Castasterone is a likely end product of brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway in rice

Castasterone is a likely end product of brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway in rice

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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2008) 614–619

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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / y b b r c

Castasterone is a likely end product of brassinosteroid biosynthetic pathway in rice Bo Kyung Kim a, Shozo Fujioka b, Suguru Takatsuto c, Masafumi Tsujimoto b, Sunghwa Choe a,* a

Depart­ment of Bio­log­i­cal Sci­ences, Col­lege of Nat­u­ral Sci­ences, Seoul National Uni­ver­sity, Seoul 151-747, Repub­lic of Korea Lab­o­ra­tory of Cel­lu­lar Bio­chem­is­try, RI­KEN, Wako-shi, Sai­tam­a 351-0198, Japan c Depart­ment of Chem­is­try, Joe­tsu Uni­ver­sity of Edu­ca­tion, Joe­tsu-shi, Nii­gata 943-8512, Japan b

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 9 July 2008 Available online 24 July 2008 Key­words: Bras­sin­o­lide syn­thase Bras­si­nos­ter­oids CYP85 Cyto­chrome P450 Phy­tos­ter­oids Ste­roid hor­mones Ara­bid­op­sis Rice

a b s t r a c t Bras­sin­o­lide is known to be the most bio­log­i­cally active com­pound among more than 50 bras­si­nos­ter­oids iden­ti­fied to date. How­ever, bras­sin­o­lide has not been detected in rice. To deter­mine if this is due to the lack of the bras­sin­o­lide syn­thase func­tion in the rice CYP85A enzyme, we per­formed anal­y­ses to study met­a­bolic con­ver­sion using a yeast strain har­bor­ing the rice CYP85A1 gene. In repeated feed­ing tests where the sub­strates were used, the bio­syn­thetic path­way pro­gressed only up to the syn­the­sis of cas­tas­ ter­one, not of bras­sin­o­lide. Phy­lo­ge­netic anal­y­sis of the CYP85 amino acid sequences revealed that dupli­ ca­tion of the CYP85 gene has occurred in most dicot­y­le­don­ous plant genomes; fur­ther, 1 of the 2 cop­ies of CYP85 is evolv­ing to develop a bras­sin­o­lide syn­thase func­tion. How­ever, only a sin­gle copy of this gene is found in the cur­rently avail­able genome sequences of grami­na­ceous plants; this is a likely expla­na­tion for the absence of an endog­e­nous pool of bras­sin­o­lide in rice plants. © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved.

Bras­si­nos­ter­oids (BRs) are a group of nat­u­ral com­pounds that pos­sess a ste­roid back­bone with oxi­dized car­bon atoms at multiple sites in the core ring and the side chain (Fig. 1). To date, more than 50 BR com­pounds have been iden­ti­fied from 61 plants across the plant king­dom [1]. Bio­as­says such as rice lam­ina incli­na­tion assay [2–4] proved bras­sin­o­lide (BL), the most highly oxi­dized form among BRs, the most bio­log­i­cally active. Cam­pes­ter­ol (CR) is the pre­cur­sor of the BL bio­syn­thetic path­way; this path­way is chan­ neled through 2 alter­na­tive routes depend­ing on the order of 2 reac­tions, namely, C-22 hydrox­yl­ation and C-5 reduc­tion. The C-22 hydrox­yl­ation reac­tions are med­i­ated by the Ara­bid­op­sis tha­li­ana DWARF4 pro­tein, which belongs to the cyto­chrome P450 mono­ox­y­ gen­ase fam­ily CYP90B1 [5,6]. The result­ing C-22 hydrox­yl­ated com­ pounds are then hydrox­yl­ated at the C-23 position by CYP90C1 and CYP90D1 [7] before being sub­jected to reduc­tion at position C-5. There­af­ter, these com­pounds undergo C-3 epi­mer­iza­tion and C-2 hydrox­yl­ation reac­tions, and finally 3 con­sec­u­tive C-6 oxi­da­tion reac­tions occur, lead­ing to the gen­er­a­tion of cas­tas­ter­one (CS) and BL [8]. BL is mainly derived from 6-deox­o­cas­tas­ter­one (6-deo­xoCS) by the cat­a­lytic actions of a group of cyto­chrome P450 enzymes belong­ing to the CYP85 fam­ily; these enzymes include ­Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 (At­CYP85A2) and Lyc­op­ers­icon es­cu­len­tum CYP85A3

* Cor­re­spond­ing author. Fax: +82 2 872 1993. E-mail address: shc­[email protected] (S. Choe). 0006-291X/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.07.073

(Le­CYP85A3). These enzymes medi­ate 3 con­sec­u­tive steps in the BL bio­syn­thetic path­way: C-6 hydrox­yl­ation, C-6 dehy­dro­ge­na­tion, and a Bae­yer–Vil­lig­er-type oxi­da­tion to cre­ate a lac­tone at ring B of the ste­roid back­bone (Fig. 1) [9,10]. The Ara­bid­op­sis genome pos­sesses 2 cop­ies of the CYP85 gene; due to the func­tional redun­ dancy between these 2 genes, plants exhibit con­ven­tional BR dwarf phe­no­type only when the func­tions of both the genes are simul­ta­ neously dis­rupted [9,10]. In con­trast to the Ara­bid­op­sis and tomato genomes, the com­ pleted sequence of the rice genome revealed only 1 copy of the CYP85 gene. In addi­tion, BL is not detect­able even in Os­bri1 mutant plants, which are assumed to accu­mu­late large amounts of BRs in vivo [11,12]. To exam­ine if the rice CYP85A1 (Os­CYP85A1) enzyme func­tions as a CS syn­thase rather than both CS syn­thase and BL syn­ thase, we expressed the Os­CYP85A1 gene in yeast and per­formed anal­y­ses to study met­a­bolic con­ver­sion. B a e­ye r-V i l­ l i g­e r- t y p e

Mate­ri­als and meth­ods Clon­ing and het­er­ol­o­gous expres­sion of At­CYP85A2 and Os­CYP85A1. The cDNAs encod­ing At­CYP85A2 and Os­CYP85A1 enzymes were cloned using reverse trans­crip­tase-poly­mer­ase chain reac­tion (RT-PCR) per­formed on the mRNA iso­lated from Ara­bid­op­sis and rice seed­lings. The oli­go­nu­cleo­tide sequences are as fol­lows: Os­CYP85-F, 59-CAC­CATGGTGTTGGTGGC-39; Os­CYP85R, 59-GCAGTAATCTTGAACGCGGA­TAT-39; At­CYP85A2-F, 59-CAC­C ATGATGATGATTTTGGGT-39; and At­CYP85A2-R, 59-GCAGTAAG t ra n s­ c r i p­ta s e – p o ly­ m e r­a s e


5 9 - G CAGTA AG GTGA ACAC T TA AG - 3 9 .

B.K. Kim et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2008) 614–619




1 AtCYP85A1 AtCYP85A2 LeCYP85A1 LeCYP85A3 PsCYP85A1 PsCYP85A6 OsCYP85A1


6-Deoxotyphasterol (6-DeoxoTY) PsCYP92A6




Typhasterol (TY) OH








6-Deoxocastasterone (6-DeoxoCS)

Castasterone (CS)









Brassinolide (BL)


Fig. 1. Part of the bras­sin­o­lide bio­syn­thetic path­way. The path­way pre­cur­sor, cam­pes­ter­ol, is con­verted to 6-deo­xoTY via a series of reac­tions med­i­ated by CYP90 enzymes and ste­roid 3-dehy­dro­gen­ases. The car­bon at the C-6 position of 6-deo­xoTY and 6-deo­xoCS is oxi­dized by CYP85 pro­teins to yield TY and CS, respec­tively (Reac­tion 1). Finally, CS is fur­ther oxi­dized to BL by the BL syn­thase action of CYP85 enzymes such as Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 and tomato CYP85A3 (Reac­tion 2).

GTGAACACTTAAG-39. The cDNA frag­ments were sub­cloned into a pYES_DEST52 yeast expres­sion vec­tor (Invit­ro­gen, USA) con­tain­ing a ura­cil (URA) selec­tion marker accord­ing to the pro­to­col pro­vided by the man­u­fac­turer. The cloned vec­tor was trans­formed into the WAT11 strain for opti­mized expres­sion of plant P450 pro­teins [13]. The selected trans­for­mants were sub­cul­tured and their respi­ra­tory capa­bil­ity was tested by observ­ing their growth on glyc­erol-con­ tain­ing N3 medium accord­ing to the pre­vi­ously described pro­to­ cols [14]. Site-spe­cific muta­gen­e­sis was per­formed by PCR using over­lap­ ping nucle­o­tides con­tain­ing the des­ig­nated muta­tions: FOR, 59-tc gccgcctggtcctcctccgccgtcgtcgacatccaggc-39; and REV, 59-cctggatgt cgacgacggcggaggaggaccaggcggcga-39. Dele­tion of the 3 tar­get Ser res­i­dues was con­firmed by DNA sequenc­ing using the M13 primer located in the expres­sion vec­tor. Quan­ti­ta­tive anal­y­sis of ster­ols and BRs using gas chro­ma­tog­ra­ phy-mass spec­trom­e­try. The endog­e­nous lev­els of both ster­ols and BRs were deter­mined using 4-month-old rice plants accord­ing to the meth­ods described pre­vi­ously [14]. In case of Ara­bid­op­sis, the lev­els in ‘‘Was­silewskija-2 (Ws-2)” eco­type was sim­i­larly deter­ mined using the aer­ial parts of 5-week-old adult plants grown in soil under reg­u­lar long day con­di­tions (16:8  h, light:dark). Pro­tein gel-blot anal­y­sis. To check whether the trans­gene was cor­rectly expressed, the total pro­teins were iso­lated from the yeast cells, and 20 lg of each pro­tein was loaded onto sodium dode­cyl sul­fate–poly­acryl­amide gel elec­tro­pho­re­sis (SDS–PAGE) gels. Pro­ teins resolved by SDS–PAGE were trans­ferred to nitro­cel­lu­lose mem­branes (Amersham Bio­sci­ence, USA), and the pro­tein bands were visu­al­ized by immu­no­blot­ting fol­lowed by incu­ba­tion with anti-V5 anti­bod­ies (Invit­ro­gen, USA) con­ju­gated to horse­rad­ish per­ ox­i­dase (HRP)-linked sec­ond­ary anti­bod­ies (Santa Cruz Bio­tech­nol­ ogy, USA). i n ‘ ‘ Wa s­ s i l ews k ij a - 2 ( W s - 2 ) ’ ’

( 16 h : 8

l i g h t: d a rk ) .

s u l­ fa te - p o ly­a c r yl­ a m i d e

Multiple sequence align­ment and phy­lo­ge­netic anal­y­sis. To study the dis­tri­bu­tion of CYP85 genes in plants, the Gen­Bank data­base was searched using the rice CYP85A1 amino acid sequence as a probe. Sequences shar­ing greater than 55% iden­tity were selected for fur­ ther com­par­i­son. Since full-length cDNA sequences for maize and Brac­hyp­o­di­um were not avail­able, vir­tual cDNA sequences were con­structed using the Brac­hyp­o­di­um shot­gun sequences released by the Joint Genome Insti­tute (JGI) cov­er­ing the Brac­hyp­o­di­um genome to a depth of 4£ and expressed sequence tags (ESTs) before obtain­ing the deduced amino acid sequences. The data­ base acces­sion num­bers for the CYP85 pro­tein sequences are as fol­lows: NP001050623 (rice), ABH01181 (bar­ley), BAF56235 (pea; CYP85A1), BAF56236 (pea; CYP85A6), ABB60086 (grape; CYP85A1), CAO41843 (grape; CYP85A6), Q43147 (tomato; CYP85A1), Q50LE0 (tomato; CYP85A3), Q940V4 (Ara­bid­op­sis; CYP85A2), and Q9FMA5 (Ara­bid­op­sis; CYP85A1). Sequences for Pop­u­lus-CYP85A1 and Pop­u­ lus-CYP85A4 were obtained from the cyto­chrome P450 data­base (http://drnel­son.ut­­to­chromeP450.html). A phy­lo­ge­netic tree was con­structed based on the full-length deduced amino acid sequences by using the neigh­bor-join­ing method of the CLU­STALW pro­gram (Ver­sion 1.83). Boot­strap mode (1000 rep­li­ca­tions) was used to esti­mate the con­fi­dence level that can be assigned to the branch­ing nodes in the tree. full length

( 1, 0 0 0

Results and dis­cus­sion

( S D S - PAG E )


The endog­e­nous level of BL is not detect­able in rice Table 1 sum­ma­rizes the endog­e­nous BR lev­els in rice and Ara­bid­ op­sis; the data pre­sented in this table indi­cate that all the ster­ols that serve as pre­cur­sors of BR bio­syn­the­sis were detected in the study. How­ever, 2 BRs—CT and BL—were not pro­duced at a detect­


B.K. Kim et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2008) 614–619

Table 1 Endog­e­nous lev­els of ster­ols and BRs in the rice cul­ti­var “Dong­jin” and Ara­bid­op­sis “Was­silewskija-2” wild-type Rice


Ster­ols 24-Methy­len­echo­les­ter­ol (24-MC) Cam­pes­ter­ol (CR) Cam­pest­a­nol (CN) 6-Oxo­cam­pest­a­nol (6-Ox­oCN)

2490 35,100 823 10.2

5340 35,300 978 31.6

BRs 6-Deox­oc­a­thas­ter­one (6-Deo­xoCT) 6-Deo­xo­teas­ter­one (6-Deox­oTE) 6-Deo­xoty­phas­ter­ol (6-Deo­xoTY) 6-Deox­o­cas­tas­ter­one (6-Deo­xoCS) Ca­thas­ter­one (CT) Ty­phas­ter­ol (TY) Cas­tas­ter­one (CS) Bras­sin­o­lide (BL)

0.42 0.04 2.9 0.29 n.d. 0.3 0.16 n.d.

1.90 0.07 2.26 3.38 n.d. 0.23 0.44 n.d.

Fig. 2. Expres­sion of Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 and rice CYP85A1 in yeast WAT11 cells. The cod­ing sequences of the 2 cDNA were trans­la­tion­ally fused with the V5 an­ti­ gene in the yeast expres­sion vec­tor pYES_DEST52. The cDNA cor­re­spond­ing to the trans­genes were obtained as RT-PCR prod­ucts, whereas the cDNA was not obtained from the vec­tor con­trol. Sim­i­larly, the pro­teins were suc­cess­fully expressed and detected when the pro­tein blot was hybrid­ized with anti-V5 anti­body.

Unit, ng/g fresh weight. n.d., not detected.

The reten­tion times of the authen­tic com­pounds, namely, 6-deo­ xoCS, CS, and BL, as detected by gas chro­ma­tog­ra­phy–mass spec­ trom­e­try (GC–MS) were 10.20, 11.12, and 11.85 min, respec­tively. When the con­trol strain har­bor­ing an empty vec­tor was fed with 6-deo­xoCS, it pro­duced peaks cor­re­spond­ing to the sub­strate with­out exhib­it­ing any other peaks, pos­si­bly because of the back­ ground activ­ity of the yeast strain. These results con­firmed that yeasts are reli­able for use as het­er­ol­o­gous expres­sion sys­tems (Fig. 3A, row “vec­tor”). In con­trast, the At­CYP85A2-har­bor­ing strain yielded 3 dis­tin­guish­able peaks cor­re­spond­ing to the sub­strate, CS, and BL (Fig. 3A, row “At­CYP85A2”). This peak pattern con­firms that At­CYP85A2 acts as a BL syn­thase by con­vert­ing 6-deo­xoCS to BL via CS. Finally, rice Os­CYP85A1-har­bor­ing strains were treated with 6deo­xoCS; how­ever, no peak cor­re­spond­ing to BL was dis­cern­able (Fig. 3A, row “Os­CYP85A1”). Fig. 3B shows the results of the CS con­ver­sion tests. When the tests were per­formed on authen­tic CS and BL com­pounds, they were eluted in 11.13 and 11.85 min, respec­tively. Once again, the vec­tor con­trol failed to exhibit metab­o­lism of the added CS even to a small extent; how­ever, it was appar­ent that Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 con­verted CS to BL. In con­trast, Os­CYP85A1 did not yield any peak cor­re­spond­ing to BL (Fig. 3B, row “Os­CYP85A1”). These results sug­gest that nei­ther 6-deo­xoCS nor CS was con­verted to BL in the Os­CYP85A1-har­bor­ing yeast cells. It is there­fore likely that Os­CYP85A1 does not pos­sess BL syn­thase activ­ity per se. ch ro­ m a­ to g­ ra­ p hy- m a s s

able level in rice. It is gen­er­ally accepted that CT is spe­cif­i­cally found in Cath­a­ran­thus ro­seus [8]. Thus, the fail­ure to detect CT in rice is not sur­pris­ing. More impor­tantly, BL was not pro­duced at a detect­able level in rice, pos­si­bly due to its extremely low endog­e­ nous lev­els or due to the absence of BL syn­thase activ­ity in rice. This fail­ure to detect BL in rice may be attrib­ut­able to a sim­ple tech­ni­cal lim­i­ta­tion. In gen­eral, BL occurs in extremely low con­cen­ tra­tions in plants; con­se­quently, it is not read­ily detect­able even with advanced ana­lyt­i­cal meth­ods [15]. The level of BL in Ara­bid­ op­sis, tomato, and rice plants var­ied depend­ing on the tis­sues exam­ined [12,15,16]. There­fore, a more thor­ough anal­y­sis of the BR lev­els in spe­cific tis­sues of rice may result in the detec­tion of BL. How­ever, BL was detected nei­ther in the wild-type rice plants (Table 1) nor in the d61 (Os­bri1) mutants, which are defec­tive in the rice homo­log of the BR recep­tor [11,12]. Pre­vi­ously, we have dem­on­strated that Ara­bid­op­sis mutants that are defec­tive in BR sig­nal­ing, such as bri1-5 and bin2/dwf121D, accu­mu­late sig­nif­i­cant amounts of BL due to the uncou­pling of feed­back down­reg­u­la­tion from the BR sig­nal trans­duc­tion path­ way [15,17]. Thus, the fail­ure to detect endog­e­nous BL in rice d61 mutants strongly sug­gests the absence of BL in rice rather than a sim­ple tech­ni­cal lim­i­ta­tion in detec­tion. This hypoth­e­sis is sup­ ported by the obser­va­tion that none of the 8 spe­cies belong­ing to the Grami­neae fam­ily was found to pos­sess BL, whereas all these eight spe­cies endog­e­nously express CS, which is the pen­ul­ti­mate com­pound in BR bio­syn­the­sis [1].



Clon­ing and het­er­ol­o­gous expres­sion of Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 and rice CYP85A1 genes in yeast It has been reported that 6-deo­xoCS is con­verted to BL via CS (Fig. 1) [9,18,19]. Since both Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 and tomato CYP85A3 have both been reported to be BL syn­thases, we ana­lyzed the rice homo­log of CYP85A to deter­mine if this also pos­sessed BL syn­thase activ­ity. Fig. 2A shows that the trans­genes were suc­cess­fully expressed such that the mRNAs were clearly detect­able by RT-PCR anal­y­sis. Fur­ther­more, the pro­teins trans­lated from the mRNA were all detect­able by pro­tein gel-blot anal­y­sis. Met­a­bolic con­ver­sion of 6-deo­xoCS and CS by CYP85 enzymes An anal­y­sis of met­a­bolic con­ver­sion was per­formed using yeast strains har­bor­ing Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 or rice CYP85A1 after feed­ing the strains with 6-deo­xoCS, which is a known sub­strate for these CYP85 enzymes. Fig. 3A sum­ma­rizes the results of this anal­y­sis.

Repeated anal­y­ses yield the same results In order to increase the accu­racy of the results obtained, we rep­li­cated this exper­i­ment. Table 2 sum­ma­rizes the results of this rep­li­cate. When 6-deo­xoCS was admin­is­tered to the At­CYP85A2 con­trol cells, the major­ity of the sub­strate was con­verted to CS or BL; the exog­e­nously sup­plied sub­strate, 6-deo­xoCS, rep­re­sented only 2% on aver­age of the total recov­ered BRs, whereas the CS and BL lev­els rep­re­sented 94% and 5%, respec­tively. A 94% CS frac­tion con­firmed that At­CYP85A2 func­tions mainly as a CS syn­thase, and that it also yields BL; how­ever, the con­ver­sion rate of CS to BL was sub­stan­tially lower (5%). On the other hand, when CS was sup­plied as a sub­strate to At­CYP85A2, the major­ity of this sub­strate was not con­verted into BL; approx­i­mately 3% of the recov­ered BRs were iden­ti­ fied as BL. Although At­CYP85A2 had weak enzy­matic activ­ity, we clearly dem­on­strated that it func­tions as a BL syn­thase and that the bio­chem­i­cal sys­tem we employed was suf­fi­ciently sen­ si­tive to detect the bio­chem­i­cal func­tion of At­CYP85A2 as a BL ­syn­thase. When 6-deo­xoCS was admin­is­tered to Os­CYP85A1-har­bor­ing yeast cells, it was con­verted to CS; the aver­age con­ver­sion rate

B.K. Kim et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2008) 614–619


Fig. 3. Gas chro­ma­tog­ra­phy–mass spec­trom­e­try (GC–MS) results of the met­a­bolic con­ver­sion anal­y­sis. Yeast strains har­bor­ing an empty vec­tor, At­CYP85A2, and Os­CYP85A1 were incu­bated with 6-deo­xoCS (A) or CS (B); sub­se­quently, the BRs were prepared and ana­lyzed. The rows labeled “Authen­tic” indi­cate the peaks obtained when the authen­ tic com­pounds 6-deo­xoCS, CS, or BL were ana­lyzed by GC–MS. In a vec­tor con­trol, no obvi­ous peaks except those cor­re­spond­ing to the sup­plied pre­cur­sors are observed. At­CYP85A2-con­tain­ing yeast cells suc­cess­fully con­verted 6-deo­xoCS to CS and BL, whereas Os­CYP85A1 only metab­o­lized 6-deo­xoCS to CS. Sim­i­larly, CS was trans­formed into BL by At­CYP85A2; how­ever, Os­CYP85A1 failed to gen­er­ate BL, sug­gest­ing that Os­CTP85A1 lacks a func­tional BL syn­thase.

Table 2 Met­a­bolic con­ver­sion of 6-deo­xoCS or CS by Os­CYP85A1 and At­CYP85A2 Feed­ing

6-Deo­xoCS (5000 ng)



CS (5000 ng) CS





Frac­tion (%)


Frac­tion (%)


Frac­tion (%)


Frac­tion (%)


Frac­tion (%)

Empty vec­tor














4 1 1 2

  900 2400 3300 2200

90 96 95 94

  60   70 170 100

6 3 5 5

1400 2800 1400 1867

  95   98   97   97

70 60 50 60

5 2 3 3


  200 2600 1900 1567

  18   65   63   58

  900 1400 1100 1133

82 35 37 42

n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.

0 0 0 0

2100 1400 1800 1767

100 100 100 100

n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.

0 0 0 0












40 30 20 30

Yeast strains har­bor­ing an empty vec­tor, At­CYP85A2, Os­CYP85A1, or Os­CYP85A1-D3Ser con­structs were sup­plied with sub­strates such as 6-deo­xoCS and CS. After incu­ba­tion with the sub­strates, BRs were recov­ered, and the level of each BR was deter­mined using gas chro­ma­tog­ra­phy–mass spec­trom­e­try (GC–MS). For each recov­ered BR, the col­ umns labeled with “ng” rep­re­sent the amount of com­pound recov­ered in nan­o­grams, and “Frac­tion” indi­cates the frac­tion of the metab­o­lites over the total amount of com­ pounds recov­ered. The aver­age val­ues obtained from 3 repeat exper­i­ments are shown in bold face.

was 42% (Table 2). BL, how­ever, was not detected in any tri­als. The rel­a­tively lower con­ver­sion rate of 6-deo­xoCS to CS obtained with Os­CYP85A1 than that of Ara­bid­op­sis CYP85A2 sug­gests that the rice enzyme is less effi­cient in the enzy­matic con­ver­sion reac­ tion. When we reex­am­ined this enzy­matic effi­ciency of CYP85A2

by admin­is­ter­ing an excess amount of CS, we could recover only the admin­is­tered sub­strate; no trace amounts of BL were detected. A fail­ure to detect any BL from the Os­CYP85A1-trans­ formed cells con­firms that Os­CYP85A1 is devoid of BL syn­thase activ­ity.


B.K. Kim et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2008) 614–619

Fig. 4. Multiple sequence align­ment and phy­lo­ge­netic rela­tion­ships among the CYP85 pro­teins. The Os­CYP85A1 sequence is dis­tin­guish­able by the pres­ence of 3 Ser res­i­dues at 162–164, and Pro at position 407 instead of Ser found in the known BL syn­thases: Ara­bid­op­sis-CYP85A2 and tomato-CYP85A3. The CYP85 pro­teins are pri­mar­ily divided into 2 clades com­pris­ing the spe­cies of mono­cot­y­le­don­ous and dicot­y­le­don­ous plants (B). Mono­cot­y­le­don­ous plant spe­cies pos­sess a sin­gle copy of the CYP85 gene, whereas the dicot­y­le­don­ous plants pos­sess at least 2 cop­ies. The length of the hor­i­zon­tal lines indi­cates the degree of dif­fer­ences in the amino acid sequences, and the num­bers at the branch­ing points rep­re­sent boot­strap val­ues obtained from 1000 rep­li­cate trees.

Inde­pen­dent evo­lu­tion of the BL syn­thase genes in many plant spe­cies The over­all amino acid sequence iden­tity between Os­CYP85A1 and the known BL syn­thase At­CYP85A2 is as high as 59%. How­ ever, Os­CYP85A1 does not func­tion as a BL syn­thase. There­ fore, we sought to deter­mine how the Os­CYP85A1 sequence dif­fers from the primary struc­ture of other BL-syn­thetic CYP85 pro­teins. Fig. 4A dis­plays part of a multiple sequence align­ment. We searched for amino acid res­i­dues that are con­served in BL syn­thases (At­CYP85A2 and Le­CYP85A3) but dif­fered in CS syn­ thases (Os­CYP85A1, At­CYP85A1, and Le­CYP85A1). The Pro res­i­ due at position 407 of Os­CYP85A1 sat­is­fied this require­ment; at this position, all the estab­lished BL syn­thases pos­sessed Ser instead of the Pro found in rice and bar­ley, and the Asn found in Le­CYP85A1, PsCYP85A1, and At­CYP85A1. In addi­tion to the Ser407, the rice amino acid sequence con­tains 3 addi­tional Ser res­i­dues (Fig. 4A). In order to deter­mine if the unusual inser­tion of the 3 Ser res­i­dues in the Os­CYP85A1 sequence was respon­ si­ble for the elim­i­na­tion of its BL syn­thase func­tion as well as the reduced CS syn­thase activ­ity rel­a­tive to At­CYP85A2, we per­ formed site-directed muta­gen­e­sis to delete these 3 addi­tional amino acid res­i­dues; sub­se­quently, we per­formed an anal­y­sis of met­a­bolic con­ver­sion. As indi­cated in Table 2, the deleted detec­tion of the con­struct Os­CYP85A1-D3Ser resulted in a slight increase in CS syn­thase activ­ity; how­ever, it still failed to gen­er­ate BL. The phy­lo­ge­netic rela­tion­ship among the CYP85 pro­teins was exam­ined by con­struct­ing a phy­lo­ge­netic tree (Fig. 4B). Many of the plant spe­cies were observed to pos­sess more than 2 cop­ies of the CYP85 gene: Pi­sum sat­i­vum (pea), Vitis vinif­era (grape), Pop­u­lus

tricho­car­pa (Pop­u­lus), L. es­cu­len­tum (tomato), and Ara­bid­op­sis. How­ever, mono­cot­y­le­don­ous plants, includ­ing bar­ley, maize, Brac­ hyp­o­di­um, and rice were observed to pos­sess just a sin­gle copy of the CYP85 gene. When 2 cop­ies of CYP85 were pres­ent in a spe­cies, they were clus­tered together in the tree. This implies that these genes mul­ti­plied inde­pen­dently in each spe­cies after spe­ci­a­tion and did not descend from a dupli­cated ances­tor. How­ever, inter­est­ ingly, the 2 cop­ies of CYP85 in Pop­u­lus and grape are clus­tered in­ter­ spe­cif­i­cal­ly; this implies that these genes were dupli­cated before spe­ci­a­tion. In con­clu­sion, a point should be made that CS is as active enough to trig­ger the BR sig­nal trans­duc­tion path­ways as BL. A rice lam­ina incli­na­tion bio­as­say revealed that CS suc­cess­fully induces lam­ina bend­ing of rice, although its effec­tive­ness is slightly lesser than BL [2,4]. In addi­tion, we have shown that an Ara­bid­op­sis mutant defec­tive for the two CYP85s is res­cued to wild-type phe­no­type by addi­tion of CS [20]. These results sug­ gest that CS is indeed an active BR per se. Fur­ther­more, it has been reported that Ara­bid­op­sis BR recep­tor BRI1 suc­cess­fully binds to both CS and BL [21,22]. There­fore, it could be pre­sumed that Os­BRI1 also retains bind­ing affin­ity to both of the two BRs based on its degree of sequence sim­i­lar­ity with an Ara­bid­op­sis homo­log. Absence of endog­e­nous BL but pres­ence of a capa­bil­ity to respond to BL bet­ter than CS in rice can be inter­preted that BR bio­syn­thetic and per­cep­tion path­ways may have evolved inde­ pen­dently in rice plants. Lyc­ o p­ e r s­ i c o n

Acknowl­edg­ments We thank Dr. Pom­pon for his gift of Yeast WAT11 and WAT21 cells. This research was sup­ported, in part, by grants from the Plant Diver­sity Research Cen­ter of the 21st Cen­tury Fron­tier Research 21 st

B.K. Kim et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 374 (2008) 614–619

Pro­gram funded by the Min­is­try of Edu­ca­tion, Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy of the Korean Gov­ern­ment (PF06304-01), the Plant Metab­o­lism Research Cen­ter at Ky­ung Hee Uni­ver­sity, Sci­ence Research Cen­ter Pro­gram from the Korea Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ ing Foun­da­tion, a Korea Research Foun­da­tion Grant funded by the Korean Gov­ern­ment (MO­EHRD, a Basic Research Pro­mo­tion Fund, KRF-2005-070-C00129) to S.C., and a Grant-in-Aid for Sci­en­ tific Research (B) from the Min­is­try of Edu­ca­tion, Cul­ture, Sports, Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy of Japan to S.F. (Grant No. 19380069). B.K. was sup­ported by a BK21 Research Fel­low­ship from the Min­is­try of Edu­ca­tion, Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy. ( P F 0 6 3 0 4 - 01 ) ,

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