Biology of anaerobic microorganisms

Biology of anaerobic microorganisms

342 BOOKS RECEIVED interested in the basic mechanisms of interactions between bacteria and mammais (with their medical implications) and those inter...

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interested in the basic mechanisms of interactions between bacteria and mammais (with their medical implications) and those interested in the behaviour of complex bacterial populations and the analysis of molecular factors involved. M. Hofnung Bothe, H., de Bruijn, F.J. & Newlon, W.E. - - Nitrogen fixation hundred years after. Proceeding of the 7th International Congress on N Nitrogen fixation. 1 vol. (17 x 24,5 cm), 878 + xv pages. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, New York, 1988. Erickson, L.E. & Fung, D.Y.-C. - - Handbook on anaerobic fermentations. 1 vol. (16 × 23,5 cm), 850 + xxii pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., Basel, New York, 1988.

Rehm, H.-J. & Reed, G. - - Biotechnology. Volume 6b. 1 vol. (17,5x24,5 cm), 8 1 0 + X V p a g e s . VCH DM 495.00/£ 198.00.

Verlagsgeseiischaft, Weinheim,

1988. Prix:

Voyages internationa~r et santd. Vaccinations exigdes et conseils d'hygikne. Situation au 1c' janvier 1989 (pr~c~demment publi6 sons le titre Certificats de vaccination ex!gds dans les voyages internationaw¢ et conseUs d'hygi~ne l'imemion aes voyageurs internationaux). Organisation mondi~le de ia Sant6, Oen~ve, 1989. 90 pages, ISBN 92 4 258014 7. Egalement dispot~ible en anglals. Prix: Fr.s. 14.--/US $11,20. N ° de commande 2188900. Zehnder, AJ.B~ - - Biology o f anaerobic microorganisms. 1 voi. (17 × 24 cm), 872 + xii pages. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, 1988. Prix: £ 77.70. Reviews of above books can be found in the "Bulletin de l'lnsdtut Pasteur".