442 dry humour sang, at the expense of the Col- tinguishedprofessional men, and was con. the very appropriate song, 11 We’re ducted by Jones Quain, E...

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dry humour sang, at the expense of the Col- tinguishedprofessional men, and was con. the very appropriate song, 11 We’re ducted by Jones Quain, Esq. After a se. allnervous, shaking, shaking, nervous, ner. vere contest during three days, the prizes offered by the lecturer, Mr. W. S. Cox, vous." The next toast from the chair was The were adjudged to the following students :Royal College of Surgeons in London," -4ntztomy. -First silver medal, Mr.Lloyd, which was received with the same feelings lege,


Second silver medal, Mr. Waiton. the part of the company. In default of Surgery.-First silver medal, Mr. Bind. a volunteer from amongst the visitors, the Second silver medal, Mr. Hutchinson. ley. worthy secretary, Mr. Evans Itiadore, in The a single brief sentence, returned thanks anniversary dinner given by the stufor the College, a very large proportion of dents of the school (an institution, the exthe gentlemen not havmg even tasted their istence of which is entirely owing to the wine on the occasion. Mr. Broadhurst, exertions of this Journal in favour of surgiwith the most solemn possible air, sang cal reform) to their lecturers, was held Dee’s Hotel, on Saturday last. Dr. E. " The Death of Tom Bowling*." The next toast was" The Worshipful Johnstone presided on the occasion, supby Mr. E. T. Cox, as vice-president. Company of Apothecaries," for which also ported The president, in the course of the even. not only was the same disregard evinced by the company, but not an individual was ing, offered a premium of ten guineas to the found even to represent the institution, al.. students for the best essay on the anatomy, though the secretary applied to every gen-- physiology, and pathology, of the ganglionic tleman at his portion of the table to returnsystem of nerves, to be awarded by Dr. thanks. The toast, in consequence, passedPearson, Dr. Eccles, and Mr. W. S. Cox, and presented at the next anniversary unacknowledged. The fourth institution proposed was " Thedinner. Veterinary College ;" and here, as if more On the health of Mr. Jones Quain being particularly to mark their sense of the threej drunk, that gentleman ably commented on previous toasts, the company rose and ho-the absurdity of the"fast-decaying doctrines that science only exinterested men, noured the Colieg’e with nine cheers. Mr. isted within the sound of Bow Bells, and Coleman returned thanks. " The London University"followed, and that anatomy could only be taught within was received with similar marks of appro. the precincts of Southwark, or the purlieus Westminster," and expressed a hope, bation, Professor Davis, in a very excellent speech, returning thanks. This was speaking of the excellent regulations succeeded by " The health of Mr. Carpue," of the school, " that certain arbitrary bywhich greatly impede the general which was also drunk with applause. In acknowledging the mark of respect, Mr. progress of medical science, would speedily Carpue adverted to the disgracefully unjust be modified, if not entirely abolished." The whole proceedings passed cff with exclusion of Mr. Brookes from the Council of the College of Surgeons, and expressed great satisfaction to all who were present. the toasts which were drunk, was in the strongest terms his indignation at the conduct of the individuals composing that Success and prosperity to the Webb Street Aidersgate Street Schools." body. The sentiments of Mr. Carpue were Before the close of the proceedings, the enthusiastically applauded by the company. offered a premium of five On the retiremrnt of Dr. Bree, Professor the best best essay Davis was unanimously called to the chair, i guineas forthe essay on inguinal when " The health of the stewards," " Mr.hernia, and which, he stated, Sir A. Cooper Riadore," " Mr. Youatt," " The secreta- had consented to adjudicate. ries of the Linnaean and Zoological Societies," were drunk with the usual honours, and the company, much gratified with the NAVAL SURGEONS. pleasures of the evening, separated at THE twelve o’clock. following observations were made in the House of in a debate on the navy estimates, on Monday night last, ou subject of the late exclu3ion of naval BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. surgeons from court. THE public examination in anatomy and Mr. J. W. CROKER said, that there was surgery commenced on Thursday, June 2, one circumstance to which lie should think in the of Drs. Johnstone, Pearson, it necessary to advert-trivial in itself, but Eccles, Davies, Norton, and other dis- perhaps important in its consequences; be alluded to an oiderissued last year from the * It is quite evident from what transpired, that ,Admiralty, setting forth that certain naval if " the Council" had heen proposed, they would not at his Maon






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