566 give tlà assistance to my project, the beneits which will, hereafter, be duly appreciated. We have seen the great advantages tl.a: have attended ...

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give tlà assistance to my project, the beneits which will, hereafter, be duly appreciated. We have seen the great advantages tl.a: have attended friendly societies in the hcdble classes of society, and I can only feel surprised that nothing of the kind should have been attempted before. However, let u! verify the proverb, " better late never," and form a Medical Friendly o’ ciety. Any communications and suogestions, therefore, addressed to me, post a hospital or dispensary. only, twopenny post-office, Brewer Street, t shall be happy to co-operate with my shall be attended to. Let me impress an the professional brethren in any plan that is cal- reader, that however bright our prospKH culated to arrest the progress of the rapidly may be at the present moment, sickness are growing evils to which you so felicitously uncontrolled misfortunes may arise, ti,!: adverted in your late leading article. would render such an institution one of thi I am, Sir, greatest blessings the profession could ei. Your obedient servant, perience. Trusting to your kindness L ‘ BAINBRIDGE. J. N. BAISBRIDGE. giving this early insertion, St. Martin’s Lane, July 23, 1829. I have the honour to remain, Your faithful servant, H. W. DEWHURST, Surg., Lecturer on Human and Comparative



giving gratuitous advice

and medi- my humble endeavours, and

cines to those who, if they have not the means themselves to pay for them, have friends, and if not, the parish is obliged to find them with both. Benevolent and wealthy individuals, as you before suggested, have generally plenty of poor relations and dependants upon whom their charity might be bestowed, without infringing on the rights of the profession, and without exposing their less affluent fellow-creatures to the degradation and danger of being sent to



July 20,1R39. To the Editor

of TnE LANCET. P. S.-I have omitted to mention that I have been kind enough to in- would propose to throw open its advantages SIR,—You sert my former notes, relative to the forma- to all in the profession, whether the apothetion of a Medical Benefit Society in this cary’s assistant, or the presidents of ih metropolis. Permit me to inform your Colleges of Physicians and Surgeon;, as readers, and the profession generally, that well as practitioners, should they choose to among the several communications I have embrace them ; in fact, it should be ope: received, two of the writers have promised to all, and influenced by none. very munificent donations towards the establishment of an institution of the nature I propose. I now beg to state on what plan I should like to see it founded; viz. that of BLOOMSBURY DISPENSARY, clubs or friendly societies, so that by each member contributing one or two guineas per annum, he should be allowed two or three To the Editor of THE LANCET. when from incapacitated professional duties; the SiR,—The result of the election at this sum to be fixed by a managing council or dispensary has been the cause of much sacommittee, elected by the members without tisfaction, not only on account of the favour or affection, whose duty it should rity’s having obtained so eminent a surgeons also be to confer other privileges when re- as Mr. Cooper, but from the frustrattion quired ; as in case of the death of a member or the base endeavours of an unprincipled his wife, or if his property have been destroy- tion of medical men. guineas weekly,


to his

ed by fire,or he be in prison for debt,&c. The The " little eminent" used his greatest - rules to be prepared by a committee elected deavours amongst his pious friends, to for that purpose, confirmed by the members surgeon appointed ; but at large, and enrolled according to Act of overwhelming majority with which M. Parliament. I trust the profession will per- Cooper triumphed, must be to you a ceive the necessity of forming an institution ing proof of the tight estimation for these purposes ; and when a member re- "bat" recommendations hold in the ’L’. quires assistance, hewiil have the gratifica- opinion. tion of obtaining it as his right, and not as I remain, a matter of favour, nor with the chance of Your most obedient servant. WILLIAM BR B:.:.: experiencing the frowns or reflections of cold-hearted charity, in his applications for relief. These are urgent reasons ; I trust Bloomsbury Dispensary, the profession will come forward and aid July 23, 1829.
