395 own private sometimes showed no specific lesions, this being Swiss colleague, a due principally to the greater facilities for gynaecological specialist, gives ether alone on a exogenous infection and the more rapid course Juillard’s mask with uniformly successful results. of pulmonary tuberculosis among prisoners of It seems, then, that in Switzerland the doctor war. Chiefly as the result of the consumption of anaesthetist is held in proper regard, but that he is war bread, an inferior quality of which was given to the prisoners, gastric catarrh and erosions and rarely available under existing circumstances. chronic enteritis were frequently found.
flannel and a scent bottle." clinic for many years past
In his
SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCH AT NAPLES. THE country under occupation by the Allies in THE Zoological Station at Naples has long the vicinity of Cologne includes some of the best known to biologists as a place where the been examples of German chemical industry, and it is to carry out researches on his chosen worker is free i interesting to learn that the great factories on the banks of the Rhine have been visited recently by a subject independently and without let or hindrance, with the advice and guidance of the expert staff deputation of British experts. Their report has and desired. Work-tables are rented at the rate when been issued, and, generally speaking, confirms our 2500 francs per annum (payable in gold) and as, of previous knowledge of the Germans’ activity and their remarkable steadfastness of purpose. It is not since 1915, the number of tables let to States has greatly diminished the station is now in need of so much initiative or ability that they possess as a determination to work out detail and to adapt the additional support. Professor E. Gley has recently lessons of the laboratory to commercial ends. They called attention to the section of physiology and have turned chemistry to national account, and that physiological chemistry at the same station, the is the main lesson of the report to us. In Germany laboratory equipment of which corresponds to scientific investigation is encouraged, the best modern requirements of research. The term advice is gained, and men who are trained to a high "Zoological Station," strictly correct under the level of efficiency are well remunerated. This directorship of Dohrn, should indeed be broadened now that physiopolicy, begun years ago, succeeded, and explains to "Marine Biological Station," a study occupies place as important as why Germany took a lead over other nations in logical does The morphological. utility of researches producing fine and heavy chemicals, pharmaceutical into is comparative physiology receiving increasing products, and dye-stuffs. The essentials in regard to For biological chemistry, for the recognition. are many processes, naturally enough, jealously study of functional activities, of immunology, guarded, and presumably it was not the mission of and of general physiology it is of the highest the experts to extract, in many instances, manuto be able to experiment with importance facturing secrets. The report is an instructive so varied, organisations presenting functions and a should have and one, healthy stimulating so as those which inhabit the sea; diverse, effect on the chemical industries of this country. and and the richness of the fauna of variety We are not behind in ability, but we are slow to Gulf a chief reason for attracting the constitute reap, commercially and nationally, the harvest of physiologists to Naples, while in Professor F. our scientific attainments. Bottazzi the section is fortunate in possessing a director of scientific eminence and - polyglot AUTOPSIES ON PRISONERS OF WAR. facility. There -are, it is true, other marine Professor Rinaldo Pellegrini, of Parma, whose laboratories in Europe, but with the possible article on simulation in prisoners of war has exception of Tamaris-sur-Mer (Var) they lack recently received notice in THE LANCET/ describes proper provision for physiological study. At the results of about 100 autopsies" performed by Naples the excellent installations stand ready for him during his confinement at Celle (Hanover). The use, there is a library of more than 30,000 volumes, excellent water-supply and perfect system of drain- with abundant sets of periodicals, and the student age prevented the appearance of the most serious will have every help and encouragement. forms of infectious disease. No cases of typhus or cholera occurred. More than a third of the deathsi MERCY FOR THE CHILD. were due to tuberculosis; broncho-pneumonia and IN Vienna during the first week of the present lobar pneumonia were fairly frequent, dysentery was 371 children were born alive and 56 dead, year there were of two cases rare, malignant growths, two of tuberculous meningitis, and one example of while during the same period 735 deaths were Pott’s disease. The cedema of prison camps, though registered, 104 of them ascribed to pulmonary With 2 deaths to 1 birth the problem fairly diffuse, was never by itself a cause of death. tuberculosis. In almost all the cases, in spite of the youth of the of surplus population will not take long to solve Correpatients, the aortic arch and descending aorta itself, even in a capital city. Our Vienna cent. 3 last that less than week noted per spondent showed patches of arterio-sclerosis, the condition the 186,000 school children examined were in a of the attributed to being by Pellegrinibodily and mental stress of war and the inanition state of good nutrition, and expressed his misgiving suffered during imprisonment. Brown coloura- at what might happen in the event of epidemic In Buda-Pest the situation is still tion of the myocardium, and in more advanced outbreak. more terrifying, since the already starving warcases brown atrophy, were frequently observed as time has been almost doubled by the -population the result of chronic underfeeding. The same of fugitives. Miss J. E. Vajkai, the cause accounted for status lymphaticus and the influx delegate, writes from absence of a persistent thymus, which were not Hungarian Red Cross under Jan. date that " the little halfGeneva, 28th, infrequently found in autopsies on soldiers at the front. The hilar glands in cases of tuberculosis naked children find really every possibility to die." If hunger and cold do not bring immediate release 2
1 THE LANCET Dec. 27th, 1919, p. 1201. Giornale di Medicina Militare, Jan. 1st, 1920.
Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées.