80A 912136 Diffusion of water and ions into shales Chenevert, M E Proc International Symposium on Rock at Great Depth, Pau, 28-31 August 1989 V3. P1177-1184. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1989 Shale-fluid reactions are studied with particular interest in the shale adsorption potential and the effect of partially dehydrated clay minerals and their influence on movement of fluid and generation of swelling pressures. A testing layout to measure fluid diffusion rates at temperatures to 350 deg C and confining and borehole pressures to 100MPa is illustrated. Results of fluid diffusion experiments using Pierre shale and deionized water and NaCI solution at 4 and 20% by weight are presented. 912137 Calculating physical properties of rocks at great depth (In French) Hucher, M; Grolier. J: Pouliqucn, J M; Riss, J Proc International Symposium on Rock at Great Depth, Pau, 28-31 August 1989 V3. P1329-1336. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1989 In many problems concerning deep rocks, where measurement of geomcchanical properties is extremely difficult, there is considerable interest in mathematically predicting in situ properties. Calculation of effective conductivity of rocks requires information on the physics of the minerals as a function of temperature and pressure, and uses all the chemico-mineralogical information relating to the rock under consideration and results of stereographical analysis and quantitative morphological analysis: volume fraction of minerals present and size, shapc, and orientation of grains. The principles behind the calculation methods are outlined and some applications suggestcd.
rock mass to be treated as a homogeneous porous medium with an anisotropic permeability tensor. Data were then applied to design tests to evaluate mine drainage plans. 912140 Asymptotic analysis for an incompressible flow in fractured porous media Vernescu, B lnt J Engng Sci V28, N9. 1990. P959-964 Because of the complex and unknown geometry of the solid skeleton, study of fluid flow in a porous medium is difficult at the microscopic level, and macroscopic approaches have been developed. Equations to describe the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in a fractured porous medium are presented, using matched asymptotic expansions starting from the flow around a great number of blocks of size a, the distance between two neighboring blocks being greater than a. Stokes, Brinkman, and Darcy type motion is seen, depending on relative values of block size and block spacing. 912141 Contaminant migration in a regular two- or three-dimensional fractured network: reactive contaminants Rowe, R K; Booker. J R lnt J Num Anal Meth Geomech VI4, N6, Aug 1990, P401425 A semi-analytic solution is derived for migration of dilute reactive contaminant species in a medium containing a 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional network of fractures. Sorption within the matrix of the material or on to fracture surfaces, and decay of the contaminant are considered. Results of including multidirectional diffusion instead of unidirectional are discussed. Influences of degree of sorption, initial concentration, and Darcy velocity are examined. The analysis is applicable for study of dilute solutions of pollutant, such as found at municipal landfills, not concentrated, dense non-aqueous liquids.
Permeability and capillarity See also. 912412 912138 Analysis of the in situ constant-head permeability test in clays Tavenas, V: Diene. M: Leroueil, S Can Geotech J 1"27. N3. June 1990. P305-314 New equipment makes execution of in situ constant head permeability tests simple and reliable, but theories for interpretation of results still have shortcomings. A finite element analysis of the test is used to evaluate the various published expressions for F, the factor representing the shape of the cavity and the flo~v, and to provide a basis for extrapolation from transient conditions to steady state, from which permeability can be calculated. The method is applied to field results in Champlain clay. 912139 Case record for the determination of the permeability tensor of fractured rock (In German) Quadros. E F; Correa. F D: Magalhaes, F S Geotechnik V13. N3. 1990, P141-151 Analysis of a rock mass at a mine site at Cana Brava, Brazil, is described. Fracture geometry data were obtained by a structural geology survey. Statistical analysis based on fracture density and applications of Schmidt-Lambert diagrams were used to define proposed homogeneous domains, allowing the
912142 Numerical model for immiscible two-phase fluid flow in a porous medium and its time domain solution Li, X; Zienkiewicz, O C; Xie, Y M lnt J Num Meth Engng V30, N6, Oct 1990. P1195-1212 Fluid flow and mass transport in a deforming porous medium saturated by 2 immiscible fluids is formulated using generaliscd Biot theory. Displacement of the soil skeleton, pressure and saturation of the wetting fluid are the primary unknowns of the model. The governing equations are discretized in space using the finite element method. An unconditionally stable direct integration procedure is used to develop the time domain numerical solution. Examples illustrated include simulation of water injection into a petroleum reservoir. 912143 New method of calculating the gas permeability of a coal seam. Technical note Sun Peide lnt J Rock Afech Min Sci V27. N4. Aug 1990. P325-327 Gas permeability of coal seams is usually evaluated from gas flow rates or pressures in boreholes. The former method may have some advantages. A formula for gas permeability of a multiple porous, homogeneous, isotropic medium is developed, based on radial flow to the borehole. It correctly explains relations between gas parameters and the physical parameters of coal, and is easily applied.
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