bleached, and the clay fraction is almost entirely 2M illite (the Bunter normally has IM illite with some 50% kaolinite). This is ascribed to high paleothermal gradients and heat transfer by ascending waters along deep faults during periods of rapid subsidence (e.g., the Oligocene).] Rodionova, A.E. and Koval’skaya, M.S., 1974. Dickite distribution in coal-bearing formations of the Donets Basin. Lithol. Miner. Resour. (transl. from Litol. Polezn. Iskop.), 9(4): 75 1-755. [Two dickite-forming stages are recognized: (1) in late epigenesis, and (2) in the post-inversion stage (“regressive epigenesis”).] Relationship between burial-diagenetic modification of clay mineralogy (except illite crystallinity) and of organic matter, including hydrocarbon generation
Gindorf, L. and Paetz, H., 1979. Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Organiten und Anorganiten als Indikatoren geologischer Prozesse wahrend der superkrustalen Gesteinsbildung. Z. Geol. Wiss. (DDR), 7(2): 235-240. Foscolos, A.E. and Powell, T.G., 1979. Mineralogical and geochemical transformation of clays during burial-diagenesis (catagenesis): relation to oil generation. In: M.M. Mortland and V.C. Farmer (Editors), International Clay Conference 1978. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 26 1-270. [First dehydration of the interstratified clays coincides with 0.5% R, vitrinite reflectance and occurs several thousand feet above the main phase of oil generation, whereas the second dehydration step takes place below the oil generating zone.] Heroux, Y.,Chagnon, A. and Bertrand, R., 1979. Compilation and correlation of major thermal maturation indicators. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull., 63(12): 2128-2144. [Correlation chart of the most commonly used organic and mineral thermal maturation indicators.]
517 Kubler, B., 1980. Les premiers stades de la diagenese organique et de la diagenese minerale. Deuxieme partie: Zoneographie par les transformations mineralogiques, comparaison avec la reflectance de la vitrinite, les extraits organiques et les gaz adsorbes. Bull. Ver. Schweiz. Pet.-Geol. -Ing., 46( 110): 1-22. Powell, T.G., Foscolos, A.E., Gunther, P.R. and Snowdon, L.R.. 1978. Diagenesis of organic matter and fine clay minerals: a comparative study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 42: 1181-1 197. [Relationships in subsurface samples from Canadian Northwest Territories. Mixed-layer clays comprising smectite-vermiculite-illite are transformed during thermal diagenesis to smectitevermiculite-illite-chlorite. The first clay dehydration occurs at 0.5% R prior to hydrocarbon generation. Vermiculite is an intermediary in the smectite-illite transformation. and in the (common) presence of Ca2+ ions delays the second dehydration step to the zone where cracking of liquid hydrocarbons to gas occurs (between 1.O- 1.2 and 1.4% R o,l ).] Zhelinskii, V.M.. 1980. Catagenesis of terrigenous rocks and metamorphism of coals in south Yakutia. Lirhoi. Miner. Resour. (transl. from Lifol. Polezn. Iskop.), 15(2): 187- 199. [Lateral variation of relationship between alteration of minerals and coal rank is correlated to effects of magmatic bodies or hydrothermal processes.] Burial-diagenetic transformation of smectite and disappearance of kaolinite fwithouf rllire cn.sral1init.v) in sections with coal-rank data
Chudaev, O.V., 1978. Occurrence of clay minerals in flyschoid sediments of eastern Kamchatka. Lithol. Miner. Resour. (transl. from Litol. Polezn. Iskop.). 13(I): 89-97. [Upper part of volcano-sedimentary sequence, with montmorillonite and randdm chlorite-montmorillonite mixed-layers, and middle part, with corrensite-like minerals and “defective chlorite”, have respectively long-flame coal and gas coal, and are assigned to initial epigenesis; the lower part. with chlorite and hydromica, and coking coal, to the “zone of hypogenesis”.] Hutcheon, I., Oldershaw, A. and Ghent, E.D., 1980. Diagenesis of Cretaceous sandstones of Kootenay Formation at Elk Valley (southeastern British Columbia) and Mt Allan (southwestern Alberta). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 44: 1425- 1435. [At Elk Valley the authigenic kaolinite-dolomite assemblage is associated with vitrinite reflectances from 0.8 to at least 1.6% R,,, oil; at Mt Allan kaolinite disappears at 265 m depth (at approx. 1.4% R o,l), and chlorite calcite appear. Reaction is considered to involve a CO, fluid which is immiscible with water under the extrapolated diagenetic conditions.] Ivanova, N.V., Volkova, A.N., Rekshinskaya, L.G. and Konysheva, R.A., 1980, Pyroclastic material in coal measures of the Donets Basin and its diagnosis. Lithol. Miner. Resour. (transl. from Litol. Polern. Iskop.). 1980(6): 709-718. [In the zone of coking and lean coals almost exclusively illite-smectite mixed-layers with ca. 25-30% expandable layers, which tend to regular mixed-layering. In association with anthracites well-crystallized 2M, mica. “Lag” in transformation of pyroclastic material.] Kisch, H.J.. 1981. Burial diagenesis in Tertiary “flysch” of the external zones of the Hellenides in central Greece and the Olympos region, and its regional significance. Ecologae Geol. Helu., 74(3): 603-624. [Wide-spread occurrence of smectite and illite-smectite mixed-layers in the external zones is associated vitrinite reflectance.] with 0.44 to 0.65% R , Kisch. H.J., 1982. Coal rank and illite crystallinity associated with the zeolite facies of Southland and the pumpellyite-bearing facies of Otago, southern New Zealand. N . Z . J . Geol. Geoph-vs.,24 (3): 349-360. [The zeolite facies of the North Range Group of Southland is associated with smectite and vitrinite reflectance.] illite/smectite mixed-layers, and with 0.60 to 1.33 R Pevear, D.R., Williams. V.E. and Mustoe, G.E., 1980. Kaolinite, smectite. and K-rectorite in bentonite: relation to coal rank at Tulameen, British Columbia. Clavs Clus Miner.. 28: 241 -254. [Smectite cristobalite clinoptilolite and smectite kaolinite associated with 0.60-0.708 R , l ; regular illite-smectite with 55% illite layers and rectorite-type (IS) superlattice with up to 0.86% R,,.]
- Gill et al.. 1977 (ref. p. 520).
518 Polvtppes of illire and degree of incipient metamorphism
Cameron. T.D.J. and Anderson, T.B.. 1980. Silurian metabentonites in County Down. Northern Ireland. Geol. J . . 15: 29-15 (Mineral. Abstr.. 32: 81-0164). [Two polymorphs coexist. The clay-size 1M is mainly derived from montmorillonite; the coarser 2M may be an anchimetamorphic alteration of the former. Collapse of mixed-layer clay to illite during Caledonian anchimetamorphism.] Also; - Brime and Perez-Estaun. 1980 (ref. p. 519). - Schramm. 1982b (ref. p. 520) Illite cystallinity-methods
McConchie. D.M.. Ward, J.B., McCann, V.H. and Lewis, D.W.. 1979. A Mossbauer investigation of glauconite and its geological significance. Clays Clay Miner., 27: 339-348. [Defines “disorder coefficient” for glauconites on the basis of the shape of the 10 A X-ray diffraction peak for the heated oriented sample.] Weber, F.. Dunoyer de Segonzac, G. and Economou, C.. 1976. Une nouvelle expression de la “cristallinitt“ de I’illite et des micas. Notion d”‘epaisseur apparente” des cristallites. C.R. Somm. Soc. GCoI. Fr.. 1976(5): 225-221. [“Apparent thickness” based on the Scherrer formula for diffraction by very small crystals.] Illire crystallinity-complications accompanying minerals)
in assessment of the peak width (effect of chemical treatments, grain size,
Clauer. N. and Kroner, A,, 1979. Strontium and argon isotopic homogenization of pelitic sediments during low-grade regional metamorphism: the Pan-African upper Damara sequence of northern Namibia (South West Africa). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.. 43: 117-131. [Difference in crystallinity index and I,,/I,, ratio between illites in parageneses with or without stilpnomelane and/or microcline.] For comparison of 10 A peak widths of untreated and EG-solvated samples see also: Ahrendt et al., 1977 (ref. p. 527). - Brime and Perez-Estaun. 1980 (ref. p. 519) - Frey et al., 1980 (ref. p. 523), - Kisch. 1980a (ref. p. 520). - Kisch. 1980b (ref. p. 523, 539). - Kisch. 1981 (ref. p. 517). For comparison of 10 A peak widths in different grain-size fractions, see also: - Kisch. 1980a (ref. p. 520). - Kisch. 1980b (ref. p. 523, 539). - Stalder, 1979 (ref. p. 523). - Teichmiiller et al., 1979 (ref. p. 519, 521). For effects of the presence of biotite see also: - Bril and Thiry. 1976 (ref. p. 539). ~
Illite crvstallinit-v- and coal rank-
in relation to intrusive bodies
Rohde. Agnes, 1980. Clay minerals and illite crystallinity of the Almeshkra Group. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Farh.. 102: 26. [Crystallinity values range from “diagenetic” to high-grade anchimetamorphic; samples from the vicinity of diorite tend to have high crystallinities.] Deutloff. 0.. Teichmiiller, M.. Teichmuller, R. and Wolf, M.. 1980. Inkohlungsuntersuchungen im Mesozoikum des Massifs von Vlotho (Niedersachsisches Tektogen). Neues. Jahrb. Geol. Paluontol. M ~ t ~ t s h1980(6):32 ., 1-341.
519 [Both coal rank and chlorite crystallinity increase towards the Vlotho Massif. The retardation of the improvement in illite- but not in chlorite-crystallinity towards the intrusive body is due to high content of organic matter.] Teichmiiller, M., Teichmiiller, R. and Weber, K.. 1979. Inkohlung und Illit-Kristallinitat-vergleichende Untersuchungen, im Mesozoikum und Palaozoikum von Westfalen. Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. Westf.. 27: 201-276. [Around the Upper Cretaceous “Bramsche Massif” intrusive coalification is more sensitive to heating than illite crystallinity (IC); also in deeper parts of the Miinsterland 1 well. Due to post-kinematic annealing, the R , , in the Lippstadt dome (well Soest-Envitte l / l a ) is higher (up to 10%) than for similar high-grade anchimetamorphic IC values in the Ostsauerland anticline.] IIItte crystallinity-and
coal rank-
in burial-diagenetic sequences
Hutcheon, I., Oldershaw, A. and Ghent, E.H., 1980. Diagenesis of Cretaceous sandstones of Kootenay Formation at Elk Valley (southeastern British Columbia) and Mt. Allan (southwestern Alberta). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 44: 1425- 1435. [Illite crystallinities (after Weber) associated with R,, D,I of up to 2.18 are within the “diagenetic” range. Their increase with depth is irregular: illites at higher depth tend to be somewhat more poorly crystalline than those from samples hgher in the section; this reverse trend of illite crystallinity with depth is ascribed to degradation of detrital illite. However, SEM indicates a regular improvement in crystallite size and morphology with depth.] Kiihn, L., 1979. Untersuchungen am Illit der flozfiihrenden Schichten im Ruhrkarbon (abstr.). Fortschr. Mineral., Beih. (Jahrestag. Dtsch. Mineral. Ges. 1979, Darmstadt), 57( I): 76. [Kaolinite and only very subordinate illite in the coals, and well crystallized illite and chlorite, as well as kaolinite, in the shales: effect of the coaly matter during diagenesis. No relation found between the half height width of the illite 10 A peak and the coal rank.] Also: - Blank and Seifert, 1976 (ref. p. 515). - Teichmiiller et al., 1979 (ref. p. 519. 521). Illite ctystallinity-regional
studies in pre-Alpine belts without relation to coal rank
Aparicio, A. and Galan, E., 1978. El metamorfismo de bajo grado en el area central del Macizo Hesptrico Espaiiol (Sistema Central-Toledo). Bol. Geol. Min. (Spain), 89: 475-486. [Epizonal illite crystallinities. Study of the Na/(Na + I() ratios of the muscovites and the chemical composition of the chlorites allows distinction between the low-pressure type metamorphism of the Lower Cambrian and the intermediate-pressure type of the Lower Ordovician.] Aparicio, A. and Galin, E., 1980. Las caracteristicas del metamorfismo hercinico de bajo y de muy bajo grado en el sector oriental del Sistema Central (Provincia de Guadalajara). Esiud. Geol.. 36: 75-84. [Kubler and Weaver indices and intensity ratios given. Local pyrophyllite with allevardite. or paragonite; some chloritoid in the Silurian. Degree of metamorphism increases from predominantly highest-grade anchimetamorphic in the Carboniferous and Devonian, to “epizonal” in the Silurian and Ordovician.] Brime, C. and Perez-Estaun, A,, 1980. La transicion diagenesis-metamorfismo en la region del Cabo Peiias. Cuad. Lab. Geol. Laxe (Publ. Semin. Estud. Galegos). 1: 85-96. [From E to W along the coast: “diagenetic” Lower Devonian. “diagenetic” to anchimetamorphic Silurian (with pyrophyllite, paragonite. and minor kaolinite). and anchizonal to “epizonal” Middle Ordovician. Illite crystallinity and Im2/Iml ratios on both untreated and EG-solvated samples.] Cailleux, Y., 1979. Les contrBles de la cristallinite des illites dans la partie W du Massif Central Marocain (abstr.). Reun. Annu. Sci. Terre, 7/1979, Lyon, p. 97. Galan, E., Aparicio, A. and Villegas, F., 1978. El metamorfismo de muy bajo grado (anquimetamorfiamo) de la cuenca carbonifera Ciiiera-Matallama (provincia de Leon). Estud. Geol.. 34: 505-5 10. [Kubler and Weaver indices determined. Anchimetamorphism with local paragonite, hut rather common kaolinite.]
520 Also: -
Arkai. 1977 (ref. p. 525). Bevins et al.. 1981 (ref. p. 539). Bril and Thiry, 1976 (ref. p. 539). Hartnady et al., 1978 (ref. p. 525). Lecolle and Roger, 1976 (ref. p. 540). Leitch, 1975 (ref. p. 540). Padan et al., 1982 (ref. p. 526).
Illire crystallinit.~-regional studies in pre-Alpine belts in relation to coal rank
Gill. V.D.. Khalaf. F.I. and Massoud. M.S., 1977. Clay minerals as an index of the degree of metamorphism of the carbonate and terrigenous rocks in the South Wales coalfield. Sedimentology, 24: 675. [The illite sharpness (Weaver) and intensity ratios, and expandabilities of illite/smectite mixed-layers allow distinction of three lateral zones, correlated with coal rank ranges. The highest-grade anchimetamorphic zone (with local pyrophyllite and allevardite) corresponds to the anthracite area in the northwestern region.] Jackson, T.A.. 1977. A relationship between crystallographic properties of illite and chemical properties of extractable organic matter in pre-Phanerozoic and Phanerozoic sediments. Clays Clay Miner., 25: 187-195. (Correlation between illite peak width and degree of lumification. Variations ark mainly primary of predetermined by the primary character of the material: original nature of organic matter could influence post-depositional clay modification.] Kisch. H.J.. 1980. Incipient metamorphism of Cambro-Silurian clastic rocks from the Jamtland Supergroup, central Scandinavian Caledonides, western Sweden: illite crystallinity and “vitrinite” reflectance. In: W.E.A. Phillips and M.R.W. Johnson (Editors) Deformation and Metamorphism in the Caledonide Orogen. J . Geol. Soc. London, 137(3): 271-288. [Illite-crystallinity ranges from “diagenetic” in the E to “epizonal” in the W. Four zones are distinguished, the three higher-grade zones showing a similar reflectance range of 3.7 to 4.3% R max The incipient metamorphism was at least in part due to the overthrust metamorphic allochthon.] Rehmer, J., Hepburn, J.C. and Schulman, J., 1978. The diagenetic to metamorphic transition in an Appalachian coal basin. Geol. SOC.Am. Abstr., lO(7): 477-478. [The < 2 p fraction is non-detrital, as indicated by its more ferromagnesian composition than the coarser. more aluminous fraction. The trends in the illite crystallinity index correlate closely with coal rank data (see following abstract).] Rehmer. J.. Hepburn, J.C. and Ostrowski, M., 1979. lllite crystallinity in sub-greenschist argillaceous rocks and coal, Narrangansett and Norfolk Basins, USA. 9th I n f . Congr. Carbonif. Stratigr. Geol., Urhona (Ill.), 1979, Abstr., p. 176. [Most of the northern part of the Narrangansett Basin has been subjected to anchimetamorphic conditions. The crystallinity indices of anchizone-lower greenschist illites correlate well with anthracite to meta-anthracite coal’ranks; however, in the diagenetic zone the coal rank is higher than normally found with illites of this crystallinity.] Robinson. D.. Nicholls, R.A.. and Thomas, L.J., 1980. Clay mineral evidence for low-grade Caledonian and Variscan metamorphism in south-western Dyfed. south Wales. Mineral. Mag.. 43: 857-863. [Largely high-grade anchizonal illite crystallinities in pelites are associated with prehnite-pumpellyite facies in Lower Paleozoic basic igneous rocks. The Lower and Upper Paleozoic rocks south of the Variscan front show predominantly low-grade anchimetamorphic illite crystallinities, locally with subordinate pyrophyllite: the Pembroke coalfield, in this southern area, has largely high-rank semi-anthracitic and low-rank anthracitic coals.] Rowsell. D.M. and de Swardt. A.M.J., 1976. Diagenesis in Cape and Karroo sediments, South Africa, and its bearing on their hydrocarbon potential. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 79( 1): 81-129. [Includes maps of illite-crystallinity values (Kubler index). clay-mineral distribution, porosity/permeability. hulk density, and of various parameters of organic maturity (CR/CT. etc.). There is a general
52 1 decrease in diagenesis from S to N. I n the southern fold belt and some distance to the N. and in the central Karroo basin, the argillites are in the state of “incipient or very early metamorphism” (IargeIy anchimetamorphism-HJK); only in the N part of the Karroo basin is the degree of diagenesis much lower.] Saupe, F.. Dunoyer de Segonzac. G. and Teichmiiller, M., 1977. Etude du metamorphisme regional dans la zone dAlmaden (Province de Cuidad Real, Espagne) par la cristallinite de l’illite et par le pouvoir reflecteur de la matiere organique. Scr. Terre (Nancy). 21(3): 251-269. [The Ordovician-Devonian has undergone a much weaker metamorphism (deep diagenesis and low-grade anchizone) than the Precambrian (anchizone-epizone); however. the reflectance of the organic matter in the Paleozoic suggests a somewhat stronger, high-grade anchizonal metamorphism.] Teichmiiller, M. and Teichmiiller, R., 1979. Ein Einkohlungsprofil entlang der linksrheinischen Geotraverse von Schleiden nach Aachen und die Inkohlung in der Nord-Sud-Zone der Eifel. Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. WestJ, 27: 323-355. [The maximum values of both illite crystallinity and coal rank (with semigraphite) are reached in the Ordovician and Lower Devonian of the southern limb of the Venn anticline rather than in the Cambrian core, indicating the metamorphism continued after the pre-Asturian folding of the anticline.] Teichmiiller, M., Teichmiiller, R. and Weber, K., 1979. Inkohlung und Illit-Kristallinitat-vergleichende Untersuchungen im Mesozoikum und Palaozoikum von Westfalen. Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. Westf.. 27: 201-276. [Different coal rank-illite crystallinity relationships depending on whether the recrystallization of the illite is pre- or synkinematic, and whether a post-kinematic re-heating has increased the coal rank (but not the illite crystallinity). It is proposed to define the onset of the anchizohe in terms of coal rank rather than of illite crystallinity.] Vinchon, C., 1977. Contribution a IYtude petrogruphique du Silurien des Pyrenees centrales espagnoles (Region du Rio Eseru, Province de Huesca et Region de Llavorsi, Province de Leridu). Mem. Diplome Etud. approfondies, Univ. Sci. Tech. Lille, 86 pp. [XRD of organic matter, and use of H/L ratio of 002 diffraction peak. The organic matter is perfectly ordered graphite, graphite-d, and graphite-d,, in Landis’ (1971) classification. with d,,3.36-3.39 The muscovite shows epimetamorphic crystallinities; the presence of subordinate kaolinite is ascribed to secondary alteration.] Also: - Ahrendt et al., 1977 (ref. p. 527). - Teichmiiller et al., 1979 (ref. p. 519, 521).
Illite crystallinity-regional studies in Alpine belts, without relation to coal rank
Aprahamian, J. and Pains, J.-L., 1981. Very low grade metamorphism with a reverse gradient induced by an overthrust in Haute-Savoie (France). In: Thrust and Nappe Tectonics. Geol. SOC.London, Spec. Publ., pp. 159-165. [Illite crystallinity of five composite sections in the Plate Massif, corresponding to laumontite zone to prehnite-pumpellyite facies (in the most internal parts) in the Taveyanne sandstones. The crystallinity of illite in the upper part of the internal sections shows a reverse gradient (from anchimetamorphic to “diagenetic”) superimposed upon an earlier gradient, and ascribed to heat produced by friction along the thrust plane of the overlying pre-Alpine nappes.] Aprahamian, J., Pains, B. and Pairis, J.-L. 1975. Nature des mineraux argileux et cristallinite des illites dans le massif de Plate et le revers occidental des Aiguilles Rouges-implications possibles d u n point de w e sedimentaire, structural et metamorphique. Ann. Cent. Uniu. Saooie. I1 (Sci. Nat.): 95- 119. [Two stages of metamorphism recognized (see preceding abstract). The appearance of the assemblage prehnite-pumpellyite in the internal parts of the Plate massif is associated with low-grade anchimetamorphc illite crystallinities. Corrensite locally persists into the anchizone.] Blanc, P. and Obert, D., 1979. Le metamorphisme lie a la phase technique antecenomanienne du domaine tellien septentrional (Babors, Algerie). Bull. Soc. Giol. Fr., 21(2): 189- 193. [Cumulative illite-crystallinity curves for different tectonic units and geologic periods given. The N-S gradient of the late Albian metamorphism can be distinguished from that of the weaker post-Senonian metamorphism: a metamorphic discontinuity at the level of the Cenomanian.]
522 Dumont, J.-F. and Desprairies, A,, 1977. RCsultats preliminaires d’une etude du mttamorphisme dans I’autochtone du Taurus occidental (Coupole d e Karacasihar, Turquie). C.R. Acad Sci. Paris, SPr.D, 284: 1017-1020. [Anchizonal Triassic and low-grade “epizonal” lower Paleozoic is ascribed to successive post-Cambrian and post-Triassic metamorphic phases.] Dunoyer de Segonzac, G. and Abbas, M., 1976. Metamorphisme des argiles dans le Rhetien des Alpes sud-occidentales. Sci. Geol., Bull. (Strasbourg), 29: 3-20. [Sampled at six points from W to E. The anchimetamorphic zone is reached in the subalpine and Brianqonnais domains, the upper “epizone” in the pre-Pikmontais (with minor paragonite). The carbonate rocks of the anchi- and low-grade epizone contain an aluminous montmorillonite, which is considered a metamorphic mineral.] Dunoyer de Segonzac, G . and Bernoulli, D., 1976. Diagenbe et metamorphime des argiles dans le Rhetien Sub-alpin et Austro-alpin (Lombardie et Grisons). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., (7), 18(5): 1283- 1293. [Diagenesis to anchimetamorphism in the higher or more external Austro-alpine nappes (Silvretta, Tschirpen); epizone is reached in the more deeply buried lower Austro-alpine Bernina and Err nappes.] Frey, M. and Wieland, B., 1975. Chloritoid in autochthon-parautochthonen Sedimenten des Aarmassivs. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 5 5 : 407-418. [Several occurrences of fine-grained colourless chloritoid. The assemblage pyrophyllite + chlorite does not persist into the chloritoid zone. The chloritoid isograd, where defined, is associated with “epizonal” illite crystallinities, but is external of the pumpellyite-actinolite facies assemblage of Leuk.] Frey, M., Jager, E. and Niggli, E., 1976. Gesteinsmetamorphose im Bereich der Geotraverse Basel-Chiasso. Schweir. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 56: 649-659. [Onset of anchizone, as well as localities of kaolinite, stilpnomelane, pyrophyllite, and pumpellyite are indicated.] Kleberger, J. and Schramm, J.-M., 1980. Ein Metamorphosehiatus an der Salzach-L~gsstorung?Osterr. Akad. Wiss., Anr. Math.-Natunviss. KI., 1980(5): 1-6. [The similarity in the “epizonal” illite crystallinities on both sides of this fault-between the N margin of the penninic schist cover and the S margin of the Graywacke Zone-does not support the assumption of a break in degree of metamorphism.] Schramm, J.M., 1978. Anchimetamorphes Permoskyth an der Basis der Kaisergebirges (Siidrand der nordlichen Kalkalpen zwischen Worgl und St. Johann in Tirol, Osterreich). Geo/. Paliiontol. Mitt. (Innsbruck), 8: 101-1 11. Schramm, J.-M., 1982a. Anchmetamorphose im klastischen Permoskyth der Schuppenzone von Gostling (Nordliche Kalkalpen, N.O.). Verh. Geol. Bundesanst. (Wien), 1982 (2): 53-62. [Better crystallinities in the vicinity of this fault are ascribed to post-metamorphic upward drag of deep elements of the Northern Calcareous Alps.] Schramm, J.-M., 1982b. Uberlegungen zur Metamorphose des klastischen Permoskyth der Nordlichen Kalkalpen vom Alpenostrand bis zum Ratikon (Osterreich). Verh. Geol. Bundesanst. (Wien), 1982(5): 73-83. [The Graywacke Zone is “epimetamorphic”. There is no hiatus between the metamorphic overprint of this zone and the adjoining southern margin of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The anchimetamorphism in the latter decreases northwards, and ceases 5-10 km S of the northern margin of the Calcareous Alps.] Venturelli, G. and Frey, M., 1977. Anchizone metamorphism in sedimentary sequences of the northern Apennines. Rend. Soc. Ital. Mineral. Petrol., 33( I): 109-123. [The shales of all except one tectonic unit (Monte Caio) show illite crystallinities characteristic of deep diagenesis and anchimetamorphism, while nearby ophiolitic rocks show prehnite-pumpellyite facies (see Cortesogno and Venturelli, 1978). Some data on do,, of illite.] Wieland. B.. 1979. Zur Diagenese und schwachen Metamorphose eozaener siderolithischer Gesteine des Helvetikums. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 59: 41-66. [Extremely Fe-rich illites, tending towards tri-octahedral; local pyrophyllite. rectorite, paragonitephengite. and montmorillonite-illite mixed-layers. In E and central area illite crystallinities of limit anchi-epizone, and pyrophyllite; in W area medium- and low-grade anchizone, and presence of kaolinite.]
523 Also: - Arkai, 1973 (ref. p. 539). - Bonhomme et al., 1980 (ref. p. 527). Illite crystallinity and lowest-grade metamorphic zoning in the Alps-in
conjunction with coal-rank studies
Frey, M., Teichmiiller, M., Teichmiiller, R., Mullis, J., Kiinzi, B., Breitschmid, A,, Gruner, U. and Schwizer, B., 1980. Very low-grade metamorphism in the external parts of the Central Alps: Illite crystallinity, coal rank and fluid inclusion data. Eclogue Geol. Helo., 73(1): 173-203. [Four cross-sections were studied. Illite crystallinity and coal reflectance generally increase from tectonically higher to lower units, and from external to internal parts in the same tectonic unit. General evolution of fluid composition in inclusions with metamorphic grade. Two cases of thrusting of higher-grade upon lower-grade units are mentioned.] Kisch, H.J., 1980. Illite crystallinity and coal rank associated with lowest-grade metamorphism of the Taveyanne greywacke in the Helvetic zone of the Swiss Alps. Eclogue Geol. Helv., 73(3): 753-777. [Illite crystallinities associated with laumontite-bearing and laumontite-free, prehnite- and pumpellyite-bearing Taveyanne greywackes are respectively “diagenetic” and middle- to high-grade anchimetamorphic; the associated mean vitrinite reflectances are respectively 0.85- 1.3% and 3.3-4.2% R max ”,,. The onset of anchimetamorphism seems to be approximately in the coal-rank range 2.3-3.358 R,,,,,,, (semi-anthracite to anthracite).] Kiibler, B., Pittion, J.-L., Heroux, Y . , Charollais, J. and Weidmann, M., 1979. Sur le pouvoir reflecteur de la vitrinite dans quelques roches du Jura, de la molasse et des nappes prealpines. helvetiques et penniniques (Suisse occidentale et Haute-Savoie). Eclogae Geol. Helv., 72(2): 347-373. [Vitrinite reflectance data of various tectonic units in NW-SE sections in the southern part of Haute-Savoie (including the ThBnes syncline and the Plate massif-cf. Aprahamian et al.. 1975, ref. p. 521), the Lake of Geneva, the Chablais and Romande Prealps, and the Valais RhBne. In part of these sections information is available on illite crystallinity or clay-mineral diagenesis.] Stalder, P.J., 1979. Organic and inorganic metamorphism in the Taveyannaz Sandstone of the Swiss Alps and equivalent sandstones in France and Italy. J. Sediment. Petrol., 49(2): 463-482. [Diagnostic zeolite-facies and prehnite-pumpellyite facies assemblages, and the associated coal ranks and illite crystallinities show a systematic temperature relationship. The onset of prehnite-pumpellyite facies correlates with high-grade “diagenetic” crystallinities and anthracite rank. Temperatures based on coal rank given (assuming some 5-10 m y . effective heating time). The lowest-grade metamorphism is correlated with the Lepontine event (approx. 38 m.y.).] Teichmiiller, M. and Teichmiiller, R., 1978. Coalification studies in the Alps. In: H. Closs, D. Roeder and K. Schmidt (Editors), Alps, Appennines, Hellenides. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 49-55. [Coalification in the Helvetic nappe complex postdates its internal structure but predates the emplacement of the complex upon the molasse (similar to time relations based on illite crystallinity studies at the Glarnisch-Frey et al., 1973). (cf. Eggert, P., Grebe H., Teichmiiller, M. and Teichmiiller, R., 1976. Inkohlungsuntersuchungen an Treibholz aus den Unteren Junghansen-Serie (Unterkreide) der Feuerstatter Decke (Nordpenninikum) westlich Oberstdorf/Allgau. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaontol. Abh., 152( 1): 112-1 36).] Zingg, A., Hunziker, J.C., Frey, M. and Ahrendt, H., 1976. Age and degree of metamorphism of the Cavanese Zone and of the sedimentary cover of the Sesia Zone. Schweiz Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 56: 361-375. [The occurrence of meta-anthracite to meta-graphite (Stadler, Teichmiiller, and Teichmiiller. 1976) in association with illite at the anchizone-“diagenesis” boundary in the Tertiary cover of the Sesia zone could be due to contact effects of the overlying andesite flow.] Illite crystallinity and chemical composition of dioctahedral mica in relation to development of metamorphic fabric and of second (crenulation) cleavage
Gray, D.R., 1977. Differentiation associated with discrete crenulation cleavages. Lithos, 10: 89- 101. [Analyses of muscovites in coarse-grained muscovite schist from Broken Hill show little or no
5 24 chemical variation between those in the original schistosity and those along the discrete crenulation cleavages.] Knipe, R.J., 1981. The interaction of deformation and metamorphism in slates. Tectonoph.jsics, 78: 249-272. [Differences in composition of phyllosilicates in the oriented phyllosilicate-rich and the disoriented quartz-rich domains in developing crenulation cleavage: the former domains contain a more phengitic mica and Fe-poor chlorite.] Liewig, N., Caron, J.-M., and Clauer, N., 1981. Geochemical and K-Ar isotopic behaviour of Alpine sheet silicates during polyphased deformation. Tectonophysics, 78: 273-290. [Si-tetrahedral substitution in the phengites depends on their microstructural position: it is about 3.30 in the S , schistosity, and 3.37-3.46 in the deformed pre-existing mica lamellae from crenulation zones and neoformed phengites. Scatter of the apparent K-Ar ages of the phengites (38-65 my.) could be due to deformation-dependent isotopic behaviour at temperatures close to the blocking temperature.] Stephens, M.B., Glasson, M.J. and Keays, R.R., 1979. Structural and chemical aspects of metamorphic layering development in metasediments from Clunes, Australia. Am. J . Sci., 279(2): 129- 160. [Metasediments suffered only one deformation event and low-grade metamorphism. New phengites in the white mica chlorite ( P ) and quartz ( Q ) layers defining the metamorphc layering are similar in composition. They are richer in Si, Fe, and Mg compared to the detrital micas, and grew in equilibrium with the ambient pore fluid through an orientation-dependent growth mechanism.] Weber, K., 1976. Gefiigeuntersuchungen an transversalgeschieferten Gesteinen aus dem ostlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirge (Ein Beitrag zur Genese der transversalen Schieferung). Geol. Jahrb. (Hannover), Reihe 0,H. 15: 3-98. [In anchimetamorphic range. At lowest grades no nucleation of phyllosilicates on the first cleavage: purely mechanical alignment. Increasing nucleation of phyllosilicates on the cleavage planes and recrystallization within the uncleaved “cleavage lamellae” with increasing metamorphic grade. The second (crenulation) cleavage is entirely post-crystalline.]
Pyrophyllite, rectorite, paragonite in anchimetamorphism (including experimental studies )
Day, H.W., 1976. A working model of some equilibria in the system alumina-silica-water. Am. J . Scr., 276(10): 1254-1284. [Stability of pyrophyllite in diagenesis and very-low-grade metamorphism of sediments, with application to natural assemblages.] Eberl, D., 1979. Synthesis of pyrophyllite polytypes and mixed-layers. Am. Mineral., 64(9- 10): 1091- 1096. Frey, M., 1978. Progressive low-grade metamorphism of a black shale formatoin, central Swiss Alps, with special reference to pyrophyllite and margarite bearing assemblages. J . Petrol., 19(1): 95- 135. [Distinction between muscovite, paragonite, and margarite in the 45’-48’ 2 8 range of diffractometer traces. In the anchizone, pyrophyllite formed at the expense of kaolinite; mixed-layer paragonitemuscovite presumably from mixed-layer illite-montmorillonite. The assemblages are treated in the two subsystems MgO (or Fe0)-Na,0-Ca0-AI,0,-’(KA1305-Si0,-H,0-C0,). High XcH, and low in the anchizone.] Gomez-Pugnaire, M., Sassi, F.P. and Visona, D., 1978. Sobre la presencia de paragonite y pyrofilita en las filitas del complejo Nevado-Filabride en la Sierra de Baza (Cordilleras Beticas, Espana). Bol. Geol. Min. (Spain), 89(5): 468-474. Tomita, K., 1977. Experimental transformation of 2M sericite into a rectorite-type mixed-layer mineral by treatment with various salts. Clays Clay Miner., 25: 302-308. [Rectorite-like mixed-layer formed when dehydroxylated 2M sericite treated with solutions of Na. Ca or Mg salts. Random mica-montmorillonite mixed-layer is formed from 2M sericite.] Also: - Aparicio and G a l h , 1980 (ref. p. 5 19). - Brime and Perez-Estaun, 1980 (ref. p. 519). - Frey et al., 1976 (ref. p. 522), - Frey and Wieland, 1975 (ref. p. 522). - Galan et al., 1978 (ref. p. 519).
- Gill et al.,
1977 (ref. p. 520).
- Kisch. 1980b (ref. p. 539) Lecolle and Roger, 1976 (ref. p. 540). Robinson et al., 1980 (ref. p. 520). - Schramm, 1978 (ref. p. 522). - Schramm, 1982b (ref. p. 522). - Wieland, 1979 (ref. p. 522). -
Change in chemical composition of potassic white micas with grade in lowest-grade metamorphism
McDowell, S.D. and Elders, W.A., 1980. Authigenic layer silicate minerals in borehole Elmore I , Salton Sea Geothermal Field, California, USA. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 74: 293-3 10. [“Illite” ( = textural sericite) is free of expandable layers below 725 m (275°C). Change towards recrystallized phengitic white mica below 850 m (ca. 290°C) involves more muscovitic compositions with increasing temperature. In the same interval chlorite shows an increase in total Mg + Fe.] Also: - Dunoyer de Segonzac and Abbas, 1976 (ref. p. 522). - Frey, 1978 (ref. p. 524). - Timofeev et al., 1974 (ref. p. 513). Use of the cell parameter b(]of potassic white micas as a porameter of P / T gradients!of metamorphism
Arkai, P., 1977. Low-grade metamorphism of Paleozoic sedimentary formations of the Szendro Mountains (NE-Hungary). Actu. Geol. Acad. Sci. Hung., 21(1-3): 53-80. [Use of b,-do,, diagrams for rocks of greenschist facies and adjoining zone of low and very-low-grade metamorphism (“anchi-epi-zones”); low- to medium-pressure metamorphism ( b , 9.003 A).] Fettes, D.J., Graham, C.M., Sassi, F.P. and Scolari, A,, 1976. The lateral spacing of potassic white micas and facies variation across the Caledonides. Scott. J . Geol., 12(3): 227-236. [Almost 200 samples from five areas in the lowest-temperature zone of the Scottish Caledonides. A decrease in the b, values demonstrates a gradual transition in metamorphic facies series from the SW-Highlands ( b , - 9.017 A), across the area of “Barrovian” metamorphism in the central Highlands, into the area of “Buchan” metamorphism ( 6 , 8.992 A).] Guidotti. C.V. and Sassi, F.P.. 1976. Muscovite as a petrogenetic indicator mineral in pelitic schists. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Abh., 127(2): 97- 142. K) ratio and celadonite content of muscovite using d,, and b,. [Determination diagram of Na/(Na Exhaustive discussion of control of muscovite composition by temperature. pressure, and H ,O activity. Importance of considering bulk composition and mineral assemblage. Diagrams for variation of muscovite composition with increasing temperatures at different pressures.] Hartnady, C.J., Antrobus, B. and Spector, D., 1978. Reconnaissance studies of regional metamorphism in the Malmesbury Group and the Name Group of southern Namaqualand. Unio. Cupetown, Dep. Geol., Precambrian Res. Unit Annu. Rep., 14-15: 204-207. [Different b, values are correlated with different ages of porphyroblastesis. Lower-than-greenschist facies low to intermediate pressure (b, 9.004 or 9.007 A) Malmesbury metamorphism appears to overprint an earlier Barrovian intermediate-high pressure metamorphism ( h , 9.033 A).] Kisch. H.J. and Padan, A,, 1981. Use of the lattice parameter h, of dioctahedral illite/muscovite for the characterization of the P-T gradient of incipient metamorphism in the Caledonides of Jamtland. western Sweden. Terra Cognitu. I ( I ) ; 54-55. [The mean b, values for the illite crystallinity zones established earlier (Kisch, 1980a) are lower for the partly “diagenetic” zone A than for the three higher-grade zones (mean h, = 9.032 A). It is shown that the method can be used in the anchizone: the P / T gradient found agrees with the intermediate-pressure Barrovian series found further W.] KrButner, H.G.. Sassi. F.P., Zirpoli, G . and Zulian, T.. 1976. Barrovian-type Hercynian metamorphism from the Poiana Rusca Massif (South Carpathians). N e w s Jahrb. Mineral. Monatsh., 1976( 10): 446-45 5.
526 [More than half the samples are from the chlorite zone. The intermediate-pressure (“Barrovian”) type metamorphism indicated by the b, values (mean b, = 9.021 A) contrasts with the general low-pressure character of Hercynian metamorphism in Europe.] Padan, A,, Kisch, H1. and Shagam, R., 1982. Use of the lattice parameter b, of dioctahedral illite/muscovite for the characterization of P / T gradients of incipient metamorphism. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 79( 1): 85-95. [ b, curves for different incipient-metamorphic zones in marginal zones of the Swedish Caledonides (see Kisch and Padan, 1981, above), Swiss Alps, and Venezoelan Andes. b, tends to increase with grade during incipient metamorphism. Distinct differences between the P / T gradients for the for the Venozoelan Andes indicates a much lower different terranes are found: mean b, = 9.005 P / T gradient than for the other two terranes.] Robinson, D., 1981. Metamorphic rocks of an intermediate facies series juxtaposed at the Start boundary, southwest England. Geol. Mug., 118(3): 297-301. [Devonian phyllites of low-intermediate pressure facies series (mean b, = 9.002 A) have been juxtaposed, N of the Start boundary, against the high-intermediate pressure type (mean b, = 9.032 A without paragonite) of the Start schists.] Sassi, F.P., Krautner, H.G. and Zirpoli, G., 1976. Recognition of the pressure character in greenschist facies metamorphism. Schweir. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 56: 427-433. [On the basis of approx. 2000 b, values of white micas from the low-grade part of the greenschist facies the baric type of several metamorphic terranes is given; a range of baric types is recognized within the field of intermediate-pressure (‘Barrovian’) metamorphism.] Seidel, E., 1977. Lawsonite-bearing metasediments in the phyllite-quartzite series of S ~ - C r e t e(Greece). Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Abh., 130(1-2): 134-144. [The comparatively low celadonite contents of the white micas from lawsonite schists (about 20%) compared to other HP/LT rocks is related to the Ca-rich and Fe-poor bulk composition.] Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z., and Li, S., 1980. Muscovite of Ppetamorphic’rocks in east and south Xizang and its petrological significance (Chinese with English abstr.). Sci. Geol. Sinicu, 340-347 (Mineral. Abstr., 32: 81-3128). [b,, d,,,, and MgO content of nine muscovites vary with metamorphic pressure. The high-P area that can be distinguished on diagrams of MgO vs RM and Si vs Mg of the muscovite-phengite series of the greenschist-blueschist facies, can be subdibided in a glaucophane-bearing and a glaucophane-free field.] Zhang Zhaozhong, Zhang Bingliang, Feng Jinjiang, and Li Songbin, 1981. b, values of muscovites and metamorphic belts of Dabie Mouhtains metamorphic terrains. Kexue Tongbao Sci. Bull. (English transl. from K’o-Hsueh T’ung-Pao), 26(4): 341-345. [The metamorphic facies series of three metamorphic belts were determined on the basis of b, values. Under similar conditions b, values of 3T-phengites tend to be higher than those of 2M-phengites.]
Corrensite and other chloritic mixed layers in incipient metamorphism
Lippman, F. and Rothfuss, H., 1980. Tonminerale in Taveyannaz-Sandsteinen. Schweiz Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt.,60: 1-29. [In the presence of laumontite, corrensite is a major clay mineral; some of the samples contain “para-corrensite” with reduced expandability.] Suchecki, R.K., P e w , E.A., and Hubert, J.F., 1977. Clay petrology of Cambro-Ordovician continental margin, Cow Head Khppe, western Newfoundland. Clays Clay Miner., 25: 163-170. [Mg-rich volcanic detritus and its alteration products in the Lower and Middle Ordovician reacted during burial metamorphism to form illite-smectite with 5- 10% expandable layers plus corrensite or expandable chlorite.] Velde, B., 1977. A proposed phase diagram for illite, expanding chlorite, corrensite and illite-montmorillonite mixed-layered minerals. Clays Clay Miner.. 25: 264-270. [Based on experimental data on hydrothermally treated natural clay minerals. lmportance of R3’ content of the assemblage and of P-T-X variables as controls for appearance of expanding chlorite or corrensite in earliest metamorphism.]
527 Velde, B.. 1977. Clays and Clay Minerals in Natural and Synthetic Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 218 pp. Chapter 6-Chlorites, and 7-Corrensite. Velde, B., Proust, D. and Meunier, A,, 1979. Chlorite compositions during sedimentation. Sci. Geol., Mem., No. 53: 71-73. Zingg, A,, Hunziker, J.C., Frey, M. and Ahrendt, H., 1976. Age and degree of metamorphism of the Cavanese Zone and of the sedimentary cover of the Sesia Zone. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt.. 56: 361-375. [Occurrence of regular chlorite-montmorillonite mixed-layer in a shear zone and in a massive talc-bearing metadolomite in the “epizone” of the Cavanese Zone between Biella and Valle d’Ossola.] Also: - Aprahamian et al., 1975 (ref. p. 521). - Chudaev, 1978 (ref. p. 517). - Dunoyer de Segonzac and Bernoulli, 1976 (ref. p. 522). - Kisch, 1981 (ref. p. 517). Change in chemical composition and crystallinity of trioctahedral chlorites with grade of lowest-grade metamorphism
Deutloff et al., 1980 (ref. p. 518). McDowell and Elders, 1980 (ref. p. 524). Resetting of K-Ar, Rb-Sr, and U-Pb ages in incipient metamorphism
Ahrendt, H., Hunziker, J.C. and Weber, K., 1977. Age and degree of metamorphism and time of nappe emplacement along the southern margin of the Damara Orogen/Namibia (SW-Africa). Geol. Rundsch., 66(2): 719-742. [K/Ar ages of white mica from the basement are around 1160 my.; those from the anchimetamorphic Naukluft nappes and the underlying Nama beds adjoining to the SE define two isochrons with ages 495 and 530 m.y. The latter represents the peak of the anchimetamorphism, the former indicates the emplacement of the Naukluft nappes.] Ahrendt, H., Hunziker, J.C. and Weber, K., 1978. K/Ar-Alterbestimmungen an schwachmetamorphen Gesteinen des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges. Z . Dtsch. Geol. Ges., 129: 229-247. [The K/Ar ages of anchimetamorphic micas are not cooling ages, but date the peak of metamorphism; they range from 300 m y . in the N E Rheinisches Schiefergebirge to 315 m y . in the S, and up to 330 m y . in the Taunus. The somewhat younger ages of around 310 m y . from the somewhat higher grade rocks of the “Taunus Pre-Devonian” to the S are interpreted as cooling ages.] Bonhomme, M.G., Saliot, P. and Pinault, Y . , 1980. Interpretation of potassium-argon isotopic data related to metamorphic events in south-western Alps. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 60: 81 -98. [The non-metamorphic Rhetian suffered a late diagenesis at 155 m y . The apparent K-Ar ages of the fine fractions decrease towards the E with increasing metamorphic grade as shown by the increasing crystallinity of illites. Samples from the anchizone show mixed ages between 108 and 72 my.; those from the low-grade epizone between 95 and 38 m.y. Importance of mica chemistry is discussed.] Clauer, N. and Kroner, A., 1979. Strontium and argon isotopic homogenization of pelitic sediments during low-grade regional metamorphism: the Pan-African upper Damara sequence of northern Namibia (South West Africa). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 43: 117-131. [Two successive regional events of anchizonal intensity dated at about 535 and 455 my., respectively. Anomalously high K-Ar ages from some stratigraphic horizons can be related to open system behaviour and K migration during formation of stilpnomelane from ferromagnesian illites.] Gebauer, D. and Griinenfelder, M., 1977. U-Pb systematics of detrital zircon from some unmetamorphosed to slightly metamorphosed sediments of Central Europe. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.. 65: 29-37. [Strong discordancy of pre-Assyntic zircon population from the Algonkian of Bohemia is tentatively ascribed to recrystallization and lead loss during the Assyntic very-low-grade metamorphism (“zeolite facies”) at temperatures as low as 300°C.]
528 Hoffman, A.W., Mahoney, J.W. and Giletti, B.J., 1974. K-Ar and Rb-Sr data on detrital and postdepositional history of Pennsylvanian clay from Ohio and Pennsylvania. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 85: 639-644. [No systematic relation between coal rank and the fairly uniform whole-rock K-Ar ages (355-383 m y . in five samples) is apparent. The decreasing K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages (510 to 320 m.y.) with decreasing grain size fraction is ascribed to crystallization or reconstitution of IMd-type illite.] Hoffman, J., Hower, J. and Aronson, J.L., 1976. Radiometric dating of time of thrusting in the disturbed belt of Montana. Geology, 4( I): 16-20. [Burial metamorphism below thrust plates. Bentonite has been transformed to K-bentonite giving a K-Ar age of 72 to 56 m y . ; associated with laumontite-bearing volcanic sand and tuff (see also Hoffman and Hower, 1979).] Kroner, A. and Clauer. N.. 1979. Isotopic dating of low-grade shale in northern Namibia (South West Africa) and implications for the orogenic evolution of the Pan-African Damara Belt. Precambrian Res., 10: 59-72. (2 p m fractions of higher-grade (illite-chlorite and stilpnomelane-bearing) assemblages show younger Rb/Sr ages (about 457 my.) than those of a lower-grade (smectite-bearing) assemblage (about 537 my.). These ages are related to two separate low-grade regional tectono-thermal events (see also Clauer and Kroner, 1979, above).] Leitch, E.C. and McDougall, I., 1979. The age of orogenesis in the Nambucca slate belt: a K-Ar study of low-grade regional metamorphic rocks. J . Geol. Soc. Aust.. 26: 1 1 1-1 19. [Prehnite-pumpellyite to greenschist facies metasediments yield a range of ages (some comparable with depositional ages). The more coherent group of K/Ar ages from actinolite-pFmpellyite and greenschist facies rocks is considered to represent orogenesis at 250-255 m.y.1 Odin, G.S., Velde, B. and Bonhomme, M.. 1977. Radiogenic argon in glauconites as a function of mineral recrystallization. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 37: 154- 158. [The extent to which incipient metamorphism affects the apparent radiogenic age of glauconites depends on their composition and the temperature at metamorphism; experiments in the range 200-414°C at 2 kbars.] Perry, E.A. and Turekian. K.K., 1974. The effect of diagenesis on the redistribution of strontium isotopes in shales. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 38: 929-935. [Attending the diagenetic changes with depth there is a trend towards the homogenization of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the size fractions of the shale, but diagenesis and homogenization are not complete in the deepest part (5523 m) of the Miocene shale section studied. Rb/Sr shale dates in many cases probably represent the time of the major diagenetic construction of new phases.] Alterarion and dissolution of clastic feldspar during burial diagenesis; material rransfer of mineral-mineral and water-rock equilibrium
Land, L.S. and Milliken, K.L., 1981. Feldspar diagenesis in the Frio Formation, Brazoria County. Texas Gulf Coast. Geology, 9(7): 314-318. [The material transfer involved in the dissolution of albitization of detrital feldspars below about 4000m affects at least 15% of the rock volume. Important implications for several other diagenetic processes such as precipitation of cements, and evolution of formation waters.] Milliken, K.L., Land, L.S. and Loucks, R.G., 1981. History of burial diagenesis determined from isotopic geochemistry, Frio Formation, Brazoria County, Texas. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull.. 65(8): 1397- 1413. [C and 0 isotopic data. Temperatures of formation of quartz cement. kaolinite. albitization. Extensive shift towards water-rock equilibrium. Organic maturation, albitization and the smectite to illite transformation contribute most of the constituents required for the precipitation of the cements. Yeh, H.-W. and Savin, S.M., 1977. Mechanism of burial metamorphism of argillaceous sediments: 3, 0-isotope evidence. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull.. 88: 1321- 1330. [0-isotope disequilibrium among clay fractions less marked as burial T increases, but persists even at burial to 170°C. Temperatures calculated from 0-isotope fractionations between fine-grained quartz and clay approach measured well temperatures as depth of burial and temperature increased. but agreement was found absent at measured temperatures as high as 120'C.J
529 Also: - Eslinger and Sellars, 1981 (ref. p. 515). - Heling, 1978 (ref. p. 515). C-isotope ratios in carbonaceous matter in incipient metamorphism
Hoefs, J. and Frey, M., 1976. The isotopic composition of carbonaceous matter in a metamorphic profile from the Swiss Alps. Geochim. Cosmochim. A d a , 40: 945-951. [ SI3C values are around -25%0 in the unmetamorphosed and anchimetamorphic (Glarus Alps) sediments, but shift to higher I3C content with increasing grade of metamorphism above the chloritoid isograd. 6I3C values of around - 11%0were measured in rocks of the highest metamorphic grade (staurolite schists).] Progressive ordering of silica during burial metamorphism
Mizutani, S., 1977. Progressive ordering of cristobalite silica in the early stage of diagenesis. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol,, 61: 129-140. [The ordering of opal-CT crystals with time is reflected by an decrease in the d,,, spacing of cristobalite. The isopleths of d , , , spacings should usually be parallel with stratigraphic boundaries, but should be discordant where the strata have been folded. This discordancy is chiefly controlled by thermal history during burial and folding.] Murata, K.J., Friedman, L. and Gleason, J.D., 1977. Oxygen isotope relations bktween diagenetic silica minerals in Monterey Shale, Temblor Range, California. Am. J. Sci., 277(3): 259-272. [The isotopic temperatures in the silica phases increase from the diagenetic opal (1) through cristobalite (2) to the microquartz (3) zone, hut remain fairly constant within each zone. The progressive structural ordering of cristabalite of virtually constant 0-isotopic composition within zone 2 seems to he a solid-state reaction.] Murata, K.J. and Norman, M.B., 1976. An index of crystallinity for quartz. Am. J . Sci., 276: 1120- 1130. [Is largely a function of crystallite size (up to 1 pm), but may be affected by lattice distortions due to mechanical stress.] Pisciotto, K.A., 1981. Diagenetic trends in the siliceous facies of the Monterey Shale in the Santa Maria region, California. Sedimentology, 28: 547-571. [Three zones as in Murata et al. (1977; see above). Ranges in temperatures for top and base of the opal-CT zone from present geothermal gradients and reconstructed burial depths, and from 0-isotopic compositions of opal-CT and quartz.] Zeolite facies in general (including relations with diagenetic clay mineralogy and coal rank)
Aoyagi, K. and Kazama, T., 1980. Transformational changes of zeolites and clay minerals during diagenesis. Sedimentology, 27: 179- 188. [Temperatures for montmorillonite -,montmorillonite-illite mixed-layer (- 100°C), montmorilloniteillite mixed-layer illite ( 140OC). clinoptilolite heulandite and/or analcime (120'). heulandite and/or analcime -, laumontite and/or albite (140'C). Based on these transformations, seven mineral zones are recognized in argillaceous sediments. Relation to compaction stages.] Boles, J.R., 1977. Zeolites in low-grade metamorphic rocks. In: F.A. Mumpton (Editor), Mineralogy and Geology of Natural Zeolites (Mineral. SOC.Am., Short Course Notes, Vol. 4). Southern Printing Comp., Blacksburg, Va., pp. 103-135. Boles, J.R., 1977. Zeolites in deep-sea sediments. In: F.A. Mumpton (Editor), Mineralogy and Geology of Natural Zeolites (Mineral. SOC.Am., Short Course Notes, Vol. 4). Southern Printing Comp., Blacksburg, Va., pp. 137-163. Ghent, E.D., 1979. Problems in zeolite facies geothermometry, geobarometry and fluid composition. In: P.A. Scholle and P.R. Schluger (Editors), Aspects of Diagenesis. Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec. Publ., no. 26: 81-87. [Complications of estimating P9, T and fluid compositions from correlation of mineral assemblages
5 30 from experimental and computed phase equilibria (including P H t o < P,, aSio,. porosity and permeability). Correlation with coal rank and clay mineral assemblages in any one area will lead to the best estimates of P,. T and fluid composition.] Hay, R.L., 1977. Geology of zeolites in sedimentary rocks. In: F.A. Mumpton (Editor). Mineralogy and Geologv of Natural Zeolites (Mineral. SOC.Am., Short Course Notes, Vol. 4). Southern Printing Comp., Blacksburg, Va., pp. 53-64. Hay, R.L., 1978. Geologic occurrence of zeolites, In: L.B. Sand and F.A. Mumpton (Editors), Natural Zeolites-Occurrence, Properties, Use. Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 135- 143. Iijima, A,, 1978. Geological occurrences of zeolite in marine environments. In: L.B. Sand, and F.A. Mumpton (Editors), Natural Zeolites-Occurrence, Properties, Use. Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 175- 198. Kisch, H.J., 1982. Coal rank and illite crystallinity associated with the zeolite facies of Southland and the pumpellyite-bearing facies of Otago, southern New Zealand. N . Z . J . Geol. Geophys., 24(3): 349-360. [High- and medium-volatile bituminous ranks (0.60- 1.33% R ol, ) and expandable mixed-layers are associated with the zeolite facies of the North Range Group, Southland Syncline. Only illite is associated with the laumontite-bearing area in the Torlesse terrane.] McCulloh, T.H., Cashman, S.M. and Stewart, R.J., 1979. Diagenetic baselines for interpretive reconstructions of maximum burial depths and paleotemperatues in clastic sedimentary rocks. In: D.F. Oltz (Editor), A Symposium in Geochemisty: Low Temperature Metamorphism of Kerogen and 0la.v Minerals. SOC.Econ. Paleont. Mineral., Pac. Sec., Los Angeles, Calif., pp. 65-96. [Relationship between laumontite zone and coal rank in some California sedimentary basins.] Shimoyama, T. and Iijima, A., 1976. Influence of temperature on coalification of Teriary coal in Japan-Summary. In: Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources. Am. Assoc. Pet. Gdol., Mem., 25: 98- 103. [Zoning of zeolites replacing felsic glass in vitric tuffs in the coal measures. Lignite and subbituminous coal in mordenite-clinoptililite zone; coking bituminous coal ( R,,,> 0.6%) exclusively in analcime zone. Bottomhole temperatures at the base of these zones are 85"-9OoC and 120°-1250C, respectively.] Stability of zeolites: experimental (exclusive of high-grade boundary of zeolite facies)
Arima, M. and Edgar, A.D., 1980. Importance of time and H,O contents on the analcime-H,O system at 465°C and 1 kbar P H Z 0 .Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Monatsh., 1980(5): 543-554. [In runs of up to 50 days continuing increase in the amount of albite and progressively less siliceous analcime, when no excess water is present; no change after 20 days when 10, 20 or 252 H,O are present. Most previous studies have been done with excess H,O: stability relations should be used with caution.] DeKimpe, C., 1976. Formation of phyllosilicates and zeolites from pure silica-aluminium gels. Clays Clay Miner., 24: 200-207. [Formation in presence of NaOH solution. Zeolites formed at low gel/solution ratios: kaolinite produced at less alkaline pH and large gel/solution ratios.] Goto, Y . , 1977. Synthesis of clinoptilolite. Am. Mineral., 62: 330-332. [At 200°C at pH 7.9, in presence of K as well as Na in starting materials.] Hawkins, D.B., Sheppard, R.A. and Gude, A.J.. 1978. Hydrothermal synthesis of clinoptilolite and comments on the assemblage phillipsite-clinoptilolite-mordenite. In: L.B. Sand and F.A. Mumpton (Editors), Natural Zeolites-Occurrence, Properties. Use. Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 145- 174. Kim, M.-T. and Burley, B.J., 1980. A further study of analcime solid solutions in the system NaAISi,O,NaAISi0,-H,O, with particular note of an analcime phase transformation. Mineral. Mag.. 43(332): 1035-1045. [Investigation of the variations of the room-temperature cell parameters of analcime as a function of the temperature of synthesis and of composition; most solid solutions encountered are equilibrium compositions.] Velde. B., 1977. Clays and Clay Minerals in Natural and Synthetic Systems. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 218 pp. Chapter 8-Zeolites (pp. 116- 140).
53 1 Also: - Ghent, 1979 (ref. p. 529). - Iijima, 1975 (ref. p. 532). Formation of alkali zeoliies ai low temperatures and shallow depth in silicic volcanic rocks
Boles, J.R. and Surdam, R.C., 1979. Diagenesis of volcanogenic sediments in a Tertiary saline lake; Wagon Bed Formation, Wyoming. Am. J. Scr., 279(7): 832-853. [Three diagenetic facies formed after burial as a result of different pore fluid compositions inherited from the different depositional environments. Diagenetic reactions took place in moderately saline, but not highly alkaline pore fluids.] Dibble, W.E. and Tiller, W.A., 1981. Kinetic model of zeolite paragenesis in tuffaceous sediments. Clays Clay Miner., 29(5): 323-330. [Kinetic factors may determine the specific authigenic phases. Sequence of assemblages formed during series of metastable reactions resembling Oswald step rule. Explanation for occurrence of metastable reactions.] Ratterman, N.G. and Surdam, R.C., 1981. Zeolite mineral reactions in a tuff in the Laney Member of the Green River Formation, Wyoming. Clays Clay Miner., 29(5): 365-377. [Two successive diagenetic stages. The second produces analcime from early zeolites + Na-carbonate brine, and involves significant mass transfer.] Surdam, R.C., 1977. Zeolites in closed hydrologic systems. In: F.A. Mumpton (Editor), Mineralogy and Geology of Natural Zeolites (Mineral. Soc. Am., Short Notes, Vol. 4). Southern Printing Comp., Blacksburg, Va., pp. 65-91. Surdam, R.C. and Sheppard, R.A., 1978. Zeolites in saline, alkaline-lake deposits. In: L.B. Sand and F.A. Mumpton (Editors), Natural Zeolites-Occurrence, Properties, Use. Pergamon, Oxford, pp. 145- 174. Taylor, M. and Surdam, R.C., 1981. Zeolite reactions in the tuffaceous sediments at Teels Marsh, Nevada. Clays Clay Miner., 29(5): 341-352. [Hydratation of Holocene rhyolitic glass, mostly to phillipsite; also analcime and clinoptilolite. Si concentration is controlled by authigenic reactions at less than 100 p.p.m.1 Van, A.V. and Kolodezhnikov, K.E., 1979. Mineralogical types of tuff in Middle Paleozoic deposits in the west of the Vilyui Syneclise. Lithol. Miner. Resour. (transl. from Litol. Polezn. Iskop.), l4( 1): 79-89. [Deeper analcime zone and shallower heulandite zone are ascribed respectively to a lagoonal-saline and a fresh-water environment; the formation of analcime in the deeper zones was enhanced by subsequent "regional epigenesis".] Walton, W.A.. 1975. Zeolitic diagenesis in Oligocene volcanic sediments, Trans-Pecos Texas. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 86: 615-624. [Montmorillonite, clinoptilolite, and analcime formed during diagenesis in an open hydrologic system at depths of not more than a few hundred meters. Distribution of clinoptilolite was controlled locally by permeability of the hos! rocks.] Low-temperature formation of laumontiie
McCulloh, T.H., Frizzel, V.A., Stewart, R.J. and Barnes, I., 1981. Precipitation of laumontite with quartz, thenardite, and gypsum at Sespe Hot Springs, western Transverse Ranges, California. Clays C l q Miner., 29(5): 353-364. [Laumontite precipitates at 89" to 43"; no other zeolites were observed. Little or no carbonate minerals. The subsurface water source is thought to have a temperature of 125°-1350C.] Sands, C.D. and Drever, J.I., 1978. Authigentic laumontite in deep-sea sediments. In: L.B. Sand and F.A. Mumpton (Editors), Natural Zeolites-Occurrence, Properties, Use. Pergamon. Oxford-New York, pp. 269-279. [Associated with major clinoptilolite. 0-isotope data indicate maximum temperature of 60"C.l Also: - Barnes et al., 1978 (ref. p. 534).
532 Effect of pore-water chemistry and of AI/Si and C a / N a ratios of parent material on depth zoning of diagnostic zeolites
Boles, J.R. and Coombs, D.S., 1977. Zeolite facies alteration of sandstones in the Southland Syncline, New Zealand. Am. J. Sci., 277: 982-1012. [Individual mineral ranges in the 10.4 km sequence overlap even more than previously described. Effect of host rocks. Evidence of mass transfer on macroscopic and sometimes larger scale. Complexity of mineral distribution patterns is attributed to the effects of parent materials. permeability, ionic activity ratios in stratal waters, relationship of Pnutdto P,,,,,.] Davies, D.K., Almon, W.R., Bonis, S.B. and Hunter, B.E., 1979. Deposition and diagenesis of TertiaryHolocene volcaniclastics, Guatemala. In: P.A. Scholle and P.R. Schluger (Editors), Aspects of Diagenesis. Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec. Publ., 26: 281 -306. [Boundaries between different diagenetic assemblages (montmorillonite-goethite; montmorillonite plus hematite; montmorillonite plus heulandite) are determined more by groundwater chemistry than by T o r P . ] Hay, R.L. and Sheppard, R.A., 1977. Zeolites in open hydrologic systems. In: F.A. Mumpton (Editor), Mineralogy and Geology of Natural Zeolites (Mineral. SOC.Am., Short Course Notes, Vol. 4). Southern Printing Comp., Blacksburg, Va., pp. 93- 102. Iijima, A,, 1975. Effect of pore water on clinoptilolite-analcime-albite reaction series. J . Far. Sci.. Unio. Tokyo, See. II, 19(2): 133-147. [The concentration of Na+ in pore water plays an important role in lowerin5 the equilibrium temperatures of the reaction series.] Moncure, G.K., Surdam, R.C. and McKague, H.L., 1981. Zeolite diagenesis below Pahute Mesa, Nevada test site. Clays Clay Miner, 29(5): 385-396. [Three vertical zones, caused by ( I ) changing pore-water chemistry in an essentially closed hydrologic system; (2) disequilibrium or kinetic precipitation of metastable phases; and (3) a higher thermal gradient than now present.] Surdam, R.C. and Boles, J.R., 1979. Diagenesis of volcanic sandstones. In: P.A. Scholle and P.R. Schluger (Editors), Aspects of Diagenesis. Soc. Econ. Paleontol. Mineral., Spec. Publ.. 26: 227-272. [Temperature effects have been overestimated. Broad overlap of individual mineral ranges cannot be explained by differences in geothermal regime between areas. Importance of fluid phase and ionic species in the fluid phase in diagenetic reactions: chemical or ionic stability. Significance of fluid flow and composition in controlling distribution of diagenetic mineral phases.] Wirsching, U., 1981. Experiments on the hydrothermal formation of calcium zeolites. Cla.ys Clay Miner., 29(3): 171-183. [From basaltic and rhyolitic glass, nepheline. and oligoclase, and CaCI, and CaCl + NaOH solutions at 10O"-25O0C. Importance Si/AI and Ca/alkali ratio of the starting materials, of the Ca activity of the reacting solution, presence of an open alteration system, and T , for the zeolite formed.] Phase equilibria of prehnite, pumpellyite, Iawsonite, epidote: experimental and thermodynamical
Brown, E.H., 1977. Phase equilibria among pumpellyite. lawsonite, epidote and associated minerals in low grade metamorphic rocks. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 64: 123- 136. [Phase relations analysed on Al-Ca-Fe'+ diagram in which all minerals are projected from quartz. albite or jadeite, chlorite and fluid. This procedure reveals several reactions relating rocks formed at different P-T conditions in the blueschist, greenschist and pumpellyite-actinolite facies.] Frost, B.R., 1980. Observations on the boundary between zeolite facies and prehnite-pumpellyite facies. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 73: 365-373. [Graphical analysis of system CaO-AI,O,-SiO,-H ,O-CO,. First appearance of the assemblage epidote-chlorite-quartz ('-albite) should mark the upper boundary of the zeolite facies. This assemblage forms at the expense of laumontite-bearing assemblages. Monitoring composition of minerals from low-variance assemblages may provide a sensitive indicator of metamorphic grade.] Glassley, W., Whetten, J.T., Cowan, D.S. and Vance, J.A., 1976. Significance of coexisting lawsonite, prehnite, and aragonite in the San Juan Islands, Washington. Geology, 4(5): 301-302. [Stability of prehnite could extend to pressures above those of the calcite-aragonite transition.]
533 Nakajima, T., Banno, S. and Suzuki, T., 1977. Reactions leading to the disappearance of pumpellyite in low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt in central Shikoku, Japan. J . Petrol., 18: 263-284. [The minimum Fe3+ content of epidote can be used to define the metamorphic grade. The temperature range in which the assemblage pumpellyite + epidote chlorite actinolite is stable and is about 90°C in metabasite. The higher temperature limit of the pumpellyite-actinolite facies corresponds to coexistence of epidote with Fe3+/(Fe3+ +Al) = 0.10 0.15 with pumpellyite, actinolite, and chlorite; the lower temperature limit with about 0.33.1 Schiffman, P. and Liou, J.G., 1977. Synthesis and stability relations of Mg-pumpellyite. In: Proc. 2nd Inr. Symp. Water-Rock Interaction, Strasbourg. Cent. Natl. Rech. Sci. Inst. Geol., Strasbourg, pp. 157-164. Schiffman, P. and Liou, J.G., 1980. Synthesis and stability relations of Mg-AI pumpellyite, Ca,Al,MgSi,O,,(OH),. J . Petrol., 21: 44-474. [Stability relations determined using subequal mixtures of synthetic Mg-A1 pumpellyite and its high-temperature assemblage. Schreinemakers' relations for pumpellyite and associated minerals constructed in pseudo-ternary system Ca0-A1,0,-MgO(Si0,-H20). The invariant point ITR( was located at approx. 5.7 Ib Pnuidand 375"C.I Thompson, A.B., 1976. Investigation of lawsonite and prehnite stabilites in natural andesitic rock compositions. In: G.M. Biggar (Editor), Progress in Experimental Petrology; Third Progress Report. Natl. Environment Res. Counc. Publ. Ser. D , No. 6: 1 1 12. [Test of suggestion that lawsonite forms from breakdown of dense Ca-Alihydrosilicates such as prehnite rather than from Ca-zeolites, using the weighed-crystal method.] Also: - Glassley, 1975 (ref. p. 533). - Kuniyoshi and Liou, 1976 (ref. p. 535). - Pluysnina and Ivanov, 1981 (ref. p. 534).
Effect of substitution of Fe for Mg and A1 on the stability of minerals in the pumpellyite facies
Bird, D.K. and Helgeson, H.C., I98 1. Chemical interaction of aequous solutions with epidote-feldspar mineral assemblages in geologic systems. 11. Equilibrium constraints in metamorphic/geothermal processes. Am. J. Sci., 281(5): 576-614. [Thermodynamic analysis of the system Na,O-K ,O-CaO- FeO- Fe,O,-AI ,O,-SiO,-H ,0-H01CO, at P and T u p to 5 kb and 600OC. Data on low-temperature stability of clinozoisite + quartz.] Coombs, D.S., Kawachi, Y.,Houghton, B.F., Hyden, G. and Pringle, I.J.. 1977. Andradite and andraditegrossular solid solutions in very low-grade regionally metamorphosed rocks in southern New Zealand. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 63: 229-246. [May form over a wide range of fo,. but pco, in fluid must be low. Occurs with prehnite and pumpellyite, but not with epidote or Ca-zeolites.] Glassley, W.E., 1975. Low variance phase relationshps in a prehnite-pumpellyite facies terrain. Lithos, 8: 69-76. [Assemblages observed in a basalt member in the Olympic Peninsula are believed to represent stable reaction relationships. Evaluation of P-T-XCo2 conditions is difficult: high iron content of natural phases requires modification of the equilibrium conditions defined in the Fe-free system.] Liou, J.G., 1979. Zeolite facies metamorphism of basaltic rocks from the East Taiwan ophiolite. Am. M i n e d , 64: 1-14. [Zeolite- and pumpellyite-bearing assemblages. Pumpellyites are Fe-rich (up to 25 wt% total Fe as FeO). Substitution of Fe3+ for A1 in pumpellyite enlarges its P-T stability field relative to the zeolite facies assemblages under oxidizing conditions.] Offler, R., Baker, C.K. and Gamble, J., 1981. Pumpellyites in two low-grade metamorphic terranes north of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 76: 171- 176. [Extreme range in composition. Bulk chemical composition of host rock is not the controlling factor in determining pumpellyite composition. Intensity of alteration (in part of opaque minerals), fluid chemistry, and variation of oxidation potential are more important variables.]
5 34 Pluysnina, L.P. and Ivanov, 1.P.. 1981. Thermodynamic regime of greenstone metamorphism of basic volcanic rocks after experimental data. Can. J . Earth Sci.. 18(8): 1303-1309. [Stability fields of laumontite. prehnite. pumpellyite, zoisite and tremolite bearing assemblages investigated in system Ca0-Mg0-A1,0,-Si0,-C02. Influence of Fe-content on the shift of the upper stability boundary towards both lower T and Xcoz equilibrium values is shown for pumpellyite.] Shimazu, M. and Kusuda, T., 1977. Pumpellyite and prehnite in low-grade metamorphic rocks. Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ., Ser. E . No. 4: 67-81 (Mineral. Abstr., 80-4767). [Fe,03 contents of pumpellyites from the Tanzawa Mountains and the Kita-Akita area seem to be independent of metamorphic grade; they are higher than in most pumpellyites in various other metamorphic terranes.] Tulloch, A.J., 1979. Secondary Ca-AI silicates as low-grade alteration products of granitoid biotite. Conrrib. Mineral. Petrol., 69: 105- 117. (Andradite-grossular, epidote, pumpellyite. and prehnite are extremely common. Correlation of prehnite Fe3+ with host biotite Fe3+ and oxidation state support evidence of prehnite replacing biotite. Plagioclase is the chief source of Ca.] Also: - Brown, 1977 (ref. p. 532). - Frost. 1980 (ref. p. 532). - Nakajima et al., 1977 (ref. p. 533). Ca-Ai-hydrosilicates and C 0 2 in fluid phase
Barnes, I., Downes, C.T. and Hulston, J.R., 1978. Warm springs. South Island, New Zealand, and their potential to yield laumontite. Am. J . Sci., 278(10): 1412-1427. [All the fluids are supersaturated with laumontite, and are generally either in equilibrium with or are unsaturated with calcite and albite. Wide range of CO, partial pressures; these are dependent variables and do not control the chemical reactions. Analcime and prehnite are not necessarily lower-grade and higher-grade facies indicators.] Ghent, E.D. and Miller, B.E., 1974. Zeolite and clay-carbonate assemblages in the Blairmore Group (Cretaceous), southern Alberta Foothills, Canada. Contnb. Mineral. Petrol.. 44: 3 13-329. [Laumontite and barian-strontian heulandite in plagioclase-rich sandstones without kaolinite. Alternative assemblages calcite-kaolinite-quartz and laumontite suggest gradients in /coz/fH20.Computed ionic equilibria suggest among other things that late-formed calcite may not have equilibrated with laumontite. Carbonaceous material corresponds to d , of Landis ( 1971).] Giggenbach, W.F., 198 1. Geothermal mineral equilibria. Geochim. Cosmochirn. Acta, 45: 393-4 10. Ivanov, I.P. and Gurevich, L.P.. 1975. Experimental study of T-XC02 boundaries of metamorphic zeolite facies. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 53: 55-60. [Experimental study of the T-Xco2 conditions of the reactions lau = pr mont qz H,O and lau H,O + CO, = cal mont + qz at P,= 1000 bars. Boundaries of the zeolite facies are 200'270'C up to 2500 bars P,, up to 40-60 bars Pco,.] Pearce, T.H. and Birkett, T.C.. 1974. Archean metavolcanic rocks from Thackeray Township, Ontario. Can. Mineraf., 12: 509-519. , ~ pumpellyite-bearing assemblages. Both quartz-chlorite [Effects of p H 2 0 , / p c o 2 and P , / P ~ upon epidote-actinolite-pumpellyite-magnetite-calcite and quartz-prehnite-pumpellyite-epidoteactinolite-chlorite-magnetite are isothermally univariant in pc0,-pH20-Pso,,dsspace. Pluysnina, L.P. and Ivanov, I.P., 198 I . Thermodynamic regime of greenstone metamorphism of basic volcanic rocks after experimental data. Can. J . Earth Sci., 18(8): 1303- 1309.1 [Plot of limits of zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, and greenschist facies plotted on schematic T-Xco, diagram; possible Pn limits are discussed. The Xco, equilibrium value for some dehydration-decarbonation reactions decreases for even low salt content of the fluid.] Seki, Y . , 1974. Comparison of CO, and 0, in fluids attending the prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism of the Central Kii Peninsula and the Tanzawa Mountains. Japan. Proc. I n f . Symp. Water-Rock Interaction, Praha. Geol. Survey, Prague, pp. 230-235. [Calcite and calcite-bearing veins are more common in the prehnite-pumpellyite than in the pumpel-
+ +
535 lyite-actinolite facies areas of the Central Kii Peninsula; Xco2 in fluid phases generally increases with decreasing grades of regional metamorphism. In mafic rocks of the same metamorphic rocks in the Tanzawa Mountains calcite is rare: much lower Xco2 in the fluid phase.] Senderov, E.E., 1974. Effect of pH and dissolved carbon dioxide on the replacement of zeolites by clay minerals. Lithol. Miner. Resour. (transl. from Litof. Polern. Iskop.), 9(5): 575-580. [Calculations of the equilibrium constants of analc-kaol-qz, lau-kaol-qz, and lau-kaol-calc-qz. For replacement of laumontite by kaolinite a very low pH and considerable dissolved CO, are required. Analcime is replaced at higher pH values, and is apparently unstable in contact with sea water.] Thompson, A.B., 1976. Investigation of laumontite-calcite-quartz relations at low X co,. In: G. Biggar (Editor), Progress in Experimental Petrology; Third Progress Report. Natl. Environment Res. Counc. Publ. Ser. D. No. 6: 7-9. [Investigation of lau calc = pr qz H,O CO, in the range 17O0-35O0C along the H,O liquidvapour curve, using the weighed-crystal (calcite) method. Calculated values of Xco,and mc02 are in agreement with those found at Broadlands (Browne and Ellis, 1970). These values are an order of magnitude greater for lau CO, = calc kaol SiO, H,O.] Also: - Brown, 1977 (ref. p. 532).
+ +
Metasomatism and change in bulk chemical composition of volcanic rocks during zeolite facies and prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism
Barrows, K.J., 1980. Zeolitization of Miocene volcaniclastic rocks, southern Desatoya Mountains. Nevada. Geol. SOC.Am. Bull., 91(4): 199-210. [Heulandite, clinoptilolite, mordenite, analcime, thomsonite (?), erionite, and chabazite (?). Formed mainly through breakdown of glass; paragenetic sequence is given. Chemical comparisons indicate that Si, Ca, Na, K and H,O were mobile; the same inferred for Fe and Mg from petrography. Na and possibly some K were lost during diagenesis.] Hashimoto, M., Kashima, N., Kato, A,, Katto, J., Kuwano, Y . , Matsubara, S., Saito, Y . , Suyari, K. and Tiba, T., 1976. Acid volcanic rocks of the Okanaro Group in the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone, Shikoku. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus. (Tokyo), No. 9: 9-16 (in Japanese, English summary). [Na enrichment of rhyolites and K enrichment of tuffs during prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism (see also Hashimoto, M., 1977. Low-grade metamorphism of the Okanaro Group of the Kurosegawa belt, Shikoku. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. (Tokyo), Ser. C (Geol.), 3(3): 147-149).] Kuniyoshi, S . and Liou, J.G., 1976. Burial metamorphism of the Karmutsen volcanic rocks, northeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Am. J . Sci., 276: 1096- 1 1 19. [Depletion of Na, Si, Ca, and A1 from aquagene tuffs and pillow rims during prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism. Local equilibrium was approached in most mineral assemblages under high p H 2 0and pco2. The spilitic features of the volcanic rocks are metamorphic and not metasomatic or deuteric).] Schau, M., 1974. Low-grade metamorphism and metasomatism in the Nicola Group, B.C. Can. Mineral., 12: 543.
[Absence of minerals from assemblages indicate that pNazO and pcaovaried in flows that had more or less the same initial composition.] Smith, R.E., 1980. Recognizing the paths of metamorphic/metasomatic fluids in a basic volcanic pile, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia. 26me Congr. Geol. Int., Paris, 1980, Abstr., 1: 93. [Relict domains allow assessment of departures from original compositions during prehnite-pumpellyite to greenschist facies metamorphism. Extent of mass transport by metamorphic fluid-rock interaction calculated.] Strong, D.F., Dickson, W.L. and Pickerill, R.K., 1979. Chemistry and prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism of calc-alkaline Carboniferous volcanic rocks of southeastern New Brunswick. Can. J . Earth Sci., 16: 1071-1085. [Locally significant silicification and variable chloritization of most samples. Ti, P, Zr, Rb, Nd. Ga. and Y are relatively immobile (assuming constant AI).] Wood, D.A., Gibson, I.L. and Thompson, R.N., 1976. Elemental mobility during zeolite facies metamor-
phism of the Tertiary basalts of eastern Iceland. Contrrb. Mineral. Petrol., 55: 241-254. [Significant mobilization of Si. Mg, K, Rb, Sr and light REE. Values for Ti, P. Zr, Y. Nb, Ta. Hf are relatively unaffected by metasomatic transport.] Also: -
Boles and Coombs, 1977 (ref. p. 532).
Inversions and repetitions in zeolite- to pumpellyrte-facies zoning
Aguirre, L., Levi, B. and Offler, R., 1978. Unconformities as mineralogical breaks in the burial metamorphism of the Andes. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 66: 361-366. [Each of several stratigraphical-structural units in the Andes of Peru and Chile shows a facies series covering part or all of the range between the zeolite and the greenschist facies: mineralogical breaks coincide with the regional unconformities. Cases of high-grade assemblages overlying lower-grade assemblages. Cf. Levi (1970).] Offler, R., Aguirre, L., Levi, B. and Child, S., 1980. Burial metamorphism in rocks of the Western Andes of Peru. Lithos, 13(1): 31-42. [See preceding abstract. The presence of wairakite and the development of a wide range of metamorphic facies in thin sequences suggest high geothermal gradients.] Tzeng, S.-Y. and Lidiak, E.D., 1976. Low-grade metamorphism in east-central Puerto Rico. Geol. Soc. Am., Annu. Meet. 1976, Abstr. Progr., 8(6): 1150. [Grade is generally related to depth of burial, but locally actinolite qone overlies zeolite and prehnite-pumpellyite zones. This is ascribed to either ( I ) two cycles of sedimentation, or (2) high thermal regime in the vicinity of a fault zone.] Zeolite zoning in geothermal and other high-temperature areas
Besse, D., Desprairies, A,, Jehanno, C. and Kolla, V., 1981. Les parageneses de smectites et de zeolites dans une serie pyroclastique d’lge eocene moyen de I’Ocean lndien (D.S.D.P.. leg 26. site 253). Bull. Mineral., 104: 56-63. [Three successive zeolite zones (phillipsite; clinoptilolite-mordenite; analcime-clinoptilolite) in a 550 m thick hyaloclastic sequence are attributed t o hydrothermal alteration in a high-temperature geothermal area (- 20O0C/km).] Jefferis, R.G. and Voight, B., 1981. Fracture analysis near the mid-ocean plate boundary, ReykjavikHvalfjordur area, Iceland. Tectonophvsics, 76(3/4): 171-236. [Fluid inclusion temperature data from fracture and vug minerals: temperatures and depth for the seven zeolite zones distinguished in different areas. The geothermal gradient was approx. 80°C/km during the secondary mineralization.] Kristmansdottir, H., 1979. Alteration of basaltic rocks by hydrothermal activity at 1O0-30O0C. In: M.M. Mortland and V.C. Farmer (Editors), International Clay Conference, 1978. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp. 359-367. [Deep wells in six high-temperature geothermal areas (> 200’ at I km depth). Four mineralogical alteration zones are distinguished. Smectites have transformed into mixed-layer clay minerals and swelling chlorites at 200’-230OC. Zeolites and Ca-silicates (except wairakite) disappear by about 200OC. Epidote and prehnite are formed slightly above 240°C; actinolite appears near to 300°C.] Kristmansdottir, H. and Tomasson, J.. 1978. Zeolite zones in geothermal areas in Iceland. In: L.B. Sand and F.A. Mumpton (Editors), Natural Zeolites, Occurrence, Properties. Use. Pergamon. Oxford. pp. 269-275. [Four zones in “low-temperature” areas: chabasite; mesolite-scolecite; stilbite; and laumontite. In high-temperature areas (> 200’ at 1 km depth) the sequence includes mordenite. heulandite. laumontite, and analcite. At even higher temperatures analcime and wairakite are formed.] Leitch, E.C., 1978. Hydrothermal metamorphism of the Whangakea Basalt, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Geophys., 21(3): 287-291. [The second of two metamorphic episodes produced several zeolites: i t is due either to a late stage of the earlier hydrothermal metamorphism, or to burial during the Miocene.]
537 Sheridan, M.F. and Maisano, M.D., 1975. Zeolite and sheet silicate zonation in a LateTertiary geothermal basin near Hassayampa, central Arizona. Proc. 2nd U . N . Symp. on Development and Use of Geothermal Resources, 1 : 597-607. [For zones of zeolites and associated phyllosilicates-ranging from (I) mordenite, epistilbite, kaolinite, 1Md muscovite, to (IV) heulandite, chabazite. thomsonite, chlorite, 2M muscovite-formed in a geothermal system that has cooled since.] Pumpellyite in geothermal, oceanic or other high-temperature-low-pressure terranes
Franks, S.G., 1974. Prehnite-pumpellyite metamorphism of the New Bay Formation, Exploits zone, Newfoundland. Can. Mineral., 12: 456-462. [The andesitic sandstones contain prehnite-epidote, but pumpellyite is uncommon. The high metamorphic temperatures (estimated at 300'-400OC at Plead < l kb) are ascribed to high heat flow due to dykes and sills.] Mevel, C., 1981. Occurrence of pumpellyite in hydrothermally altered basalts from the Vema Fracture Zone (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 76(4): 386-396. [Occurrence discussed in terms of temperature, p H Z 0 fO,. . Recrystallization by hydrothermal circulation of sea water at very low pressures (< 1 kb). Strong modification of bulk composition of the rocks during hydrothermal metamorphism. Smewing. J.D.. Simonian. K.O. and Gass, I.G.. 1975. Metabasalts from the Troodos Massif, Cyprus: genetic implication deduced from petrography and trace element geochemistry. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 5 I ; 49-64. [Zeolite to greenschist facies metamorphism of lower pillow lavas and the sheeted dykes ( = axial sequence) during sea-floor geothermal cycle adjacent to the axis. The zeolite facies of the upper pillow lavas is not related to this cycle (these were erupted further from the ridge).] Also: - Kuniyoshi and Liou, 1976 (ref. p. 535). Pumpellyite facies with data on phase petrology and mineral compositions (incl. relation to hulk composition and extrapolated P - T relations and geothermal gradients)
Jolly, W.T., 1980. Development and degradation of Archean lavas. Abitibi area, Canada, in light of major element geochemistry. J . Petrol., 21(2): 323-363. [Absence of stilpnomelane, relatively little coexistence of pumpellyite and actinolite. and wide range in Mg-Fe content of pumpellyites indicates relatively low-pressure metamorphism.] Katagas, D. and Panagos, A.G., 1979. Pumpellyite-actinolite and greenschist facies metamorphism in Lesvos Island (Greece). TMPM Tschermaks Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 26: 235-254. LThe extensive distribution of chlorite-calcite instead of the Ca-AI-silicate-bearing assemblages is ascribed to local variations in pLcO,. Phase relations suggest metamorphism at 27O"-36O0C and pressures little lower than 5 kb.] Kirchner. E.Ch., 1979. Pumpellyitefiihrende Kissenlavabreccien in der Gips-Anhydrit-Lagerstatte von Wienern am Grundlsee, Steiermark. TMPM Tschermaks Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 26: 149- 162. [Pumpellyite along glass matrix is associated with carbonate, gypsum, and anhydrite in vugs. Metamorphism at very low P and T i n a gas phase of very unusual composition due to the vicinity of the sulfate deposits.] Schreyer, W. and Abraham, K., 1978. Prehnite/chlorite and actinolite/epidote bearing mineral assemblages in the metamorphic igneous rocks of La Helle and Chalks, Venn-Stavelot-Massif. Annu. Soc. Geol. Belg.. 101: 227-241. [Prehnite + chlorite in metatonalites; actinolite + epidote in metabasalts. Prehnite may have formed at the expense of pre-existing pumpellyite.] A Iso: -
Brand, 1980 (ref. p. 539).
Pumpellyite facies in orogenic terranes-without cophanitic terranes)
phase petrology (exclusive of pumpellyite :ones in glau-
Bevins, R.E., 1978. Pumpellyite-bearing basic igneous rocks from the Lower Ordovician of North Pembrokeshire, Wales. Mineral. Mag., 42: 81-83. [Caledonian prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism with prehnite, pumpellyite, stilpnomelane, and actinolite.] Davies, H.L., 1980. Folded thrust fault and associated metamorphics in the Suckling-Dayman massif, Papua New Guinea. Am. J . Sci., 280-A (Jackson Volume), part 1: 171-191. [Metamorphic grade from unmetamorrjhosed basalt through prehnite-pumpellyite and pumpellyite-actinolite (-blueschist) to greenschist facies towards the overlying ultramafic thrust sheet. Nystrom, J.O. and Levi, B., 1980. Pumpellyite-bearing Precambrian rocks and post-Svecokarelian regional metamorphism in central Sweden. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forh., 102( I): 37-39.] [Prehnite-pumpellyite facies in Jotnian, and pumpellyite-actinolite facies in sub-Jotnian rocks. Common overprinting of “retrograde” minerals on amphibolite facies assemblages in Svecokarelian rocks could in part be ascribed to these lowest-grade metamorphic episodes.] Oliver, G.J.H., 1978. Prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism in County Cavan, Ireland. Nature, 274: 242-243. [A regional distribution of prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism is believed to occur in Ordovician rocks of the paratectonic and the southern orthotectonic Caledonides of the British Isles.] Oliver, G.J.H. and Leggett, J.K., 1980. Metamorphism in an accretionary prism: prebnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism of the Southern Uplands of Scotland. Trans. R. Soc. Eainburgh, Earrh Sci., 71(4): 235-246. Papezik, V.S., 1974. Prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism of Late Precambrian rocks of the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland. Can. Mineral., 12: 463-468. [Broad prehnite zone-narrow prehnite-pumpellyite zone-actinolite zone (without pumpellyite). The metamorphic grade increases in the direction of tighter folding and increasing penetrative deformation of Acadian (Devonian) age.] Richter, D.A. and Roy, D.C., 1974. Sub-greenschist metamorphic assemblages in northern Maine. Can. Mineral., 12: 469-474. [Successive prehnite-analcime (this assemblage only in quartz-free rocks), prehnite-pumpellyite. and pumpellyite-epidote-actinolite (with prehnite) zones within the prehnite-pumellyite facies. Acadian metamorphism did not exceed the prehnite-pumpellyite facies; the possibility of preceding Taconic metamorphism to the same grade remains open.] Richter, D.A. and Roy, D.C., 1976. Prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism in central Aroostook County, Maine. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem., 146: 239-261. Roberts, B., 1981. Low grade and very low grade regional metabasic Ordovician rocks of Llyn and Snowdonia, Gwyneld, north Wales. Geol. Mag., 1 18(2): 189-200. [The isograds pumpellyite-in, pumpellyite-out-clinozoisite-in, and biotite-in have been mapped. The metamorphism was syn- and immediately post-tectonic (end-Silurian to Devonian).] Ryan, P.D., Floyd, P.A. and Archer, J.B., 1980. The stratigraphy and petrochemistry-of the Lough Nafooey Group (Tremadocian), western Ireland. J . Geol. SOC.London, 137(4): 443-458. [Assemblages of zeolite, pumpellyite. and greenschist facies (with increasing stratigraphic depth) in basic volcanics of the South Mayo Trough formed prior to Llandovery sedimentation. and are probably related to the Grampian orogeny.] Williams, H. and Einarson. G .W.. 1976. Discussion of “Prehnite- and pumpellyite-bearing mineral assemblages, west side of the Applachian metamorphic belt, Pennsylvania to Newfoundland” by E-an Zen. J . Petrol.. 17(1): 135-136 (reply by E-an Zen. p. 137). [Suggest that the prehnite-pumpellyite assemblages relate to pre-transport burial metamorphism not requiring exceptionally high pressures, and have no genetic affinity with the blueschist facies metamorphism related to Taconic orogeny and possible subduction.] Also: - Kisch, 1980 (ref. p. 523. 539). Stalder, 1979 (ref. p. 523). - Frey et al., 1976 (ref. p. 522). ~
539 Relationships between pumpellyite facies and illite crystallinity in orogenic belts
Aprahamian, J. and Pairis, J.L., 1981. Very low grade metamorphism with a reverse gradient induced by an overthrust in Haute-Savoie (France). In: Thrust and Nappe Tectonics. Geol. SOC.London, London, pp. 159-165. [Local reverse gradients, as expressed by (1) the metamorphic assemblages in Taveyanne sandstones. and (2) mineralogical composition and illite crystallinity in the argillaceous fraction of the associated shales, are ascribed to heat production along a thrust plane. This reverse gradient is superimposed on the earlier known gradient (decrease in grade towards the top of the series and towards the external part of the chain).] Arkai, P., 1973. Pumpellyite-prehnite-quartz facies Alpine metamorphism in the Middle Triassic volcanogenic-sedimentary sequence of the Biikk Mountains, northeast Hungary. Acta Geol. Acad. Sci. Hung., 17(1-3), 67-83. [The anchimetamorphism (“illite-chlorite facies”) and textures (“initial metagenesis”) in the slates is correlated with the prehnite-pumpellyite facies in the associated volcanics, which is ascribed to Alpine (Cretaceous) metamorphism. A table gives the correlation of zeolite and prehnite-pumpellyite facies with textural and mineralogical criteria in rocks without critical Ca-Al-silicate minerals.] Arkai, P., 1980. Metamorphic evolution of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations in one of the Alpine mobile belts of the Pannonian Basin. 26e Congr. Gkol. Int., Paris, 1980, Abstr., 1: 12. [On the basis of mineral assemblages, illite-sericite crystallinity, b,, and vitrinite reflectance values, the metamorphic grade in a Devonian to Upper Triassic profile decreases upwaTds from low-temperature-low-intermediate pressure greenschist facies to prehnite-pumpellyite-quartz facies; no unconformities or sudden changes in grade that would indicate a Hercynian orogenic phase or metamorphism.] Bevins, R.E., Robinson, D., Rowbotham, G. and Dunkley, P.N., 1981. Low-grade metamorphism in the Welsh Caledonides (abstr.). In: Metamorphic Studies: Research in Progress. J . Geol. Soc. London, 138(5): 634. [Zoning from prehnite-pumpellyite through pumpellyite-actinolite to greenschist facies. “Epimetamorphic” illite 10 A peak widths are associated with greenschist facies rocks; anchizonal values with the prehnite-pumpellyite zone.] Brand, R., 1980. Die niedriggradige Metamorphose einer Diabas-Assoziation in Gebiet Berg/Frankenwald. Neues Jahrb. Mineral Abh., 137: 82-101. [Changes in the composition of chlorite (Al/Si ratio) and clinozoisite-epidote group minerals (Fe/(AI Fe) ratio) with progressive zoning from prehnite-pumpellyite though pumpellyite-actinolite to low greenschist facies. Medium-pressure metamorphsm. Facies is compared to the illite and chlorite crystallinities of Ludwig (1973).] Bril, H. and Thiry, M., 1976. Le metamorphisme de basse pression anchi- a mesozonal de la region de Bodennec (Finistere): essai methodologique. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Skr. 0,283(3): 227-230. [Hercynian prehnite-pumpellyite, pumpellyite, and actinolite zones (from S to N). “Epizonal” illite crystallinities are within the actinolite zone. Anchizone is poorly defined, with many “diagenetic” 10 A peak widths. The imperfect correlation with the Ca-Al-silicate assemblages is due to errors in the crystallinity method (e.g., anchizonal values within the “epizone” are in part due to presence of biotite). The results are complementary to those of Sagon (1970).] Cortesogno, L. and Venturelli, G., 1978. Metamorphic evolution of the ophiolite sequences and associated sediments in the northern Apennines-Voltri Group, Italy. In: H. Closs, D. Roeder, and K. Schmidt (Editors), Alps, Apennines, Hellenides. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 253-260. [Prehnite-pumpellyite and subordinate prehnite-zeolite facies in the Sestri-Voltaggio Zone. In the Northern Apennines to the east prehnite-pumpellyite and subordinate prehnite-zeolite facies; the equivalent anchimetamorphism is found in the sedimentary sequences (Venturelli and Frey, 1977).] Kisch, H.J., 1980. Illite crystallinity and coal rank associated with lowest-grade metamorphism of the Taveyanne greywacke in the Helvetic zone of the Swiss Alps. Ecologae geol. Helv., 73(3): 753-777. [Illite crystallinities associated with laumontite-bearing, and with laumontite-free, prehnite- and pumpellyite-bearing Taveyanne greywackes are respectively “diagenetic” and middle- to high-grade anchimetamorphic (see also Stalder, 1979).] Kisch, H.J., 1982. Coal rank and illite crystallinity associated with the zeolite facies of Southland and the
5 40 pumpellyite-bearing facies of Otago, southern New Zealand. N . Z . J. Geol. Geophys., 24(3): 349-360. [Highest-grade “diagenetic’ illite 10 A peak widths are found in the laumontite-bearing Torlesse terrane. Predominantly low-grade anchimetamorphic values associated with the prehnite-pumpellyite facies of the Caples-Pelorus terrane. Unequivocal “epizonal” values appear somewhat before (in South Otago), or already beyond (in North Otago) the pumpellyite-actinolite isograd, and predominate in a lawsonite-bearing zone of western Otago.] Lecolle, M. and Roger, G., 1976.Metamorphisme regional hercynien de “faible degrk” dans la province pyrito-cuprifkre de Huelva (Espagne). Consequences petrologiques. Bull. Soc. Giol. Fr., Sir. 7 , 18(6): 1687-1698. [The metamorphic zones explained by Schermerhorn (1975)as the result of one metamorphic phase, and separated by a pumpellyite-prehnite isograd, are now ascribed to two successive phases of low-grade and very-low-grade (prehnite-pumpellyite facies) metamorphism. Illite crystallinities largely “faible degrk“ (scale of Sagon and Dunoyer de Segonzac, 1972); paragonite, pyrophyllite.] Leitch, E.C., 1975.Zonation of low grade regional metamorphic rocks, Nambucca slate belt, northeastern New South Wales, J. Geol. Soc. Aust., 22(4): 413-422. [Three isograds mapped across pumpellyite facies in metabasics: (1) stilpnomelane and pumpellyite in; (2) prehnite out, and pumpellyite-actinolite in; (3) pumpellyite out. Parallel changes in textures of metaclastic rocks. Mica crystallinity zones show overlapping peak width values. Changes in chlorite composition with grade.] Also: - Robinson et al., 1980 (ref. p. 520). - Stalder, 1979 (ref. p. 523). Pumpellyite zones in blueschist terranes
Hashimoto, M. and Kanehira, K., 1979.Preliminary study on mineral paragenesis of quartz schists of the Iimori district, Sambagawa terrane, Japan. Mem. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, 12: 23-27. [Pumpellyite-actinolite zone (A) is succeeded by glaucophane-actinolite zone (B). Pumpellyite is absent from zone B; glaucophane appears in the middle of zone A,] Hen+., F., 1975. Petrography of the Kamuikotan metamorphic belt at the Ubun-Orowen cross section, central Hokkaido, Japan. J. Far. Sci., Hokkaido Uniu., Ser. IV. 16(4): 453-470. [Zone I: pumpellyite, chlorite, jadeitic pyroxene. Zone 11: crossite, jadeitic pyroxene, pumpellyite, lawsonite, and actinolite. Zone 111: actinolite, chlorite, and epidote (no Na-amphiboles, Na-pyroxenes, lawsonite, or pumpellyite). do,, of phengite and d,, of chlorites given. The facies series is intermediate between Seki’s (1969)type I (Franciscan) and I1 (Sambagawa).] Watanabe, T., 1977. Metamorphism of the Sambagawa and Chichibu belts in the Oshika district, Nagano prefecture, central Japan. J. Far. Sci., Hokkaido Uniu.,Ser. IV. 17(4): 629-694. [Appearance of Na-amphibole is controlled by Fe,O,/FeO ratio and MgO, and that of pumpellyite depends on MgO/Ca and Fe,O,/FeO ratios: these minerals cannot be used as index minerals without considering bulk composition. Changes in composition of actinolite and epidote with metamorphic grade.] Surveys of the occurrence of miscellaneous minerals in the pumpellyite facies
Cortesogno, L. and Lucchetti, G., 1976. Carfolite nei diaspri della Val Graveglia: caratteristiche mineralogiche e considerazioni genetiche. Ofioliti (Bologna), l(3): 373-382. [Carpholite in manganiferous layers in radiolarian cherts has formed during prehnite-pumpellyite metamorphism.] Hashimoto, M. and Kanehira, K., 1975. Some petrological aspects on stilpnomelane in glaucophanitic metamorphic rocks. J. Jpn. Assoc. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol., 70(1 1): 377-387. [Stilpnomelane appears in pumpellyite zones (without glaucophane) of many glaucophanitic terranes. Stilpnomelane is commonly associated with quartz, chlorite, and calcite, and rarely with epidote, pumpellyite, and actinolite.] Pringle, I.J. and Kawachi, Y.,1980.Axinite mineral group in low-grade regionally metamorphosed rocks
541 in southern New Zealand. Am. Mineral., 65( 11- 12): 11 19- 1129. [In quartz-bearing vein assemblages in prehnite-pumpellyite. pumpellyite-actinolite. and chlorite zone of greenschst facies. Fe-rich axinite in spilitized volcanite and graywacke, sometimes with prehnite. pumpellyite, Fe-rich epidote, and chlorite. Mn-rich axinite in ferruginous and manganiferous cherts.] Furies series of lowest-grade metamorphism and their geologic and plate-tectonic enarronmeni
Oliver, G., 1980. Metamorphism of the paratectonic Caledonides of the British Isles. 26e Congr. GCol. Int.. Paris, 1980, Abstr., 1 : 69. [Four metamorphic environments are recognized: ( I ) sedimentary burial (Mayo. N and S Wales); (2) subduction zone (Southern Uplands, Longford-Down, Clare); (3) obduction zone (Ballantrae-Girvan): (4) interior ocean-plate during spreading (Bail Hill, Southern Uplands). HP/LT facies series in paratectonic Scotland and Ireland is paired with a contemporaneous moderate-high P/HT facies series in the northern orthotectonic Caledonides. Mite-crystallinity and vitrinite-reflectance methods also used.]