Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

FEBRUARY 1997, VOL 65, NO 2 A U T H O R G U I D E L I NF.S T eration for publication in other journals. Authors should submit to the Editor copies o...

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FEBRUARY 1997, VOL 65, NO 2 A U T H O R G U I D E L I NF.S


eration for publication in other journals. Authors should submit to the Editor copies of any published papers or other manuscripts in preparation or submitted elsewhere that are related to the manuscript to be considered by the Journal. The Journal endeavors to report all sides of controversial issues; however, views and statements are the sole responsibility of the author(s). Peer review. Manuscripts are evaluated by the Editor and by two members of the AORN Journal Editorial Board. They are judged on accuracy, content, organization, style, contribution to nursing literature, originality, and appearance. Publishing and editorial decisions are based on reviewers’ evaluations and the Editor’s judgment of the quality of the writing, the timeliness of the manuscript, and the potential interest to readers of the Journal. Authors will be notified of the Editor’s decision approximately six to eight weeks after submitting the manuscript. Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication will be returned. Transfer of rights. In consultation with the author(s), the AORN Journal reserves the right to edit all manuscripts with regard to length, timeliness, and readability consistent with Journal style. Before publication, authors will receive an edited copy of the manuscript for fmal approval. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the author transfers all copyright ownership to the EDITORIAL POLICY Association of Operating Room Nurses, Inc. mtblished manuscripts Prospective authors are encouraged to write query letters to the become the property of the AORN Editor. Send manuscripts or queries Journal and may not be reproduced to the Editor, AORN Journal, 2170 without written permission of the Managing Editor. S Parker Rd, Suite 300, Denver, CO 8023 1-5711. The AORN JourMANUSCRIPT PREPARATlON nal accepts manuscriptsthat are original and have not been pubSubmit three copies of the manuscript. The manuscript must be doulished previously.Manuscripts ble spaced and printed with a quality submitted to the Journal for review must not be under consid- printer. An outline of the manuscript

he AORN Journal, the official journal of the Association of Operating Room Nurses, Inc, welcomes manuscripts pertaining to perioperative nursing practice. The Journal strives to provide its readers with practical and theoretical information that ultimately will result in better patient care and improved standards of perioperative nursing. The Journal endeavors to publish information on current trends in the health care field. Perioperative nurses, educators, and managers; physicians; other health care professionals; and academicians are invited to submit manuscripts. Short case studies, manuscripts about practical innovations, and manuscripts that express professional opinions are welcome. The Journal encourages letters to the Editor that address articles published within the previous two months. Readers may submit names of potential authors or ideas that may be developed into articles. Manuscripts submitted by RNs will be considered for the Journal Home Study F’rogram, which is a continuing education offering. To be selected, manuscripts for the Home Study Program must be comprehensive and written on clinical, research, education, or management topics. Manuscripts may include teaching plans or examples of documentation that enhance articles. Authors are not required to write the home study examination questions.


and a cover letter that includes the home and business addresses and telephone and fax numbers of all authors and a designated senior author for correspondencemust be included. After the manuscript has been revised and accepted and if it is prepared with a computer, send a 3 112- or 5 114-inch disk with the file saved in word processing format. Indicate the word processing software and version used. Format. Manuscripts should be between eight and 16 pages long, depending on the topic. Manuscripts submitted for departments should be between five and eight pages. Title page. Include manuscript title and authors’ names, credentials, and current professional positions. Designate a senior author and give a correspondence address and telephone and fax numbers. The manuscript should have a title. Abstract. Include a 100-word informative abstract that follows the manuscript’s outline and summarizes the research results (if applicable). Text. Subheadings should indicate subdivisions in the text. Omit authors’ names on text pages. Spell out abbreviations and acronyms on first use, followed by abbreviations in parentheses. Use generic names rather than trade names for medications and devices. Give weights, measurements, and medication dosages in metric units and temperatures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius degees. Notes. Quotations, statistics, original ideas, or interpretationsof works of other authors must be referenced. Number the notes consecutively in the text and provide complete references at the end of the article. Authors also may submit suggested reading of publications pertinent to the article but not cited directly. Notes and suggested reading should follow the style outlined in

FEBRUARY 1997, VOL 65, NO 2

Kate L. Turabian’sA Manualfor Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, fifth ed (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987). Books referenced must include the names of all authors, title, volume or edition number, chapter title and author (if applicable),publisher and city, and year of publication. Submit a photocopy of the title page for any books cited. Articles referenced must include names of all authors, title of article, name of publication, volume number, and complete date of publication. References should cite specific page numbers. AU references should have been published within the last five years unless they are considered classics or they reference historical information. When more than one source is given for a citation, combine the sources into one note. The following are examples of notes. 1 . 0 C Zimmerman, “An article from a journal,” Hospital Topics 41 (February 1985) 99-102. 2. C E Merriam, M Hodgson, Book, third ed (San Antonio: Books Unlimited, 1986) 45. 3. J A Stanton, “A chapter in a book,” in Time Management,ed P White (New Yo*, Littfe, Brown & Co, 1986) 146-162; “Positioning the surgical patient,” in AORN Standards and RecommendedPractices (Den-

ver: Association of Operating Room Nurses, Inc, 1994) 21 1-214.

ILLUSTRATIONS Photographs and line drawings are encouraged. Color slides are best, followed by color prints and black-and-white prints. Negatives and Polaroid pictures cannot be used. Illustrations must be labeled on the back with a soft-tip marker or attached to a sheet of paper that is labeled with the figure number and name of author. Do not use paper clips or write heavily on photographs. Photographs in which an individual can be identified must be accompanied by the individual’s permission to publish. Send two sets of original illustrations and photographs and one set of photocopies; artwork will not be returned after publication. Captions must be submitted with all photographs and drawings. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to publish figures and tables from previously published works and for sending copies of permission letters to the AORN Journal with the illustrations. The author also is responsible for obtaining permission from photographers and artists to use unpublished photographs and drawings.

Permission letters must accompany copyrighted illustrations or the illustrations will not be published. Tables and figures should be clearly labeled and referred to in the text. They must be referenced if they are not the work of the author.

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE If there is a fmancial association between the author(s) and a commercial company that makes a product featured prominently in the manuscript, the Journal requires that the author(s) disclose such an association. Should a conflict of interest exist, the Editor reserves the right to reject the manuscript. AUTHORSHIP RESPONSlBlLl N All people designated as authors should have contributed significantly to the manuscript to take public responsibility for it. The maximum number of authors is five. Names of those who contributed general support or technical help may be listed in an acknowledgment. HONORARlUM Tear sheets of the article, a copy of the AORN Journal containing the article, and an honorarium will be sent to each author after publication. Revised 1/97


If you would like to have a manuscript reviewed for possible publication, send this form to the Editor, AORN Journal. I would like to submit a manuscript to be considered for publication Subject 0 I would like to submit a manuscript for one of the following depattnents Opinion Practical Innovations 0Elder Care Case Commentary cl Perioperative Pharmacology Subject Date material can be expected Namenitle Hospital/lnstitution Address Home address



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