Application of a basin management approach to groundwater utilization in the Otavi Mountain Land, Namibia

Application of a basin management approach to groundwater utilization in the Otavi Mountain Land, Namibia

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33 (2008) 913–918 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Physics and Chemistry of the Earth j o u r n a l h o ...

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Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33 (2008) 913–918

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Physics and Chemistry of the Earth j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p c e

Application of a basin management approach to groundwater utilization in the Otavi Mountain Land, Namibia P. Heyns * Hey­ns Inter­na­tional Water Con­sul­tancy, P.O. Box 22184, Wind­hoek, Namibia

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Available online 4 July 2008 Key­words: Aqui­fer man­age­ment Basin man­age­ment Ground­wa­ter allo­ca­tion Stake­holder par­tic­i­pa­tion

a b s t r a c t The pur­pose of the paper is to pro­vide an anal­y­sis of sus­tain­abil­ity issues related to the practical imple­ men­ta­tion of the con­cept of basin man­age­ment with ref­er­ence to the Karst Water Man­age­ment Body (KWMB) in Namibia. A river basin is regarded as an appro­pri­ate man­age­ment unit and the con­cept of estab­lish­ing basin man­age­ment insti­tu­tions was intro­duced to achieve the objec­tives of sus­tain­able nat­u­ ral resources man­age­ment in gen­eral. How­ever, the karst aqui­fer is unique because it lies in the head­wa­ ters of a num­ber of river basins and the man­age­ment of this ground­wa­ter resource goes a little beyond the logic of water resource man­age­ment as it is under­stood for sur­face water sources. In view of the unac­cept­abil­ity of the per­ceived top down man­age­ment of water resources, a need was iden­ti­fied for a par­tic­i­pa­tory approach to inte­grated ground­wa­ter resources man­age­ment in the Ota­vi Moun­tain Land in Namibia. After con­sul­ta­tions with the Gov­ern­ment of Namibia (Gov­ern­ment), the KWMB was estab­ lished to assist stake­hold­ers who obtained water for domes­tic use, min­ing and irri­ga­tion from aqui­fers in a kars­ti­fied hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal envi­ron­ment located in the Ota­vi Moun­tain Land in north­ern Namibia with the man­age­ment of their water sources. The karst area has been declared a ground­wa­ter con­trol area by the Gov­ern­ment and pro­vides the frame­work for effi­cient and sus­tain­able man­age­ment of ground­wa­ter resources. The even­tual sus­tain­abil­ity of a basin man­age­ment insti­tu­tion depends on the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for such an insti­tu­tion, the capac­ity of the stake­hold­ers to drive the required activ­i­ties, the resources at the dis­posal of the insti­tu­tion and numer­ous other fac­tors beyond the con­trol of the insti­tu­tion. The paper dis­cusses the practical appli­ca­tion of the prin­ci­ples and con­cepts of basin man­age­ment, the chal­lenge of stake­holder par­tic­i­pa­tion, the impact of Gov­ern­ment pol­icy and leg­is­la­tion as well as the sus­tain­abil­ity of the basin man­age­ment insti­tu­tion. The paper dem­on­strates that man­age­ment of sur­face water basins and ground­wa­ter aqui­fers are dif­fer­ent in nature and require dif­fer­ent man­age­ment approaches. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Intro­duc­tion The occur­rence of dif­fer­ent sources of water such as rain­fall, sur­face water in riv­ers, lakes and wet­lands, as well as the water stored in aqui­fers, are not only related to the hydro­log­i­cal cycle, but linked to each other. These resources are also affected by the bio­phys­i­cal envi­ron­ment and human activ­i­ties. The devel­op­ment and man­age­ment of water resources are dic­tated by tech­ni­cal issues such as the avail­abil­ity of water, water qual­ity, water allo­ca­ tion, water use, efflu­ent dis­posal, and water con­ser­va­tion, as well as the envi­ron­men­tal and socio-eco­nomic issues which must be con­sid­ered as an inte­grated whole to sup­port sus­tain­able, equi­ta­ ble and effi­cient use. This means that an inte­grated approach is required when plan­ning the devel­op­ment of water resources for human ben­e­fit in such a way that envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­ity is

* Tel./fax: +264 61 252066; cell: +264 81 1284400. E-mail address: hey­[email protected] 1474-7065/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2008.06.028

main­tained. Inte­grated water resource man­age­ment is there­fore a pro­cess aimed at the coor­di­nated man­age­ment of water, land, envi­ron­men­tal and other related nat­u­ral resources (Global Water Part­ner­ship, 2000). A drain­age basin and its nat­u­ral resources form a uni­tary whole and the log­i­cal approach is that a water man­age­ment insti­tu­tion should be estab­lished at the basin level and that the allo­ca­tion of its respon­si­bil­i­ties should pref­er­a­bly be con­fined to the extent of the river basin. The com­mon pur­pose of a basin man­age­ment insti­ tu­tion is to give effect to the prin­ci­ples of inte­grated water resource man­age­ment by assist­ing a national gov­ern­ment with the decen­ tral­ized man­age­ment of water resources in a cer­tain area of juris­ dic­tion. This means that the basin man­age­ment body must be rep­re­ sen­ta­tive of and facil­i­tate the involve­ment of the com­mu­ni­ties and other stake­hold­ers in deci­sion mak­ing about the water resources entrusted to the par­tic­u­lar body. A basin man­age­ment insti­tu­tion may have numer­ous respon­si­bil­i­ties, but one of the most impor­ tant is to advise the regional or national gov­ern­ment and to ensure that every­one has access to suf­fi­cient water of ­accept­able qual­ity;


P. Hey­ns / Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33 (2008) 913–918

that the water resources are pro­tected against pol­lu­tion; that the water is used effi­ciently for the max­i­mum ­ben­e­fit of the pop­u­la­ tion and that envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­ity is not com­pro­mised in the pro­cess. The gen­eral under­stand­ing is that basin man­age­ment insti­tu­ tions are pri­mar­ily respon­si­ble for man­age­ment of water resources and other water related nat­u­ral resources on the sur­face in a geo­ graph­i­cal basin, but recent trends are that the man­age­ment of the “hid­den” water assets, the ground­wa­ter resources, should fea­ ture more prom­i­nently in the over­all strat­egy of inte­grated water resource man­age­ment. The pur­pose of this paper is to describe the practical imple­men­ta­tion of the con­cept of basin man­age­ment with ref­er­ence to the man­age­ment of ground­wa­ter resources through the estab­lish­ment and oper­a­tion of the Karst Water Man­ age­ment Body (KWMB) in Namibia.

2.2. Socio-eco­nomic impor­tance of the OML Due to the exis­tence of good qual­ity soils in the val­leys, excel­ lent range­land and that the mean annual rain­fall is about dou­ble what is received over the rest of Namibia, the area is suit­able for stock farm­ing and crop pro­duc­tion under dry­land con­di­tions or irri­ga­tion. The geol­ogy of the OML is also well known for its high base metal potential, mainly cop­per, lead, zinc, sil­ver and vana­ dium. A num­ber of mines and a cop­per smelter are in oper­a­tion. The main towns in the area are Tsumeb in the north, Ota­vi in the south­west and Groot­fon­tein in the south­east. These towns sup­port the local min­ing com­mu­nity and farm­ers within a radius of more than 100 km around each com­mer­cial cen­tre. The OML can rightly be regarded as one of the areas in the coun­try with sig­nif­i­cant eco­ nomic activ­i­ties, earn­ing for­eign exchange through the export of min­er­als and meat prod­ucts.

2. The Ota­vi Moun­tain Land 2.3. Hy­drog­e­ol­o­gy 2.1. Gen­eral back­ground The Ota­vi Moun­tain Land (OML) is a dolo­mitic mas­sif dom­i­ nated by a pro­nounced rug­ged relief, located in the north­ern part of the cen­tral high­land of Namibia (Fig. 1). The landscape rises to about 1090 metres (m) above mean sea level (AMSL) and some of the hills rise 500 m above the plains of the Kal­a­ha­ri fore­land. The OML cov­ers an area of approx­i­mately 25500 square kilo­me­ters (km2). The area receives an aver­age rain­fall of 540 mil­li­me­tres per annum (mm/a) in the north and this decreases to about 450 mm/a in the south. The potential evap­o­ra­tion var­ies from 2800 mm/a in the north to 3000 mm/a in the south. The OML rep­re­sents a watershed between the Eto­sha Depres­sion in the north­east, the Ugab River basin in the south­west and the Ok­av­an­go River basin on the east­ ern perim­e­ter, but there are no well defined, sur­face water drain­ age ­sys­tems. This absence of sur­face run­off is a very unique ­fea­ture of the OML and infers that most of the rain­fall infil­trates after pre­ cip­i­ta­tion or evap­o­rates (Christ­el­is and Struck­me­ier, 2001).

Geo­log­i­cally the OML con­sists mainly of quar­ter­na­ry Kal­a­ha­ri sed­i­ments and the rocks of the Da­mar­a Sequence. The sed­i­ments of the Kal­a­ha­ri Group cover about 56% of the OML and con­sist of cal­crete, do­lo­crete, cal­car­e­ous sand and gravel. The car­bon­ate and lime­stone rocks of the Ota­vi Group of the Da­mar­a Sequence cover about 23% of the OML and have been folded into a num­ber of anti­clines and syn­clines, gen­er­ally strik­ing east-west. The rest of the OML is cov­ered by the sand­stones and shale of the Mul­den Group, depos­ited in the val­leys formed by the syn­clines. The rocks of the Da­mar­a Sequence rest uncon­form­ably on the clas­tic and meta­mor­phic rocks of the No­sib Group while the gran­ites of the ­Groot­fon­tein Base­ment Com­plex are exposed in the south­east­ern part of the OML (DWA, 2002). The dolo­mite and lime­stone have little primary poros­ity, but the per­me­abil­ity of the rocks is locally enhanced due to intense frac­tur­ing and chem­i­cal weathering through the dis­so­lu­tion of the rock by rain­wa­ter. This is known as kars­tif­i­ca­tion and the OML is

Fig. 1. Loca­tion of the Ota­vi Moun­tain Land in Namibia.

P. Hey­ns / Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 33 (2008) 913–918

also known as the Karts Area due to the abun­dance of car­bon­ate rocks asso­ci­ated with these char­ac­ter­is­tic karst fea­tures. Two major aqui­fer types can be dis­tin­guished in the OML, namely the karst aqui­fers in the syn­clines and the Kal­a­ha­ri aqui­ fers. The karst aqui­fers host the most impor­tant ground­wa­ter resource in the region and the water is gen­er­ally of good qual­ity. The recharge to the aqui­fers is autoch­tho­nous or directly from rain­fall and the aqui­fers have a rel­a­tively large recharge potential due to the com­par­a­tively high rain­fall, the absence of soil cover in the moun­tains and the stor­age capac­ity in the kars­ti­fied dolo­mite syn­clines (DWA, 2002). These fea­tures facil­i­tate rapid infil­tra­tion dur­ing pre­cip­i­ta­tion and the pos­si­bil­ity to store large vol­umes of water in the aqui­fers. Although there is an absence of sur­face run­ off, there are numer­ous springs and a per­ceived abun­dance of shal­ low ground­wa­ter in the OML. The yield of some bore­holes in the karst aqui­fers can exceed 100 cubic metres per hour (m3/h) (DWA, 2002). The Kal­a­ha­ri aqui­fer is gen­er­ally con­sid­ered as a porous aqui­ fer, but in some places the aqui­fer may be com­pacted, frac­tured and locally kars­ti­fied due to the abun­dance of cal­crete and cal­car­e­ ous cement­ing. The thick­ness of the sed­i­ments increases from tens of metres along the perim­e­ter of the OLM to sev­eral hun­dreds of metres fur­ther away. The yield of the bore­holes drilled into the Kal­ a­ha­ri aqui­fers may vary between 5 and 30 m3/h. Due to the fluc­tu­a­tions in rain­fall and recharge to the aqui­ fers over time, the avail­abil­ity of water changes accord­ingly and through the mea­sure­ment of the water lev­els it was found that the water table con­tin­ued to drop as the demand increased (DWA, 2002). This is a mat­ter of con­cern, but it was also shown over time that good rain­fall events in the late sev­en­ties and the late nine­ties recharged the aqui­fers to a large extent. This meant that it was not so impor­tant to link abstrac­tion to recharge only, but that the stored vol­ume of water could also be uti­lized, thus cre­at­ing space in the aqui­fer that can be recharged dur­ing years with heavy rain­ fall. 2.4. Abstrac­tion con­trol After the dis­cov­ery of base met­als in 1915 and the devel­op­ment of mines, as well as the inter­est of the local stock farm­ing com­mu­ nity to irri­gate their dry­land crops when there is a lack of rain­fall, the water demand grew steadily and by 1970 the then Gov­ern­ment of Namibia became con­cerned that the uncon­trolled abstrac­tion of ground­wa­ter would be unsus­tain­able. Large vol­umes of water were being abstracted to dewa­ter the mines and some of this water was used for irri­ga­tion, which in turn stim­u­lated the inter­ est of more farm­ers to uti­lize the ground­wa­ter that occurred at shal­lower depths for irri­ga­tion. The regional nature of the water resources also had the impli­ca­tion that water users impacted upon each other and that gave rise to local con­flicts which were brought to the atten­tion of the Gov­ern­ment. It is well known that all water sources, includ­ing ground­wa­ter, are finite and have a lim­ited potential. The grow­ing water demand in the OML had to be man­aged, espe­cially in the absence of proper hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tions that could have deter­mined the potential of the karst aqui­fers at that time. It was there­fore decided to declare the OML a ground­wa­ter con­trol area. The Tsumeb–Ota­vi–Groot­fon­tein Sub­ter­ra­nean Water Con­trol Area, referred to as the Karst Water Con­trol Area (KWCA), was pro­claimed on 13 Novem­ber 1970 in terms of Sec­tion 28 of the Water Act of 1956 (DWA, 1956). The con­trol over and the use of the ground­wa­ ter was sub­se­quently pre­scribed in Reg­u­la­tion No. R1278, dated 12 July 1971. Accord­ing to the reg­u­la­tions any per­son who plans to sink, enlarge, deepen or alter any bore­hole or well or to open up or clean any spring or to abstract or use sub­ter­ra­nean water, shall apply for a per­mit (DWA, 1971).


The main pur­pose was to col­lect infor­ma­tion and to pro­tect the water resources from over-abstrac­tion, but the reg­u­la­tions also pre­scribed mea­sures which made the rea­son­able and equi­ta­ ble allo­ca­tion of water to the dif­fer­ent users pos­si­ble through a “preliminary” per­mit sys­tem until the water resource potential could be inves­ti­gated more thor­oughly. Water that was abstracted for domes­tic use and stock water, as well as the irri­ga­tion of less than one hect­are of land was exempted from the per­mit require­ment because the quan­ti­ties of water were con­sid­ered to be rel­a­tively small. Any per­son or insti­ tu­tion that wanted to abstract water for com­mer­cial use had to make an appli­ca­tion in which a descrip­tion was required of the eco­nomic via­bil­ity of the par­tic­u­lar water use, as well as the quan­ tity of water required. This appli­ca­tion would be con­sid­ered in terms of other com­pet­ing uses and the potential of the aqui­fers to sus­tain the abstrac­tion of the quan­tity of water requested. A per­ mit was sub­se­quently allo­cated and the per­mit holder had to pro­ vide infor­ma­tion about the lithol­ogy of the bore­holes drilled, the quan­tity of water abstracted and the fluc­tu­a­tions in the water table, espe­cially before and after the rainy sea­son, in order to assist the ­Gov­ern­ment to deter­mine the behav­iour of the aqui­fers under oper­a­tional ­con­di­tions and to make some assess­ment of the potential of the aqui­fers. 2.5. National water trans­fers In 1974 the Gov­ern­ment announced a Water Mas­ter Plan for Namibia and one of the pro­posed water schemes was the devel­op­ ment of a water car­rier, known as the East­ern National Water Car­ rier (ENWC). The ENWC would link the ephem­eral sur­face water sources and ground­wa­ter sources in the inte­rior of the coun­try to each other and even­tu­ally with the Ok­av­an­go River to import peren­nial sur­face water to the arid cen­tral parts of the coun­try. This plan included the study of the potential of the ground­wa­ter resources in the OML and if the potential was ade­quate, to develop well-fields and con­struct pipe­lines to divert the water from the OML to other areas in the coun­try where there was devel­op­ment potential, but lack of suf­fi­cient water. The ENWC was grad­u­ally imple­mented in phases, but by 1987 the water car­rier reached the OML and the local com­mu­nity started to real­ize the real­i­ties of the pos­si­ble impacts of the Mas­ter Water Plan on their water resources. This was fur­ther com­pounded when the Gov­ern­ment started with fur­ther hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tions on pri­vate land to deter­mine the potential of the water resources. The farm­ing com­mu­nity was extremely con­cerned and objected to the use of their water in other areas in the coun­try where less water was avail­able. This issue was exac­er­bated by the fact that very little infor­ma­tion was avail­able about the potential of the aqui­ fers. The Gov­ern­ment was of the opin­ion that sur­plus water was avail­able for trans­fer pur­poses and the com­mu­nity felt that the water was not avail­able because the water table was already drop­ ping as a result of local use. It was clear that the need to inves­ti­gate the potential of the water sources became a pri­or­ity, but this could not be done with­out the sup­port of the farm­ing com­mu­nity who had to facil­i­tate the inves­ti­ga­tions on their land. 3. Estab­lish­ment of the Karst Water Man­age­ment Body (KWMB) Socio-eco­nomic devel­op­ment in the OML is based on min­ing, com­mer­cial agri­cul­ture and ser­vice indus­tries. The driv­ing force to sus­tain those activ­i­ties and to sup­ply water for domes­tic use, as well as to sup­port future devel­op­ments, is the avail­abil­ity of ground­ wa­ter. Per­ceived lim­ited ground­wa­ter resources, local com­pet­ing water uses and unwanted national inter­ests to trans­fer water out of the OML made the potential for con­flict very high. This could


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only be resolved by sci­en­tif­i­cally deter­min­ing the potential of the aqui­fer, build­ing trust and under­stand­ing, pro­mot­ing joint water plan­ning and to get the com­mu­nity involved in the sus­tain­able man­age­ment of the ground­wa­ter. This was essen­tial to main­tain the integ­rity of the resources, to allo­cate the avail­able water to the dif­fer­ent users in an equi­ta­ble and rea­son­able way and to use the water opti­mally and effi­ciently. In order to man­age the allo­ca­tion, abstrac­tion and mon­i­tor­ing of the aqui­fers in the OML, the Gov­ern­ment encour­aged the local water users to cre­ate a man­age­ment insti­tu­tion to assist the Gov­ern­ ment to man­age the aqui­fers in order to max­i­mize the ben­e­fits that can be obtained through the best joint uti­li­za­tion of the aqui­fers by all the water users. This led to the estab­lish­ment of the KWMB and is in line with the National Water Pol­icy (MAW­RD, 2000) and the Water Resources Man­age­ment Act, 2004 (Act 24 of 2004) which has not yet come into force. The stake­hold­ers in the OML drafted a Con­sti­tu­tion and the KWMB was prop­erly con­sti­tuted. The Gov­ern­ ment was requested to endorse and rec­og­nize the estab­lish­ment of the KWMB. This was sub­se­quently done because the KWMB was con­sid­ered to be a rep­re­sen­ta­tive body, and an excel­lent ini­tia­tive by the local stake­hold­ers and wor­thy of Gov­ern­ment sup­port. The main func­tions of the KWMB is to achieve max­i­mum ­secu­rity in the sup­ply of water to all the people in the Karst Water Con­trol Area (KWCA); to improve knowl­edge about the tech­ni­ cal, eco­nom­i­cal, envi­ron­men­tal, legal and admin­is­tra­tive aspects related to the water sec­tor in Namibia; to enhance com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the Gov­ern­ment; to con­sult with the insti­tu­tions engaged in pub­lic water ser­vices and the local water users in the KWCA; to develop a bet­ter under­stand­ing about water issues between all stake­hold­ers engaged in the water sec­tor in the KWCA and to ­pro­mote water aware­ness and stake­holder par­tic­i­pa­tion through reg­u­lar meet­ings between all the stake­hold­ers. The stake­hold­ers are rep­re­sented by a Coun­cil and an Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee. The Coun­cil com­prises 15 mem­bers nom­i­nated by cer­ tain groups of stake­hold­ers, for exam­ple the regional gov­ern­ment, the local gov­er­nance insti­tu­tions at the three towns, the min­ing sec­tor, the farm­ing com­mu­nity, rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Gov­ern­ment Min­is­tries (who serve as advis­ors or observ­ers), non-Gov­ern­men­ tal insti­tu­tions, inde­pen­dent stake­holder groups and ex of­fi­cio mem­bers. The Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee com­prises the Chair­per­son, the Vice-Chair­per­son and the Sec­re­tary. Other arrange­ments in the Con­sti­tu­tion cover such aspects as the elec­tion of office bear­ers, the vot­ing pro­ce­dures, the con­duct of meet­ings, a code of eth­ics and the pro­ce­dures to amend the con­sti­tu­tion. 4. Joint Man­age­ment of the KWCA 4.1. The rela­tion­ship between the KWMB and the Gov­ern­ment Fol­low­ing con­sul­ta­tions between the KWMB and the Depart­ ment of Water Affairs, a new pol­icy and strat­egy for the man­age­ ment of the KWCA and the allo­ca­tion of water abstrac­tion per­mits were agreed upon. The Gov­ern­ment will not with­draw any per­mit or allo­cate a new per­mit with­out con­sult­ing the KWMB. If the Gov­ ern­ment wants to take action against per­mit hold­ers who fail to com­ply with the per­mit con­di­tions, the KWMB will be informed. The Gov­ern­ment will mon­i­tor water lev­els and aqui­fer behav­iour in order to asses the annual avail­abil­ity of the water per­mit­ted for abstrac­tion and will inform the KWMB about the results as part of the capac­ity build­ing ini­tia­tive to empower the com­mu­nity to under­stand the man­age­ment and behav­iour of the aqui­fers bet­ter. 4.2. Man­age­ment prin­ci­ples The over­all man­age­ment of the ground­wa­ter in the KWCA stands on three pil­lars and is based on the inte­gra­tion of aqui­fer

man­age­ment, resource man­age­ment and water demand man­age­ ment. Aqui­fer man­age­ment relates to the sci­en­tific assess­ment of the potential of the aqui­fers, the allo­ca­tion of water and the mon­i­tor­ ing of the behav­iour of the aqui­fers under oper­a­tional con­di­tions. Resource man­age­ment refers to the appro­pri­ate man­age­ment of the aqui­fers and the envi­ron­ment through coop­er­a­tion between the users, the KWMB and the Gov­ern­ment. Water demand man­ age­ment refers to the respon­si­bil­ity of all water users to ensure loss con­trol and water use effi­ciency in order to make water avail­ able to as many irri­ga­tion farm­ers as pos­si­ble, thus max­i­miz­ing the socio-eco­nomic advan­ta­ges that can be obtained. 4.3. Water allo­ca­tion pri­or­i­ties The pri­or­i­ties for the allo­ca­tion of water were divided into primary, sec­ond­ary and ter­tiary con­sump­tion. Primary con­sump­ tion is water for domes­tic use in urban and rural areas, as well as for stock drink­ing on farms and in the rural areas. Sec­ond­ary con­ sump­tion is water for min­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing and indus­tries. Ter­ tiary con­sump­tion is water for irri­ga­tion. The trans­fer of sur­plus water from the KWCA to other areas would only be allowed to meet primary and sec­ond­ary water demands. The prin­ci­ples for the award of per­mits to abstract water for irri­ga­tion require that the water must be allo­cated for the most ben­e­fi­cial and sus­tain­able uses; the quan­tity of water allo­cated should serve as an incen­tive to opti­mize irri­ga­tion meth­ods and water con­ser­va­tion; the avail­able water should facil­i­tate fur­ther agro-indus­trial and socio-eco­nomic devel­op­ment; the pro­cess of allo­ca­tion should be fair, open and trans­par­ent and that the stake­ hold­ers should be empow­ered to assist with the deci­sion mak­ing pro­cess to award the per­mits as well was to man­age the aqui­fers. 4.4. Deter­mi­na­tion of the sus­tain­able yield and ground­wa­ter avail­abil­ity The ini­tial pol­icy for the deter­mi­na­tion of the sus­tain­able yield or the avail­abil­ity of ground­wa­ter for allo­ca­tion was based on the lim­ited knowl­edge of the hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal envi­ron­ment of the karst aqui­fers, but as more stud­ies were done (DWA, 1990, 2002) and more infor­ma­tion became avail­able, the pol­icy was adjusted accord­ingly (DWA, 1992, 2004). The karst aqui­fers were ini­tially divided into five dif­fer­ent catch­ments accord­ing to the sur­face topog­ra­phy over each aqui­fer, rep­re­sented by a syn­cline, and for each catch­ment the per­mis­si­ ble abstrac­tion was derived from a con­ser­va­tive esti­mate of the annual recharge. The recharge of the aqui­fers was esti­mated at 2% of the mean annual rain­fall on the area under­lain by the car­bon­ate rocks. This was done by com­par­ing the drop in the water table due to abstrac­tion and rise in the water table due to rain­fall recharge. From this it can be deter­mined how much of the rain­fall over the aqui­fer will recharge the aqui­fer. The sus­tain­able yield or per­mis­si­ ble abstrac­tion was defined as equal to the recharge and based on these assump­tions it was esti­mated that the sus­tain­able safe yield of the aqui­fers is about 60 mil­lion cubic metres per annum (Mm3/ a). Each catch­ment was divided into 10 km £ 10 km blocks rep­re­ sent­ing 10,000 ha each. The per­mis­si­ble abstrac­tion for each catch­ ment was then divided by the num­ber of blocks in each catch­ment. The result­ing amount of water avail­able was divided by the unit quan­tity of irri­ga­tion water to deter­mine the num­ber of hect­ares that could be irri­gated in each block. The unit quan­tity of water for irri­ga­tion was deter­mined as 12,000 cubic metres per hect­are per annum (m3/ha/a). This is a con­ser­va­tive require­ment based on research done by the Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture to deter­mine the water require­ments for irri­ga­tion under dif­fer­ent cli­matic and soil con­di­tions in Namibia and became gen­er­ally accepted practice. Per­mits were allo­cated in order of appli­ca­tion until the max­i­mum

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quota of water per block and per catch­ment were reached. This was done to pre­vent more abstrac­tion than the long term recharge in each catch­ment. Tra­di­tion­ally the safe yield of an aqui­fer is defined as the long term bal­ance between the amount of water abstracted and the amount of water recharged, but from the above it is clear that the safe yield had been deter­mined by tak­ing short term or annual recharge and abstrac­tion data into con­sid­er­ation. This con­cept was deemed inap­pro­pri­ate and not sus­tain­able after con­sul­ta­ tions between the farm­ers, agri­cul­tural experts and the Depart­ ment of Agri­cul­ture. The sus­tain­able safe yield should there­fore be deter­mined by tak­ing into account the out­flow of ground­wa­ ter from the aqui­fers, the impact of local or regional draw­down on the water table, the deple­tion or des­ic­ca­tion of springs, the effects of cli­mate vari­a­tions and change, as well as social, eco­ nomic and envi­ron­men­tal issues. This means that the sus­tain­able yield should be defined as the per­mis­si­ble abstrac­tion that would not allow the draw­down of the regional water table to lev­els below that which is accept­able with respect to both eco­nom­i­cal and envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns. A study to deter­mine the effect of a draw­down of the water table on the sur­face veg­e­ta­tion found that most of the veg­e­ta­tion has shal­low root sys­tems that do not draw water from the deeper lying aqui­fers. In other words, water that is not used has no eco­nomic value and should be used, but the level of impact on the envi­ron­ment would not be unac­cept­able. The pres­ent esti­mated sus­tain­able safe yield of the karst aqui­fers is about 36 Mm3/a. In order to achieve these objec­tives it is clear that the hy­dro­geo­ log­i­cal envi­ron­ment of the KWCA must be well under­stood, reli­ able data should be avail­able to esti­mate recharge accu­rately, the water stor­age char­ac­ter­is­tics of the aqui­fers should be under­stood, the impacts of a reduced water table on out­flows and the envi­ron­ ment should be stud­ied and an assess­ment of the risks of cli­mate change and sea­sonal rain­fall var­i­abil­ity should be done. Although the water allo­ca­tion pol­icy was deemed fair and ­rea­son­able at the time it was insti­tuted, a num­ber of improve­ ments were iden­ti­fied as more infor­ma­tion about the behav­iour of the aqui­fers under oper­a­tional con­di­tions became avail­able and the results of fur­ther ground­wa­ter stud­ies could be incor­po­rated. The com­mu­nity devel­oped a bet­ter under­stand­ing of the ground­ wa­ter sys­tems over time and could make use­ful con­tri­bu­tions to improve the admin­is­tra­tion and man­age­ment. The pres­ent sta­tus is that the karst area has been divided into eight regions and each region has been allo­cated a per­mit­ted long term sus­tain­able safe yield or a sus­tain­able quan­tity of water that could be allo­cated for irri­ga­tion. There are at pres­ent 89 per­mits issued that allow the use of about 11.3 Mm3/a for irri­ga­tion. Refer to Table 1 for an over­view of the allo­ca­tion of water in the KWCA. The issue of water trans­fer out of the KWCA was also inves­ti­ gated and it was found that in cer­tain high yield­ing areas it would be pos­si­ble to abstract about 36 mil­lion cubic metres (Mm3) of water at a rate of not more than 12 Mm3/a over a period of three years to meet short­falls else­where in the cen­tral area of Namibia. The aqui­fers should then be rested for up to 15 years to replen­ish

Table 1 Allo­ca­tion of water from the karst aqui­fers Con­sumer Group

Water allo­ca­tion (Mm3/a)

Urban domes­tic use Rural domes­tic use Min­ing and indus­trial use Irri­ga­tion use

4.4 4.8 12.3 11.3




the water removed from stor­age. The KWMB and the Gov­ern­ment agreed on the pri­or­i­ties for such water trans­fers and the pos­si­bil­ity of future water trans­fers has been accepted. 4.5. Cri­te­ria for the allo­ca­tion of new per­mits Per­mis­sion to abstract addi­tional water for irri­ga­tion pur­poses will only be con­sid­ered if the allo­cated water quota for the area under con­sid­er­ation has not been reached. The unit quan­tity of irri­ga­tion water has been reduced to 10,000 m3/ha/a and will be applied when exist­ing per­mits expire and are renewed or when new per­mits are awarded. The renewal of exist­ing per­mits and the assess­ment of new per­mit appli­ca­tions will only be con­sid­ered once per annum in May and the awards will be made with effect from 1 July. The reason for this is the behav­iour of the aqui­fers after the pre­ced­ing rainy sea­son must first be assessed to con­firm the per­mis­si­ble quan­tity of water avail­able for allo­ca­tion. The max­i­mum valid­ity period of a per­mit is five years and the pur­pose of this is to ensure that the water that has been allo­cated is used. If the water is used for the intended pur­pose (mostly irri­ga­tion), the per­mit would be renewed, but if no irri­ga­tion devel­op­ment has taken place, the water will be allo­cated to other appli­cants. The reason for this is that some farm­ers applied for per­mits with­out any real inten­tion to invest cap­i­tal in an irri­ga­tion pro­ject, but just to be able to claim access to per­mit­ted water on his land and thus to improve the value of his land for spec­u­la­tion pur­poses. The max­ i­mum quota of water has also been reduced to 100,000 m3/a. This means that each appli­cant can get enough water to irri­gate 10 ha of land, pro­vid­ing the oppor­tu­nity to irri­gate more land by using more effi­cient irri­ga­tion tech­nol­ogy. This was also done to allo­cate water to more appli­cants and to spread the areas under irri­ga­tion more evenly through the karst area. Per­mit appli­ca­tions that have been rejected due to lim­ited water resources would be short listed for allo­ca­tion when per­mits are with­drawn from suc­cess­ful appli­ cants who failed to per­form. Per­mits will not be renewed or can be with­drawn if a per­mit holder fails to install the required water meters on the abstrac­tion equip­ment; fails to sub­mit the returns to the Gov­ern­ment for water abstracted water; exceeds the per­mit­ted abstrac­tion and does not use the water effi­ciently or does not use the water that had been allo­cated. 4.6. Pol­icy adjust­ments The deci­sion to set the sus­tain­able abstrac­tion of water from the karst aqui­fers equal to the recharge was changed because the approach did not make pro­vi­sion to accom­mo­date increased abstrac­tion by using the stored water reserves, which is in excess of 800 Mm3. The reduc­tion in through flow to down­stream areas was not accounted for and the low­er­ing of the water table due to the nat­u­ral out­flow of ground­wa­ter from the OML was not con­sid­ ered. These issues had to be brought into the equa­tion to deter­ mine aqui­fer behav­iour and the avail­abil­ity of water. The pol­icy to dis­trib­ute the per­mis­si­ble abstrac­tion evenly across the whole KWCA was recon­sid­ered because there were areas where the water could not be uti­lized due to the moun­tain­ ous nature of the land, or the lack of suit­able soils for irri­ga­tion, or when a farmer was just not inter­ested in irri­ga­tion. The “first come, first ser­vice” prin­ci­ple was also per­ceived as unfair by appli­ cants who had a late start with their deci­sions to start with irri­ ga­tion. The main reason for this was that many farms in the area received elec­tric­ity and it became more prof­it­able to irri­gate with water that could also be abstracted eco­nom­i­cally at greater depth. Pre­vi­ously the shal­low water was eco­nom­i­cal to use for irri­ga­tion in spite of using die­sel engines to drive the pumps, but when elec­ tric­ity became avail­able, those farm­ers also wanted to abstract


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more water at greater depths. This led to a gen­eral increase in the demand for more irri­ga­tion water. It was also expected by the com­mu­nity that the allo­ca­tion of water should be more trans­par­ent and that the Gov­ern­ment should solicit the views of the com­mu­nity before allo­cat­ing a per­ mit in order to avoid con­flict. The man­age­ment of the aqui­fers was com­pro­mised by users who abstracted more water than allo­cated, people who drilled bore­holes ille­gally and those who did not sub­ mit their abstrac­tion returns as required in terms of the per­mit con­di­tions. Many of these issues had a det­ri­men­tal effect on the avail­abil­ity of water for all the users and it soon became appar­ent that it was in the inter­est of all stake­hold­ers to get involved in the mon­i­tor­ing of those activ­i­ties as well and to report those that trans­ gressed the rules to the appro­pri­ate author­i­ties to enable them to take reme­dial action. This under­stand­ing between the par­ties enhanced coop­er­a­tion to the ben­e­fit of all. 5. Con­clu­sions The occur­rence, devel­op­ment and use of the ground­wa­ter resources in the OML as well as the ratio­nale behind the pro­cess to man­age water resources in a sus­tain­able way has be described to serve as an exam­ple for the man­age­ment of sim­i­lar ground­wa­ter resources in other coun­tries. The suc­cess­ful estab­lish­ment and oper­a­tion of the Karst Water Man­age­ment Body is based on the prin­ci­ple that the Gov­ern­ment wanted a coop­er­at­ing part­ner at the local com­mu­nity level to improve the sound man­age­ment of the karst area ground­wa­ter resources. At the begin­ning there was little local inter­est to par­tic­i­ pate, but when the Gov­ern­ment indi­cated its inten­tion to trans­fer water from the karst area to other areas in Namibia, the com­mu­ nity real­ized that there was a real threat to the secu­rity of their water sup­ply. The com­mu­nity started to orga­nize itself and to seek sup­port from the Gov­ern­ment to assist them to estab­lish a rep­re­ sen­ta­tive insti­tu­tion that could liaise com­pe­tently with the Gov­ern­ ment. In this way the Gov­ern­ment and the com­mu­nity man­aged to achieve their objec­tives because there is a via­ble part­ner­ship that can assist to improve the man­age­ment of the ground­wa­ter resources. The tech­ni­cal exper­tise vested in the Gov­ern­ment can now be applied to build the capac­ity of the Com­mu­nity to under­ stand how and why the water sources must be man­aged on a sus­ tain­able basis and why the water trans­fer plans would not impact adversely on their own access to ade­quate quan­ti­ties of water. In this way the per­ceived threats will be mit­i­gated and the secu­rity of sup­ply will be main­tained through the opti­mal man­age­ment of the water sources. Another lesson to be learnt here is that the imple­men­ta­tion of leg­is­la­tion is not the only driv­ing force to estab­lish water man­ age­ment bodies. When real needs or threats are evi­dent, it tends to rally people to orga­nize them­selves. There are of course other cases where the Gov­ern­ment has to take con­trol and there may then be a need to insti­tu­tion­al­ize water man­age­ment bodies, but the chal­lenge would be to get the coop­er­a­tion of the com­mu­ni­ties

with­out law enforce­ment and the feel­ing that the Gov­ern­ment is inter­fer­ing in issues at the local level. The objec­tive in such cases would there­fore be to con­vince the com­mu­nity that it is in their own inter­est to coop­er­ate and to par­tic­i­pate. This is also a ques­tion of edu­ca­tion and train­ing, or capac­ity build­ing, to empower the local people to under­stand the tech­ni­cal, social, eco­nomic and envi­ ron­men­tal issues at stake. At the time the KWCA was declared, the Gov­ern­ment was of the opin­ion that the potential exists for the over exploi­ta­tion of an impor­tant ground­wa­ter source and that abstrac­tion had to be con­trolled. It is nor­mally not pos­si­ble to man­age water resources prop­erly unless detailed hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tions have been done to deter­mine the potential of the ground­wa­ter resource. Ground­wa­ter inves­ti­ga­tions are very expen­sive and until such time an inves­ti­ga­tion is done, data can be col­lected that could be used to under­stand the behav­iour of the aqui­fer dur­ing recharge events and while water is abstracted. This infor­ma­tion will also be very use­ful when a for­mal hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal study is done. The best way to uti­lize the potential of an aqui­fer is to use it, but to mon­i­tor the behav­iour of the aqui­fer and that can be achieved by declar­ing the aqui­fer as water con­trol area with the objec­tive to con­trol abstrac­ tion and to col­lect data by mon­i­tor­ing water lev­els, rain­fall and the results of recharge events. By coop­er­at­ing in ground­wa­ter man­age­ment the KWMB and the Gov­ern­ment agreed on ground­wa­ter resource inves­ti­ga­tions, man­age­ment prin­ci­ples and prac­tices, water allo­ca­tion cri­te­ria, joint plan­ning, capac­ity build­ing and a pro­cess for reg­u­lar con­sul­ ta­tion, the exchange of tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion and the build­ing of mutual trust. Ref­er­ences Christ­el­is, G., Struck­me­ier, W., 2001. Ground­wa­ter in Namibia: an expla­na­tion of the Hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal Map, Depart­ment of Water Affairs, Wind­hoek. DWA, 1956. The Water Act, 1956 (Act 54 of 1956) as made appli­ca­ble in South West Africa. DWA, 1971. Reg­u­la­tion No. R1278, dated 12 July 1971. DWA, 1990. An Eval­u­a­tion of the Ground­wa­ter Resources of the Groot­fon­tein Karst Area. Com­piled by the Geo­hy­drol­ogy Divi­sion, Depart­ment of Water Affairs, Min­is­try of Agri­cul­ture, Water and Rural Devel­op­ment, 1990. DWA, 1992. Cri­te­ria to be Con­sid­ered when Allo­cat­ing Per­mits for the Abstrac­tion of Ground­wa­ter for Irri­ga­tion Pur­poses in the Karst Area. Com­piled by the Geo­ hy­drol­ogy Divi­sion, Depart­ment of Water Affairs, Min­is­try of Agri­cul­ture, Water and Rural Devel­op­ment, Novem­ber 1992. DWA, 2002. Hy­dro­geo­log­i­cal Inves­ti­ga­tions to Deter­mine the Ground­wa­ter Potential of the Tsumeb Aqui­fers in Norh­ern Namibia (The Tsumeb Ground­ wa­ter Study). Com­piled by GKW Con­sult and Bicon Namibia, for the Depart­ ment of Water Affairs, Min­is­try of Agri­cul­ture, Water and Rural Devel­op­ment, Feb­ru­ary 2002. DWA, 2004. Revised Cri­te­ria to be Con­sid­ered when Allo­cat­ing Per­mits for the Abstrac­tion of Ground­wa­ter for Irri­ga­tion Pur­poses in the Tsumeb–Groot­fon­ tein–Ota­vi Sub­ter­ra­nean Ground­wa­ter Con­trol Area. Com­piled by the Geo­hy­ drol­ogy Divi­sion, Depart­ment of Water Affairs, Min­is­try of Agri­cul­ture, Water and Rural Devel­op­ment, June 2004. Global Water Part­ner­ship, 2000. Inte­grated Water Resources Man­age­ment. TAC Back­ground Papers No. 4. GWP Sec­re­tar­iat, Stock­holm. MAW­RD, 2000. National Water Pol­icy White Paper. Min­is­try of Agri­cul­ture, Water and Rural Devel­op­ment, August 2000. MAW­RD, 2004. Water Resources Man­age­ment Act, 2004 (Act 24 of 2004).