Bound-preserving flux limiting schemes for DG discretizations of conservation laws with applications to the Cahn–Hilliard equation

Bound-preserving flux limiting schemes for DG discretizations of conservation laws with applications to the Cahn–Hilliard equation

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Bound-preserving flux limiting schemes for DG discretizations of conservation laws with applications to the Cahn–Hilliard equation Florian Franka ,∗, Andreas Ruppb,a , Dmitri Kuzminc a

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department Mathematik, Cauerstraße 11, 91058 Erlangen, Germany b Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany c Technische Universität Dortmund, Fakultät für Mathematik, Vogelpothsweg 87, 44227 Dortmund, Germany Received 17 February 2019; received in revised form 17 September 2019; accepted 29 September 2019 Available online 10 October 2019

Abstract Many mathematical models of computational fluid dynamics involve transport of conserved quantities, which must lie in a certain range to be physically meaningful. The analytical or numerical solution u of a scalar conservation law is said to be bound-preserving if global bounds u ∗ and u ∗ exist such that u ∗ ≤ u ≤ u ∗ holds in the domain of definition. These bounds must be known a priori. To enforce such inequality constraints at least for element averages in the context of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, the numerical fluxes must be defined and constrained in an appropriate manner. In this work, we introduce a general framework for calculating fluxes that produce non-oscillatory DG approximations and preserve relevant global bounds for element averages even if the analytical solution of the PDE violates them due to modeling errors. The proposed methodology is based on a combination of flux and slope limiting. The (optional) slope limiter adjusts the gradients to impose local bounds on pointwise values of the high-order DG solution, which is used to calculate the fluxes. The flux limiter constrains changes of element averages so as to prevent violations of global bounds. Since manipulations of the target flux may introduce a consistency error, it is essential to guarantee that physically admissible fluxes remain unchanged. We propose two kinds of flux limiters, which meet this requirement. The first one is of monolithic type and its time-implicit version requires the iterative solution of a nonlinear problem. Only a fully converged solution is provably bound-preserving. The time-explicit version of this limiter is subject to a time step restriction, which we derive in this article. The second limiter is an iterative version of the multidimensional flux-corrected transport (FCT) algorithm and works as postprocessed correction scheme. This fractional step limiting approach guarantees that each iterate is bound-preserving but avoidable consistency errors may occur if the iterative process is terminated too early. Each iterate depends only on local information of the previous iterate. This concept of limiting the numerical fluxes is also applicable to finite volume methods. Practical applicability of the proposed flux limiters as well as the benefits of using an optional slope limiter are demonstrated by numerical studies for the advection equation (hyperbolic, linear) and the Cahn–Hilliard equation (parabolic, nonlinear) for first-order polynomials. While both flux limiters work for arbitrary order polynomials, we discuss the construction of bound-preserving slope limiters, and show numerical studies only for first-order polynomials. c 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ⃝ Keywords: Discontinuous Galerkin method; Bound-preserving discrete solution; Phase-field equation; Slope limiting; Flux limiting; Flux corrected transport

∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Frank). c 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 0045-7825/⃝


F. Frank, A. Rupp and D. Kuzmin / Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 359 (2020) 112665

1. Introduction and motivation Maximum principles play a vitally important role in the development of bound-preserving numerical methods for conservation laws. In many applications of practical interest, a physically admissible approximation to the conserved quantity must be bounded above and/or below. For example, volume or mass fractions of solute chemical species or disperse phases transported by a solvent should be conserved and stay within the range of [0, 1]. However, even exact weak solutions of the corresponding conservation laws may violate the physical bounds if the velocity of the carrier fluid is not exactly divergence-free [1], e.g., since it is calculated by solving the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations numerically or when a compressible flow model is considered. If the analytical solution is provably boundpreserving, numerical approximations can be forced to satisfy the corresponding inequality constraints by using artificial diffusion operators or limiters to control fluxes, slopes, cell/element averages, and/or pointwise solution values. The main focus of this work is on the construction of a flux-limiting technique for high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element approximations enabling the optional use of subsequent slope limiting. Following the design philosophy of algebraic flux correction schemes (AFC) [2,3], we enforce inequality constraints for element averages by adjusting numerical fluxes into/from troubled elements. For this purpose, we first propose a monolithic limiter, which introduces flux-correction factors nonlinearly depending on the discrete solution. Based on this, we propose a second “fractional-step” limiter that exploits a predictor–corrector strategy based on a generalization of Zalesak’s multidimensional flux corrected transport (FCT) algorithm [4]. While the monolithic limiter (ML) is promising for theoretical considerations where L ∞ bounds are required for the discrete unknown, the fractional step limiter (FSL) is preferred for practical simulations. The concept of AFC was introduced in [3]. Various extensions (also with applications to DG methods) and theoretical results can be found in more recent publications including [2,5,6]. In contrast to flux/slope limiting procedures employed in the present paper, AFC limiters are applied to fluxes associated with off-diagonal coefficients of artificial diffusion operators, which are added to the standard Galerkin discretization to enforce discrete maximum principles. Since AFC schemes are designed to preserve consistency, they will not prevent convergence to a bound-violating analytical solution of the problem at hand. Hence, they also require additional physics-aware limiting of the whole flux, as shown in [1] in the context of an AFC transport algorithm for volume fractions. Similarly to the FCT scheme developed in [1] on the basis of a continuous Galerkin discretization, the new DG limiters may be configured to enforce global bounds even if the analytical solution of the problem at hand violates them. To rule out formation of spurious undershoots/overshoots, our method cancels the offending fluxes or adjusts their magnitude in an iterative way until each element average becomes bounded as desired and the magnitude of rejected fluxes is minimized subject to the given constraints. For each time level, having a DG solution with bound-preserved mean values (e.g. after FSL was applied), we correct the gradients of the DG solution using the vertex-based limiter presented in [7,8]. This slope limiting step produces an approximate solution whose values at the vertices of the mesh are bounded in terms of physically admissible element averages in surrounding elements (cf. Fig. 1). A combination of flux and slope limiting makes it possible to constrain DG solutions without losing consistency if a bound-preserving consistent approximation exists. Consistency errors are introduced only if this is necessary to compensate a drawback of the mathematical model or of the given data. Numerical studies of such physics-conforming limiting approaches are conducted for piecewise-linear DG discretizations of the linear advection equation and of the (nonlinear) Cahn–Hilliard equation with different types of potentials. 1.1. Bound-preserving property of conservation laws Let J := (0, T ] denote a time interval with end time T > 0 and let Ω ⊂ Rd , d ∈ N be a polygonally/polyhedrally bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary ∂Ω . We consider a general form of the conservation equation ∂t u + ∇ · j (u, ∇u, ∆u, . . .) = 0 u = u


in J × Ω ,


on {0} × Ω


for an unknown u : J × Ω → R and given initial data u 0 : Ω → R. In addition, a closed-form expression of the vector-valued flux j : J × Ω → Rd possibly nonlinearly depending on u and its derivatives and appropriate

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Fig. 1. Concept of obtaining a pointwise bound-preserving DG solution: The upper bound u ∗ may be violated locally (left). Applying FSL, the local mean values are corrected in a post-processing step (center). Notice that the decrease of the mean value on E ′′ induces an increase of the mean value on E ′ due to mass conservation. A similar result can be obtained by using the ML to compute the DG solution (in which case the situation of the left plot does not appear). The local slope is subsequently corrected by a post-processed slope limiter that takes the mean values of neighboring elements as bounds (right).

boundary conditions shall be given. The form of the flux j , the type of boundary conditions, and the physical interpretation of u depend on the considered physical process, cf. Example 1. Mathematical models obeying (1) often are physically not meaningful if the unknown u exceeds certain bounds, leading e.g. to negative concentrations/densities or to a negative percentage or a percentage larger than one in the case of multi-component mixtures. This means, that u has to be bound-preserving (BP) ∀(t, x) ∈ J × Ω ,

u ∗ ≤ u(t, x) ≤ u ∗


for certain global bounds u ∗ < u ∗ with u ∗ , u ∗ ∈ R. In particular, the initial data should satisfy u 0 (x) ∈ [u ∗ , u ∗ ]. The bounds u ∗ = −∞ and u ∗ = ∞ are allowed, but in these cases the corresponding inequality in (2) becomes strict and the initial and boundary data must be bounded away from ±∞. Example 1 (Physical Problems). 1. Advective transport along a velocity field v : Ω → Rd is modeled by supplementing (1) with j := v u u = u

in J × Ω ,


on J × ∂Ω ,




where u in : ∂Ω in → [u ∗ , u ∗ ] describes the Dirichlet data at the inflow boundary ∂Ω in := {x ∈ ∂Ω ; v · n < 0}. Solutions of {(1), (3)} are BP, i.e. satisfy (2), if v is solenoidal, i.e., ∇ · v = 0 [3]. For this equation, (2) is a maximum principle as the bounds u ∗ , u ∗ are defined by the data u 0 and u in . Without the divergence-free assumption, the analytical solution is not BP in general [1]. 2. Diffusive transport of a dissolved chemical species in a solvent occupying a domain Ω with impermeable boundary ∂Ω is described on an averaged spatial scale by Fick’s law yielding j := − K ∇u j ·n = 0

in J × Ω ,


on J × ∂Ω


in conjunction to (1), with K > 0. The unknown u typically represents a concentration allowed to attain nonnegative values bounded away from +∞. Solutions of {(1), (4)} are BP with u ∗ = 0 and u ∗ = sup u 0 . 3. Phase separation of an incompressible, immiscible binary mixture at a constant temperature, which is the alignment of the mixture into spatial domains predominated by one of the two fluids, is described by the Cahn–Hilliard equation, where u is a dimensionless order parameter representing the difference in the mass fractions of the two components: j := − M(u) ∇µ

in J × Ω ,


µ := Ψ (u) − κ ∆u

in J × Ω ,


∇u · n = 0

on J × ∂Ω ,


j ·n = 0

on J × ∂Ω ,



F. Frank, A. Rupp and D. Kuzmin / Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 359 (2020) 112665

where the parameter κ > 0 controls the interface width and M ≥ 0 limits the flux j in a possibly nonlinear fashion. The nonlinear potential Ψ attains local minima at or close to {−1, 1}. Solutions u of {(1), (5)} are physically meaningful only in the interval [−1, +1]. Whether or not solutions of {(1), (5)} are BP in the sense of (2) with u ∗ = −1, u ∗ = 1 depends on the choice of mobility M and of potential Ψ [9,10]. Further model details are given in Section 6.1. 4. Other scalar conservation laws obeying (1) include the Burgers equation, the Nernst–Planck equation, the porous medium equation, the Buckley–Leverett equation, and the thin-film equation. 1.2. Discontinuous Galerkin methods Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods use polynomial test functions of various order with local (i.e. elementwise) support and the definition of numerical fluxes across element boundaries, which provides great flexibility. As such, they can be interpreted as a generalization of finite volume methods overcoming the restriction to locally constant approximations, lesser numerical/artificial diffusion, and enabling a wider range of grid geometries. One major advantage of DG is that basic conservation laws (e.g. local mass conservation) are straightforward to incorporate into the numerical scheme due to control over the numerical fluxes and the locality of the method. Basis functions may be chosen of nodal or modal type, each implying certain advantages [11,12]. Moreover, DG supports hanging nodes and arbitrary local polynomial order, thus naturally leading to hp-adaptation [13]. Independent of the approximation order, standard DG schemes yield a stencil with nearest neighbor vicinity across element faces, which is especially attractive in parallel computing. The major drawback of DG is a possibly much larger number of global degrees of freedom compared to finite element discretizations of the same order (cf. [14, Sec. 2.12]), which is in particular important for implicit methods. For a historical outline of DG methods, see [15]. 1.3. Limiting schemes for scalar conservation laws In high-order DG methods for conservation laws, problem-dependent discrete maximum principles (e.g., positivity preservation and boundedness by the maxima/minima of the data in neighbor elements) are commonly enforced using slope limiting [7,8,16–20] to adjust the derivatives of the numerical solution. Detailed analysis of slope limiters satisfying local maximum principles on unstructured triangular meshes was recently performed in [20]. Numerical fluxes defined in terms of slope-limited solutions may require further adjustment. If element averages are found to violate discrete maximum principles, they can be fixed using a flux limiter [21]. As shown by Zhang and Shu [22], the imposition of global bounds on element averages does not necessarily degrade the rates of convergence to BP smooth solutions. The most recent trends in the design of accuracy-preserving limiters for DG discretizations of hyperbolic systems include the use of a posteriori subcell limiters based on customized combinations of physical and numerical admissibility criteria [23,24]. In this paper, we introduce flux limiters designed to enforce the BP property (2) with global bounds for element averages. If this property is desired to hold pointwise instead, the target fluxes are calculated using slope-limited data from the preceding time step, which rarely produce nonphysical mean values. To minimize the levels of numerical diffusion and possible consistency errors, a good flux limiting procedure should recognize harmless fluxes and leave them unchanged. Limiters satisfying this requirement can be developed using optimization-based approaches [25] but the associated computational cost is exorbitant. In this work, we avoid solution of global optimization problems by using iterative algorithms in the FSL, which produce quasi-optimal constrained fluxes. 2. DG formulation for scalar conservation equations 2.1. Weak formulation Formally multiplying (1) by a smooth test function w : E → R, integrating over the closed Lipschitz subset E of Ω , and integration by parts yields the weak formulation ∫

w ∂t u(t) − E

∫ ∇w · j (t) + E


w j (t) · n E = 0


for almost every t ∈ J , where n E denotes the outward unit normal on ∂ E. The flux j is a function of u and its derivatives, which we suppress in the notation.

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Fig. 2. Admissible grid with 7 elements.

2.2. Discrete setting Henceforth, let Eh := {E} be a non-overlapping partition of Ω ⊂ Rd by closed, ⋃ non-degenerated, and convex “elements” E with Lipschitz boundaries and a maximum diameter of h, i.e., Ω = E∈Eh E. Let Γh denote the union of interior faces, i.e., faces connecting two elements, cf. Fig. 2a. Let P p (E) denote a finite dimensional polynomial space on E with polynomial order at most p. An element may have an arbitrary number of faces as we do not require a nodal / Lagrange property. The broken polynomial space on the triangulation Eh is given as ∏ P p (Eh ) := P p (E) . E∈Eh

Elements of P p (Eh ) are in general discontinuous across Γh . For each interior face Γh ⊃ (∂ E ∩ ∂ E ′ ) =: e E,E ′ , let the average {| · |} and the jump [| · |] of a scalar quantity w on face e E,E ′ be defined by 1 1 {|w|} := w| E + w| E ′ , [|w|] := w| E n E + w| E ′ n E ′ . 2 2 The average of a vector-valued quantity is defined component-wise. Note that the jump of a scalar is a vector and that the definition is invariant regarding swapping E and E ′ . All following algorithms are constructed to work on general polygonal/polyhedral meshes Eh as introduced above using P p (Eh ) bases. However, the numerical experiments in this manuscript use triangular meshes (d = 2) only. For the general setting, Cangiani et al. [26,27] analyze interior penalty DG methods for the diffusion equation (cf. (4)) and design appropriate penalty parameters in the case of many small edges. The local penalization has a clear impact on the performance of the DG method, which, ultimately, will affect the present approach in one way or another. Nonetheless, our approach will yield BP solutions. 2.3. Space-discrete problem and numerical fluxes A general DG formulation of (6) on an interior element E ∈ Eh with ∂ E ⊂ Γh then reads: Find u h (t) ∈ P p (Eh ) such that for a.e. t ∈ J , ∫ ∫ ∑ ∫ ( ) ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) , wh ∂t u h (t) − ∇wh · j h (t) + HE,E ′ (t) wh = 0 E


Eh ∋E ′ ̸= E


e E,E ′

holds. By the notation HE,E ′ (wh ) we also implicitly include dependencies on spatial derivatives of wh and u h . The form HE,E ′ (1) represents the local numerical flux from E to E ′ across the face e E,E ′ , cf. Fig. 2a, which depends on the considered problem (i.e., on the definition of j in (1)), on the chosen DG method, and possibly on geometric properties of E. The flux HE,E ′ (1) is supposed to approximate j (t) · n E on ∂ E and affects the stability and accuracy of the numerical scheme as well as sparsity and symmetry of the resulting matrix. For a boundary element E ∈ Eh with ∂ E ∩ ∂Ω ̸= ∅, depending on the type of boundary condition, the boundary integral is to be substituted by an appropriate flux and/or by prescribed boundary data.


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Example 2 (Numerical Fluxes). For simplicity, let E ∈ Eh in (7) be an interior element, i.e., ∂ E ⊂ Γh . 1. For the advection equation {(1), (3)}, full upwinding on element boundaries yields HE,E ′ (w) := w| E u ↑ v · n E ,


on e E,E ′ , where u ↑ := u| E if v · n E > 0 and u ↑ := u| E ′ otherwise [28]. 2. For the diffusion equation {(1), (4)}, various interior penalty DG methods are given by σ ϵ HE,E ′ (w) := − w| E {|∇u|} · n E + ∇w| E · [|u|] + w| E [|u|] · n E 2 h ( ( ( ) ) σ ) 1 ϵ = − w| E ∇u| E + ∇u| E ′ · n E + ∇w| E · n E u| E − u| E ′ + w| E u| E − u| E ′ (9) 2 2 h on e E,E ′ . The choices σ > 0 and ϵ = −1, 0, 1 yield the symmetric interior penalty [29,30], incomplete interior penalty [31], nonsymmetric interior penalty [32], respectively. The choice σ = 0, ϵ = 1 leads to the Oden– Babuˇska–Baumann method [33]. The choice of the denominator in σh is equivalent to other standard choices 1

such as |e| d−1 or diam e if the mesh is assumed to be shape and contact regular in the sense of [34, Def. 1]. 3. Consider the Cahn–Hilliard equation {(1), (5)} with constant mobility M. We set M := 1 since M represents a scaling in time t. Application of an interior penalty DG on the mixed formulation yields [35] ϵ σ HE,E ′ (w) := − w| E {|∇µ|} · n E + ∇w| E · [|µ|] + w| E [|µ|] · n E (10) 2 h on e E,E ′ , where µh (t) ∈ P p (Eh ) satisfies for all elements E ∈ Eh the auxiliary problem (26b). 4. The proposed flux limiters can also be applied to other discontinuous Galerkin schemes such as the local discontinuous Galerkin method [17,36] or hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin schemes [37], where only the FSL preserves the efficiency advantage of hybrid methods (the ML would couple the local problems that have to be solved in a post-processing step). In all above cases, HE,E ′ = −HE ′ ,E holds guaranteeing that no “mass” is lost when transported across inter-element boundaries. 3. Flux limiter—enforcing a BP property for local means Classical flux limiters of FCT [4,38] and TVD (total variation diminishing) [39,40] type use solution-dependent correction factors α E,E ′ ∈ [0, 1] to blend a low-order BP flux Hlow E,E ′ and a potentially troublesome highhigh order approximation H E,E ′ . In DG methods for hyperbolic conservation laws, Hlow E,E ′ is usually taken to be the Lax–Friedrichs flux based on element averages. If no consistent flux approximation guarantees preservation of global bounds for the given PDE, then nonphysical solution behavior is caused by modeling errors, which can be high corrected at the discrete level using α E,E ′ to limit the entire flux H E,E ′ rather than the flux difference H E,E ′ −Hlow E,E ′ . This idea goes back to the physics-based FCT algorithm, which was designed in [1] to enforce the close-packing limit for volume fractions of a disperse phase in macroscopic models of dense suspension flows. In this section, we adapt it to the DG∑ setting and propose new approaches for iterative limiting of H E,E ′ . The objective is to minimize the magnitude of Eh ∋E ′ ̸= E (1 − α E,E ′ )H E,E ′ for each E ∈ Eh , i.e., to suppress as little flux as possible, subject to the inequality constraints that guarantee the validity of physics-compatible BP property for element averages. 3.1. Flux limiting and local mass conservation A BP property (2) of the analytical solution of problem (1) is necessary but not sufficient for a BP property of the DG solution of (7), meaning that the DG solution may violate (2) in either case. In order to enforce this property on local mean values of the DG solution, the numerical flux in (7) must be adjusted whenever it would lead to mean values violating the bounds u ∗ , u ∗ . If the definition of H E,E ′ in terms of element averages (rather than one-sided limits of the high-order solution) produces a BP flux Hlow E,E ′ , then the problem can be solved using conventional flux or slope limiting. Otherwise, the nonphysical flux H E,E ′ needs to be limited using a suitably chosen correction factor α E,E ′ ∈ [0, 1]. The flux-limited version of (7) reads ∫ ∫ ∫ ∑ ( ) ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) , wh ∂t u h (t) − ∇wh · j h (t) + α E,E ′ HE,E ′ wh = 0 (11) E


Eh ∋E ′ ̸= E

e E,E ′

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for a.e. t ∈ J . The maximum admissible value of α E,E ′ depends on the local mean values of u h on E, i.e. u h,E (t), and E ′ , i.e. u h,E ′ (t), and the net value of the numerical flux H E,E ′ with ∫ ( ) H E,E ′ := HE,E ′ 1 . (12) e E,E ′

The extreme cases are α E,E ′ = 1 meaning no limiting and α E,E ′ = 0 meaning that the flux between E and E ′ is suppressed completely. The limiting factor satisfies the symmetry condition α E,E ′ = α E ′ ,E ensuring the continuity of fluxes across inter-element boundaries, cf. Remark 1. It vanishes when the solution u reaches the bounds of the admissible range of [u ∗ , u ∗ ]. The nonlinear character of the limiting coefficients produces a nonlinear problem—even if HE,E ′ is linear. Remark 1 (Local Mass Conservation). Consider an element E ∈ Eh , for sake of a simple presentation, not adjacent to the boundary of Ω . From (1a), i.e. on the continuous level, it follows for the change of the local mean u E of u on E that ∫ du E 1 (t) + j (t) · n E = 0 (13) dt |E| ∂ E for a.e. t ∈ J . At semi-discrete level, choosing wh | E = 1 in (7) yields ∑ du h,E 1 (t) + H E,E ′ = 0 dt |E| ′ Eh ∋E ̸= E

with flux-limited analogue ∑ du h,E 1 (t) + dt |E| ′

Eh ∋E ̸= E

α E,E ′ H E,E ′ = 0 ,    ∈[0,1]

where all fluxes are scaled by factors in the range [0, 1]. In DG discretizations of conservation laws, a positive flux into E must be balanced by a negative flux into E ′ and vice versa. This is obviously the case for H E,E ′ = −H E ′ ,E and α E ′ ,E = α E,E ′ . Clearly, the use of α E,E ′ < 1 introduces a consistency error, which should be kept as small as possible. Therefore, the properties of the target fluxes H E,E ′ and algorithms for practical calculation of α E,E ′ have a stronger impact on the outcome of the limiting procedure than in FCT-like nonlinear schemes that use convex combinations of consistent flux approximations. The multiplication of H E,E ′ by α E,E ′ < 1 reduces the rate of transport across the common boundary of elements E and E ′ . This adjustment may be the only way to prevent undershoots/overshoots but aggressive limiting should be avoided because it may result in a nonphysical deceleration of transport processes and significantly increase the (local) time scale if inordinately small values of α E,E ′ are employed. Let 0 =: t0 < t1 < · · · < t Nst := T be a decomposition of J into Nst subintervals. After discretization in time by a time-implicit or time-explicit scheme that approximates the time derivative by a first-order difference quotient, (11) reads: Given u 0 : Ω → [u ∗ , u ∗ ], for n ∈ {1, . . . , Nst }, find u nh ∈ P p (Eh ) such that ∫ ∫ ∫ ∑ ( ) u nh − u n−1 h ℓ ℓ ℓ ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) , wh − ∇wh · j h + α E,E ′ HE,E = 0 (14) ′ wh τn E E e E,E ′ ′ Eh ∋E ̸= E

for E ∈ Eh , where τn := tn −tn−1 denotes the time step size and ℓ ∈ {n −1, n}. We distinguish here the time-explicit case (ℓ = n − 1, forward Euler method) n (implicit θ -scheme or IMEX methods). In ( ) from time-implicit cases ℓ = n−1 n implicit cases, j nh , α nE,E ′ and HE,E and u nh . Choosing wh = 1 in (14) yields ′ wh may nonlinearly depend on u h τn ∑ (15) u nh,E = u n−1 α ℓE,E ′ HℓE,E ′ . h,E − |E| ′ Eh ∋E ̸= E

The solution at time level zero is given by ∀wh ∈ P p (E), (wh , u 0h ) E = (wh , u 0 ) E for E ∈ Eh . A time step then either consists of solving the flux-limited problem (14), where an additional closed formulation for α ℓE,E ′ must be given, cf. Section 3.2, or of the solution of (14) with all α ℓE,E ′ set to one, (i.e. no limiting) and a subsequent iterative correction of the numerical fluxes, cf. Section 3.3. In the first case, the limiting


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Fig. 3. Visualization of the correction factor α + E setting the denominator to one in (16) for different values of γn .

factors α E,E ′ depend nonlinearly on the solution and may be treated implicit in time introducing a (possibly additional) nonlinearity to the problem or explicit in time implying a CFL condition. 3.2. Flux limiter 1 (monolithic limiter, ML) Consider (14) at time level n either in time-explicit (ℓ = n − 1) or time-implicit (ℓ = n) version. Let ⎧ ⎨min{α ℓ,− , α ℓ,+ } if Hℓ ′ E E′ E,E ′ < 0 (positive flux from E toE), α ℓE,E ′ := ⎩ ℓ,− ℓ ′ min{α ℓ,+ E ′ , α E } if H E,E ′ > 0 (positive flux from E to E ) with net numerical fluxes HℓE,E ′ acc. to (12), where ⎫ ⎧ { } ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ℓ ⎪ ∗ ⎬ ⎨ γn |E| max 0, u − u E ⎪ ℓ,+ { } , α E := min 1, ∑ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ max 0, −HℓE, E˜ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ ⎩ δ+ E̸˜ = E

α ℓ,− E

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨

⎫ { }⎪ ⎪ ℓ ⎬ γn |E| max 0, u E − u ∗ ⎪ { } . := min 1, ∑ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ max 0, HℓE, E˜ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ ⎩ δ+ E̸˜ = E

(16) (prevents

u nE

>u ) ∗


u nE

< u∗)

In (16), 0 < δ ≪ 1 is a small regularization parameter preventing division by zero, which is introduced for presentation purposes only, to avoid distinguishing between the cases of vanishing and nonvanishing denominators. The parameter γn ≫ 0 controls the amount of flux-limiting and should be chosen as large as possible: As γn increases, the correction factors α ℓ,± approach unity, unless the mean value u ℓE has already reached the global E upper/lower bound and no positive/negative fluxes can be accepted anymore (see Fig. 3). Hence, larger values of γn imply smaller consistency errors but the time step restriction for explicit schemes becomes more severe, cf. (17). In the time-implicit case, an increase in the value of γn has an adverse effect on the convergence behavior of nonlinear solvers. Theorem 1 (Maximum Principle for Local Means). For ℓ ∈ {n − 1, n}, let u nh , n ∈ {1, . . . , Nst } be the solution of (14) and let the initial data satisfy ∀E ∈ Eh , u 0E ∈ [u ∗ , u ∗ ]. For ℓ = n − 1 (time-explicit case), let additionally 1 γn ≤ (17) 2 τn hold. Then, for n ∈ {1, . . . , Nst } ∀E ∈ Eh ,

u nE ∈ [u ∗ , u ∗ ] .

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Fig. 4. Shape of different potentials used in the Cahn–Hilliard equation, cf. (25a), (25b).

Proof. Consider (14). Assume that u ∗ < u n−1 < u ∗ (the proofs for the cases u n−1 = u ∗ and u n−1 = u ∗ are obvious). E E E τn ∑ ℓ u nE = u n−1 − α E,E ′ HℓE,E ′ E |E| ′ E ̸= E ( }) } { { τn ∑ ℓ n−1 ℓ ℓ = uE + α E,E ′ max 0, −H E,E ′ − max 0, H E,E ′ |E| ′ E ̸= E } { ( ∑ ′ α ℓ ′ max 0, − 1 Hℓ ′ E ̸= E E,E |E| E,E = u n−1 + τn (u ∗ − u ℓE ) E ℓ ∗ u − uE    =: γ +

∑ + 

E ′ ̸= E

α ℓE,E ′

E { } 1 max 0, |E| HℓE,E ′

u ℓE − u ∗  =: γ E−

(u ∗ − u ℓE )


( ) = u n−1 + τn γ E+ (u ∗ − u ℓE ) + γ E− (u ∗ − u ℓE ) , E where the time index ℓ in γ Eℓ,± is suppressed. For ℓ = n, it follows ( ) + − 1 + τn (γ E + γ E ) u nE = u n−1 + τn γ E+ u ∗ + τn γ E− u ∗ . E ∗ ∗ Since all factors are nonnegative and add up to 1, u nE is a convex combination of u n−1 E , u , and u . For ℓ = n − 1, it follows ( ) u nE = 1 − τn (γ E+ + γ E− ) u n−1 + τn γ E+ u ∗ + τn γ E− u ∗ . E

Again, the factors in the linear combination add up to 1. Since γ E± ≥ 0, it remains to show that τn (γ E+ + γ E− ) ≤ 1. In the definition of γ E− , we only need to consider the case Hn−1 E,E ′ > 0, otherwise, the summand is zero. Hence, using the corresponding definition of α n−1 , it follows ′ E,E { } { } ∑ ∑ n−1,+ n−1,− n−1 1 1 , αE } max 0, |E| Hn−1 α n−1,− ′ ̸ = E min{α E ′ ′ ̸ = E max 0, |E| H E,E ′ ′ E E E E,E γ E− = ≤ u n−1 − u∗ u n−1 − u∗ E E { } { } ∑ n−1 1 γ max 0, u n−1 − u∗ E E ′ ̸= E max 0, |E| H E,E ′ { } ≤ ≤ γn . ∑ 1 u n−1 − u∗ δ + E ′ ̸= E max 0, |E| Hn−1 E ′ E,E


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∗ Analogously, one can show γ E+ ≤ γ . Hence, u nE is a convex combination of u n−1 E , u , and u ∗ since τn satisfies (17). □

For the time-implicit monolithic limiter, the parameter γn is to be chosen as large as possible such that the nonlinear solver does not diverge or is not converging too slowly. Since intermediate solutions are not guaranteed to be BP, it is essential to obtain a fully converged solution at the final flux correction cycle. To that end, γn may be adjusted in each time step depending on the number of nonlinear iterations. If Newton’s method is chosen as nonlinear solver, it is difficult to assemble the Jacobian, as all α nE,E ′ depend on the implicit solution. To circumvent this, Jacobian-free methods may be used such as the Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov method [41,42]. For the time-explicit case, the largest possible choice of γn is 1/(2τn ), cf. (17), which is the optimal choice. 3.3. Flux limiter 2 (fractional step limiter, FSL) We follow the idea of the overshoot limiter presented in [1]. Instead of limiting target fluxes that depend on the high unknown solution and that must be updated step-by-step, we calculate the solution u h using unlimited fluxes (i.e., high α E,E ′ ≡ 1). Then we decompose the difference between u h and a BP “backup solution” u low into “phoenical” h high high low fluxes H E,E ′ := H E,E ′ −Hlow , which can be used to reconstruct u from u “like a phoenix”. When it comes to ′ h h E,E . This limiting flux limiting, we multiply H E,E ′ by suitably defined correction factors α E,E ′ and add the result to u low h strategy is based on Zalesak’s FCT algorithm [4], and we use his formula to calculate α E,E ′ but perform multiple correction cycles to recover the target flux to the greatest extent possible. In contrast to the above monolithic limiter, n−1 all intermediate solutions are guaranteed to be BP. If the process of iterative flux correction begins with u low h = uh , however, a consistency error is introduced and may be quite significant if the iteration process is terminated at early stages (see below for detailed explanations and numerical examples). Algorithm 1 (Fractional-step Limiter with Global Bounds for Mean Values). Let n ∈ {1, . . . , Nst } be a fixed time level and u n−1 be given. h high

1. Solve non-limited problem: Solve (14) with α E,E ′ = 1 for the high-order solution u h Remark: For the mean values, it holds for E ∈ Eh (cf. (15)) ∑ τn high high u h,E = u n−1 H E,E ′ . h,E − |E| ′

∈ P p (Eh ).

Eh ∋E ̸= E

2. Select low order solution: Construct an approximation u low ∈ P p (Eh ) of (14) that satisfies (2) for local h means. Remark: For the mean values, it holds for E ∈ Eh (cf. (15)) ∑ τn n−1 = u low u − Hlow h,E h,E E,E ′ . |E| ′ Eh ∋E ̸= E

If the analytical solution of (1a) satisfies (2), a low-order solution may be given by choosing zeroth order polynomials. In that case, the difference between high and low order fluxes is limited, cf. Step 3. Otherwise, n−1 low u low h,E := u h,E is a valid choice implying that H E,E ′ = 0. In this case the whole numerical flux is limited. 3. Initialize iteration: Choose tolerances 0 < ϵ1 , ϵ2 ≪ 1 and set u (m−1) := u low h,E , h,E

m := 1 ,


low H(m−1) E,E ′ := H E,E ′ − H E,E ′

for E, E ′ ∈ Eh . Remark: Steps 4–7 require the information of local means of u (m) h only, disregarding the higher-order parts. (m) 4. Find limiting factors and compute limited averages: Seek α E,E ′ ∈ [0, 1] for E, E ′ ∈ Eh with ∂ E ∩∂ E ′ ̸= ∅ and E ̸= E ′ such that ∑ τn (m−1) (m−1) u (m) − α (m) h,E = u h,E E,E ′ H E,E ′ |E| ′ Eh ∋E ̸= E

satisfies u ∗ ≤

u (m) h,E

≤ u ∗ (cf. (2)) for E ∈ Eh using Algorithm 2. Define u (m) h,E by this equation.

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5. Recycle the suppressed fluxes: (m) (m−1) H(m) E,E ′ := (1 − α E,E ′ )H E,E ′ .

6. Repeat or terminate: If max |H(m) E,E ′ | < ϵ1

E,E ′ ∈Eh


(m−1) max |H(m) E,E ′ − H E,E ′ | < ϵ2

E,E ′ ∈Eh

(for m ≥ 2 only)

then go to Step 7. Otherwise, set m ← m + 1 and go to Step 4. 7. Reconstruct high-order mean-limited solution: For E ∈ Eh , set high


u nh,E := u h,E − u h,E + u (m) h,E . high

Remark: The first two terms on the right represent the high-order part of u h

without the constant part.

Obviously, the solution of Algorithm 1 converges at least with the order of the convergence of the low order scheme since the solution is interpolated between the solution of the low-order scheme and the limited highorder solution in each time step. The number of iterations to be performed depends on the definitions of u low and h α E,E ′ . The calculation of correction factors that minimize |(1 − α E,E ′ )H E,E ′ | subject to (2) requires the solution of a global inequality-constrained optimization problem, which is possible [25] but usually too expensive for practical purposes. Assuming the worst-case scenario in which all limited fluxes have the same sign and conspire to create an undershoot/overshoot, a closed-form form solution of the simplified optimization problem with box constraints can readily be derived [25]. This approach to calculate α E,E ′ is used in Zalesak’s FCT limiter [4], which we employ in Algorithm 2. If u low h is a fairly good consistent approximation, one iteration is usually enough (which is reflected n−1 by our numerical results in Section 5.2.1). The use of u low in Algorithm 1, Step 2 requires more iterations h := u h to avoid the local delay effect (cf. Fig. 6) caused by redundant limiting in situations when positive and negative fluxes cancel out contrary to the above worst-case assumptions. ′ Algorithm 2 (Zalesak’s FCT Limiter with Global Bounds). This algorithm seeks α (m) E,E ′ ∈ [0, 1] for E, E ∈ Eh ′ with ∂ E ∩ ∂ E ̸= ∅ such that ∑ τn (m−1) (m−1) u (m) − α (m) (18) h,E = u h,E E,E ′ H E,E ′ |E| ′ Eh ∋E ̸= E

satisfies u ∗ ≤

u (m) h,E

≤ u ∗ for E ∈ Eh . For E ∈ Eh :

1. Sum up inflow and outflow fluxes: { } ∑ PE+ := τn max 0, −H(m−1) , ′ E,E E ′ ̸= E

PE− := τn

{ } min 0, −H(m−1) . ′ E,E

E ′ ̸= E


Remark: Mass is flux times is a measure for the mass that is to be created in E if no limiting is applied. 2. Determine admissible upper and lower bounds: ) ( ) ( , Q −E := |E| u ∗ − u (m−1) . Q +E := |E| u ∗ − u (m−1) h,E h,E Remark: Mass is concentration times volume—Q +E is a measure for the mass that can be stored in E without creating a mean-value overshoot. 3. Compute element correction factors: { } Q ±E . [0, 1] ∋ α ± := min 1, E PE± Remark: The percentage of how much of mass PE+ is allowed to enter and of how much of mass PE− is allowed to exit element E, respectively. 4. Compute flux-correction factors: For Eh ∋ E ′ ̸= E, { (m−1) + ′ min{α − (m) E ′ , α E } if H E,E ′ < 0 (positive flux from E to E) , α E,E ′ := (m−1) + − min{α E ′ , α E } if H E,E ′ > 0 (positive flux from EtoE ′ ) .


F. Frank, A. Rupp and D. Kuzmin / Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 359 (2020) 112665 (m−1) − ′ Remark: Recall that H(m−1) E,E ′ = −H E ′ ,E . In the case of a positive flux from E to E, α E ′ prevents a violation (m) + ∗ of the lower bound u ∗ of u h,E ′ and α E prevents a violation of the upper bound u of u (m) h,E .

A Matlab / GNU Octave implementation of Algorithms 1 and 2 is provided in the routine limitFluxFractStepZalesak.m on Github [43]. Theorem 2 (Iterates in Algorithm 1 are BP). The sequence u (m) h,E of corrected means in Algorithm 1 generated n ∗ by Algorithm 2 (cf. (18)) is BP, i.e., ∀m ∈ N, ∀E ∈ Eh , u ∗ ≤ u (m) h,E ≤ u . In particular, the local mean values u h,E n of the DG solution u h are BP. ∗ Proof. By assumption, u ∗ ≤ u (m−1) ≤ u ∗ (cf. Algorithm 1, Steps 2, 3). We show that u (m) h,E h,E ≤ u follows: inflow fluxes (18)

(m−1) u (m) + h,E = u h,E

τn |E|

outflow fluxes

( {  }  {  }) (m−1) (m−1) α (m) max 0, −H min 0, −H + E,E ′ E,E ′ E,E ′

E ∋E ′ ̸= E

h { } τn ∑ (m−1) (m−1) + min{α − , α } max 0, −H ≤ u h,E + ′ ′ E E E,E |E| ′ E ̸= E { } { } Q −E ′ Q +E τn ∑ (m−1) min 1, + , max 0, −H = u (m−1) h,E E,E ′ |E| ′ PE−′ PE+ E ̸= E { { { } τ ∑ Q −′ } τn ∑ n (m−1) (m−1) E max 0, −H(m−1) ≤ u h,E + min − max 0, −H E,E ′ , E,E ′ , |E| ′ |E| ′ PE ′ E ̸= E E ̸= E } + ∑ { } τn Q E max 0, −H(m−1) , E,E ′ |E| PE+ ′ E ̸= E { } {∑ ∑ ∑ } where in the last inequality, the estimate i min ai , bi ≤ min i ai , i bi is used. For the third argument of min, it holds ) { } ( (m−1) ∑ (m−1) ∗ + ∑ { } u τ |E| u − max 0, −H ′ ′ n h,E E ̸= E E,E τn Q E { } max 0, −H(m−1) = u ∗ − u (m−1) = h,E ∑ + E,E ′ (m−1) |E| PE ′ |E| τn max 0, −H ′ ′

E ̸= E

E ̸= E


(m) ∗ and hence, u (m) h,E ≤ u . The inequality u ∗ ≤ u h,E follows analogously.

Remark 2 (Algorithm 2). Zalesak’s original limiter uses local bounds instead of the global bounds u ∗ , u ∗ . In the context of element averages, Step 2 reads in this case ) ( ) ( (m−1) − E Q +E := |E| u ∗E − u (m−1) , Q := |E| u − u . ∗ h,E E h,E where { u ∗E := min u (m−1) h,E ,

} min u (m−1) , h,E ′

e E,E ′ ⊂Γh

{ u ∗E := max u (m−1) h,E ,

} max u (m−1) . h,E ′

e E,E ′ ⊂Γh

u (m) h,E then satisfy the local discrete maximum principle ∗ u ∗E ≤ u (m) h,E ≤ u E

for E ∈ Eh . In Algorithm 2, we multiplied the original formulation of PE± and Q ±E by τn to provide a physical interpretation in Steps 1, 2. This algorithm was originally used as a one-step post-processing procedure. Its use in an iterative framework was proposed in [3,44] to reduce the levels of numerical diffusion. If the predictor u low h,E is obtained with a consistent low-order method, improvements that can be achieved by performing more than one iteration or using less restrictive bounds are typically marginal. However, a non-iterative FCT scheme in which opt u n−1 h,E serves as the backup solution must use (nearly) optimal correction factors α E,E ′ corresponding to the best BP

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flux approximation. Instead of solving the inequality-constrained optimization problem for α E,E ′ , we minimize the amount of flux limiting by using global bounds and performing as many iterations as it takes to recover a sufficiently opt accurate approximation to α E,E ′ H E,E ′ . If the target flux H E,E ′ is preconstrained by using slope-limited input states (see below) and does not create undershoots/overshoots, it will be recovered after sufficiently many iterations. We remark that the iterative FCT algorithm that we use in this paper (Algorithm 1 with Algorithm 2) differs from opt the one employed in [1]. It guarantees that each iterate is BP but does not generally produce α E,E ′ = 1 and exit immediately if the initial guess is BP. This is due to the fact that it starts with the low-order solution (which by assumption is BP), and in each iteration, Algorithm 2 determines worst-case α E,E ′ that guarantee that the fluxes do not induce a bound violation, cf. Theorem 2. The algorithm proposed in [1], however, does because negative fluxes are incorporated into the bounds for positive fluxes and vice versa. However, intermediate solutions are not provably BP in this version. 4. Slope limiter—enforcing a BP property pointwise A slope limiter (SL) is a local post-processing filter that constrains linear and higher order parts of local solutions. The local mean values are left unchanged by this procedure and thus no mass is lost or gained. If the goal is to produce pointwise BP DG solutions, a precedently applied flux limiter therefore must guarantee that the mean values satisfy (2). On the other hand, SL introduces artificial diffusion, which reduces work load from the flux limiter in the subsequent time step: numerical fluxes H E,E ′ are less likely to produce undershoots/overshoots if they are defined in terms of the well-behaved mean values or slope-limited DG approximations. In this paper, we use slope limiting to enforce numerical admissibility conditions (local bounds) and flux limiters to enforce physical admissibility conditions (global bounds). As we show in the numerical study in Section 5.2.1, the deactivation of SL imposes a high burden on the flux limiter, which may give rise to unacceptably large consistency − + ∗ errors in algorithms that produce u n−1 h,E in the case α E = 0 or α E = 0. Using a SL with global bounds u ∗ , u on a flux limited DG solution would yield a (pointwise) BP property (2), however, the solution may then still exhibit spurious oscillations (within [u ∗ , u ∗ ]). On the other hand, a flux limiter based on local bounds is likely to produce larger consistency errors due to more restrictive inequality constraints. The use of local bounds for slope limiting purposes is appropriate since it results in more reliable detection of nonphysical artifacts and does not produce additional consistency errors in the DG approximation to the mean values. If the SL works well, the flux limiter is active only in a small number of elements where nonphysical solution behavior is detected a posteriori. Hence, the use of flux limiting may be restricted to these troubled elements, as in DG schemes based on the Multi-dimensional Optimal Order Detection (MOOD) [23,24] methodology. Slope limiters are postprocessed filters that are applied to u nh ∈ P p (Eh ) after each time step. When using flux limiters, the slope limiting step is executed after the flux limiting step. In Section 4.1, we introduce the general idea of slope limiting, in this case, of linear order. Here, we do not assume (yet) that u nh,E is BP. As an example, a vertex-based SL is chosen. Section 4.2 then assumes that u nh,E is BP, e.g., by a previous execution of FSL or by using the ML scheme. We then discuss how the SL has to be modified such that it yields a pointwise BP solution for polynomials of order p ≥ 2. The time index n in u nh is suppressed in the following. 4.1. Linear slope limiting General idea. By Taylor expansion around the centroid c E := local representation [45] u h | E (x) = u h,E + ∇u h (c E ) · (x − c E ) +

∑ 2≤|k|≤ p

∂ k u h (c E )

1 |E|

∫ E

x dx of E, a function u h ∈ P p (Eh ) has the

(x − c E )k − (x − c E )k k!


with multi-index k ∈ Nd and (x − c E )k denoting the mean of (x − c E )k . Notice that the mean of all higher order parts is zero [45]. For “troubled elements” E (the definition and detection is discussed below), a linear SL replaces the local solution u h | E ∈ P p (E) by the linear reconstruction vh ∈ P1 (E) with vh (x) = u h,E + β E ∇u h (c E ) · (x − c E )



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and determines the maximum admissible slope by choosing values β E ∈ [0, 1] such that vh is bounded in all vertices a E,i ∈ E, i.e., u ∗E,i ≤ vh (a E,i ) ≤ u ∗E,i


with some local upper and lower bounds depending on the design of the limiter. It holds v h = vh (c E ) < since vh is linear. Using the linear reconstruction, u h,E remains unchanged since u h,E = v h , i.e., mass is conserved locally. However, β E < 1 introduces a consistency error. u ∗E,i

u ∗E,i

Vertex-based slope limiters. The linear vertex-based limiter of Kuzmin [7] is an improved version of the Barth–Jespersen limiter [46] by using a larger, vertex-oriented stencil (see [20] for theoretical analysis that explains the poor performance of stencils based on edge/face neighborhoods). It is applicable to the considered grids as we assume convex shapes and polygonal/polyhedral element boundaries (cf. Fig. 2a), and is extendable to higher orders [7,47]. For the linear vertex-based limiter, the bounds u ∗E,i , u ∗E,i in (21) are defined as the minimum and maximum integral means of elements that contain the vertices a E,i ∈ E u ∗E,i :=


{E ′ ∈Eh |a E,i ∈E ′ }

u h,E ′ ,

cf. Fig. 2b. Due to vh ∈ P1 (E), defined as ⎧ ∗ u − u h,E ⎪ ⎪ E,i ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ u E,i − u h,E β E := min 1 i ⎪ ⎪ u E,i − u h,E ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ∗ u E,i − u h,E

u ∗E,i :=


{E ′ ∈Eh |a E,i ∈E ′ }

u h,E ′ ,


the extrema of vh are attained at a E,i . To enforce (21), the correction factor β E is if

u E,i > u ∗E,i ,


u ∗E,i ≤ u E,i ≤ u ∗E,i ,


u E,i < u ∗E,i ,

where u E,i := u h (a E,i ) guaranteeing that u E,i ∈ [u ∗E,i , u ∗E,i ]. Therefore, we call the vertices a E,i control points. The generally used indicator for troubled elements is the condition that the local reconstruction (20) requires correction factor β E < 1 to satisfy (21). If this condition is not met, the local solution u h | E ∈ P p (E) is left unchanged. 4.2. Higher-order slope limiters and bound preservation In the case p > 1, the vertex-based SL can be performed in a hierarchical manner by applying the linear SL to the linear part of the Taylor polynomial derivatives [7]. The correction factors of higher order derivatives serve as lower bounds for the correction factors of lower order derivatives, which is necessary for the preservation of the high order. In contrast to the case p = 1, the limited high-order Taylor polynomials will not be provably bounded by the means and may even violate global bounds in some pathological cases. We emphasize that the purpose of slope limiting in general is not to produce pointwise bounded DG approximations but to prelimit high-order Taylor polynomials in such a way that the resulting numerical fluxes will provide a stabilized target for the bound-preserving flux limiting procedure. If, however, a pointwise BP solution is desired, it has to be guaranteed that (2) holds for local means u h,E (e.g. by using the ML or FSL). In the case p = 1, the vertex-based limiter then uses local bounds u ∗E,i , u ∗E,i ∈ [u ∗ , u ∗ ] due to (22) and hence the linear reconstruction (20) is BP. For p > 1, the hierarchical vertex-based SL of [7] is not pointwise BP per se, but could be modified to enforce the global bounds u ∗ and u ∗ . To this end, the representation of the local DG solution in a Bernstein basis can be used, since a polynomial is bounded by its Bernstein coefficients. If the Bernstein coefficients violate the global bounds, the highest-order partial derivatives can be limited to produce a BP approximation or a Bernstein polynomial of lower degree. This limiting procedure should be applied recursively until either the Bernstein coefficients become BP or the level p = 1 is reached. In the latter case, the (BP) linear SL can be invoked to enforce the BP property. Clearly, this methodology will most likely reduce the order of the numerical scheme and generate large amounts of numerical diffusion. For practical purposes, it may be sufficient to constrain the solution values at the quadrature points instead of the Bernstein coefficients.

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5. Application to the advection equation 5.1. Discretization notes Consider the advection equation {(1), (3)} with possibly nonsolenoidal velocity field v. Substituting discrete versions of (3a) and (8) into (7) and taking boundary elements into consideration, the DG formulation locally reads: Find u h (t) ∈ P p (Eh ) such that for a.e. t ∈ J , ∫ ∫ ∫ ∑ ↑ ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) , wh ∂t u h (t) − ∇wh · v u h (t) + α E,E ′ wh | E u h (t) v · n E = 0 (23a) E


Eh ∋E ′ ̸= E

with the upwind-sided trace ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ u h | E (t, x) if v(x) · n E ≥ 0 ↑ ⏐⏐ u h | E ′ (t, x) if v(x) · n E < 0 ∧ x ∈ / ∂Ω in u h e E,E ′ (t, x) := ⎪ ⎩ u in (t, x) if x ∈ ∂Ω in

e E,E ′

(outflow from E) , (inflow into E from E ′ ) , (inflow into E over ∂Ω in ) ,

where u h (0) is obtained as the slope limited L 2 projection of u 0 into P p (Eh ), i.e., ∫ ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) , wh (u h (0) − u 0 ) = 0 .



For time discretization, we apply the time-implicit backward Euler method and the time-explicit forward Euler method. The backward Euler method yields a nonlinear problem due to the presence of α E,E ′ while for the forward Euler method a mass matrix needs to be inverted only. 5.2. Numerical results All simulations in this paper are performed with the open source Matlab / GNU Octave toolbox FESTUNG [43, 48] and rely on first order approximation spaces, P1 (Eh ), on unstructured meshes consisting of triangles. Applying ML or FSL to solutions of higher polynomial orders p ≥ 2 still ensures the BP property, however also increases the oscillations of higher order solution parts (computed but not presented in this paper). Those can be smoothened by applying hierarchical BP SL as described in Section 4.2. 5.2.1. Solid body rotation scenario Scenario. As a first benchmark problem, we use the solid body rotation test proposed by LeVeque [49], which is often used to investigate SL performance [47,50]. For the discrete solution u nh of the time-discretized version of (23a), a SL is sufficient to obtain a pointwise BP property. We use this scenario regardless to verify the BP property for local means in the case a flux limiter (without SL) is used. At initial state, this scenario consists of a slotted cylinder, a sharp cone, and a smooth hump with centers c1 := (0.5, 0.75), c2 := (0.5, 0.25), and c3 := (0.25, 0.5), respectively, and radii r := 0.15 on a square domain Ω = (0, 1)2 (cf. Fig. 5). Let ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨1 − 1 |x − c2 | r ( )) u 0 (x) = 1 ( 1 + cos πr |x − c3 | ⎪ ⎪ 4 ⎪ ⎩ 0

( ) if |x − c1 | ≤ r ∧ x ≤ 0.475 ∨ x ≥ 0.525 ∨ y ≥ 0.85 if |x − c2 | ≤ r

(slotted cylinder) , (sharp cone) ,

if |x − c3 | ≤ r

(smooth hump) ,



with zero boundary data u = 0 and right-hand side f = 0. The three bodies are subject to a time-independent, solenoidal velocity field v(x) := [0.5 − y, x − 0.5]T in a counterclockwise rotation over the time interval J := (0, 2π ]. Results. Fig. 5 shows the initial data u 0 and the DG solution after one rotation for explicit time stepping using τn = 322π000 without limiter, with flux, and with flux and SL active. For this time step size, usage of implicit time stepping, of FSL(1) (non-iterative fractional step limiter), or of using a low-order scheme in the FSL make only insignificant difference. Hence, we use the larger step size of τn = 52π in Fig. 6 for a comparison study: In all 000


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Fig. 5. Projected and slope limited initial data u 0 of the solid body rotation scenario (a) using 14 006 elements. The color scale for u nh in [0, 1] is blue to red, while values beyond are colored black. Solution at final time (after one rotation) using the forward Euler scheme and τn = 322π000 without limiting (b), with FSL (c), with FSL and SL (d). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

cases, the implicit time stepping yields more diffusive solutions (not shown in this manuscript). FSL(1) suppresses flux yielding a shrinking of the cylinder and the tip of the cone. Both locations are transported slower. The usage of the SL yields a pointwise BP solution, but introduces diffusion. If FSL(1) is used, the additional usage of a low order scheme (LOS) brings significant improvement. For FSL, using a LOS has no impact on the solution in this scenario. The usage of ML without SL generates small limiting factors α E,E ′ , which suppress the element-to-element transport. Since the intra-element transport is non-limited, this results in steep local gradients and eventually leads to divergence of the JFNK solver. Performance. In the time-explicit case, using a LOS reduces the amount of FSL iterations from about 100 to about ten iterations in the first time steps of the simulation. If SL is used in addition, the number of iterations in the FSL decreases as time proceeds, while it remains at a high level, if no SL is used. This is due to the fact that the SL introduces additional diffusion smoothing the solution and preventing it from violating the bounds. In the time-implicit case, ML without SL diverges due to reasons mentioned above. Using a combination of ML and SL, the JFNK solver only needs less than five outer iterations per time step.

5.2.2. Implosion of a circle scenario Scenario. This test scenario, taken from [1], uses a non-solenoidal velocity field such that the analytical solution to problem {(1), (3)} is not BP. Even though being of academic type, this scenario covers situations that often occur in practice: When the velocity field is taken as discrete unknown from a flow simulation (e.g. Navier–Stokes equations), v h might not be point-wise divergence free thus leading to unwanted compression effects accompanied by a violation of the BP property.

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Fig. 6. Stationary states of solid body rotation scenario and explicit Euler or implicit Euler time stepping with τn = 52π 000 (using γn = 1/(2τn ) for the ML on 14 006 elements). The color scale for u nh in [0, 1] is blue to red, while values beyond are colored black. FSL(1) means that FSL only uses one single iteration and LOS means that FSL uses a low-order solution. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Let Ω = (0, 1)2 and let a stationary, non-solenoidal velocity field be given by v(x) :=

c−x |c − x| + δ



where c := (0.5, 0.5) is the barycenter of Ω , | · | the Euclidean vector norm, and δ := 10−12 a regularization parameter. The Dirichlet data u in is set to zero at ∂Ω in and the initial data is { 0.5 if |c − x| ≤ 0.4 , u 0 (x) := 0 otherwise .


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The initial mass within the circle of radius 0.4 is transported toward the barycenter c by v and thus approaches ∗ the Dirac delta √ function. Constraining the solution by u := 1, the analytical stationary state is u(x)−3 = 1 for |c − x| ≤ 2/5 and u(x) = 0 elsewhere. The discretization parameters are h = 1/128 and τn = 10 and we set u ∗ := 0. As opposed to the solid body rotation scenario of Section 5.2.1, there is no low-order solution available n−1 here since the analytical solution is not BP, i.e., the FSL uses u low h = uh . Results. Snapshots of the simulation are shown in Fig. 7. As expected, the unlimited solution u nh tends toward the delta function with all mass concentrated at the center c thus violating (2). Moreover, spurious oscillations occur near c and at the boundary of the support of the unlimited solution leading to values outside of [u ∗ , u ∗ ]. Application of ML or FSL forces the mean values u nh,E into the admissible bounds, while oscillations in higher order parts still prevent a pointwise BP property from being attained. Similar to the solid body rotation scenario of Section 5.2.1, these oscillations are much stronger for the ML. When the SL is combined with the ML or the FSL, all oscillations are eliminated and a pointwise BP property is ensured. This demonstrates that in a scenario where the analytical solution is not BP, both flux and slope limiting techniques need to be combined to ensure a pointwise BP property. 6. Application to Cahn–Hilliard equation 6.1. Mathematical model The phase segregation process modeled by the Cahn–Hilliard equation {(1), (5)} is driven by the dissipation of the energy functional ∫ ( ) κ |∇u|2 + Ψ (u) , (24) F := Ω 2 describing the Helmholtz free energy of the mixture [51,52]. The parameter 0 < κ ≪ √ 1 in (24) is typically chosen as small as possible to generate a small interface width, which is approximately 4 κ. However, in numerical simulations, κ has to be bounded from below by the mesh size h to guarantee a certain number of elements across √ the diffuse interface, e.g., κ ≥ h [53]. The order parameter u can be chosen as difference of volume or mass fractions u A , u B of either fluid, i.e. u := u A − u B = 2 u A − 1, where u A + u B = 1. The chemical potential µ as in (5b) is the variational derivative of F with respect to u, i.e., µ := δδuF . The boundary condition (5d) ensures that there is no flux across ∂Ω and (5c) enforces a 90 degree angle between (the diffuse interface and ∂Ω in each time point. The flux j in (5a) is scaled ) 2 k by the so-called mobility Mk (u) := max{0, 1 − u } . Typical choices are constant mobility (k = 0), degenerate mobility (k = 1), and biquadratic-degenerate mobility (k = 2). The original expression of Ψ proposed by Cahn and Hilliard [51] (often called logarithmic potential) has the shape of a double-well with two minima in (−1, 1) if the (constant) system temperature is below the critical temperature of the mixture, which are parameters of the expression. In this case, a homogeneous mixture becomes energetically unfavorable and slightly miscible bulk compositions evolve. There are two frequently used expressions of Ψ that have the local minima exactly at u ∈ {−1, 1}, cf. Fig. 4: The polynomial potential Ψ ply (u) :=

1 1 (u − 1)2 (u + 1)2 = (1 + u 4 ) 4 4    ply

=: Ψ+ (u)

and the double obstacle potential ⎧ ⎨ 1 (1 − u 2 ) 2 Ψ dob (u) := Ψ−dob (u) := ⎩∞

1 − u2 . 2   



=: Ψ− (u)

if |u| ≤ 1 , otherwise .


The latter, first proposed by Puri and Oono [54,55], is the deep quench limit of the logarithmic potential. Solutions u of the Cahn–Hilliard equation {(1), (5)} are physically meaningful in the interval [−1, 1]. For the degenerate mobility case Mk , k ∈ {1, 2} or for usage of logarithmic or double obstacle potential, (2) is fulfilled with u ∗ = −1, u ∗ = 1 [56], where the inequalities in (2) are strict for the logarithmic potential case. For constant mobility M0 combined with the polynomial potential, analytical solutions u are not BP [10] and

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Fig. 7. Time-explicit simulation of the implosion scenario (using γn = 1/(2τn ) for the ML on 14 006 elements). The color scale for u nh in [0, 1] is blue to red, while values beyond are colored black. Only when flux limiting is active, the local means are BP (b–e). The DG solution is pointwise BP if in addition a SL is used (c,e). The ML is more oscillatory in higher order parts than the FSL. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

simulations suggest that solutions slightly violate the bounds in bulk phases for space dimensions d ∈ {2, 3} [53], cf. Fig. 8 (a). The standard DG discretization of {(1), (5)} may fail to produce BP results due to the lack of control over numerical fluxes and slopes of numerical solutions. Violations of BP property may also be caused by a poor choice of the time-stepping method or of the time step. In what follows, we apply the FSL of Section 3.3 to


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the DG discretization of {(1), (5)} to enforce (2) for constant mobility M0 and the potentials Ψ ply and Ψ dob . For Ψ ply , consistency with the analytical solution (which is not BP) is overridden by the requirement of physical consistency. 6.2. Discretization notes Consider the Cahn–Hilliard equation {(1), (5)} with constant mobility M0 = 1. Substituting the discrete version of (10) into (11) and using j h = −∇µh from (5d) yields the DG formulation: Find u h (t) ∈ P p (Eh ) such that for a.e. t ∈ J , ∫ ∫ ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) , wh ∂t u h (t) + ∇wh · ∇µh (t) E


α E,E ′



∫ e E,E ′

Eh ∋E ′ ̸= E

σ ϵ −wh | E {|∇µh (t)|} · n E + ∇wh | E · [|µh (t)|] + wh | E [|µh (t)|] · n E 2 h


= 0,


where µh (t) ∈ P p (Eh ) satisfies for a.e. t ∈ J , ∫ ∫ ∫ ( ) wh Ψ ′ u h (t) ∇wh · ∇u h (t) + wh µh (t) = κ ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) , E


∑ Eh ∋E ′ ̸= E


∫ e E,E ′


σ ϵ −wh | E {|∇u h (t)|} · n E + ∇wh | E · [|u h (t)|] + wh | E [|u h (t)|] · n E 2 h

and where u h (0) is obtained by the L 2 projection of u 0 into P p (Eh ), i.e., ∫ ( ) wh u h (0) − u 0 = 0 . ∀ wh ∈ P p (E) ,


= 0,




The (local) semi-discrete system {(26b), (26a)} holds in particular for boundary elements E, as ∇µh = ∇u h = 0 on J × ∂Ω due to (5c) and (5d). Remark 3 (Local Conservation Law for Cahn–Hilliard with IPDG). For the Cahn–Hilliard equation, substituting (5a) in (13) yields ∫ du E 1 (t) − ∇µ(t) · n E = 0 dt |E| ∂ E with µ as defined in (5b). Choosing wh = 1 and α E,E ′ = 1 in (26a) leads to ∑ ∫ ∑ ∫ du h,E σ 1 1 {|∇µh (t)|} · n E + (t) − [|µh (t)|] · n E = 0 dt |E| |E| e E,E ′ e E,E ′ h ′ ′ Eh ∋E ̸= E

Eh ∋E ̸= E

for a.e. t ∈ J . Hence, the discrete problem mimics the continuous version up to penalty, cf. [14, Sec. 2.7.3]. This penalty term introduces additional diffusion across element boundaries. Notice that the DG formulation is consistent: If the regularity µ(t) ∈ H s (Ω ), s > 3/2 holds, the traces and normal traces are uniquely defined on Γh and thus the two formulations coincide. For time-discretization, we use the well-established convex–concave splitting method [57]: Let Ψ = Ψ+ + Ψ− be a decomposition of Ψ with a convex part Ψ+ and a concave part Ψ− , which (non-uniquely) exists for Ψ ∈ C 2 ([−1, 1]). The decomposition of Ψ ply and Ψ (dob is )indicated in (25). System (26) is then discretized with the backward Euler method except of the term Ψ−′ u h (t) , which is treated explicit in time. This IMEX scheme is known to yield uniquely solvable and unconditionally ( ) energy ( stable ) time-discretizations of the (space-continuous) Cahn–Hilliard problem, i.e., ∀n ∈ {1, . . . , Nst }, F u n ≤ F u n−1 [56]. For Ψ = Ψ ply as in (25a) and the SIP-DG case (ϵ = −1), unconditionally dissipation of discrete energy Fh was shown in [58]. Clearly, this IMEX scheme yields a nonlinear system in each time step if Ψ+′ is nonlinear, which is the case for Ψ ply . The global formulation of the fully discrete problem and the equivalent nonlinear matrix system without flux-correction factors α E,E ′ is stated in [59]. Due to the strong nonlinearity of α E,E ′ in the ML case, we use a Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov method [41,42].

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Fig. 8. Simulation of the spinodal decomposition scenario with IMEX time-discretization of Cahn–Hilliard equation with polynomial potential Ψ ply (25a) (a–c) and double obstacle potential Ψ dob (25b) (d–e) (14 006 elements). The color scale for u nh in [−1, 1] is blue to red, while values beyond are colored black. For (a–c), only when flux limiting is active, local means of the DG solution are BP. The BP property holds pointwise if in addition a SL is used. For (d–e), the simulation is only successful if both the flux limiter and the SL are active. In this case, the solution is pointwise BP. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)


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6.3. Numerical results—spinodal decomposition scenario Scenario. Spinodal decomposition is the process of phase transformation from an initially homogeneous mixture into separate zones rich in either of the components and separated by a diffuse interface. In physical systems, it is initiated, for instance, by a spontaneous pressure or temperature drop. The spinodal decomposition scenario is a well-known numerical benchmark for Cahn–Hilliard discretizations, cf. e.g. [10,60–63]. Analytical solutions of the Cahn–Hilliard equation dissipate the total Helmholtz free energy F (cf. (24)) in the sense that dtd F(u)(t) ≤ 0 for all time points t ∈ J under the constraint of mass conservation. It is desirable that numerical methods mimic these properties in a discrete way. Instead of a homogeneous mixture, the numerical setting required a “seed” and so u 0 is usually taken as perturbation around some value. As initial data, we define u 0h as slope-limited L 2 projection of a function whose values are quadrature point-wise randomly chosen from the set {−0.99, 0, 0.99}. The discretization parameters are τn = 10−4 , h = 2−6 , ϵ = 1 (NIPG) and κ is as indicated in Fig. 8. Results. Fig. 8 (a) shows the non-limited DG solution for the polynomial potential case Ψ = Ψ ply , in which the analytical solution is not BP. As expected, u nh exceeds the interval [u ∗ , u ∗ ] on either side in some locations of the bulk phases. Application of the FSL forces the mean values u nh,E into the admissible bounds, cf. Fig. 8 (b). Notice that the elementwise linear solution still violates (2) pointwise. Eventually, using both FSL and SL gives a pointwise BP solution, cf. Fig. 8 (c). The FSL has the property to limit as less flux as possible, and indeed, the limiting procedure does not change the physics of the simulation. Analytical solutions are BP if Ψ = Ψ dob is set. The IMEX scheme described in Section 6.2 applied to the semi-discrete DG problem yields a sequence of linear problems, as Ψ dob is concave and thus is treated explicit in time. Application of the non-limited DG scheme produces discrete solutions that locally violate (2) after some time steps—even if FSL is used (14 time steps do satisfy (2) with the considered discretization parameters). As in that case, Ψ = ∞ at some quadrature points, Ψ ′ is not defined and hence the simulation terminates with failure. Using however both FSL and SL as post-processor after each time step, the simulation succeeds, cf. Fig. 8 (d–e). As an aside, the initial data u 0h is the same as in Fig. 8 (a–c). The different choices of potentials have a high impact on the physics. Performance. Using the polynomial potential Ψ ply , FSL requires only very few iterations per time step (often only a single one) during the early spinodal decomposition, in which the (non-limited) DG solution does not violate the BP property. At later stages, approximately 50 FSL iterations are performed to minimize the amount of suppressed fluxes. In these cases, FSL terminates with the second stopping criterion of Algorithm 1, Step 6, i.e., application of the full target flux would violate the BP property. The number of Newton iterations has not been significantly influenced by applying FSL+SL in the shown test cases. The same applies for the double obstacle potential Ψ dob , in which case, the number of FSL iterations is approximately 10 starting at time step 110. Earlier, the number of iterations is constantly one. 7. Conclusion In this paper, we propose two flux-limiting schemes applicable to a wide family of DG schemes for scalar conservation laws: a monolithic flux limiter and a fractional step limiter. Both limiters provably enforce a discrete maximum principle for element mean values with global upper and lower bounds for arbitrary polynomial degrees. Even though the monolithic limiter adds nonlinearity to a scheme, it is a promising tool for numerical analysis, where L ∞ bounds are required. The fractional step limiter on the other hand is a cost-effective local post-processing filter for practical simulations. Both of the flux limiters act locally, i.e., they leave discrete solutions unchanged in nontroubled regions. The imposition of global bounds on element averages does not degrade the rates of convergence to analytical solutions that lie within these bounds. For the linear polynomial case, pointwise maximum principles hold if a subsequent slope-limiter is applied. For quadratic and higher-order polynomials, slope limiters do not guarantee this property. We discuss possible modifications to address this issue, however, the construction and investigation of higher-order pointwise bound-preserving slope limiters requires further research. Due to its simplicity, general applicability, and local post-processing nature, we hope that the fractional step limiter will be used for a broad range of hyperbolic and parabolic conservation laws in the DG community, in particular, in large-scale computing.

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a E,i

Average on a face Γh ⊃ e = ∂ E ∩ ∂ E ′ , {|w|} := (w| E + w| E ′ )/2. Jump on a face Γh ⊃ e = ∂ E ∩ ∂ E ′ , [|w|] := w| E n E + w| E ′ n E ′ . Vertex i of element E.


Centroid of element E, c E :=

e E,E ′

:= ∂ E ∩ ∂ E ′ for E, E ′ ∈ Eh with E ̸= E ′ ; face / polygonal area (d = 3) or edge (d = 2). Symmetrization parameter, ϵ = −1 (SIP), ϵ = 0 (IIP), ϵ = 1 (NIP). Convex cell/element E ∈ Eh with Lipschitz boundary ∂ E. ⋃ Set of elements, Eh := {E}, Rd ⊃ Ω := E E.

P p (Eh )

Unit normal on ∂ E outward of E ∈ Eh . Number of time steps until T is reached. Spatial domain, Ω ⊂ Rd , d ∈ {2, 3} (open, connected, bounded, Lipschitz boundary ∂Ω ). Space of polynomials of degree at most∏p on element E, p ∈ N0 . := E∈Eh P p (E), p ∈ N0 .


Potential appearing in F, cf. (24).


Helmholtz free energy as a functional of u, cf. (24). ⋃ Union of interior faces, Γh := E,E ′ ∈E e E,E ′ .


Net mass flux from E into E ′ across ∂ E ∩ ∂ E ′ , cf. (12). Flux of conservation law (1). Time interval, J := (0, T ]. Constant interface parameter. Constant or degenerate mobility.


Jump-penalty parameter, σ > 0, depends on choice of ϵ. Analytical solution of the classical or the weak problem (1). Time-dependent, space-discrete solution. Fully discrete solution at time level n. Integral mean ∫ of u on E, 1 u E := |E| E u. Bound-preserving. Discontinuous Galerkin. Flux corrected transport. Iterative fractional-step flux limiter. Low-order scheme. Monolithic limiter. Slope limiter.

{| ·|} [|·|]

ϵ E Eh F Γh H E,E ′ j J κ M

1 |E|

∫ E

x dx.

nE Nst Ω

P p (E)


u nh


Acknowledgments A. Rupp acknowledges financial support by the DFG, Germany EXC 2181 “STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data” and the DFG, Germany RU 2179 “MAD Soil—Microaggregates: Formation and turnover of the structural building blocks of soils”. References [1] D. Kuzmin, Y. Gorb, A flux-corrected transport algorithm for handling the close-packing limit in dense suspensions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 236 (18) (2012) 4944–4951, FEMTEC 2011: 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, May 9–13, 2011. [2] G.R. Barrenechea, V. John, P. Knobloch, Analysis of algebraic flux correction schemes, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 54 (4) (2016) 2427–2451. [3] D. Kuzmin, M. Möller, Algebraic Flux Correction I. Scalar Conservation Laws, in: D. Kuzmin, R. Löhner, S. Turek (Eds.), Flux-Corrected Transport: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 155–206. [4] S.T. Zalesak, Fully multidimensional flux-corrected transport algorithms for fluids, J. Comput. Phys. 31 (3) (1979) 335–362. [5] S. Badia, A. Hierro, On discrete maximum principles for discontinuous Galerkin methods, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 286 (2015) 107–122. [6] G.R. Barrenechea, V. John, P. Knobloch, R. Rankin, A unified analysis of algebraic flux correction schemes for convection–diffusion equations, SeMA J. 75 (4) (2018) 655–685. [7] D. Kuzmin, A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 233 (12) (2010) 3077–3085, Finite Element Methods in Engineering and Science (FEMTEC 2009).


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