Cell Differentiation, 17 (1985) 207
Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland, Ltd.
Announcements One day seminar: DNA probes - new technologies in their development and application 23rd September 1985, Royal Lancaster Hotel, London
10th European Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation 30 September-3 October, 1985, Sainte-Odile, Strasbourg, France.
One day seminar: Monoclonal antibodies - new technologies in their development and application 24th September 1985, Royal Lancaster Hotel, London
For further information contact: Dr. R.J.B. King, Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories, Hormone Biochemistry Department, P.O. Box 123, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX, England.
For further information contact: Miss Helen Raquet, Oyez Scientific & Technical Services Ltd., Bath House, 3rd Floor, 56 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1, England. Tel.: 01-236 4080, Telex No. 888870. 25th Harden Conference on "The Cytoskeleton: Expression and Dynamics" 15-20 September 1985, Wye, England.
For further information contact: Meetings Officer, The Biochemical Society, 7 Warwick Court, London WC1R 5DP, England.
BIOTECHNICA '85: 1st International Congress and Exhibition for Biotechnology 8-10 October 1985, Hannover, F.R.G.
For further information contact: Deutsche Messeund Ausstellungs-AG, Messegel~nde, D-3000 Hannover 82, F.R.G. EDBC-87: European Developmental Biology Congress 14-18 June 1987, Helsinki, Finland
For further information contact: EDBC-Congress Secretariat, P.O. Box 189, SF-00171 Helsinki, Finland. Tel.: 358-0-602 163/662 760, telex 123585 cms sf.