26 tubercular growth in the thick walls ; it could nob have held more than an ounce of urine. There were small patches of old tubercle in the lungs-fi...

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26 tubercular growth in the thick walls ; it could nob have held more than an ounce of urine. There were small patches of old tubercle in the lungs-fibrous at the right apex, caseous at the left. In Dr. Greenhow’s classification 01 Addison’s disease (Pathological Society’s Transactions) the case would belong to the class in which general tuberculosis

of back-to back houses by experts, stating that this con.. demnation was not supported by facts, and showed by extensive statistics extending over the past seven years,, and drawn from nearly 2000 houses, that in certain classes of back-to-back houses over thirty years old, the deathrate was 15’8, in others, ten or twelve years old, it was was present. 16.1, and in through houses, mostly ten to twenty-five years Dr. WIGHTWICK read notes of a case of Recurrent old, it was 17’3, the average death-rate of the borough in Papillary Sarcoma of the Toe, with numerous Secondary that time being 21-3.-Dr. ARNOLD EVANS, medical officer Growths. A man, aged twenty-eight, came under care in a of health, criticised Dr. Bell’s statistics as based on too few dying condition, with growths scattered widely in the sub. numbers to eliminate chance errors, and thought the comcutaneous tissue and in the lymphatic glands and viscera. parison of old "through" with new back-to-back houses On the great toe was a small recurrent papillary growth unjust. He was of opinion that back-to-backs as now built five eighths of an inch in diameter. Thirteen months pre- in Bradford were as healthy as that class of house could be viously several small, hard, warty growths had been re- made. He agreed with the body of opinion which conmoved from the toe, one of them slightly ulcerated. They demed them.-Drs. GOYDER, DENBY, and the I’HESIDEM’ were diagnosed as simple papillomata; the femoral glands, continued the discussion. however, were slightly enlarged. The family history on the paternal side showed a marked tendency to malignant His grandfather died at sixty of cancer of the SHEFFIELD MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. cheek ; one uncle and two aunts of some form of cancer.DEC. 17TH, 1891. Mr. JOHN POLAND, who had seen the case, described the secMr. W. F. and exhibited FAVELL, M.R.C.S., President, in the chair. microscopical post mortem appearances, tions of the recurrent and of the secondary deposits. The DR. BURGESS showed a large Aneurysm of the Abdominal lymphatic glands in the groin, abdomen, neck, &c., the lungs, kidneys, supra-renals, liver, mesentery, and peri- Aorta, and a Heart with a Perforation of the Mitral Valve toneum were full of growth. There were numerous sub- and Vegetations on the Aortic Valves. cutaneous nodules on the trunk, other nodules in one of the Mr. R. J. PYE SMITH exhibited Galezowski’s Canaliculus. papillary muscles of the right ventricle, in the mitral valve, Dilator. and in the pectoral muscles. The reddish colour of portions Mr. SNELL introduced a patient who had had a foreign of the growths was found to be due to small ecchymose?. body (piece of steel) encapsuled in the lens for twenty-four The microscopical structure was almost precisely that found years. The lens otherwise remained clear, and vision was. in melanotic sarcoma of the skin, without, however, any still R. J. PYE-SMITH made some remarks. Dr. COCKING showed a case of Double Spasmodic Tortipigmentation, the cells being of the large round variety. But in the toe the cells were more mixed, many of them collis in a man aged forty-eight. For forty years he had tailed. In some places the cells were closely packed, with been employed as a coal-getter (11 tirnberidg and holing"}. little matrix discernible, giving an alveolar appearance. There was no neurotic history. His health had been good Ranvier describes this form of sarcoma of the skin. up to twelve months ago, when he suffered from a spasThe PRESIDENT showed a specimen of Exfoliative Der- modic affection of the left arm, in which the elbow matitis, a cuticular glove, presented to the London Hos- was slightly flexed, and the fingers suddenly extended, pital by Mr. Gooch in 1769. The patient, a gentleman causing him to relax his grasp of the pick. This was aged fifty, had shed the skin of his hands and feet regularly followed by unilateral torticollis of the left side, complicated twice a year for ten years. Before the exfoliation the by a "shaking of the head" rather later, completely incaparts were red and painful, with an eruption of red spots. pacitating him from work. When first seen, six weeks’ The American Journal of Medical Sciences for last August ago, there were rapid rhythmical oscillations of thereported a similar case ; for thirty-three years the patient head from side to side, the head being held stitHy in the had shed his skin on July 24th in each year (!), the exfolia- middle line with a slight inclination forwards. The tion lasting from five to ten days, with pyrexia &c. Scaly spasm came on in attacks, with short intermissions, and masses of cuticle from a case in the recent epidemic of was occasionally replaced by unilateral torticollis. Duiing. dermatitis at the Paddington Infirmary were also shown. the attacks both sterno-mastoids and the upper part of the Mr. CHARTERS J. SYMONDS showed a specimen of Phos- trapezii were firmly contracted. There was also nystagmus. phorus Necrosis of the Jaw, in which a large sequestrum on looking up and out, most marked on turning the eyes to had been removed, comprising nearly the whole of the the left. The bilateral spasm had recently considerably lower maxilla, without waiting for it to become loose. The abated, and usually only a coarse tremor was then observed. disease was arrested, new bone was formed, and mastication When the patient assumed the position he generally with the remaining two teeth was carried on. occupied in "holing," the oscillations became extremely severe, and lasted for some time after resuming the erect Nystagmus was still present. Dr. Cocking conposture.that the affection was due to excessive use of certain sidered BRADFORD MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. neck muscles required to maintain the head in the unnatural position necessitated by the patient’s occupation. TUESDAY, DEC. 1ST, 1891. The occurrence of hammer-or pick-palsy with the torti" Mr. ROBT. MEKCER, M.R.C.S., President, in the chair. collis bore out this conclusion. The association of both affections with nystagmus, which arose whilst working in Exhibits.-Dr. ARNOLD EVANS, medical officer of health, candle-light, he regarded as corroborative of the view that showed and described specimens of Fibrinous Bronchial " miners’ nystagmus " was an occupation neurosis, called Casts coughed up by a cow with pleuro-pneumonia, forth by overwork of certain ocular muscles which some Kidney of Acute Nephritis ("black water ") of Sheep, kinds of work in coal mines required.-Mr. Court, Mr. and Measly Pork showing Cysticercus Cellulosæ. Snell, Dr. Burgess, Dr. Dyson, and Mr. R. J. Pye-Smith Spasmodic Torticollis treated by Neitrectomy. —Mr. APPLE- took part in the discussion. YARD showed a woman aged thirty-nine who had been Polyuria and Retention.-Mr. B. WALKER related a, treated for four months for spasmodic torticollis of gradually curious case of Polyuria and Retention. A young woman increasing severity. Drugs pushed to extreme limits had been aged seventeen was seized with severe abdominal pains. unavailing, so the right spinal accessory nerve was cut down There was an impression that she might be pregnant. on in front of the sterno-mastoid and about three- quarters of An examination disclosed retention of urine, and about an inch in length removed, the wound uniting directly, and eight pints were drawn off, the following morning seven the patient now being practically cured.-Dr. MAJOR pints, and again the next evening a large quantity, the advised surgical treatment in these severe cases, as medical urine being excessive for several days. A fortnight later treatment was without avail, and if left many of them she aborted, from which time she began to improve, and tended to actual insanity.-Surgeon-Major COMYN, Mr. there was no further necessity for the introduction of the catheter. HOREOCKS, and Dr. GOYDER also discussed the case. Death-rates in Back-to-back Houses.—Dr. J. H. BELL Herpetic Fever.-Mr. COURT read a paper on Herpetic read a paper, which will be published later, on this subject. Fever, applying this term to a class of cases which he freHe traversed the unanimous condemnation of all varieties quently met with, attended by an eruption of herpes labialis,

