Bild und ton im unterricht

Bild und ton im unterricht

172 REVIEWS Bildungswesen und seine Entwicklung seit 1917 gegeben. Der Hauptteil des Worterbuches enthalt auf 185 S&ten circa 160; alphabet&h geordn...

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Bildungswesen und seine Entwicklung seit 1917 gegeben. Der Hauptteil des Worterbuches enthalt auf 185 S&ten circa 160; alphabet&h geordnete Eintrage, die von ‘abiturient’ bis ‘junnat’ das Spektrum der Stichworte des sowjetischen Bildungswesens abdecken, bei denen nichtsowjetischen Russischlehrenden und -1ernenden der lexikalische Hintergrund erlautert werden mu& Es folgt ein alphabetisches Register der thematischen Kollokationen, das alle im Buch vorkommenden lexikalischen Kollokationen von Wortern und Wendungen zum Thema ‘Bildungswesen in der UdSSR‘ erfal3t und jeweils auf den entsprechenden Artikel im Hauptteil verweist. Die einzelnen Worterbuchartikel sind wie folgt gegliedert: 1. Stichwort; 2 Grammatische Beschreibung und sprachliche Erklarung des Stichwortes; 3. Semantisierung des Stichwortes (a) durch Definition und Erklkung (‘tolkovanie ponjatija’), (b) durch Beschreibung des lexikalischen Hintergrundes (‘iz-jasnenie IeksiEeskogo fona’); 4. Verweise auf weitere Eintrage, die mit dem Stichwort thematisch zusammenhtlngen. Die graphische Gestaltung des Buches ist ausgezeichnet. Die Verwendung verschiedener Schriftformen und reichlicher Illustrationen ist gut durchdacht. Sie macht das Worterbuch leicht lesbar und animiert zum Lesen und Blattern. Adressaten des neuen Worterbuches sind nichtsowjetische fortgeschrittene Russischlemende, insbesondere Philologiestudenten, sowie Russischlehrer und -1ektoren an Schulen und Hochschulen. Benutzt werden kann das Buche einerseits als verstartdliches, informatives Nachschlagewerk in russischer’Sprache iiber das sowjetische Bildungswesen, andererseits als Lehrmaterial zur sprachlichen und thematischen Fortbildung. Welcher westliche Russischlehrer oder Russischlehrerstudent weil3 schon, was sich hinter W&tern wie ‘aspirantura’, ‘vseobur’, ‘vy&e obrazovanie’ u.a. verbirgt und kdnnte dies notfalls such auf russisch sprachlich richtig und verstandlich erkhiren. Der Anspruch der Autorin des Worterbuches, narnlich Kenntnisse und Assoziationen,. die beim durchschnittlichen Sowjetbtirger zu bestimmten Begriffen seines Bildungswesens vorhanden sind, fur den fremdsprachlichen Russischunterricht aufbereitet zu fiiieren und somit ein neues Lehrmaterial fur den Russischunterricht zu erstellen, wird optimal erftillt. Zu wiinschen bleibt, da8 die mit dem vorliegenden Worterbuch zum Bildungswesen angefangene Reihe, in der inzwischen ein weiteres Worterbuch zu russischen Sprichwortern und Redensarten erschienen ist (V. P. Felicyna, Ju. E. Prochorov: Russkie poslovicy, pogovorki i krylatye vyrtienija; Moskau, Russkij jazyk, 1979,236 S.) moglichst bald mit weiteren Themen fortgesetzt wird. Sprachlabor der Philipps-Universitat Biegenstral3e 12 D-3550 Marburg Federal Republic of Germany

Helmut Glockner

Hunziker, Hans W., Bild und Ton im Unterricht. Handbuch der Lerntechnologie. Transmedia, 1978/79,240 pp., DM 16.00.


In the preface to the second and revised edition of this book Bild und Ton im Unterricht Hans W. Hunziker states that he has complied with requests which were addressed to him after the publication of the first edition. As a result he has added more detailed surveys and cost information concerning products, further information about the application of various types of equipment, and literary references specific to audio-visual educational technology.



The present edition is divided into the following sections: 1. Sound; 2. Non-projected pictures; 3. Projected pictures; and sound; 4. Electronic projection; 5. The production of an audio-visual programme; 6. Adaptive and administrative media. Hunziker also lists the names of firms which supply brands whose names are not those of the suppliers, lists the addresses of advertisers and provides a table of firms and items of equipment supplied by them. The text has a pleasing format and is amply and advantageously illustrated with pictures of equipment and teaching materials, clearly set-out tables of various types of information, line drawings and graphs. 28 full-page advertisements relating to audio-visual equipment appear in the relevant sections of the text. Hunziker describes clearly and simply the various items of audio-visual equipment and gives practical advice on how to gain the optimum benefit from them both technically and pedagogically. ‘Trouble shooting’ tables are provided and in these Hunziker sets out the problems which may occur with acertain item of equipment and their possible causes. In the first section entitled Bereich Ton Hunziker discusses microphones and their role in loudspeaker systems, in live tape or cassette presentations, and in conjunction with tape’ recorders for the production of taped learning programmes. Advice is given concerning the recording of film and video soundtracks, of radio programmes and of records, as well as on the copying of tapes and cassettes, with multiple speed copiers, from one recorder to another and using the language laboratory. Hunziker quite properly stresses here the need for high quality in the master tape. The section on sound is completed with a segment on tape recording equipment for instructional purposes. The more sophisticated and complicated versions of the tape recorder i.e. audio-, audio-active, and audio-active-comparative types of language laboratories are summarized and comparisons made between them with regard to functions and characteristics, classroom potential and cost. Hunziker outlines their potential not only for language learning but also in learning typing and shorthand. The second section of the book is entitled Bereich nichtprojiziertes Bild and apprises the reader of the latest range of writing boards for the classroom and of recommended size and quality of writing for legibility from various locations. Machines for duplicating printed material are described in considerable detail and comparisons made in an effective table which shows the relative costs, operative time factors, means of production and print, quality of photocopying, duplicating and offset equipment. Hunziker in the section on optical projection sets out the principles for effective projection and gives details of the function and operation of the episcope, the super-&film projector, the film-strip projector, the slide projector and the overhead projector. Precise information and advice are given on photography, photographic reproduction of materials and graphics. Screens play an important role in effective projection and thequalities of various types, their shortcomings and optimum locations are indicated. There is also an excellent discussion of the didactic possibilities of the overhead projector. The projection of pictures with a background of music and/or commentary is another important area for study in this book. More complicated techniques can be introduced into synchronised slide shows and Hunziker describes them briefly. Two types of synchronisation are discussed and include the more recent digital system which provides greater flexibility for an instructor who wishes to review a particular slide or select certain slides from the programme. Sound projectors (35 mm, 16 mm, Super 8) are discussed in enlightening detail with respect to their pedagogical potential. A variety of S-8 film cameras is examined and their



advantages and disadvantages outlined in comparison with video cameras. The section concludes with a review of several Super-8 projectors. In the fourth section explanations are given of the workings of electronic projection and of the role and characteristics of TV cameras and their accessories, television sets and monitors. Three systems of TV projection on super-size screens are described and evaluated. A range of the best known video recorders is examined and their features set out in a table as well as a trouble-shooting guide which describes various malfunctions and their possible causes. Hunziker concludes the section on electronic projection by highlighting its didactic possibilities. These include the use of TV cameras in conjunction with a microscope so that the enlarged picture can be presented on a TV monitor for instructional and study purposes, video copying off air programmes for later study in class, production of learning programmes and the use of video to enable small groups to study their individual performances in a given task. In a brief but concise expose Hunziker depicts the developmental phases of an audio-visual production and indicates the ways in which objectives of the programme must be clearly defined. The final section deals in an informative way with adaptive and administrative media. Learning machines, correcting systems, individual learning and practice machines, both visual and audio-visual, simulators and computer learning systems are all examined. The text Bild und Ton im Unterricht presents a comprehensive coverage of a very wide range of audio-visual equipment and its uses. The clearly set-out text with its simple and relatively non-technical explanations and descriptions by word, picture or diagram would be comprehensible to readers who have little technical knowledge but who wish to gain some understanding of the functioning and operating of audio-visual classroom equipment. Hunziker’s stress on the necessity for a purchaser to determine his needs before selecting equipment, his concise assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of items of equipment, his advice on their care and effective use together with comparisons of cost factors all contribute to the fact that the text is an eminently practical one and one which many educational administrators,teachers and teacher trainees will find extremely useful. Language Laboratory University of Newcastle New South Wales, 2308 Australia.

Gaynor E. Reeves

Zemb, Jean M., VergleichendeGrammatik Franz&isch-Deutsch. Teil 1 mit Beitrtlgen von Monica Belin, Jean David, Jean Janitza und Hans-Ludwig Scheel._ Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut, 1978, 897 pp., DM 64.00. (Duden-Sonderreihe Vergleichende Grammatiken Band 1). Selten hat mir die Besprechung eines Buches soviel Mtlhe bereitet wie die Rezension der Vergleichenden Grammatik Franzosisch-Deutsch von Jean M. Zemb. Es liegt nicht am Umfang, obwohl die 897 Textseiten gewichtig genug sind. Es liegt such nicht an der zweisprachigen Anlage der Grammatik. Im Gegenteil, diese doppelte Beleuchtung des Gegenstandes ist ein Gewinn. Es war eine gltickliche Idee, die eine Sprache jeweils durch das Medium der anderen zu beschreiben. Das Verfahren gew&nt eine gewisse metasprachliche Distanz gegentiber dem Beschreibungsobjekt und erlaubt dariiber hinaus originelle kontrastive Entdeckungen.